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The Start of Tina's Career (f wetting, f solo, m/f watersports, f/f watersports, m/f/f watersports)

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Shortly I plan on writing and posting a brand new story that uses some of the characters I created for this story, "The Start of Tina's Career", which I posted several years ago on PeeSearch. I thought I would post it over here to allow readers to become familiar with these characters before reading my upcoming story.

Let me warn you that if you like your erotic fiction short and sweet this is not the tale for you. This story consists of five chapters, and will take more than a couple of minutes to read. If you do decide to tough it out and read the entire thing, I hope that you will let me know what you think of it, good or bad.

Also, I want to take a moment to explain the names and some of the references used in this story. When I was writing the first chapter I needed an address for the story's titular character, Tina, to go to for her first porno shoot. For some reason, the address "320 Sycamore" immediately popped into my head. This is the address for the home of George and Mary Bailey in one of my all time favorite movies, It's a Wonderful Life. As soon as typed out that address, I knew that I needed to introduce characters named George and Mary as the owners of the house at that address. I also started using other names and situations from that movie. I'm sure many movie buffs will spot them ad they read the story.

The Start of Tina's Career

Chapter 1: Her First Pee Scene

Tina Thomas hung up her cell and wondered what she had gotten herself into now. The eighteen year old blonde had just agreed to film some scenes for a company called Wet Pants Productions. These scenes apparently called for her to wet her pants on camera. “Oh what the fuck,” she thought, “it’s a paycheck.”

Tina needed the money. Unlike many of her friends, who had gone to college after graduating from high school, she had decided that she was sick of school. It had been an easy decision for Tina to head to Fantasy Girls, a strip club, and work as a dancer right after graduation. It had also been an easy decision for the managers of the club, the nicest of its type in town, to hire her. The former high school cheerlead, dancer, and thespian was an absolutely stunning girl, had a killer body, was a great dancer, and really knew how to perform up on stage. This last item was especially rare in such a young dancer.

The short time Tina had spent as a dancer was just OK. She loved the money, had always found dancing on the stage to be fun, and, being more than a bit of an exhibitionist, enjoyed taking off her clothes in front of people. The problem was when she had to work the room. She enjoyed going up to the hot guys, flirting with them, and convincing them to buy a lap dance from her. The problem was that management made sure the girls treated each of their customers equally, as the money from the overweight, the elderly, the bald, the stinky, and the just plain ugly customers was just as green. Flirting with and giving lap dances to these customers, to whom Tina was not the least bit attracted, was something that Tina absolutely hated.

Still, the money was good, she didn’t have to go to school, and, as mentioned, she really enjoyed the upside of the job. It was definitely a job that she had intended to keep. Unfortunately it had only lasted five weeks.

She wished she had never taken Harry up on his offer. That was the customer’s name, the one whose libido had unintentionally led to her getting fired. Harry was one of the customers that she looked forward to chatting up and seducing into buying a lap dance. He was tall – probably about 6’3” or 6’4”, she figured – and muscular. She wouldn’t be surprised if he was an athlete from the local university. Best of all, he was a looker. The jet black hair, his eyes, his smile, his strong jaw – all had made Tina swoon. Taking money to grind up against this guy was almost like stealing it, she figured.

She was halfway through the first song, grinding her ass into his pelvis, feeling that rock hard dick under his pants, when he had asked her if he could pay her extra for a blow job. Tina had remembered what management had told her on her first day – that prostitution was strictly prohibited in the club – but she had always thought that this was said with a wink. Besides, they were in a private room, he was hot, she could never have enough money, and, if she had met him at a party, she would have slept with him anyway. What was wrong with getting paid for something she would have given away for free?

Unfortunately Tina had not counted on the hidden surveillance cameras in the private rooms. Management had installed them a couple of years before when the owners had come within a hair of getting busted for prostitution. They had gotten much stricter on what was and was not allowed, and while they would look the other way if a dancer stroked a guy’s dick or let him lick her nipple, sucking and fucking were not allowed.

Tina had just placed Harry’s dick in her mouth when the door to the room opened. A manager was standing there with a bouncer. Harry was escorted out of the club. Tina was given a pink slip and told not to return. Management hated losing her, but they would have hated losing their business even more.

Tina had considered working at one of the other clubs, but they were sleazy establishments with a much lower caliber of clientele. She wasn’t desperate enough yet to take a job from one of those places.

During her short span at Fantasy Girls she had become friends with one of the dancers, a brunette named Janie, who had done some adult photo shoots. Tina had asked Janie to let her know if she ever heard of any adult modeling opportunities. Janie had called her earlier that day, leaving a voice mail. “Tina, hey, this is Janie,” she had said. “I just heard about a company looking for a couple of girls to do some adult video work. No sex is involved, but it is apparently some kind of fetish shoot. I’m going to call as soon as I hang up w/ you. The number is 555-3840. You should give it a try.”

Tina had called the number. They had wanted a picture of her, so she hung up, forwarded a pic from her cell phone, and called back again. The man had then told her what was expected of her, if she was interested: she was to be in two of three scenes, and in each one she was to wet either a pair of pants or panties in front of the camera. Nudity was optional. Tina was disgusted at the idea of pissing herself, but the pay for a day’s work was decent, and she didn’t have any other income at the moment. “Fine, I’ll do it. Where and when do you want me to report?”

“Come to 320 Sycamore Street tomorrow about 10 AM,” the voice on the phone said. “Make sure you drink lots of liquids before coming over.”

“Fine, will do. See you tomorrow.”


Tina arrived at the house about 10 minutes early, desperate to pee. It had been an early start to her day, waking up at 6:00. She had no choice but to piss first thing in the morning, but had consumed four cups of coffee and several large glasses of water since then. She definitely could use a piss right now.

Tina walked up to the rather large house and rang the doorbell. The house was in a nice neighborhood, with an immaculately kept lawn. She imagined that it must be between 4,000 and 5,000 square feet in size. She wondered who must live there, and why they let their house be used for such a strange purpose.

The door opened, revealing a middle aged woman with a kind smile. “Hi, you must be the new talent that Tom was talking about. Come in, please. Oh, and I’m Mary.”

“Hi, nice to meet you,” Tina said, taking the ladies hand. “I’m Tina. Where do I go from here?”

“Just walk down this hallway to the living area. Ask for Tom, he’ll let you know what to do. Oh, and may I say, you are beautiful. I’m sure you’ll do an excellent job today.”

“Thanks,” Tina replied. She had to admit to being a little surprised. Mary wasn’t the kind of person she would expect to be involved in an adult video shoot, especially one that involved pissing.

Tina made her way down the hallway and entered the living room. She found it bustling with activity. There were four video cameras present, two on tripods, and two sitting on a coffee table. There were five girls in the room. One was a really pretty black girl with a tight, athletic body. Another was a cute and curvy Asian. A third was a heavy brunette with an attractive face. Finally, the last two, both blondes, were overly skinny, and Tina thought they looked skanky. “It’s a pee fetish video, not a Playboy shoot,” Tina thought as she saw the other girls. “I guess it’s no surprise that they all don’t look like Victoria’s Secret models.”

There were also a couple of boom mikes, some guys that she took as crew, and pitchers of water, coffee, and orange juice on a table, which some of the girls were pouring into glasses and drinking. He eyes then floated to the corner of a room, where she saw two guys in conversation. For some reason the way they were looking around and talking gave Tina the impression that they were in charge.

She walked up to them. One was a middle aged gentleman, skinny, with a kind face. Her attention, however, quickly focus on the other man. He looked to be about thirty, with short, curly, dirty blonde hair, a muscular build, and facial features that looked like they had been chiseled out of stone. She couldn’t believe how hot he looked, and made it a goal to fuck him before the day was over.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for Tom. My name is Tina, I’m here for today’s shoot.”

Tina was pleased when the young man stood up and put out his hand. “Hi, I’m Tom,” he said, “nice to meet you. I’m very glad you made it.” It wasn’t just polite chatter. Tom was awestruck by the beautiful blonde, who’s very nice picture didn’t do her justice. He immediately decided that he would film as many scenes as he could with her, making her the centerpiece of his picture. “Oh, and this George. He and his wife Mary have been kind enough to volunteer their house for today’s shoot.”

“Nice to meet you,” Tina said, shaking the older man’s hand. “You have a beautiful home.” She then turned her attention to Tom, whose voice she recognized from the phone. “So what do you need me to do today?”

“How full are you?” he asked in reply.

“I really need to pee badly,” she said. “I don’t think that I can hold it much longer.”

“Great, I’ll put you in the first scene. You would think these girls, all veterans, would come ready to go, but none of them have a full enough bladder. Why don’t you follow Clarence here to other room, where we have our wardrobe? I want you in a tight pair of shorts. Pick whatever top and panties you like. After the scene, do you mind if we follow you into a bathroom and get your reaction? That part won’t involve any acting, just an honest assessment, good or bad, of what you thought. Would that be OK?”

“Sure, but I don’t know if your viewers will like my honest comments. I find this weird and gross. I’m only doing it for the paycheck.”

“Trust me, some people prefer honest reactions, no matter what they are, to fake ones. You’ll have to act during the scene, but I really want you to be yourself during the ‘behind the scenes’ stuff. Go ahead and get changed, and I’ll go over your scene with you when you’re finished.”

Tina went into “wardrobe”, which was just a bedroom with a lot of clothes laid out in it, and looked over the selection. She chose a white pair of shorts, a pair of white cotton panties, and a thin white top with a flower print on it. Looking at herself in the mirror she didn’t like the panty lines showing, so she decided to go “commando” instead. This served to produce a camel toe in the shorts. Tina almost changed into something else, but decided that Tom’s viewers would probably enjoy the camel toe. With that she exited the room and went back to talk to Tom.

Upon entering the living room she decided that she had better introduce herself to the other girls. She noticed that Janie had not shown up, probably chickening out. Of course Janie still had her job at the club, and didn’t need the money as bad as Tina did.

She introduced herself first to the black girl, whose name was Tamyra. It was obvious that the two of them were looking each other over, knowing that they were the hottest girls in the room, thinking of the other one as their competition. The Asian girl, Tia, was real friendly, as was the heavy brunette, Becky. The skinny, skanky blondes, Jenny and Josie, were twins, and were a little standoffish at first.

