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Selected Excerpts From the Diary of Leslie Kay

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Daemoniak recently posted a series of stories on here entitled "Mary's Diary", a series that he had originally written for PeeSearch.net. This inspired me to move over a similar series about a girl writing in her diary. I hope that you enjoy it. Either way, please let me know.

Selected Excerpts From the Diary of Leslie Kay

Part 1


March 17, 2007

Dear Diary,

Wow, I can’t believe I finally started writing a diary after all of these years. I guess I hesitated because I didn’t want my Mom to be able to sneak in and read it. Now that I’ve finally found a diary app for my computer that lets me password protect what I write, I finally decided to start one.

So let me tell you about myself. My name is Leslie Kay. I was born on February 14, 1989, and I live in San Diego, CA. I live with my Mom, Mary Kay. Yeah, I know, her name is the same as that make-up company. It drives her crazy. Sometimes she says she should go back to her maiden name, Farnsworth, but I know she never will. See, my dad’s name was Bill Kay, and he died when I was three. The only memory I have of him is from videos of when I was very little. Mom tells me that he loved me very much. I know that she loved him.

I really didn’t want to talk about all of that, so back to me. I’m a tall girl – 5’10” – and very much a tomboy. I’m the captain of both my high school basketball and volleyball teams (go Mira Mesa High Marauders!), and also love all of the outdoorsy stuff – camping, hiking, fishing – you name it. I have red hair, and my complexion includes a few freckles. I intimidate a lot of guys w/ my height and athleticism, but I know they consider me a total babe (seriously, I’m not trying to brag).

I used to have a boyfriend, his name was Michael Young, but we broke up recently. Mike was the one that took my virginity. My mom would totally die if she knew I wasn’t a virgin. She’s totally religious, makes us go to church every week, and has given me several lectures on how men want a virgin bride on their wedding night. Anyway, back to Mike. I broke up w/ him because all he could think about was sex. Now don’t get me wrong, I like fucking as much as anybody, and I loved it when he ate my pussy. Problem was, his idea of dinner and a movie became going to McDonald’s and watching a porno in his basement. I’m no prude, and I like to watch the occasional porno, but I want to be able to watch a chick flick once in a while too. Hell, even an action flick now and then would be OK. But a porno every date got to be too fucking much. I’m now officially back on the market.

I’ve got to get going. I’ll write more later.


March 20, 2007

Dear Diary,

I guess I should tell you about Don. Don Blythe was my dad’s best friend. After my dad died Don took it upon himself to take care of mom and me. When he is not at our house we are over at his. He was there for all my awards ceremonies for school and Girl Scouts, and has always been there for my basketball and volleyball games. We go on vacation together, often to his cabin near Big Bear. My mom and Don are together so much that people that casually know us think that he and Mom ARE dating each other, and their best friends think that they SHOULD be dating each other. I know they tried getting together years ago, but somehow things didn’t work out for them romantically. As friends, however, they are absolutely great together.

I’ve had a crush on Don for as long as I can remember. When I was little Mom and Don thought it was cute, and that I would grow out of it. As I got older I pretended that I did grow out of it, but I am as attracted to him as I ever was. Even though he’s in his mid forties he is as handsome as ever. He is about 6’4” tall, and has light brown hair that is starting to gray on the sides. Mom jokes that he now looks like an old man, but I think it makes him look distinguished. He keeps himself in great shape, and always gets stares from the widows and old maids in church. Hell, half the married women there drool after him. I would love to try to make my own move on him, but I know it wouldn’t work, my age and the fact that I’m Bill’s daughter would get in the way. A girl can dream though, can’t she?


Arpil 12, 2007

Girls I would totally go gay for:

Angelina Jolie

Charlize Theron

Halle Berry

Amber Heard

Kristen Stewart

Scarlet Johansen

Jessica Alba

Jessica Biel

Kate Beckinsale

There might be others. I’m a girl, but these girls are HOT!


May 16, 2007

Dear Diary,

I’m so upset. Every summer Mom and I go up with Don to his cabin for a week or two. I can’t remember not doing it. A few months ago, however, we all agreed that it would be a good experience for me to work as a counselor at a summer camp this year. It seemed like a good idea at the time, getting paid (not much, but still, it’s a paycheck) for doing something I love so much. Plus, I’m thinking of becoming a teacher, and working w/ the kids at camp would be great on a resume. Now that it’s only a couple of weeks away, though, I’m bummed. I’m going to miss my vacation w/ Mom and Don this year. I wish I could take back this decision. Life sucks.


June 2, 2007

Dear Diary,

I’m off to summer camp. Like I’ve complained the last couple of weeks, I’m still bummed, but I’m going to try to make the best of it. It should actually be fun, teaching the kids, spending my time in the woods, canoeing, hiking, etc. I’ll miss Mom and Don, but I’m now determined to have fun. Hopefully my fellow counselors will be cool, not bitchy. We’ll see.

