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A terrible dilemma....

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Imagine this scenario.

You are happily married to a partner you love, but have recently been flirting online with a lady who has a serious interest in naughty pissing. And she has finally revealed that she is a well known celebrity figure who has always been your fantasy woman, the sexiest female you'd ever seen. And proved to you that she is exactly who she says she is.

Now here's the thing. She wants to come to your home on a particular day when your wife happens to be out, and she wants to piss all over your living room carpet right in front of you whilst totally naked. But she doesn't want to do it just once. She wants to spend the entire day with you pissing all over the place, ruining both your carpet and furniture. But she is the hottest woman you've ever seen, the woman of your dreams, and she'll let you have any kind of sex you like with her afterwards, if you let her do it.


If you don't agree, she'll never visit you, and might move on to someone more amenable, and you'll lose your chance forever. Problem is, your carpet and furniture is all very expensive and brand new, just paid for by your partner, who is due back in the evening just after the woman of your dreams leaves. There will be no time to even begin to clean up any mess, even if it were possible. And you have no pets to attempt to lay the blame on. Furthermore, your partner is bringing guests which include your boss, another work colleague, your mother-in-law, and your sister.

Now, do you let the woman of your dreams have her fun, with you getting to see it, with her pissing on you too if you want it? And letting you have any kind of sex you want with her afterwards? And to hell with the consequences, you'll worry about those afterwards?

Or do you turn down the chance of a lifetime, less likely to ever occur again than a lottery jackpot win, in order to guarantee the preservation of your reputation?

I'd be tempted to let her do it and worry about the consequences afterwards, I must admit. :biggrin:

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Marriage is a commitment for better or worse. I'm not married and fool around quite a bit. But I would NEVER fool around with someone who's married unless they were in an open relationship and both partners were aware.

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Actually, you guys are right.

I hadn't thought through the full implications re infidelity when I posed this dilemma. I too believe in being faithful to someone you love and are in a relationship with, so I guess I definitely wouldn't take up any offer of sex either.

But if it was just a case of watching some dream woman peeing somewhere naughty - without touching - I might perhaps be able to persuade myself that looking without touching is ok and still be tempted to let her do it just so I could watch.

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No, I couldn't and wouldn't do it either, I have everything in my dreams here (well, giggling in the kitchen) and would never do anything to jeopardise that, no matter how good it would seem at the time. Technically, I'm only married to Maigh, but for all intents and purposes, we all see us as being married to each other.

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