After talking with them for a little bit she learned that Tamyra, like her, had originally taken the job for a paycheck, and had initially found the work to be a little disgusting. The sexy ebony girl had, however, grown to like wetting herself, and now did it in private, not just while on camera. The twins had, for some time, been into watersports, and had contacted the production company asking to be in their videos. Tia had very recently been introduced into watersports by a girlfriend, enjoyed it, and had answered an ad hoping to get a little extra cash. Becky’s husband was a friend of Tom’s. When he and Becky had learned about Tom’s hobby they decided to experiment w/ watersports themselves, and had then asked him if Becky could be in some of the videos. This left Tina as the only actress with absolutely no interest in pissing.

After talking with the other girls Tina found Tom and started to discuss her scene. She was really starting to get desperate, and wanted to get started as soon as possible. Tom set the scene for her: she was really desperate to pee, but finds the bathroom door locked, with someone inside. She begs to come in, but the guy in the bathroom refuses to open the door. She was to whine, complain, dance, grab her crotch, etc., before finally losing it and pissing herself. Tina wondered how often this scenario had been filmed in these type of videos, as it seemed an obvious one.

It seemed like an eternity for Tina for the crew to get the lighting and the cameras in place. They finally did so, and she was ready to start. She looked around and saw George and Mary staring at her intently. No wonder the couple had volunteered their house, they were apparently really into this sort of thing.

Tina was relieved when Tom shouted “Action!” She reached out and grabbed the bathroom door handle, knowing full well it was locked. She shouted and whined, complaining she needed to go badly, fidgeted, whimpered, and danced. Tom looked on in amazement – he had never had an actress that sold the whole scene so well.

Tina finally reached the point at which she was planning to release her pee. To her surprise she discovered that she couldn’t piss – her bladder was suffering from stage fright, a condition she would later learn was often referred to as being “pee shy”. Knowing that it would look odd if she stopped and tried to pee while nothing came, Tina went on with the desperation act, while at the same time trying to relax and pee.

It took her a couple of minutes, but finally she felt a hot spurt of pee release into her shorts, some of it being soaked up by the fabric, and some running onto her hand, which she had jammed into her crotch to make it look like she was trying to hold back the flow. Immediately after that spurt, the floodgates opened.

Tina cried to the bathroom door, “Now look what you made me do! I’m pissing myself!” It was all acting, though. She couldn’t believe how good it felt, the hot piss soaking her shorts, running off of her hand, and running down her legs. Also, the feeling of her hand against her clit while she was pissing was phenomenal! She continued to cry and complain on the outside, while, much to her shock, she was enjoying herself on the inside. Finally after a little more than a minute her flow stopped.

Shortly after it stopped she heard Tom yell “Cut!” Several of the crew members started applauding. She looked and saw herself in a hallway mirror – her legs still glistened with piss, her white shorts were now see-through, revealing her pussy and nicely trimmed bush, and her nipples were straining against the thin fabric of her shirt. She knew that she was a hot sight.

She looked back at the rest of the people in the house. Tom’s dick was straining against his pants, as was George’s. In fact, most of the male members of the crew suffered from the same predicament. She could see Mary’s nipples poking out from beneath her blouse, and could also see that Mary had wet herself, and had a satisfied look on her face. Tia, the Asian girl into girls was looking at her with the same lust in her eyes that most of the guys had shown. It was obvious to Tina that she had done well, which enhanced her feelings even more.

Then reality set in. “Fuck, I’m wearing wet pants, and my legs are soaked in piss,” she thought, her emotional high now replaced w/ a degree of disgust, wondering why she had agreed to do this.

“My god, you were wonderful!” exclaimed Tom as her walked towards her, a camera in his hand. “Why don’t you come into the bathroom and give your ‘behind the scenes’ interview, then you can clean up.”

Tina turned around to find that the room was now unoccupied, with the door open. She and Tom walked into the room, and he closed the door behind him. Tom explained how it would work. “I just want you to give your reactions to the scene you just filmed, your honest reactions. I’m not going to interview you, as past experience has shown that our customers love hearing from you girls, and despise hearing from me. You can strip out of your clothes while you’re talking, or, if you’re uncomfortable with that, keep them on. As soon as I give you the signal, you can start talking. Got it?”

“Got it.”

Tom picked the camera up to his shoulder and gave her a thumbs up sign, her signal to start talking. “Well, that felt surprisingly good,” Tina started, talking to the camera. “I really wasn’t expecting that. But I can’t wait to get out of these pants. Gross!”

She peeled off her pants, trying to touch as little of the wetness as she could. Standing bottomless, she set the wet shorts in the sink, holding them at arm’s length before dropping them. “This would be a fantastic fetish if you didn’t have to deal with the after effects. I loved the feeling of wetting myself, but I really don’t like pee.” She peeled off her shirt, revealing her firm tits. “That was something new and interesting for me, but now I’ve got to clean up. I hope you enjoyed that. Bye!” With that she smiled at the camera, and blew it a kiss.

Tom turned off the camera. “Fantastic, thanks!” he said. “There are some towels behind you, and grab one of the robes hanging on the wall when you’re done. We can then discuss your next scene, and you can start filling up on liquids while I film some scenes with the other girls.”

“Can’t you give me a hand in the shower?” Tina asked seductively. “There I spot on my back I was hoping you could get.”

Tom wanted more than anything else to join her in the shower, but knew that the schedule was tight that day, and wouldn’t allow for him to shower and fuck the blonde beauty. Still, standing there, with drops of piss still on her pussy, she was too tempting to completely pass up.

“I’m sorry, but we have some scenes I want to shoot at the pool, and we have to get to them before George and Mary’s neighbor, a guy named Potter, comes home. His bedroom window overlooks the pool, and George tells me that at his best this guy is a warped, frustrated old man. Seeing all of us around the pool would really set him off. I would have time, however, to eat your pussy right now. Would you mind?”

“Mind? Not at all! In fact, please do!” exclaimed Tina. She was hoping for more than just oral sex, but it was a start, and she loved to have her pussy eaten. She knew that she would get him in bed soon enough anyway. “Just let me wash up real quick!”

Before she could turn around and head for the shower Tom grabbed her and planted a huge kiss on her lips. He then started to work his way down her body, kissing her neck, sucking on her tits, and making his way down to her pussy.

Tina stood there stunned. She couldn’t believe he was going to eat her right after she had pissed herself, before she had a chance to clean herself up. She looked down at him as he reached her crotch, and started to lick droplets of piss off of her thighs and pussy. Watching him do so repulsed her a little bit, but it was so naughty it also turned her on. She couldn’t believe what he was doing, and how good it made her feel.

Tom was in heaven. He loved the taste of Tina’s piss, and eagerly ran his tongue over her to catch as many droplets of it as he could. He then focused his attention on her beautiful pussy. He slowly started licking her pussy lips, then gently started to lick and suck on her clit. He gradually picked up the pace, and was soon attacking her pussy with his tongue.

Tina had never had someone so talented eat her pussy before. She quickly came, and, as he continued, came again. After her second orgasm Tom stood up, and Tina gave him a passionate kiss, forgetting, for the moment, that he had just licked her piss off of her body. Upon realizing this, she broke off the kiss, mentioning her need for a shower.

Before he left the room Tom brought up a small issue for her to think about. “No rush, but before we release this movie, we’ll need to know what name you want to go by. You can use Tina, or create a stage name, your choice.”

Tina, a movie buff, thought of a name instantly. She was in a house on 320 Sycamore, home of George and Mary, with the warped, frustrated Mr. Potter nearby, and had even met a Clarence. “Zuzu. Call me Zuzu.”

“Zuzu? OK, Zuzu it is. Sometime you’re going to have to tell me where that name comes from.”

Tina stepped in the shower and started the water, wondering what depraved thing they were going to have her do next.

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Chapter 2: The Park

Tina stepped out of the bathroom in her robe and saw everyone gathered around the back door. She walked over to the crew setting up around the pool, and the two skinny skanks, Jenny and Joise, talking to Tom. She grabbed a glass of water and walked over to where Tom and the girls were talking.

“… and Jenny and I are still willing to turn this into a golden shower scene if you would like us to,” she heard Josie telling Tom.

“No, no, no!” he replied. “How many times do I have to tell you girls? First, right now we do wettings and solo pissing. I don’t know if we will ever make the jump to golden showers, but we haven’t done it yet. And second, and most important, you’re sisters! Fuck, your twins! I’m sure it would be illegal to tape you two giving each other golden showers, and it’s sure as fuck wrong to do that! Now get ready to start filming, and don’t ask me again!”

Tina was shocked at the conversation. Still, she couldn’t help but laugh when she heard Tom mutter “Freaks!” after the girls had walked away.

Tina was going to ask Tom what her next scene was going to be, but he was too busy taking care of setting up this scene. She figured she would just watch this scene, and talk to him when it was over.

She heard Tom cry out “Action!” Everyone but Jenny and Josie stopped talking, and watched the two girls go to work.

Jenny and Josie were sitting on lounge chairs, sunning beside the pool. “I’ll be back in a second, Jessie,” Jenny said. “I’ve got to take a piss.”

“Why go inside Janey?” Josie said. “Just take your piss out here.”

Tina couldn’t help but laugh to herself. First, the twins’ acting was some of the worst she had ever seen. Second, she couldn’t believe how small their imaginations were. Jenny’s and Josie’s stage names were Janey and Jessie? Couldn’t they be more creative than that? Jenny started to speak again, drawing Tina’s attention.

“Piss out here? Are you fuckin’ crazy?” Jenny exclaimed.

“Why not?” Josie asked. “Just piss in your bikini. Shit, I would do it.”

“No fuckin’ way!” Jenny said. “You’re so full of shit.”

“Oh yeah. Watch me!” Josie stood up, and a second later a strong stream erupted from her bikini bottoms. At the same time, some started to dribble down each leg.

“Holy shit!” exclaimed Jenny, doing a poor job of pretending to be surprised. “Well, then, what the fuck?” Seconds later a dribbly stream of piss started falling out of Jenny’s suit. It gained in strength, just as Josie’s stream started to come to an end. Some latent drops still fell from Josie’s suit.

Jenny’s piss was making a loud splashing sound on the cool deck below and her stream started to get stronger. Finally it began to wane. Jenny reached her hands into her bottoms and started to rub as her piss began to stop. “Oh god, that was so horny!” Jenny exclaimed.