P.S. I’m taking my laptop w/ me, so I’ll be able to keep writing to you, Diary. I hope I only have good stuff to write about.


June 5, 2007

Dear Diary,

Add another name to the list of girls I would go gay for: Denise Deming. Denise is a fellow counselor here at the camp, and she is beautiful. She’s 5’9”, with naturally blonde hair (I did do a quick check when we were in the showers last night), and an amazing athletic build. If I was a guy I would say she has a great ass. I’m also jealous of her tits. They’re bigger than mine, a D cup to my C cup, yet they appear to be just as firm. It’s a good thing this camp is for girls only, because if we had male counselor’s and boy campers nobody would be able to concentrate when she was around. Shit, I’m a straight girl, and I can’t concentrate when she’s around. The best thing is that so far we are hitting it off great. Of course it’s only been three days. We’ll see how it goes.


June 8, 2007

Dear Diary,

OMG! The weirdest but most erotic thing happened today. We have a set time in the evenings to go to the showers, so we all go as a group. Well I was working late today helping some girls with their knot tying skills, and I didn’t get back to the cabin until the rest of the counselors were just getting back from the showers. I was worried I’d get in trouble for showering late, but one of the other counselors, I think it was Susan, told me that it was no big deal to shower late. Plus she told me that Denise was late too, and had just taken off for the showers.

I ran along the trail to showers to catch up, and saw Denise, ahead on the trail in the distance. I was about to call out to her to wait up, when I saw her leave the trail and head off into the woods. Curious, I quietly followed her in. I saw her stop and look around, and I hid behind a bush so that I could see what she was up to. When she was confident no one was around, I saw her cup her hand over her crotch, and start to piss. Her fucking shorts were still on! I could hear and see piss falling from her fingers, I saw her shorts getting wet, and piss running down her leg! I was shocked, but oh so turned on! After she finished pissing I saw her place her hand inside her shorts, obviously getting herself off. As quietly as I could I started to do the same. I bit my lip as I came so as not to make noise. After she came she hurried through the woods towards the showers. I waited a little bit, then made my own way there.

When I entered the showers I could hear the water running, but Denise was out of view. I looked down and saw her clothes on the floor. I reached down and felt her shorts and panties; why, I don’t know. I guess I just didn’t believe my eyes for a second, and wanted to confirm that what I saw was real. They were, of course, soaked. I then did something really weird: I picked the panties up and started to smell them. The salty smell of her piss was intoxicating! Next thing I knew (and trust me, I don’t know what possessed me to do this) I licked them to get a taste of her piss! I always thought it would be gross, but it wasn’t! The next thing you know, I’m starting to suck the piss out of them! It sounds so gross, but it was hot! I was lost in my own world, sniffing, licking, and sucking her panties, w/ my hand down my pants working on my second orgasm, when I heard her voice.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!” she shrieked at me. Fuck, I was caught! I didn’t know what to do. I thought about apologizing, but I didn’t know what to say. I thought about trying to make up an excuse, but how in the hell do you try to convince somebody that sucking the piss out of their panties while masturbating is an accident? One crazy, weird, stupid thing came into my mind, and, since I had done nothing but crazy, weird, stupid things the last several minutes, I decided to do it: with my hands still fingering my pussy inside my shorts, I decided to piss myself. I must have thought it would put us on equal footing.

The feeling of my hot piss hitting my fingers, running off them and soaking my panties, and running into my shorts and down my legs was electric! I couldn’t believe how great it felt! It must have looked good too, as I heard Denise exclaim “Holy shit that’s hot!”

The sight must have been too much for her. In an instant she was right in front of me, kissing me while holding her hand over my own. It was the best kiss I’ve ever had! So much softer than anything I ever got from Mike or one of my other boyfriends. As I was about to finish pissing she took her hand off of mine, place it in my shorts, gently moved mine aside, and started to finger me, all the while we were still passionately kissing each other. I came almost as soon as she started fingering me!

After I finished my orgasm, she knelt down in front of me and pulled down my shorts, but kept my panties on. She started to lick my pussy through my wet panties, taking the occasional break to suck some of the piss out. I was so turned on by seeing her do that! Eventually I pulled my panties aside, and she attacked my pussy with her tongue. I think I came twice while she was eating me! Nothing Mike ever did was near this hot or exciting!

After I came she stood up and started to kiss me again. Tasting all of my juices on her lips and tongue was amazing. I then knelt down and started to go down on her. I didn’t really know what to do, but I know what I like, and tried to reproduce it on her. It must have worked, as I could feel her body shudder and her start to whimper in no time. After that we kissed again, and then went to wash each other off in the shower.

