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Living the dream and hiking the AT

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As one who enjoys both hiking and peeing outdoors, your stories have a ready audience here. I just wish, though, you'd come across more woman on the trail. I don't think it would matter whether you catch her or she catches you.

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I totally agree with you in not liking to see women leaving behind a paper trail. Say what you will about hippie chicks, but at least they were considerate enough to carry a pee rag.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry I haven't been able to update this at all, I've been kind of busy with hiking and all. I'm in the final stretch. Made it to Maine and then some.

Some interesting pee related events have popped up this week. Talking with a girl Hiker earlier this week we brought up being off trail and without much prompting she mentioned the number one thing hikers have trouble with when back in the real world. Not being able to pee whenever and wherever you want! Normally hear it out of guys but this was the first time hearing it from a girl. She mentioned how she was in the supermarket and thought, "Wait I have to find a place to pee?" I also was able to finally pee in my shorts...while swimming in a lake.

I've only got a week more to go and I've got loads of privy pictures. Some of the ones in Maine are doubles!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back! I finished the AT last week and I'm home now letting my feet heal before new endeavors. I also happen to have the house to myself this morning and hope to take care of a need that I wasn't able to on the trail. Hopefully I have enough time to wet myself in a huge way. I also noticed that towards the end I was pissing like every half hour. I think I realized that this far in I completely relished the freedom in being able to pee whenever and where ever I wanted and did it so much it became habit. Its going to be hard to get over that one. If only I had my own house and could pee freely where ever I wanted in it. Anyway here are some privy picks from early on!

This was a standard privy in Georgia. There is kind of a running joke that some privies are wheelchair accessible despite the obvious limitations. We figured it was some sort of State law.

This is a privy from North Carolina. Not all privies had doors. ;)



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Oh yeah. I need to upload more but in Virginia there were several privies that were basically just open closets and you were exposed to the world. My favorite however was in Connecticut which was just a box with a toilet seat on it. Some of the privies also had dutch doors.

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Its been so long since I've done laundry that I forgot to put detergent in the load of towels that I absolutely soaked yesterday. Oh well, not like it matters since I'll be soaking them again soon.

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  • 2 months later...

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