Josie appeared to be legitimately surprised to see her twin sister start to masturbate herself, but soon began to do the same herself. Tina looked around, and noticed that everyone looked to be a little surprised at what was going on, but also mesmerized by it as well. This included George and Mary, who had their hands inside each other’s pants as they were watching the girls act out the scene.

Eventually the girls either came, or faked it, and Tom yelled “Cut!"

"Obviously that last part wasn’t in there, but nice job of improvising girls. We’ll put it in the movie.” He then turned to Clarence. “Clarence, grab a camera and go film Jenny’s and Josie’s reactions. I’m going to talk to the rest of the girls about their next scenes.”

Tom went to talk to everyone about their scenes. Tia and Becky were up next, and they were to play friends engaging in a holding contest, and were to each wet themselves under the guise of not being able to hold it anymore at the end. Tom had written some simple lines for the scene, but the two of them were free to improvise. While she had no experience in this industry, Tina guessed that this was another tried and true scenario for pissing porn.

Tom also had a scene in mind for Tina and Tamyra, one which shocked the young blonde. After Tia’s and Becky’s scene they were going to head over to a nearby park, where the girls would sit on a bench, lift up their skirts, and wet their panties. Tina couldn’t believe that they were actually going to wet themselves in a public place. Tom assured her that the park wasn’t a very busy one, and that they wouldn’t start until they made sure that no one was around. Again Tina wondered what she had gotten herself into.

Tina got herself another drink of water, but was wishing it was something much stronger. She needed something to calm to her nerves. Wanting to take her mind off of the task at hand, she headed to the living room to watch Tia’s and Becky’s scene. It went pretty much like she imagined it would be. Tia noticed Becky acting desperate, and made fun of her. Becky replied back that she could hold her pee better than Tia could. The two ended up making a bet to see who could hold the longest. The camera man focused on each of them acting desperate. Every few minutes they would stop rolling, one of the guys would set the clock in the room ahead to make it look like a lot of time had elapsed, and the girls would return to acting desperate. Given the amount of fluids she had noticed them drinking, Tina figured that acting desperate right now probably wasn’t much of stretch.

It was Becky that gave in first. Standing there, groaning, holding onto her crotch, wet streaks started to appear on the inside of both her pant legs. “Oh shit! Oh no, I can’t believe I’m pissing myself!” she heard Becky cry. Her delivery wasn’t the greatest, but it was much better than the acting job the twins had just put on.

Becky continued to complain as the wet streaks on her legs got larger, and a damp patch on her crotch kept growing. Soon a very large portion of her pants were wet and glistening, as pee continued to soak through them. Tina noticed a very large wet spot also forming on the carpet. While Tina wouldn’t have been thrilled for that to happen in her house, she figured George and Mary would have no problem with it.

As Becky was finishing her piss, she heard Tia shout “Ha, I told you I could hold for longer than you!” She then started to run for the bathroom. After a few steps she Tia yelled “Oh shit! I can’t make it!” And, from behind, you could see a wet patch form on her ass, and wet streaks flowing down the legs of her jeans. Tia turned around, and Tina thought she did a good job with a look of terror on her face. “I can’t believe I’m doing this!”

Becky started to laugh at Tia, pointing at the Asian’s glistening jeans as the piss filled them, poured down her legs, and made another wet spot on the carpet. Tia started laughing at the situation as well, selling it much better than Becky. It was after this that Tom yelled “Cut!”

As Tom followed Tia and Becky to film their reactions to the scene, Tina and Tamyra went to wardrobe to pick out some clothes. Tamyra went w/ a black skirt, a pair of yellow lace panties, a thin white top, and a button up vest that matched the skirt. Tina realized the vest was a good idea, as Tamyra did not put on a bra, and the thin top would do nothing to obscure her dark nipples. With the vest, Tamyra could practice a little modesty before and after the cameras were rolling, but show off her impressive assets during filming.

This lead Tina to pick out her own matching skirt and top, in a nice light blue. She put on a pair of white cotton panties, figuring that they would probably become see through after she pissed them, something which would likely turn on her viewers. Like Tamyra, she chose a thin, white top. The ebony beauty wasn’t the only one who had a nice, firm pair of tits to show off.

It wasn’t long before everyone took off for the park, which was only a short trip away. Tina couldn’t help thinking to herself, “What the fuck have I gotten myself into?” She had to keep reminding herself about how much she needed the money.

Tamyra and Tina found a bench near center of the park. There was an elderly couple walking through at the time, and a jogger ran by, but other than that the park was empty. When those three park visitors were out of ear shot, Tom talked to the two girls.

“This is going to be pretty simple. When I yell ‘Action!’ I want the two of you to pull up your skirts and start pissing. As soon as you're finished you can put your skirts back down and we’ll leave. I really don’t see a need for any dialogue, but if you start to talk, Tina will be called ‘Zuzu’, and Tamyra is ‘Violet’. Any questions?”

The girls nodded their heads to indicate that they understood. “So her stage name is Violet, eh?” Tina laughed to herself. “It fits perfectly with the whole It’s a Wonderful Life thing.”

As everyone finished getting into place, Tamyra picked herself up off of the bench slightly and pulled her skirt out from underneath her. Tina immediately realized that this was a good idea, and did the same. The girls then unbuttoned and opened their vests, their firm breasts slightly visible under the thin fabric of their blouses.

The crew waited until the elderly couple had completely left the park, and checked to see that no one else was around. When it was completely clear, Tom yelled “Action!”

The two girls, almost in unison, picked up the front of their skirts. Tina felt weird sitting there, in the middle of a park, with her legs spread, her skirt raised, and her panties visible to anyone who may wander by. She knew, however, that she could not think about that. She had to relax and piss. If she went pee shy again, like she did in her first scene, it would ruin the scene, as Tamyra would be pissing all by herself. Tina heard splashing, and knew that Tamyra was peeing. A split second later, Tina’s white cotton panties began to fill with pee.

The panties held the pee in – for just a moment. A big stream of pee then came pouring from the center of the panties, with some smaller streams pouring out of the sides. Just like earlier that day, Tina was surprised at how good it felt to wet herself. The feeling of the hot piss flooding her tight panties, and the thrill of peeing in so public a place, was really a turn-on for Tina, evident in the way her hard nipples were poking through the fabric of her shirt.

The girls turned and looked at each other, smiling. Tina saw Tamyra’s nipples poking through her own top, and noticed that the ebony girl’s lace panties were not doing much to hold back a strong stream of pee. Tamyra then reach down and pulled the panties aside, releasing a huge arc of piss. Tina, surprised, followed suit, each girl sending strong fountains in the air.

Tom was pleased. Here were his two prettiest girls, and both were putting on quite a show. He knew that his audience would love this. Hell, he himself wanted to kneel in front of that bench, drinking piss from each girl, and was sorely disappointed that he couldn't do that. Instead he just watched, his dick tenting in his pants.

At about fifty seconds after she first started peeing Tina’s stream began to wane, became a small trickle, and then stopped. Tina was amazed that Tamyra was still going, and the two girls started to giggle. About fifteen seconds after Tina’s pee stopped, Tamyra’s came to end. The black beauty then shocked Tina by pulling her face over and kissing her. Tina decided to produce a surprise of her own, and reached over and placed her hand inside Tamyra’s panties and started to finger her. Tamyra returned the favor.

The crew watched in stunned silence, some of them rubbing themselves through their pants. Tamyra and Tina continued to kiss and finger each other. What had started out as stunts for the camera had turned into complete lust. When Tina had first started to finger her co-star she worried about whether or not she would be grossed out by doing so inside her panties wet with piss. The opposite had occurred. The fact that Tamyra’s pussy and panties were soaked with piss was actually turning Tina on, as was the naughtiness of doing such a thing in a public park.

Tamyra was just as turned on Tina, and proved it by erupting into a large orgasm. This made Tina cum as well. The crew continued to look on, everyone focused on the two actresses, when a whispered voice came from behind the crew: “Holy Shit!”

Everyone looked over at the source of the voice. A guy was standing there w/ his bicycle, staring at the two beauties, his mouth agape, his dick straining against the confines of his bicycle shorts. The girls immediately pulled down the skirts, and, embarrassed, rushed to the crew’s van. The crew, laughing, quickly packed everything up, and hurried off. The bicyclist was left wondering what he had just seen.


Tina had long since cleaned up, and said goodbye to the girls and most of the crew. Tom had given her a check for her first day’s work, and wanted her back tomorrow. She left the house in a much better mood than when she arrived. She now had some money, and, almost as important to her, a couple of new phone numbers: Tom’s and Tamyra’s. Things were looking up.

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Author's note: When I wrote the first chapter of this series, the characters Mary and George were intended to be minor ones, created solely to make the references to It's a Wonderful Life work. However, adding the little blurb about Mary having wet herself during Tina's first scene intrigued several readers. They wanted to know more about this character. One wanted an entire side story about her. Another wanted me to write the next chapter from her perspective. I actually combined these ideas. Chapter 3 gives the history of Mary's and George’s fetish. Chapter 4 retells the action of day 1 of the shoot from Mary’s perspective. Chapter 5 covers the second, and final, day of the shoot.

Chapter 3: Mary’s Story

Mary Bailey couldn’t wait for the day to get started. Allowing Tom to shoot his latest video at the house she shared with her husband George had been a wonderful idea. Watching all of these young girls wetting themselves had been an incredible experience for her, leading to some of the hottest, wettest sex she had experienced with George in years. In a few hours the girls would be arriving for day two of the shoot.

Mary had carried a crush for George ever since she was a little girl. It was not until her senior prom, however, that the two of them finally started dating. George’s younger brother, Harry, was in the same year of school as Mary; George was two years older. Harry was on the planning committee for the prom, and George had shown up to help his little brother set up. He had only intended to stay for a few minutes.

Mary’s older brother, Marty, had thrown a wrench in George’s plan. One of George’s friends, Marty had asked George to have one dance with his little sister. George had begrudgingly obliged, not aware of how much of a looker Mary had become. When George found Mary, he fell as head over heels in love with her as she had been with him, and they danced the rest of the night together, much to the chagrin of Mary’s date.

An incident that occurred after the prom had changed their lives forever – well, at least their sex lives. Mary didn’t have her car, as she had come with her now abandoned date, and George had left his car for Harry. They decided to walk home together. Mary had been so thrilled to spend even more time with George that she had forgotten to use the bathroom before they had left. This had become a huge problem as they walked home, and, eventually, every step she took was torture, as it put pressure on her overly full bladder. Finally it came to a point where she couldn’t take it anymore.