“How did you know I would respond like that when you kissed me?” I asked her.

“You were standing up sucking my panties and pissing yourself,” she answered. “I figured it was a pretty safe bet that you wanted me. Now how did you think I’d respond when I saw you doing that?”

“I didn’t think about being caught,” I answered. “I had seen you piss in the woods and it turned me on. I don’t know what possessed me to start sucking your panties, or eve to piss myself, but now I’m glad I did.”

Hey, diary, the head counselor is going to the cabins telling everyone lights out. Good thing Tabitha* is already sleeping and not looking over my shoulder at this. Hopefully I’ll have more stuff to write about Denise later.

*[Editor’s note: her roommate. Diary entries about Tabitha have not been included in these excerpts.]


June 10, 2007

Dear Diary,

I had another exciting experience today! On Sundays both counselors and kids get the entire day for free time. There are church services available (of course I’m telling Mom I go every week), they have movies playing, everyone’s encouraged to do laundry, clean their cabins, enjoy nature, etc.

Anyway, Denise told me that she knew a completely secluded spot on the other side of the lake, so we took a canoe over there. As soon as we reached the spot we were all over each other! Kissing each other, taking our clothes off, fondling and licking each other’s tits, you name it! It was so hot. Finally, with both of us completely naked, Denise laid down in the grass. “Piss on me!” she said.

I stood above her and tried to piss, but I couldn’t. I guess I was too nervous. Who would have thought after Friday night, right? She then started to talk to me. “Close your eyes, relax Leslie. You’re home, in your bathroom. You need to piss. Imagine your sitting on the toilet. Relax your muscles. Just let it flow.”

It worked! I thought about being on the toilet, then I started to piss. I opened my eyes to see that I was spraying my piss on her stomach. I looked at her beautiful tits, and decided that I wanted to see them wet. So I spread my pussy lips, moved my hips, and aimed my stream at her tits. She purred, and rubbed my piss all over her tits. Just when my stream started to get weaker she sat up a little and started to drink from me. I emptied the rest of my bladder into her mouth, and she gulped down all she could. She then pulled me down on top of her and started to kiss me. I love the taste of my piss on her lips and tongue. I started to finger her as we kissed, and I felt her cum. I moved down her body and licked my piss off of her tits, sucking a playing with her nipples in the process. I continued to work my way down her body, licking my piss off of her body as I went.

Finally I got to her pussy. I started to lick her clit. I was trying to be gentle at first, but she grabbed my head and pushed it toward her pussy. I started to attack it with as hard and as fast as I could with tongue, as she was grinding that pussy into my face. I could feel her shiver hear her scream as she came.

As soon as she finished cumming she started to piss. I opened my mouth and started to drink her delicious, salty piss. I then moved up a little, holding my tits into her stream, loving the feeling of her hot piss hitting my nipples. All too quickly my golden shower was over. She moved me toward her, and returned a favor from earlier as she licked her piss from my tits. Finally, I sat on her face as she ate me, and must have cum three or four times. We slowly made our way back to the lake and, looking around to make sure no one was on the shore, quickly washed ourselves off in it. We dried ourselves (we were smart enough to bring along towels), and made our way back to the camp.

I can’t believe I was upset about going to camp. This is going to be the best summer ever!

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Part 2


September 4, 2007

Dear Diary,

Wow, my first day of college! I’m excited, but with Denise attending San Diego State I’m really second guessing my decision to go to Miramar Community College. It still is the best financial decision to attend Miramar for my basics, and then transfer to SDSU for my junior and senior year. It would be so awesome, however, to be able to go to school w/ Denise. Oh, well, I will still see her some evenings and all weekends.

I still haven’t told Mom and Don about us. They think that we are just friends. I think Don could handle the truth, he’s more open minded, but Mom would go through the roof if she found out I was dating a girl. It hurts to hearing her spouting off all that anti-gay shit, and she’s even done it a couple of times when Denise has been over. How will I ever tell her about us?

Anyway, Denise and I are going bike riding on Saturday. I’m going to spend all Saturday morning drinking water in preparation! It should be fun.


November 17, 2007

Dear Diary,

Denise finally told her parents about us. She was worried about how they would react, but it all worked out fine. They were very understanding and accepting. I only wish I could tell my Mom.

Denise keeps encouraging me to tell Don, hoping that he will be able to help me tell Mom. It seems so weird telling Don. I’m sure he would understand, but I still have the humongous crush on him. It would be like telling the boy you really, really like that you’re seeing someone else. I haven’t yet told Denise about all my feelings for Don. She still thinks I see him only as a father figure.


