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Long Haul (Part 1)

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Been a while since I've posted but recently I've started writing again. This is the first part of a multi part story. If there is a good response to this part I will post further sections. Just let me know,anyway enjoy the story


The Longest Haul

So the day had come. Chloe had been building up to this moment for years. Ever since she was younger she had known she wanted to become a flight attendant. Every time she went on holiday she would admire how beautiful they looked and how they seemed to effortlessly glide through the airport before jetting off to far flung places for nothing. She always knew that was what she wanted to do and finally it was time for her to be part of the crew on a 10-hour long haul flight to Florida. She was only 19 and as far as she was aware she was one of the youngest flight attendants in the entire airline.

Chloe woke up full of excitement and anticipation. She was up 20 minutes before the time she had set her alarm for, she could have simply just rolled back over and tried to get an extra 20 minutes of sleep but she was too excited to do that. Instead she just laid in bed and thought about how great the day was going to be. She lay in her cute shorts and long shirt thinking of how she had finally made it and running over her training in her head. Suddenly Chloe’s train of thought was interrupted by the sound of her alarm and a familiar feeling in her lower abdomen. She needed to pee and decided it was better to go now rather than risk peeing while wearing her uniform, she wouldn’t want to risk getting pee on her skirt or catching toilet paper on her shoe’s heels. She rolled out of bed and headed to her personal en suite bathroom. She wasn’t wearing any panties beneath her shorts and they were fairly loose. She liked shorts like this because there was always a nice breeze around her labia. It was only a short walk to the bathroom however by the time she got there her need to pee seemed to have grown massively. She didn’t bother shutting the door and simply slid her shorts down her smooth tanned legs to expose her perfect pussy. Chloe sat down on the cold toilet seat and tried to relax her bladder enough to pee but it just wouldn’t happen. It was too cold on her bum and she couldn’t relax her muscles enough to let it flow. She was becoming more desperate now and decided to try another tactic. She stood up, lifted the toilet seat, bent over slightly and squatted her behind over the toilet bowl. Sometimes she found it much easier to piss this way and it definitely worked this time. She looked back to see a fine high pressure jet of golden pee flowing precisely from her urethra into the toilet bowl, making a hissing sound as it left her and a lovely splashing sound as it hit the water below. She always loved the splashing sound. After around 45 seconds of peeing she had finished, she decided not to wipe as she was about to have a shower but she gave her behind a quick wiggle to shake off any excess drops from her perfectly formed labia. She took off her long shirt and turned on the shower. While she was waiting for the shower to warm up she paused to admire herself in the large bathroom mirror. She ran her eyes over her entire body from top to bottom, looking at each and every curve. Finally, she took her eyes off the mirror to look down at her vagina. She saw her prominent clitoris, engorged by her peeing experience. She saw her pink puffy labia which still had evidence of her morning toilet on them. She ran her hand across them, feeling the dampness before having a single stroke of her engorged clit. It felt absolutely amazing but she decided to not go all the way with herself in case it caused her to end up being late for her first day. The shower was warm now and she jumped in.

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Here is part 2 of the story. Sorry if this is a bit of a boring chapter but it helps set the scene for later episodes..anyway enjoy


Once she had finished her shower, Chloe turned off the water and dried herself with a towel. She paid extra attention to her vagina, in particular she very thoroughly dried her clit which was still engorged and begging for attention. Finally, the temptation became too much for her to ignore. She sat on the bathroom floor and leant against the cupboards beneath her sink. She let her hands wander to explore every part of her body. She slid her soft palms across her already semi hard nipples until they were rock solid. She kept one hand feeling her breasts, squeezing them, feeling and enjoying the waves of pleasure that hit her every time she touched them.

Her other hand kept sliding lower and lower on her body, she ran it across her toned abs, down past her belly button until she reached her creamy thighs. The feeling of her hand on her thigh was amazing and she could feel the tension building within herself. She began massaging her breasts harder now, allowing her other hand to wander upwards until it made contact with her swollen clitoris. An explosion of pleasure hit her as soon as her hand made contact with it and she felt herself coming closer and closer to a powerful orgasm. As her masturbation session got more and more intense she began to slide down the cupboards until she found herself lying flat on the bathroom floor, with her tanned legs resting on the edge of the bath tub. She was rubbing his clit even harder now, pinching it ad drawing circles on it with her hand. As she came closer to orgasm she took her hand away from her firm, perfectly formed C cup breasts and slipped 3 fingers into her moist vagina. She rhythmically pushed her fingers in and out in time with the hand which was rubbing her clit. She knew she was close to coming now. She felt the pressure building in her abdomen, she kept rubbing.

Only a few minutes later Chloe bucked her hips forwards and let out a loud pleasurable moan. She was having the most powerful orgasm she had every experienced. As the first orgasm ended another arrived immediately after, Chloe bucked her hips even higher this time and as let out another moan she felt a familiar sensation around her labia. She felt as if she was about to pee and before she even had chance to stop it she let out 3 short powerful spurts of warm yellow pee. They came with so much force that they hit the wall at the other side of the bath tub. Chloe lay on the bathroom floor breathless, feeling absolutely amazing. She took her legs down from the side of the bath and curled up on the floor while she waited for the final waves of pleasure to subside.

After they had passed Chloe stood up and wiped away the piss and lady juices from her labia with her towel. She checked the time on her phone and realised that she would be late if she didn’t hurry up. She went to put on her uniform. The airline’s uniform consisted of a tight blue knee length skirt, white blouse, blue blazer and a red neckerchief. The uniform policy was very extremely strict and flight attendants had to look absolutely perfect. Chloe couldn’t risk her panty line being visible in her tight skirt. She slipped on her favourite G-string. It was pink with dark blue spots all around the waist band. After this she put on the skirt. It closely hugged her perfectly toned ass, she quickly checked her underwear wasn’t visible in the mirror before putting on a white bra, her white blouse, blazer and neckerchief. After this she rapidly did her hair and makeup, before checking the time once more. She was perfectly on schedule as she put on her high heels and set off to the airport.

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