“George, this is so embarrassing, but I really have to pee. Would you mind keeping a lookout as I go behind that bush?”

Much to his surprise, George was kind of turned on by the idea. “Hey, look, it’s something we all have to do, no reason to be so embarrassed about it. Go ahead, I’ll watch out for you.”

Mary thanked him for his kindness, went behind a bush in the lawn of a house they were walking past, pulled up her prom dress, pulled aside her panties, and squatted. She relaxed, and a few seconds later a strong stream of pee emerged, accompanied by a loud hiss.

George heard the hissing and found the sound to be hot and sexy. He immediately became as hard as rock. Now it was his turn to be embarrassed, as he knew that Mary would be finished soon, and he would look like a perv standing there with a tent in his pants. To make matters worse, he was fighting against the very strong temptation to turn around and look at her while she pissed. Figuring that he probably wouldn’t get caught if he just took a quick look, George turned his head toward Mary.

Mary couldn’t believe that she was enjoying this situation, but she was. The act of pissing outdoors, on someone else’s lawn, had to be the naughtiest thing she had ever done, and it was really turning her on. She would have to hide her excitement from George, otherwise what would he think of her? Mary quickly grew increasingly worried until she looked up and saw George staring at her pussy and the stream of piss emerging from it, mouth agape. In fact, he was so fixated on staring at her pussy that he did not notice that she was now looking up at him. A quick glance down informed her as to how much he liked watching her piss, as the bulge in his pants was quite obvious.

“Are you enjoying the show?” she asked, almost in a giggle.

“Oh fuck!” thought George, ashamed that he was watching her piss, and embarrassed that he had got caught. “Hey, uh, look, uh, Mary,” he stammered, “I’m so sorry, I, uh …”

Mary just laughed. The fact that George had been as turned on as she was came as a relief. She pulled her panties back over her pussy, the wet spot formed by the latent drops of piss being absorbed by her panties serving as a reminder of the naughty thing she had just done. She then stood up. “Don’t worry about it, George,” she said, in a consoling voice. “It’s alright, as long as I get to see you piss too.”

George was shocked. He had thought Mary would be upset at him, instead she seemed to be enjoying this. “Do you really want to see me piss?” he asked.

“Hey, it’s only fair. You were watching me, now it’s my turn to watch you. Come on, surely you have to go, too. Let’s have a look.”

The shock of getting caught had caused George’s dick to go flaccid, and, given the fact that he had consumed a lot of punch at the prom, peeing would not be a problem. He looked around the street, making sure no one was around, paying especially close attention to the house they were standing in front of, its dark windows indicating that the owners were not home. He then unzipped, pulled out his dick, and aimed it at the bush Mary had just hidden behind.

Mary couldn’t believe he was actually going to do it, and looked on with anticipation as he pulled out his dick. She gasped when a strong stream of piss flew out of it, soaking some leaves on the plant. “Holy shit!” she exclaimed, “that’s the horniest thing I have ever seen! Do you mind if I take control?”

Mary just seemed to be full of more and more surprises. “Be my guest,” said George, shocked at what was happening. Mary replaced his hand with hers, and started aiming his dick at different parts of the bush, giggling as she did so. George’s dick had started to stiffen, but not so much that it cut off his stream. It soon began to wane, and then he started to push out the last couple of spurts.

Mary had figured that he was done, and had let go of his dick, just as he had pushed out one last spurt. It had hit her hand, covering a couple of fingers with his piss. “Oh, god, I’m sorry Mary. Here, you can wipe it on my shirt if you want to.”

Mary reached up to wipe her hand on his shirt, but then had another idea. Curious, she instead placed them into her mouth, tasting the salty drops of his piss. For not the first time that night, George looked at her in shock. “Oh, shit,” she thought to herself, “I’ve fucked this thing up. He must thing I’m pretty sick right now.”

George found it to be the horniest thing that he had ever seen. It was now his turn to surprise. “Hey, no fair, I didn’t get to taste yours.”

Mary looked shocked, then pleased, at what George had said. She reached a couple of fingers into her damp panties, then pulled them out, and inserted them into George’s mouth. “You’re right, fair’s fair,” she giggled.

George eagerly sucked her fingers, then suggested they hurry to his house. Upon entering, he grabbed Mary, and planted a deep, passionate kiss on her lips. She held him tight as they kissed, and the growing bulge from his groin told her how much he was enjoying this.

As they broke off the kiss, it became obvious that they couldn't stay there, on the sidewalk, next to that bush. Things were escalating much to quickly. "George, would you like to come over to my house?" Mary asked. "My folks are gone, and Marty won't be home for hours."

The couple couldn't make their way to Mary's house fast enough. As soon as they entered the house they rushed to Mary's bedroom, and found themselves again locked in a passionate kiss.

One of the first things George had noticed about Mary, after her beautiful face and pretty smile, was her nice firm tits. He had spent much of the dance thinking of them, and enjoyed the way they felt as he held her tight while they slow danced together. Normally he would have moved down from her mouth to breasts, kissing every inch inch in between until he reached her nipples. Their activity at the bush, however, had made him anxious to get her pussy, which he knew was still damp with her piss.

He picked her up and laid her on the bed, pulled up her dress, and moved his face to her pussy. He could still see the damp patch on her panties, and took a sniff, enjoying the aroma of her piss. He then pulled off her panties, and immediately attacked her pussy with his tongue.

Mary had never had a guy go down on her like that. She hadn’t had sex with many guys, but each of them was the same: they would eat her pussy as if it was some kind of duty they had to perform. She could tell that they didn’t really enjoy it, and wanted to get on to other things.

With George, right then, it was different. He was enjoying the salty, tangy taste of her wet pussy, and was licking it with passion. This was a major turn on for Mary, and she exploded in the strongest orgasm she had ever felt, screaming and writhing as she did so.

George loved the effect his tongue was having on Mary, and continue to lick her as her body convulsed in orgasm, tasting her juices as she did so. It took a while for her to come off of her orgasm.

With past boyfriends, Mary would require a quick face wash and a rinse after they had eaten her, the thought of tasting the juices from her own pussy was disgusting to her. On this night, however, she didn’t care. As soon as she came off of her orgasm she grabbed George and pulled him up the bed towards her, tasting her juices as she passionately kissed him. She was unbuckling his belt as she did so, anxious to repay him for his oral favor.

Her mouth and tongue attacked his dick with the same ferocity that he had attacked her pussy. She was licking up and down his shaft, and also taking him as deep into her throat as she could, sucking and slurping on his rock hard cock.

“Oh god, Mary, you had better stop. I’m going to cum. Oh god, watch out Mary, I’m cumming.”

Mary had never once considered swallowing the cum of any of her boyfriends, but now there was no way she was not going to swallow George’s. She felt his dick spasm, and then a big load of cum spurting out into her throat. She continued to suck him, milking the rest of his cum from his cock, eagerly swallowing his load.

George collapsed down on the bed after he was finished. He pulled Mary to him, and kissed her again. He then made sure to kiss his way to her tits, slowly moving from her lips, down her neck, to the top of her cleavage, and, as he unbuttoned the buttons on the top of her dress, down to her tits and to her nipples. As his mouth and tongue worked on her tits, his hand wandered down to her pussy, and he began to finger her.

Mary was still so turned on that it didn’t take long for her to come again. George’s mouth continued to work on her tits, and his hand on her pussy, as she did so.

“Mary, I have to piss again,” George told her as she came off of her second orgasm of the night. “Do you want to help me?” he asked with a grin. He then got up to go pee.

“Hold on, George,” she replied and she grabbed him. “Are you sure you want to waste it in the toilet?”

She knelt down in front of him and grabbed his dick. She pointed it at her tits, which were still protruding out of her unbuttoned dress. George laughed. “Aren’t you just full of surprises tonight?”

He relaxed, and a strong stream of piss erupted from his dick. Mary aimed it at each of her tits, rubbing it into them with her free hand. If she had stopped to think she probably wouldn’t have done this, at least not with her dress on, as it would be hard to explain the stain to the dry cleaners. At the time, however, she didn’t care, reveling in the feeling of his hot piss hitting her nipples, washing over her tits, and soaking her dress.

All too soon, at least for Mary, his stream stopped. She got up and pushed him back down on the bed. She got on top of him and grabbed his dick, but it still hadn’t fully recovered for the blow job she had given him. Still holding his dick, she hovered her pussy over it and began piss, rubbing his cock as she did so.

“Holy fuck that feels good!” George exclaimed, as his dick soon returned to full attention. As soon as it was hard again, Mary stopped pissing, mounted his dick, and started to ride him. He started to play with her piss soaked tits as she did, loving this naughtiness of the situation, and of the girl he was currently fucking.

George started to thrust up as she grinded on him, and the sensation caused Mary to have yet another orgasm. She released control of her bladder as she came, releasing a strong jet of piss that soaked George as she continued to ride him. This was too much for George, and several strong spurts of cum exploded into her pussy. Afterwards they lay down holding each other in their piss soaked clothes, on the piss soaked bed. It was easily the most wild, passionate, erotic night of sex that either of them had ever enjoyed.

That night had been almost thirty years ago. Mary, though now in her late 40s, was still something of a looker. She had kept herself in shape, and could probably still fit into that prom dress. George’s hair had started to gray, but he was still that tall, thin, kind, sexy man that she had fallen in love with.

Over the years the two of them had enjoyed their experiments in watersports. Peeing in a strangers’ yard had lead to peeing in even naughtier places. They continued to shower each other, and started drinking from one another. Wetting soon became a favorite for them, either by themselves, while the other one was watching, or while on top of each other.

The two of them had become obsessed with pissing porn. It had been hard to come by at first. They had found a few Annie Sprinkle videos, and then some European videos by Color Climax, but it wasn’t easy to find. The advent of the internet had changed all that. Pissing porn became more readily available, and the two of them had purchased and downloaded countless amounts of it.

It was the watching of pissing porn that lead Mary to discover that she was bisexual. She enjoyed watching women pee at least as much as she did men, and often fantasized about receiving a shower from a woman, and licking her pussy clean right afterwards. George shared this fantasy about adding a woman into their bedroom, and, through some adult internet classifieds, had managed to set up a threesome on a couple of occasions. The results were electric.