March 20, 2008

Dear Diary,

I finally told Denise about my gargantuan crush on Don. I was afraid she would think I was weird or something. She didn’t. She like totally understood. She thinks Don is cute too. She also thinks that maybe I should go for it. She doesn’t see anything wrong with the occasional fling w/ a guy, as long as we still maintain our feelings for each other.

I don’t know how she expects me to go for it. How do you seduce a guy that thinks of you as a daughter? There’s no way that this will ever become anything more than a fantasy.


May 16, 2008

Mom just told us earlier today that she won’t be able to get a week off of work this summer. She insisted that Don and I still take a week and go to the cabin. At first I was kind of bummed. It won’t be the same w/o Mom there. Then I told Denise about it. She told me that now was my chance. I will be up there at the cabin alone w/ Don. Denise and I are going to get together and try to come up w/ ways I can try to seduce him! Now I’ve never been so excited to go up to his cabin. The question is, will I have the nerve to try?


June 28, 2008

Dear Diary,

Yes! Phase 1 of the plan worked! Today Don and I drove up to his cabin. After unpacking, I suggested that we go for a hike. We were out hiking when, as he often does out in nature, Don got distracted by a squirrel, a bird, something. While he was distracted I sneaked off into the woods. When I got far enough away I pulled down my shorts and panties and squatted. I waited until I heard Don call for me, and then yelled “I’m over here!”

As soon as I heard Don coming closer I reached down, spread my pussy lips, and started to pee. As Don cleared a tree he had a straight shot at seeing a powerful stream of my piss hit the forest floor. It was making that great hissing sound, and hitting and splashing on some leaves and twigs. I saw Don stare at me for a moment, and I know I saw a bulge growing in his pants. Just then he got red faced and turned away, apologize to me profusely.

“Sorry Leslie,” he said. “If you were going to do that, why’d you call me over here?”

“I didn’t call you over here,” I replied. “You called for me, and I was just letting you know I was OK and was over here. I didn’t expect you to come.” I was, of course, lying. I knew he would come.

So there you have it. Don got all hard and flustered when he saw my pussy. Better yet, it was when he saw me pissing. I’m not out of the woods yet, so to speak, but at least there was some sexual attraction on his part. And that means I’ve got a chance.


June 29, 2008

Wow, so far, so good. Don has a little pond next to his cabin. He, Mom, and I swim in it at least a couple of times during our vacations every year. I suggested we go for a swim today. As we went into our rooms to change, I yelled out “Shit!”

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I forgot my stupid swimsuit,” I replied. I then walked out of the door wearing a white tank top and a pair of white cotton panties. “I guess I’m going to have to swim in this.”

“You can’t swim in that!” he said.

“What, you want to have all the fun while I sit and watch? Hell no! I’m going swimming. What’s wrong with this anyway? It covers more than my bikini?”

He stammered, but relented, not saying the obvious, that my outfit would become see-through in the water. We made our way out to the pond and jumped in.

After we jumped in I played with him the same way I did when I was a little girl – splashing him, jumping on his back trying to dunk him, wrestling w/ him in the water. The difference is now I’m a full grown woman, and I was wearing a see through shirt and panties (he got quite a few good looks at my tits, unfortunately my panties were too far under the water most of the time). During the horse play I was able to brush up against him sometimes, and could feel his hard dick in his swimsuit. He was constantly trying to move away from me, telling me to stop it, etc. Of course I didn’t listen, acting like I was only having some childish fun.

I was getting desperate, but I kept swimming like nothing was happening. Finally I said “Oh, god, I waited too long!” I jumped out of the water. At first he watched me get out of the water, but turned away when he saw all of my assets on display. I stopped at the shore of the pond and shouted “Shit!”

That caused him to look back toward me. “What’s wrong?”

I stood facing him. My tits were clearly visible beneath my shirt, and my nipples were poking out, rock hard because of the cold water. My red strip of pubic hair was clearly visible through my wet panties, and, if he would have been closer, he would have been able to see my pussy lips. What he unmistakably saw was me pissing through my panties.

“I really waited to long!” I exclaimed. The piss was coming through my panties and breaking up into two streams. One was falling directly into the shallow water at my feet, making a wonderful splashing sound. The other was running down my leg, feeling so nice and warm against my cold skin. I resisted the temptation to reach down and rub myself while I was pissing. I’ve stood in front of a mirror and pissed my panties before. I know I looked hot!

Don obviously thought so too. He stood there staring at me for a few seconds, his mouth open. I know that if he wasn’t neck deep in the water I would have seen a tent in his trunks. Finally he looked away. “Leslie, why didn’t you go sooner? Now look at what’s happened?”