That had been some time ago, however, and, as with all long term relationships, while the love was still there, some of the spark had been lost. That was until they found some videos from Wet Pants Productions on the computer. While most of the wetting scenes in the videos took place indoors, there were some that were shot outdoors. She and George had recognized the scenery in some of these shots, realizing that these films were made locally. It had been George that had come up with the idea of offering their home for the next shoot. After a few emails Tom had come over to meet them and look over the house, and decided that it would be perfect for his next shoot.

Next: Mary’s perspective of day one of the shoot.

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Chapter 4: Day 1, Mary’s Perspective

Mary was anxious, waiting for the doorbell to ring. Today was day one of the video shoot that her husband, George, had set up to be shot at their home. The production company, Wet Pants Productions, produced some of their favorite pee porn. While they didn't shoot golden shower scenes, at least not yet, they did do a nice job filming wetting, indoor solo, and outdoor scenes. Mary was ecstatic that she would be able to see some models pissing right in front of her, in her own house.

Tom, the producer/writer/director, and his crew were the first arrive, pulling up outside in a nondescript white van. Mary and George offered the crew some beverages and snacks, and then took them on a tour of the house. She listened with interest as Tom and the crew checked out the house, discussing ideas for the different scenes they wanted to shoot today. As the crew made themselves busy setting up their equipment and a wardrobe area, Mary approached Tom.

"Tom, do you mind me asking which girls you are going to be filming today?" she asked.

"Not at all Mary. We have Tamyra, Becky, Jenny, Jessie, hmm, I think Tia is supposed to be here, and there's a new girl coming, a blonde, I think her name is Tina." Mary stared at him blanky. Tom, realizing the reason for her confusion, clarified himself. "Tamyra is the tall black girl, you might know her by her stage name Violet. Jenny and Jessie are twins and go by the names Janey and Josie, Tia calls herself Asia, and Becky’s stage name is Rachel."

"Awesome, thanks!" replied Mary. "Those are some of my favorites!" This was partially true. Violet was an ebony goddess, and possibly Mary's all time favorite pissing porn performer. Rachel was another favorite, and she really liked Asia as well. She really wasn't a fan of Janey and Josie, however. She always found them to be a little too slutty. Still, she was thrilled to be able to see any of them pissing themselves right in front of her.

Mary was excited each time the doorbell rang, greeting, in turn, Jenny and Jessie, Becky, Tamyra, and Tia. The final girl to ring the doorbell was Tina. Mary was shocked when she laid eyes on the blonde beauty, finding her to be as beautiful as Tamyra. "Hi, you must be the new girl Tom was telling me about," she said as she invited her in, realizing that she had a new object for her fantasies.

Mary was excited to learn that Tina would be starring in the first scene. While the blonde beauty was getting ready, Mary went to Tom to find out what scenario the new girl would be acting. The scenario was a common one: the girl was locked out of the bathroom, a scenario Mary had seen countless times in videos. More interesting to Mary, however, was the fact that Tina hadn't done anything like this before, and apparently found the idea somewhat disgusting. How would the girl act? Would she look disgusted? Would she be able to play it off successfully? Mary really hoped that the scene would lead Tina to discover a new fetish, but knew that the odds were against it. As long as Tina was able to give a good wetting, however, Mary would be happy.

Mary was instantly impressed as the scene began, as it was obvious that Tina had legitimate acting talent. She had seen this type of scene done countless times, but this was the first time an actress really appeared upset and anxious that she was locked out of the bathroom. If she hadn’t known any better, Mary would have sworn that the girl really needed to get through that locked door.

Watching Tina squirm, there in her house, was really turning Mary on. She inserted her hand down her pants as she watched Tina act out the part, fingering herself while enjoying the show. Soon Tina began to flood her tight, white shorts, and Mary was pleased to see that the blonde was not wearing any panties, as her the beautiful pussy was revealed inside them. The sight of the beautiful blonde flooding her shorts, causing them to become see-through, was too much for Mary, and she started to cum. She deliberately released the contents of her bladder as she came, and the hot flow of her golden stream soaking her hand and running through her fingers turned her on even more. The feeling as her hot piss ran down her legs adding to her pleasure. She knew her husband had been turned on as well, alternating his gaze between the act hat Tina was putting on in front of everyone, and the actions of his wife beside him. It was no wonder that he had a raging hard on when it was all over.

The next scene did not started off near as well. Jenny and Josie were set up by the pool, and were apparently going to challenge each other to piss their bikinis. The twins desperately needed to take acting lessons from Tina, as they were very wooden when reciting their lines. Still, Mary did get somewhat turned when the girls began to wet themselves by the pool, her pool! Then Jenny shocked everybody by fingering herself, and Jessie soon followed. This turned Mary on a lot. She was surprised when George slipped his hand into her wet pants and started fingering her pussy, and decided to return the favor, reaching in his pants and stroking his dick. Soon after she began her second orgasm of the day, she felt George start his first, his sticky cum covering her hand.

Next came Becky and Tia in a holding contest in her living room. She watched and enjoyed seeing the pair soak their pants and her carpet. She couldn’t believe how wonderful it was to have this movie filmed in her own house, and wondered, after watching three hot piss scenes in person, how any day could possibly get better. Fortunately for her, the next scene, the last one of the day, was absolutely amazing.

Tom had decided to do something much more daring than usual, and film a scene at the neighborhood park. Mary could see some anxiety building in Tamyra and Tina, as the thought of pissing themselves in such a public place must have been rather daunting. Mary, however, was thrilled by the idea, and she and George changed into clean, dry clothes for their trip to the park.

When they reached the park, she looked on with anticipation as the two beauties prepared for their scene. After waiting for a couple of people to clear from the park, the girls got into position, sitting on a bench, with their skirts pulled up and their legs spread. Mary was standing next to George when the cameras started rolling, and soon after the two girls started to wet themselves. Mary loved watching the dark wet spot start to form on their panties, and the streams of piss fall from their panties. She and George held hands, excited by the action in front of them.

Mary was, again, in for another wonderful surprise. Tamyra pulled her panties aside, sending a huge arc of piss flying through the air. Upon seeing this, Tina followed suit, and the pair were each sending out a beautiful fountain of piss.

Mary could hardly contain herself. If they had been anywhere other than at a park, the middle aged beauty might not have been able to resist placing herself at the end of fountains, drinking and getting showered by Tina’s and Tamyra’s piss. Even in this setting, it was hard to for to just sit back and watch.

“How would you like to take a drink from those fountains,” George whispered to her, another bulge forming in his pants.

“I was just thinking the same thing. Of course I’d love to,” Mary whispered back.

After their streams had finally waned Tamyra produced another surprise by reaching over and kissing Tina. Tina responded with a surprise of her own, and started to finger Tamyra’s pussy, a favor the ebony beauty immediately repaid. The sight of these two beauties kissing each other and fingering each other’s pussies, there in the park, was too much for Mary. “Aw, fuck, I’ve wet myself in naughtier situations,” she thought to herself. At that she allowed her bladder to relax.

She felt the familiar sensation of her panties beginning to fill with pee, and then the ecstasy of her piss flowing down her legs. As she was flooding her pants Mary looked over at George and saw that he had the same idea. George had already started rubbing himself through his wet pants, and Mary was about to reach inside hers to pleasure herself, when they heard a voice behind them exclaim “Holy Shit!”

Everyone turned around and saw a guy standing w/ his bicycle, his mouth agape, and his dick hardening in his pants. Mary stood there, shocked and embarrassed to be standing there in wet pants, but soon realized that the bicyclist had likely not even seen her, staring instead at the two young beauties. Mary, George, the girls, and the crew rushed into Tom’s van, many of them red faced, everyone laughing, and hurried back to George and Mary’s house.

Upon arrival Tina and Tamyra headed to the bathroom to clean up, Clarence following them with a camera to get their reaction. Tom was supervising the cleanup of the gear for the night when Mary and George approached him.

“Tom, thanks for agreeing to shoot this at our house,” George said. “It was an amazing experience.”

“No, thanks to you for offering your house to me and my crew,” Tom replied. “I thought day one went well, and we’re excited about tomorrow.”

“Tom, you wouldn’t be upset, would you, if we asked you to let yourself out? George and I have something we need to attend to right now,” Mary said, smiling.

Tom looked at the two in their wet pants and gave them a wink. “We’ll be fine. You two have fun. Hey, would you mind if I sent a camera man in?” he joked.

Mary and George hurried up the stairs to their room. As soon as the door closed the pair was all over each other, kissing with a passion they hadn’t felt in years.

Mary pushed George down on the bed. She quickly undid his belt, and ripped off his pants. She started to rub and lick his cock through his soaking wet underwear, loving the taste of her husband’s piss as she did so. She then pulled his underwear down, and continued to lick up and down on his rock hard shaft, and licking drops of piss off of his pubic hair. Finally, she started to suck on his cock, enjoying the feeling as she slid it into and out of her mouth.

George hadn’t been this turned on in years. He wanted to hold back his cum, but he knew that there was no way he could do it. In no time his dick began pumping his semen deep down his wife’s throat, which she eagerly swallowed.

As he lay on the bed he pulled his wife up on top of him, and began to kiss her passionately, with her responding in kind. He then rolled her over, with him now top, their lips still locked together. He reached down and ripped open her blouse, neither one caring about the buttons that went flying off of it. He grabbed her tits and started to fondle them, then moved down and placed one into this mouth. He alternated sucking on and gently biting her nipple for several minutes, then work his way over and did the same to the other breast. His fingers at this time were busy inside her wet pants, fingering her soaking pussy. It didn’t take long for her to cum.

He pulled her pants down, but left her panties on. He clamped his mouth on her mound, and started to suck her piss out of her panties. She then gave him a pleasant surprise, releasing the piss from her bladder, which had filled up some since she wet herself in the park.

He sucked up her piss as it soaked through the thin fabric of her panties, reveling in the taste. After she finished pissing he pulled her panties to the side, and began to attack her pussy. Mary reached down and grabbed the back of his head and pulled it down into her cunt. She couldn’t remember the last time George had eaten her with such passion. She came again, her body convulsing as she did so. As soon as she came off her orgasm George’s tongue attacked her pussy with even more fury, and she quickly came yet again.