“It’s no big deal,” I said. “The water will wash the piss out of my panties.” I then jumped back in the water. He avoided me as much as he could, not wanting to give away the big hard-on I knew he had. He finally got out, probably just has his dick returned to normal.

“I’m tired,” he said as he climbed out. “I’m going to go relax inside.”

“I’ll join you,” I said, making sure to climb out at the same time and give him one more look at my body.

This is going better than expected. I can’t believe that the plan that Denise and I put together is working so perfectly. Hopefully I’ll have more good news tomorrow.


June 30, 2008

Fuck!!!!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Damn it, I moved too fucking fast! Things were going so well that I diverted from the plan and jumped ahead. Now I might have ruined it. FUCK!

Tonight, after dinner, I told Don that I had something I really needed to tell him.

“What is it?” he asked.

“I think it might be easier to show you, rather than tell you,” I replied. With that I got up, turned on the TV, and put a DVD into the player. It was a video that Denise and I had made of us making out. You know, I told you about how we often set a camera up on a tri-pod. Anyway, we weren’t naked yet, but we were going at each other hot and heavy, and the clothes would all be coming off soon.

I was hoping that Don would start getting all excited by what he saw. Instead he just jumped up and turned off the TV. “Thanks for sharing this with me, Leslie,” he said. He then talked about how I shouldn’t keep my relationship w/ Denise from Mom, and went over what I should say to her, and offered his help. All nice things, but he gave no indication that he was turned on at all. FUCK!

I’m going to go now. I’ve got to lie down. This night really sucks.


July 1, 2008

Wow! OMG! The most amazing thing happened last night. Yes! It finally happened!

When I finished writing to you I laid down and turn off the lights, but I was too upset to go to sleep. After a while a heard the door creak, and pretended to be asleep.

“Leslie. Leslie, are you up?” I heard him say softly. I still pretended to be sleeping. “Leslie” he said one more time, this time a little bit louder. I didn’t stir. Finally he walked away from the door.

I waited a couple of minutes, then walked to the door. I peeked through the crack, and could see Don sitting on the couch. I squinted, and then realized what he was doing! He was rubbing his dick! He was watching the DVD and jerking himself off!

I quickly changed into nothing but a silk robe, silently opened the door, and walked into the living room. He was so preoccupied with the TV that he didn’t notice me, that is, until I sat down beside him.

“Leslie, oh, fuck, honey, I’m …” he stammered.

“Don, it’s OK, I understand. Denise is hot. You’d be crazy not to be attracted to her. I obviously am, and I thought I was straight until I met her. Sit down, join me.”

I pulled him down and sat back on the couch. I hoped that talking about Denise instead of me on the screen would reduce some of his panic. I then opened my robe and fingered my pussy as I rubbed my tits.

“Leslie, I, uh, I …”

“Quiet, Don. I obviously have nothing to hide from you anymore,” I said, motioning toward the TV. “Stay seated, enjoy the moment. Enjoy watching Denise. I am.”

It worked. Don had been so turned on that all he needed was an excuse to rub off to Denise and me. I had given him one. An added bonus, one that he wouldn’t have admitted to, was having me playing with myself right next to him. It wasn’t long before he started masturbating himself again. He was a little conscientious at first, but as he kept watching the movie, he became more and more comfortable.

I knew a part was coming up soon that would either disgust him or blow his mind. I hoped it was the latter. I took the opportunity to push things further. Quickly, I grabbed his cock, knelt down in front of the couch, and took that beautiful dick into my mouth. He was shocked, and tried to struggle away at first, but I was persistent, and soon he gave up. I could hear him moaning, obviously enjoying the moment. I then heard what was about to happen in the movie, and wondered what Don’s reaction would be.

Don watched the screen and saw Denise stand above me and start to piss on my tits. I remembered the feeling, how I had rubbed it all over myself, and then started to drink from her wonderful stream. I had watched that particular scene many times, and thought it was hot. What would Don think?

I heard him exclaim “What the fuck!” as the scene started, and then heard his moaning getting louder, his breathing more shallow, as it continued. Without warning he lost it, spurting a strong stream of cum into my mouth. I kept my mouth clamped on his cock, swallow all of his sperm as it spurted into my mouth.

As he finished cumming I looked up at him. “How was that?” I asked.

“Fuck, that was wonderful, Leslie!” he replied. “But …”

I wasn’t about to let him ruin the moment. “Piss on me!” I ordered.


“Piss on me! Piss on my tits, like Denise did in the movie. You know it turned you on. Piss on me!”

He was now standing, I was still kneeling in from of him. I grabbed his cock, now only partially hard, and pointed it toward my tits. He looked at me, and then tried to piss. It took him about thirty seconds, or so, and then a small stream of piss trickled on the floor. Fortunately it picked up in strength, and soon I had a torrent of his piss hitting my tits. His hot piss hitting my nipples and soaking my tits was awesome! I rubbed it into my tits, and then directed the stream to my mouth. I looked up at Don as I was drinking his piss. He had this amazing look in his eyes, I think it was half surprise and half lust.

His piss tasted good. It was a little stronger that Denise’s piss usually tastes, but still, it tasted good. As soon as he finished I stood up, grabbed the back of his head, and started to kiss him. I think he was going to try to move away at first, but after deciding that things weren’t so bad after all, he kissed me back. His kisses aren’t as soft as Denise’s, but there was strength behind them. I melted into his arms.

After we finished kissing I grabbed his shoulders and started to pull him down. He got the hint, and started working on my tits. Feeling his tongue on my piss soaked nipples sent shock waves through my body. I couldn’t believe that after having a crush on him all these years Don was making love to me!

Soon he picked me up and carried me to the shower. He has a large shower that even includes a bench to sit on. He stood me on the edge of that bench, spread my legs apart, bent down a little, and started to eat my pussy. I can’t say he was as good as Denise, but he was close. God his tongue felt good. It didn’t take me long to cum. I had, after all, wanted this forever. Fortunately he didn’t stop, and I came once more. Finally I warned him that I had to piss.

He backed away slightly, opened his mouth, and waited for it. It didn’t take long until I hit him straight in the mouth with a strong piss stream. He eagerly drank it. It was so erotic looking at him drinking from me, the amount that he couldn’t drink pouring from his mouth. Before my piss started to weaken he backed up a little, straightened up, and placed his dick in the stream. He played with his dick in my piss stream, and I could see it getting harder and harder. As soon as I finished pissing he picked me up, leaned me up against the shower wall, and started to fuck me. My legs were wrapped around him, squeezing him hard as he thrust in me with all of his might, banging my ass against the shower wall. It was pure, hard, hot animal lust. We did this for several minutes. I came twice more. Finally I felt a big hot spurt of his cum inside me. We kissed for what seemed like forever. Finally we cleaned ourselves up, then went to clean up the mess we made only the floor of his family room (thank god for wood flooring). We then went to his bed and I fell asleep in his arms.

He’s still sleeping now. If I didn't wake up in his bed this morning I would think it was all a dream. I’m still pinching myself. I don’t get cell phone coverage up here, so I’m going to email Denise the details. This is so awesome!


July 2, 2008

I’m not surprised, but Don did try to break it up with me. Yesterday, after he woke up, he apologized to me, telling me what a mistake it was, blah, blah, blah. I changed the subject and started making him breakfast. After we ate he started in again, explaining why we couldn’t do this, how it was wrong, how it would hurt Mom if she ever found out, all of that stuff.

I, of course, didn’t want to hear it. I never want this to end. We were sitting there, in the dining room. He had moved his chair so that it was directly facing me. I made sure that I was directly facing him. As he was talking I put my legs up on the chair, opened them up, pulled my shorts and panties aside, and pissed a fountain that hit him on the lap. The look on his face was precious! Still pissing, I stood up, my panties and shorts falling back in place, straddled his lap, and wet both of our pants. I started to kiss him, and he kissed me back as I felt his cock growing in his jeans. After I finished pissing I stood up, took off my shorts and panties, and sat back down on his lap. I started to squeeze the piss out of clothing into his mouth. I then took the panties, place them in his mouth, and took off his pants.

I knelt in front of him and gave him a blow job. I loved the taste of my piss on his dick. After sucking on him for a while I straddled him again, letting his dick slide into my pussy. I rode him hard as he continued to suck the piss from my panties. I came a few minutes later, quick followed by him. I kept him in my pussy, and told him to piss in me. This is something I can’t experience w/ Denise. It was awesome. I could feel his piss fill my pussy, then pour out all over him. I can’t tell you how sexy it was.

Afterward I asked him, “So you still think this is not a good idea?”

“It’s not, really,” he answered. “Unfortunately I can’t give this up. I’ve never felt like this with anybody. Ever. You’re the best, craziest, kinkiest lover I’ve ever had.”

We’ve fucked like bunnies and pissed like – well, I don’t know what – ever since. Denise is thrilled every time I email her another one of our adventures. These last two summers have been the best of my entire life!

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Part 3


September 10, 2008

Dear Diary,

Denise and I are going to go see the new movie “Burn After Reading” on Friday. It looks to be really funny, and Denise and I both love Brad Pitt. Denise’s roommate will be gone this weekend, so it will be easy to have some wet fun with her after the movie. It’s only two more days, but I can’t wait!

On the other hand, it’s still hard for me to get some alone time w/ Don. Every time he comes over Mom is always around. In the two months or so since we’ve left the cabin we’ve only been able to make love once, that time I told you about. It sucks! Hopefully we will be able to get together again soon.