George released his mouth from her pussy, stood at the foot of the bed, and began to release his bladder, aiming his stream at his wife’s tits. While Mary loved the feeling of the his stream on her tits, she wanted, no needed, to taste his piss, and leaned forward and took his stream into her mouth, swallowing all that she could.

As he finished pissing George lay back on top of his wife, again kissing her passionately, this time tasting his piss on her lips. Despite the facts that he had just come several minutes before and that he was no longer a young man, George’s cock was again rock hard. He slid it inside Mary’s dripping wet pussy. Mary, who often liked for George to make love to her nice and slow, right now needed to be fucked hard, and both of them new it. George rammed his dick into her fast and hard, feeling her body shake with his every thrust. He could tell that she was ready to cum again, and her pussy clamped down on his dick as she began her fourth orgasm of the evening, her sixth of the day. George began to cum immediately, filling her pussy with his semen.

It was a few hours later, after George and Mary had spent time cuddling, kissing, and, finally, cleaning up, that they went downstairs. Tom’s crew had done a nice job cleaning up, their equipment packed neatly in the corner, waiting there for tomorrow, the final day of the shoot. Mary and George didn’t think that tomorrow could get here soon enough.

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Chapter 5: Day 2

Mary found herself pacing inside her house. After the wonderful events of the day before she couldn’t wait for the actresses to arrive so that things could get started. Tom and his crew had arrived bright and early, and had gone over the plans for the day, the second and final day of the shoot. Mary was already playing the scenes out in her head, and getting more excited and impatient by the minute.

Mary was interrupted from her thoughts by the ring of the doorbell. She opened it to see Tina and Tamyra standing together in front of the door, a very welcome sight. “What a nice coincidence, the two of you showing up at the same time. Welcome!”

Tina and Tamyra giggled. “It’s not quite a coincidence,” replied Tamyra.

Mary smiled. “I wish I could have been a fly on the wall.”

The girls smiled back at her, and Tina gave her a wink. They then made their way to find Tom, to find out what was on tap for them that day. Mary followed to listen in.

“Your scene from last night gave me an idea. In your first scene there will be no wetting, instead, you will challenge each other to a pissing contest. One of you will challenge the other see who can pee further. After you finish, we’ve then got some wetting scenes planned for the other girls while you fill up again. Our last scene of the day, and for this video, is going have the two of you dressed in a couple of cheerleader outfits. You both were cheerleaders, right? Come up w/ something inventive. Piss while performing some kind of cheer, or doing the splits, or a handstand, or cartwheels, or something. Just make it look good.”

Mary almost wished that her and George could participate in the scene, but knew that they couldn’t. George was the president of the financial institution where he worked, having taken over for his father. Mary was a librarian. They couldn’t risk someone seeing them in a fetish porn video. Still, it was going to be fun to be there watching, just out of camera view.

After about twenty minutes or so, Jenny and Josie, Tia, and Becky had all rang the doorbell, and were all greeted warmly by Mary. Each sought out Tom upon entering the house, and received their assignments for the day. The girls then met to chat a little before Tamyra and Tina made their way to the bedroom for wardrobe.

The two girls came back out of the room holding hands, both wearing tight miniskirts and tight, thin white blouses. Neither was wearing a bra, their firm tits and hard nipples clearly visible under the then white fabric. No one knew it yet, but they also weren’t wearing any panties. Mary gasped when she saw them. Other eyes quickly turned towards them; it was hard for anyone to look away.

“You girls look fantastic,” Tom said, admiring them. “Let’s move into George’s and Mary’s living room, and shoot this scene.”

Everyone moved into the living room to watch as the camera men got ready to shoot, the boom mike was placed, and the girls got ready. It wasn’t long before Tom shouted “Action!”

Mary wondered how the girls were going to make this situation seem realistic. The two, behind Tina’s lead, did a wonderful job. Playful one-upmanship turned into a couple of quick challenges, and finally the gauntlet of a “pissing contest” was thrown.

“Whoa, Zuzu (Tina’s stage name), you mean a pissing contest literally?” Tamyra asked.

“You’re damned straight Violet (Tamyra’s stage name). I have $20 that says that I can piss further than you.”

The lines were corny, but delivered so well that no one really noticed. Mary marveled that the two girls could probably leave pissing porn and get more mainstream work. She hoped that they would never come to realize this.

The two girls squatted on the floor in front of the couch next to each other. They pulled up their skirts, revealing their naked pussies, leaned back against the couch, and spread their pussy lips. Mary looked at George standing next to her, and could see a sizable bulge in his pants. She started to rub his hard dick through his pants, and slipped her other hand into her own pants.

A strong steam erupted from Tamyra first, followed a few seconds later by one from Tina. The two fountains of piss each flew several feet into the air, landing on the carpet in front of them. Tamyra’s stream, however, was almost a full foot ahead of Tina’s. The blonde pushed with all of her might, and managed to make up about half of the difference, but that was as far as she got. The two streams continued to splash at full force for about 40 seconds, then Tina’s started to lose strength. The fountain became smaller, and smaller, and finally ended. About 15 seconds later Tamyra’s ended, and then she pushed out a couple of more small spurts.

“Ha! I won! I told you that I could piss farther than you!” gloated Tamyra.

“Okay, fuck, you beat me,” replied Tina. “Double or nothing that I can kick your ass in basketball?”

“You’re on!” Tamyra responded.

“Cut!” yelled Tom. “That was brilliant! Good job, girls.”

Mary could feel George’s dick start to spasm, and knew he was spurting out several jets of hot cum into his pants. Mary continued to rub him as he came, and soon felt a different sensation, as his pants began to fill with piss.

Mary was about to lead George upstairs when she heard Tom shouting instructions: “Clarence, grab a camera and get the girls’ reactions from their last scene,” he ordered. “I’m going to talk to Tia and Becky about their next scene.”

Hearing Tom instructions gave Mary an idea. “Hey, Tom,” she said, “would you mind if I filmed the girls’ reactions? I think it would be interesting and fun.”

Tom paused. Usually he or one of his crew did this, but he had formed a soft spot for the attractive Mary ever since he had met her, and she and George had been excellent hosts. “Sure thing Mary. Clarence, show her how to work the camera.”

A couple of minutes later the three women made their way to the bathroom. Tina and Tamyra were giggling and laughing. Mary turned on the camera and started to record just as they gave each other a deep, passionate kiss.

“So how did you like filming that scene?” Mary asked.

Tamyra was a little surprised at first. No one from the crew ever asked a question, as Tom had stated that viewers only wanted to listen to the girls, not the camera guy. Tamyra reasoned that the fact that the camera “guy” was now a woman might change things a little bit, and started to speak. “It was a lot of fun! Of course I knew that I was going to win …”

“Oh shut up!” Tina playfully shouted. “I’ll definitely get you next time!”

The girls continued their playful banter back and forth, and all three were giggling and laughing. While Mary was enjoying herself, she figured she better wrap up things quickly, as Tom might need the camera for the next scene. “I guess you two might want to clean up a little bit,” she said, preparing to sign off from that little segment.

“Well I can definitely help her with that,” Tamyra said, before bending down and starting to lick some drops of piss from Tina’s thighs and pussy. Tina started to purr.

“Hey, honey, are you thirsty?” Tina asked. Tamyra, her tongue still working on Tina’s pussy, just nodded her head. “Good, I saved some for you.” With that Tina pushed out a couple of spurts of piss, which Tamyra eagerly drank.

“Holy fuck that's hot!” Mary heard herself say, not intending to blurt it out. She was happy that she had kept the camera rolling. As hot as the scene in the living room was, this was much hotter.

Tamyra continued to work on Tina’s pussy until the beautiful blonde came, biting her lip as she did, not wanting to draw attention. After Tina came off of her orgasm, her ebony lover stood up and gave her another passionate kiss, allowing Tina to taste her own juices off of Tamyra’s lips.

Tina broke off the kiss and said "Your turn," and knelt in front Tamyra. She started to lick the droplets of piss off of the dark skin, before turning her attention to her lover’s pussy.

“Aren’t you going to see if she’s thirsty?” Mary asked, her arousal evident in her voice.

Tamyra was enjoying the job that Tina’s tongue was doing on her pussy, and didn’t care to speak, but did so anyway. “I haven’t convinced her to take a drink yet, but I’m working on it,” Tamyra said. “She doesn’t mind tasting the small drops of piss on my skin, however.”

Mary then remembered the look of disgust that Tina had shown just yesterday when she had realized that she was standing in piss soaked shorts. What a change in just one day. She really wished she could have seen what went on between these two last night.

Tamyra’s breathing became shallower, and soon she erupted into her own orgasm. Mary couldn’t believe how sexy things had become, and began to wet her pants, reveling in the feeling as her hot piss soaked the crotch of her pants and began to run down her legs.

Tina stood up and noticed the flood that Mary was releasing into her pants. “Hey, the camera girl is so turned on that she is pissing her pants. Have a look.” Tina then reached for the camera, as Mary continued to pee.

Mary looked at Tina and silently gestured to the blonde not to show her face. Tina complied, and concentrated the camera on Mary pants legs, glistening as the pee continues to fill them.

“You know, I’m still a little thirsty,” Tamyra said, as she kneeled in front of Mary. The ebony girl pulled the older brunettes pants down part way, and held her mouth open below the panties, from which pee still continued to pour.

Mary’s flood continued for another fifteen to twenty seconds. After she had emptied her bladder, Tamyra clasped her mouth on the soaking wet panties, and began to suck the piss out of them. After doing so for about a minute, she reached up and pulled Mary’s panties down.

“Hey, it’s my turn,” Tina said from behind the camera. She handed the camera to Tamyra, mouthing to her not to show Mary’s face. She then knelt down and started to clean Mary’s pussy with her tongue.

Mary couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. The fact that it was being filmed made it that much more naughty. Having these two beauties go down on her was an absolute dream come true. Mary grabbed the back of Tina’s head and grinded her pussy into the blondes face as she came.

Eventually Mary came off of her orgasm. When she did Tina turned to the camera. “Hey, Violet and I don’t think were quite done with the camera girl. We’ve got to go now. I really hope that you enjoyed this near as much as we did.” With that she blew the camera a kiss, and Mary reached over and turned off the camera.