September 13, 2008

Dear Diary,

Today was a lot of fun! Mom decided to have a cook out today. Don was of course invited over, and Mom asked if I wanted to have Denise over. She still doesn’t know we are a couple, BTW. Don has tried to get me to tell her a couple of times, but I ask him if I should tell her about all of my relationships, and he clams up. I don’t know which would make mom freak out more – me dating a girl, or Don and me having sex. There’s no way I’m telling her about either one.

Back to the cook out. Denise and I wore the tiniest little bikinis as we went swimming while Don cooked the food and Mom worked in the kitchen. Mom was horrified at the sizes of our bikinis, but I told her it was only her, me, Denise, and Don, why should she care? She relented and said that it was OK to wear them if no one else was over, but not to wear them when we had a party, or to the beach, etc. I agreed. How’s she going to know what Denise and I wear to the beach?

Anyway, I could tell that Don was struggling not to ogle Denise and me while Mom was around. When she was in the house, however, he would sometimes stare, and I would flash him my tits and pussy. Denise even did it a couple of times. It was hard for him to continually hide the bulge in his pants from Mom. Denise and I were laughing about it all day.

Later, while we were outside eating, Mom asked me to get her a drink from the fridge. Don asked me if I could get him one too. I returned carrying three cups, one each for Mom, Don, and Denise. I gave Mom a Coke, but really wanted to see how Don and Denise liked their drinks.

Don took a sip, and then looked at me in surprise. At first I think he was shocked that it was warm, and then he realized what it was! He gave me a little smile, then made a point to gulp down my piss as I watched! It was so hot! Denise watched this, looked at her cup, and figured what was going on. She gave me a wink as she drank hers, purposely letting some pour out of the side of her mouth. I wanted to kiss her right then and there! It was fun, and Mom was none the wiser.

Later, Mom decided to go to the store for some ice cream. Usually she makes me go, but I was still in my bikini. Vons is just around the corner, so I knew I didn’t have much time. As soon as she left I pulled down Don’s shorts, and grabbed his dick in order to suck him.

“Leslie, we’re outside!” he complained.

“Come on, Don, nobody can see into our yard,” I replied.

“Yeah, but Denise is here!”

“Don’t worry about me!” Denise responded.

I took Don’s dick into my mouth, then let it out, and started to lick it. He stopped complaining. I know that Denise started to finger herself as she watched me give Don a blow job. I turned to look, and saw that Denise had pulled her bikini bottoms aside, and piss was splashing everywhere as she working her pussy with her fingers. I turned and looked up at Don, his dick still in mouth. He was staring at Denise, obviously enjoying the show. It didn’t take long before I felt a hot squirt of cum hit the back of my throat, and I continued to suck until he was finished.

After he came, I looked up at him and said “Piss on me!”

“Piss on us, you mean,” said Denise, as she knelt down beside me.

Don knew better than to argue with two determined women, and aimed his dick right at my tits and started to piss. I started to rub it all over my tits, and then he turned and started to piss on Denise’s tits. After soaking her tits, he turned his stream back to me, this time pissing in my mouth. As I started to drink his delicious piss I felt Denise gently turn my head, and she started kissing me! While Don was still pissing on my face! He made sure to aim his stream at our mouths while we kissed each other. It was so fucking hot! Kissing my girlfriend, feeling her soft lips and warm tongue, while tasting Don’s piss running through our mouths was electric. I know Don was turned on too, as I heard a “Holy shit!” escape his mouth.

Denise and I continued to make out after Don finished, tasting his piss off of each other’s mouths and tits. We were both lost in the moment when we heard Don speak.

“Girls, I could watch this forever, but Vons is right around the corner. Mary will be home in a minute.”

Denise and I knew he was right, and reluctantly stopped. We jumped in the pool to clean up. It was only a minute or two later when Mom returned w/ the ice cream. What an awesome day! Too bad we had to cut it short. Hopefully the three of us can repeat it soon. I just don’t know how we can get together, Mom's always around.


November 14, 2008

Dear Diary,

I’m so excited! I finally got that scholarship offer to San Diego State! The best thing is that I thought I would have to finish out this year at Miramar College before transferring to SDSU, but it ends out I can start next semester! This is awesome!


December 6, 2008

Dear Diary,

Denise and I finally picked out an apartment. We move in next month, right before the spring semester starts. It’s w/in walking distance to the campus, has a nice pool, and it’s not too small. We got a two bedroom; Mom would never understand why we would get a one bedroom, but, of course, the second bedroom won’t really get used. It’s going to be so much fun living together!