Mary grabbed Tamyra and gave her a deep, passionate kiss, and then did the same to Tina. Mary was about to accept an invite to shower with them when a knock came at the door. “Hey, are you guys about done in there?” asked Clarence. “We’re going to need the camera to record the next scene”

“Hold on a second!” Mary shouted to Clarence, before giving each of the girls another kiss. “Thanks for the invitation girls, but I’d better get back out there. Maybe another time.” Mary opened the door and handed the camera to Clarence, apologizing for the delay, and then sought out George and Tom.

She was fortunate to find them together, talking, and noticed that her husband had changed into some clean pants. “Tom, I don’t know how much of that interview you’ll want to use for your DVD, but George and I will need a copy for ourselves,” she said.

“Oh, is it that good?” asked George?

“Trust me honey, you’ll really want to see this,” Mary replied.

“Damn, now you have me interested,” Tom said, eyeing Mary’s wet pants. “I’ll have to watch the footage after we shoot this next scene. “ Turning his attention to his staff Tom shouted “Everyone ready? Let’s shoot this!”

Everyone had moved to the guest bedroom, which had temporarily been cleared of all of the wardrobe items. Becky and Tia appeared to be sleeping on the bed, each in a pair of panties and white tank top. Tia, the cute Asian, was lying on her side in front of the curvy Becky. Suddenly a puddle started to form below Becky, who had her arm draped over Tia.

Mary watched as the puddle grew bigger, then saw Becky pretend to wake up from a deep sleep. “Oh fuck! Oh my god, I’m pissing myself!” the brunette shouted.

“What?” asked Tia, pretending to wake up. “Oh my god, are you pissing the bed?”

Mary noticed that the acting was about standard for porn. She couldn’t help but think that Tina and Tamyra could do a much better job, and turned around to look for them. She saw the pair had emerged from the bathroom, and were now holding hands in the back of room, each gulping down a large bottle of water. She turned her attention back to the bed.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry! Fuck, I didn’t mean to. Oh fuck, I can’t stop!” cried Becky, who was still wetting the bed.

Tia gave her a hug. “Don’t worry, it’s alright. Really. I don’t mind.” She then gave Becky a kiss.

“You’re not pissed at me?” asked Becky.

“No, actually, um, I, well, I think it’s kind of sexy,” Tia replied.

“Sexy?” Becky asked.

With that Tia, who was now sitting fully up on the bed, spread her legs and began to piss her panties. Mary knew that the reason she spread her legs so far was for the camera, and had to agree that it created a beautiful view. She saw a small wet dot form on the white cotton panties, then grow bigger as a stream of pee gushed out, and continue to grow on the panties while Tia’s piss combined to make the already wet sheets even wetter.

“Oh, fuck, that is sexy,” said Becky, as she put her hand on Tia’s panties, feeling her piss gush out. The scene ended with the two girls passionately kissing, their fingers exploring each other’s pussies.

“Cut,” cried Tom, “that’s a wrap. Wow, what has gotten into you girls lately?”

Mary laughed to herself. This was pretty bold stuff for Wet Pants Productions. The company usually only focused on softcore wetting and solo pissing, though there had been an occasional masturbation scene. Not before yesterday’s scene at the park with Tina and Tamyra, however, had two girls fingered each other in a Wet Pants scene. Tina and Tamyra had obviously inspired the other girls.

Mary’s attention turned to Tom as she heard him speak. “Clarence, I want you quickly upload Mary’s post scene interview w/ Tina and Tamyra to the laptop, and then take the camera and interview Becky and Tia.”

Tom had obviously been thinking about Mary’s request to have a copy of the scene sent to her. She blushed as she wondered what Tom would think about it. She heard Tom gasp “Holy shit!” as he started to watch the scene. Fortunately for the red faced Mary no one else was paying attention to Tom at the time.

She could see Tom deep in thought as Clarence returned from interviewing Beck and Tia. “Clarence, I want you to take the crew and shoot the scene w/ Jenny and Jessie. George, Mary, Tamyra, and Tina, please come w/ me to George’s study.”

Tom sat in front of everyone at the study, the laptop faced so that all could see the screen. Mary and George sat next to each other, holding hands, Mary’s pants still wet from wetting them with the two girls. Tina and Tamyra also sat together, each drinking a brand new bottle of water. They had already changed into the cheerleader outfits they were told to wear for their final scene.

“Mary, do you mind if I show everyone the interview you taped with Tina and Tamyra?” Tom asked.

Mary blushed. “Well, you’ve already seen it, us three girls lived it, and George was the one I really wanted to show it to anyway,” she responded. “Go ahead.”

Tom started the video. Mary looked over at the girls, who were making out while watching themselves on the screen, and down at George’s pants, which were tenting while he watched the screen. Knowing that she would soon be an active part of the video started to excite Mary, and she started to lose some of her remaining inhibitions. She unzipped George’s pants, pulled out his cock, and started to stroke it. This surprised George, but he didn’t complain, instead reaching in Mary’s pants and fingering her pussy.

When they reached the part where the camera had focused on Mary, she knelt down and took George’s dick into her mouth. She furiously sucked on his shaft, hoping to get him off before the video concluded. It wasn’t long before she felt his sperm start to fill her mouth, which she eagerly sucked down. As his dick softened he gave her another treat, pissing into her awaiting mouth. She gulped down as much as she could.

She looked up as she finished to see Tom looking at them, his mouth agape, and to hear the two girls giggling and cheering her on. Her face reddened, as did George’s, but neither one regretted what had just happened. Mary then sat on George’s lap, facing Tom, and started to wet herself again, this time as Tom reached in and fingered her pussy.

It took a second for Tom to recover, but then he just smiled. “I knew that there was a reason I liked you two,” he joked. He then got more serious. “Watching this video has given me the inspiration to take things to another level. Tamyra, Tina, would you girls be interested in starring in Wet Pants Production’s first hardcore scene, and first golden shower scene?”

The sound of Mary cumming interrupted the girls’ answer, and led to some brief giggling and laughing among everyone in the room.

Finally Tamyra said “Hey, I’m game.”

Tina responded, “I’m game too. So it’s going to be a lesbian scene?”

“Actually, I was thinking of making it a threesome,” Tom replied.

“Oh, really? Who’s the guy?” Tamyra asked.

Mary really, really wanted to volunteer George. The thought of watching her husband fuck, shower, and get showered by these two beautiful girls was making her hot all over again, as was the thought of cleaning him up when the scene was over. She knew, however, that his position at the financial institution where he worked made it way too risky. She soon realized that it would have never been an option, anyway.

“I am, “ replied Tom. Tina and Tamyra immediately voiced their approval. Tina was especially happy, as the vow she had made to fuck Tom the day before was going to happen very shortly. The fact that it was going to be taped didn’t bother her one bit. Tamyra had already shared a bed w/ Tom a few times, and was always happy to do so again.

Time seemed to drag for Mary as they waited for the rest of crew to finish the scene w/ Jennie and Jessie, and to get ready for Tina and Tamyra’s scene. She couldn’t wait to watch the two hotties fuck Tom, and for the trio to piss on each other. She and George, now both in clean clothes, walked into their office together when everyone was ready.

Tom was sitting behind their desk. Tina and Tamyra were dressed in red cheerleader outfits, and Mary couldn’t help but notice how cute the girls looked. She also noted how excited everyone in the room appeared, and realized that she wasn’t alone in her anticipation of this scene.

Mary was relieved when she heard Clarence yell “Action!” and watched intently as the scene started.

“You wanted to see us Professor Capra?” Tamyra asked.

“Hey, can this wait?” Tina asked. “I really have to take a piss.”

“This will just take a second,” Tom replied. “Violet, Zuzu, I’m aware that you need to pass this class to maintain you’re eligibility for the cheerleading squad. Unfortunately neither of you passed this class. I’m sorry.”

“Fuck!” Tamyra exclaimed.

“Shit!” Tina screamed. “Please, professor, give us a break!”

“Hey, professor, is there anything we can do?” Tamyra asked as she leaned over the desk, exposing her cleavage to Tom.

“Well, you could have studied,” replied Tom. “You know the NCAA rules … hey, what’s wrong with you?”

He was speaking to Tina, who was partially bent over, grabbing her crotch, and had tears forming in her eyes.

“I told you that I really had to piss!” Tina exclaimed. “If I don’t go now I’m going to wet myself!”

Tamyra looked across the desk at Tom and noticed a smile cross his face. She then looked down at his crotch. “Hey, Professor Capra, is Zuzu’s problem turning you on? Do you want to see piss herself?”

“What?!” Tom and Tina yelled in unison.

“Uh, are you crazy? No, I don’t, uh, of course I don’t. What kind of perv do you think I am?” Tom asked.

“Look, I’m not fucking pissing myself,” Tina said, still grabbing at her crotch. “You can forget about that!”

“How about it professor? If Zuzu pisses herself, right here, right now, will you give us a passing grade? I promise that we won’t tell anyone. Hell, it would be as embarrassing for us as it would be for you.”

“Look, Violet, I’m not fucking pissing myself!”

“Zuzu! Look at him, he’s considering it. It’s the only way we can stay on the squad! Ah hell, I’m not as desperate as she is, but I still can piss. Hey, professor, I’ll do it!”

Mary was impressed at how shocked Tom looked, thinking that he was doing a nice bit of acting. He actually looked surprised, and like he was struggling at what he should do.

Tamyra pressed on, lifting up the skirt of her cheerleading outfit, exposing the tight pair of shorts underneath. “Hey, professor, wouldn’t you like to see these shorts get soaked w/ piss? To see it drip down to the floor, or flow down my long, sexy legs, creating a nice puddle? Wouldn’t you love that?”

“Hey, stop fucking talking about pissing, you’re not helping! Hey, professor, you have to let me go to the bathroom. Then we can work out a deal w/ you that you will love, I promise. This wouldn’t be the first time Violet and I have double teamed a guy. You’ll love it, I swear!”

Tom finally spoke. “I’ll let you girls back on the squad, but here are my conditions. Both of you wet yourselves for me, one at a time, and I get to eat each of you afterward. And if either one of you ever breathes a word of this to anyone else I’ll make your life hell.”

“Deal!” screamed Tamyra.

“No fucking way!” exclaimed Tina. “C’mon, professor, anything else. I give great head! You can fuck me! You can fuck me doggy style while I eat Tamyra. What do you say?”

“My deal is final. Take it or leave it. And Zuzu, if you leave the office to go the bathroom, you both still fail.”

“Come on, Zuzu! Do it for me! Do it for the squad!”

“Damn it! Fine, whatever. Are you ready professor? I really have to go.”

Tom walked around the desk and stood in front of Tina. He lifted the skirt for her, exposing the tight red shorts beneath. “Go ahead,” he said.

Tina, who really did need to pee pretty badly, released the contents of her bladder. Tom saw the small dark spot form on her shorts, and then grow larger. A stream of pee began to fall from her bladder to the floor. Soon after another stream began to wind its way down her leg. Tom leaned down between her legs, opened his mouth and caught the first stream, relishing in the taste of her piss.

Tina was turned on at the sight of Tom eagerly drinking from her. She wondered how her character, Zuzu, would feel about it. “Oh my god, what the fuck are you doing!” she exclaimed.

Tom the clamped his mouth over her shorts, catching the piss as it flowed through them, gulping down as much as could. Tamyra, thoroughly enjoying the sight, decided that her character Violet would like it too. “Holy shit! That is so fucking naughty! And hot!”

After just under a minute Tina released the last of her pee. “I can’t believe that you actually drank my piss! What the fuck!”

Tom ignored the comment, realizing that Tina was acting, and pulled down her panties. He started to eagerly lick off the droplets of piss on her upper thighs and around her pussy. After licking up and down her slit, his tongue parting her pussy lips, he started to furiously attack her clit.

Tina was reveling in the sensation, and decided that she didn’t need to act, but let her natural reactions come through. She grabbed the back of his head and held it against her pussy, moaning as his tongue worked it magic.

“Oh, god, that feels so fucking good. Holy shit! Oh god that feels good!”

Tom continued to work on Tina’s pussy, and it wasn’t long before he felt her body shake and go into an explosive orgasm. As she came off it he stood up, grabbed her head, and implanted a deep, passionate kiss on her lips.

Tina eagerly returned the kiss, putting her arms around Tom and dragging him closer. She enjoyed the taste of her juices on her lips. Returning to character she eventually broke off the kiss. “Oh my god, I can’t believe that I kissed after you drank my piss!”

“See, it wasn’t so bad,” Tom replied.

“No I guess not. And shit, professor, you eat pussy like a lesbian!” responded Tina.

“Fuck, that was hot!” exclaimed Tamyra. The two turned toward the ebony beauty to see that she had one hand down her shorts fingering herself, while the other massaged a tit through her cheerleader top. “Now it’s my turn!”

Tom knelt in front of Tamyra. “It certainly is,” he said. “Go ahead.”

It was now Tamyra’s shorts that darkened then released the piss that she had been storing up. Tom started to drink her delicious stream as it fell from her shorts, then had a different idea. He reached down, unzipped his pants, and pulled out his rock hard cock. He pulled Tamyra’s shorts and panties aside, then repositioned himself so that her strong stream was hitting his dick. He rubbed his rock hard cock as he washed it in her stream, relishing every second of it.

As Tamyra’s stream began slow he placed his mouth on her pussy, drinking it all down. As soon as she stopped he started to eat her, alternating between tonguing her clit and fucking her pussy w/ his tongue.

Everything that he was doing worked for Tamyra, who was arching her back and moaning in ecstasy. Tina walked over and started kissing her friend as Tom worked on her pussy. Tamyra, already worked up from having watched Tom and Tina, soon exploded in her own strong orgasm.

As he finished Tom stood up, and Tina gave him room to plant a deep, passionate kiss Tamyra lips. Tamyra held him tight, enjoying the feeling of his strong arms around her, and of his hard dick pressing against her.

As they broke off their kiss Tom spoke to the pair: “Well, girls, you’ve lived up to your end of the bargain, I’ll live up to mine. Don’t worry, not only am I going to pass you, I’m going to give you ‘As’. Thanks, you both were awesome.”

“Not so fast, professor!” replied Tina. If you’re as talented w/ you dick as you are w/ your tongue, there is no way that we’re leaving until you fuck us!”

“I agree,” said Tamyra. “If you think you enjoyed that …”

Tina and Tamyra, practically simultaneously, knelt down in front of Tom, their legs soaked by Tamyra’s puddle. Tina grabbed Tom’s cock and started to lick up and down the shaft, enjoying the slight taste of Tamyra’s piss on it. Tamyra then grabbed his cock and started to suck on it, sliding the length of his shaft into her throat. Tom had to concentrate w/ all of his might to stop from cumming as the girls continued to take turns sucking on his cock.

While Tina was sucking on his cock Tom decided to put to use a skill he had practiced, and slowly released some piss through his hard dick. Tina was shocked. While she had grown use to the taste of small droplets of piss, she wasn’t prepared to take a full stream of piss in her mouth. Tom and Tamyra had agreed before the scene that Tina wouldn’t have to drink piss. Obviously Tom had forgotten about that in his excitement. Tina initially pulled back a bit, but, remembering that she was on camera, decided not to ruin the scene, and kept his dick in her mouth to take the piss.

The beautiful blonde was surprised that she didn’t mind the taste of Tom’s stream, and swallowed some while the rest flowed out of her mouth and onto her top. Tamyra then guided Tom’s dick to her own mouth, loving the feeling of the strong stream of urine flowing into her mouth, and drinking down as much of his piss as she could.

Tom took control of his dick, and alternately aimed it at each of their chests, soaking their tops. The girls would lean down and takes sips as he pissed on them.

When Tom had finished the two girls started to kiss each other, tasting Tom’s piss on their lips. Tamyra reached down and pulled off Tina’s top, revealing her beautiful tits. Tina returned the favor, exposing Tamyra’s wonderful pair.

Tom kneeled down and joined them. Tamyra leaned down and took one of Tina’s piss soaked tits into her mouth. Tom took the other. Tamyra loved Tina’s tits, and sucked hard at her nipple while Tom attacked the other breast. The pair then heard Tina proclaim “Now it’s your turn” as she gently guided Tamyra to lay down on the floor into the large puddle of urine. Tina, now on all fours, started to suck on one Tamyra’s tits as she fondled the other.

Tom came up behind Tina and placed his dick against her slit. He released a small but strong spurt of piss against her pussy, all that he had left. Tina felt a jolt of electricity as the piss hit her pussy, then felt the sensation of his dick entering her.

“Hey, didn’t you say something about eating my pussy while he fucked you doggy style?” Tamyra asked.

“You’re damn right I did! Scoot down.”

Tamyra slid down so that her pussy was right beneath Tina’s mouth. She gasped as Tina started to lick her clit. Tamyra could feel it every time Tom thrust into Tina’s pussy, and it only enhanced the experience. As her bladder had partially filled up again, Tamyra decided to give Tina a surprise, and released a slow piss from her bladder.

It wasn’t long before Tina began to cum. The feeling of Tom pounding against her pussy, the taste of Tamyra’s pussy, and now the sensation of lapping up her friend’s piss was too much for her to take. She stopped licking Tamyra’s pussy as her body spasmed in ecstasy, but continued when she regained control of her body.

Tom, who almost lost control during Tina’s orgasm, continued to fuck her hard. That was until Tina gave Tom a surprise, releasing the contents of her partially refilled bladder. Tom pulled out and stuck his dick in the stream. The feeling of the hot piss washing over his dick pushed him over the edge, and he started to cum. He slid his dick back in her pussy and finished releasing his load.

Tamyra screamed out “Oh my god, I’m cumming!” as her body was rocked w/ an orgasm. Tina kept her tongue working on her beautiful pussy, finally stopping when Tamyra came back to earth.

“Holy shit, that was awesome! Professor, I think that we’re going to have to take another class from you next semester!”

“I promise that you’ll both pass w/ flying colors!” Tom said. “Oh, and please call me Frank.”

“Cut!” screamed Clarence.

Mary looked around the room. Everyone seemed to be in shock. All four of the actresses were masturbating themselves, something that Mary had just finished doing herself. Most of the men had tell-tale bulges in their pants. Those that didn’t had obvious stains. Over half of the people in the room had pissed their pants, including her and George. Mary knew that it was going to be another fun night in the bedroom. She figured that Tom, Tina, and Tamyra would probably go home together. Perhaps she could talk one of the other girls into joining them tonight.

Epilogue – Five Years Later

Tina could hardly contain her excitement as she picked up her cell phone and dialed Tamyra: “T, we got it, we got the part!”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Yes! That’s awesome! Hey, honey, I’d love to talk to you, but I’ve got a scene to shoot. I’ll see you when I get home,” replied Tamyra.

“Okay, babe, break a leg,” said Tina. “Oh, and remember, we’ve got a party at George and Mary’s tonight.”

“I remember. Hey, I’ve got to go. Love you! Bye!”

“Love you too! Bye!”

Tina hung up the phone and squealed. A lot of things had changed she since was fired from her job as a stripper five years ago.

For one, she now shared a home w/ her two lovers, Tom and Tamyra. The three of them were co-owners of Wet Pants Productions, and all three regularly starred in their features. She and Tamyra had also crossed into mainstream porn, where they were both fairly big stars, each taking home a number of AVN awards over the last three years. Tamyra, in fact, was on a shoot for her latest movie right now.

The big news, however, had come w/ the phone call she had just received from her agent. She and Tamyra had received parts in a mainstream movie: they would be playing a pair of strippers. They weren't large parts, but they were speaking parts, quite an accomplishment for a pair of porn stars in a main stream movie. She couldn’t wait for shooting to start.

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Awesome stories.

Wetting is not my main focus of interest, but they were very well written and very enjoyable, and gave me a boner. Can't remember reading these on PS either.

By all means write more with these characters. :thumbsup:

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@wsvoyeur, That was fantastic. Like Steve I don't remember reading it as PS, so thank you so much for sharing it here as well. Your writing is superb and the level of detail and background is, in my opinion, well worth it. I really enjoy reading the longer stories which develop the characters and provide better images in the mind. Although it started out mainly about wetting, this had a lot more besides; plenty of peeing in naughty places round the house, public places in the park and George & Mary's late night pee behind someone's hedge and of course the indulgence in other sexual activities as a result of the peeing. Great stuff all round and I'll certainly look forward to your new compositions with some of the characters.
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Thanks Alfresco. I really appreciate your comments. I, too, prefer stories that develop the characters and try to describe the action, which is why I attempt to write that way, creating a long story. I'm happy that it works for you, and that you enjoyed this story.

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