Oh, and Mom, Don, and I are going to the cabin for Christmas. Hopefully it will snow up there and we’ll have my first white Christmas ever. Too bad Don and I won’t be able to repeat what we did last summer up there, but there’s no way w/ Mom around. It’s still only been four times that we’ve been able to get together since the last time we were at the cabin, including that one time with Denise back in September. I’m still hoping to get the three of us together again, but I don’t know how.


January 16, 2009

Dear Diary,

Awesome! Denise just told me that her Dad is going to have to go out of town tomorrow. That just leaves Don to help us move stuff into our new apartment! Now I’m going to have to think of fun things to do tomorrow after the moving is over. Finally! Yes!


June 18, 2009

Dear Diary,

Greetings from my new apartment. OMG, last night was so good! I’m going to love living w/ Denise.

Anyway, I won’t bother w/ the details of the move. After we got all of our stuff in I asked Don if he could help Denise and me make the beds. He agreed. He grabbed the packages of sheets we had just bought, but I told him to wait first, and pulled out a couple a water proof mattress covers. He kind of chuckled to himself, and then helped us make the bed.

Afterward he said he had to go, when Denise piped up: “Aren’t you going to help us break in these new beds?

I was half expecting Don to try to make up an excuse, try to talk his way out of it, the way he usually does, meaning I would have to seduce him again. This time, however, I think it was the invitation he was waiting for! He grabbed Denise and gave her a huge kiss! We were both stunned! Then I walked up to him and gave him a huge kiss myself. At the same time Denise was unfastening his belt buckle.

We pulled off his pants and laid him on one of the beds. We both started in licking his cock. Denise then started to deep throat him. After a little while I pulled off my pants and sat on his face, while Denise continued to blow him. He started in tonguing my clit. God it felt so good, it’s been since last summer that he ate me, and his technique is so different than Denise’s. I grabbed the head board for support and started grinding my pussy into his face. It didn’t take long for me to cum.

After I finished cumming I thanked Don, and told him I had a reward for him. I stood above on the bed and started to spread my pussy lips when I heard Denise cry out “Wait!”

She moved to the head of the bed. “Hey, he doesn’t get all of your piss. I want some too!”

Don sat up, and they were sitting next to each other at the head of the bed. I moved back a step or two, bent my knees a little, spread my pussy lips, and did my best to aim my pussy in their direction. Then I let go.

My stream hit Don right in the chest. He bent down a little bit and started to drink it. He then moved aside so Denise could have a taste. While Denise was drinking he tore off her T-shirt. It was an amazing site. My pee was flowing into and then out of Denise’s mouth, and falling onto her chest. Don was licking that up off of her tits. Watching these two share my piss was so hot!

After I finished pissing I joined them on the bed, kissing both of them, and cleaning what remained of my piss off of Denise’s tits. Denise then looked at Don. “Now it’s your turn. I want you to piss on both us, the way you did that one time at Leslie’s house.”

It was Don’s turn to stand on the bed. He aimed his dick at Denise, and started to piss. She took the strong jet of piss in her mouth, and tried to swallow as much as she could, but, of course, a lot of it was pouring out of her mouth, soaking her tits all over again. The he aimed it at me. I always love the taste of his piss, and then sensation of it flowing out of my mouth and onto the rest of my body. About half way through Denise and I started kissing, just as we had done back at my house that day. It was just as electric.

After he finished Denise started working on my right tit, cleaning it off w/ her tongue. Don knelt down and worked on my left tit. Having both of my tits licked and sucked at once was awesome! Don and I then worked on Denise’s tits. Eventually I moved down her body and began to eat her pussy.

There I was, on all fours, my ass in the air, eating Denise, when I felt Don slip inside my pussy. My god, having your own pussy fucked while eating someone else’s is incredible. Denise must have felt it too, the way I attacked her pussy while getting pounded by Don. I felt Denise shudder, and I knew she was cumming. I lapped up her juices while she did so, which probably pushed me to my own orgasm.

After she came off of her orgasm I heard her say “Time to switch positions. I want you to fuck me, Don.”

She motioned Don to lay down on wet bed, and then mounted his cock. It was so hot see her move up and down on top of him, her tits bouncing as she did so. I stood next to her and kissed her, lost in the moment of seeing my girlfriend fuck the man I’ve had a crush on my entire life. I continued to kiss her, and play with and suck her tits, as she rode him. It wasn’t long until she had another orgasm.

When she came she obviously lost control over her bladder, and started pissing. Her piss ran over Don’s cock and balls, and I leaned down and was licking it off of Don. This must have been too much for him, as he started to cum. I grabbed his Dick and put it in my mouth as he did so, swallowing the hot cum. The three of us laid in the bed for a while fondling and kissing each other. Don did have some other commitments, however, and eventually had to shower and leave.

Holy shit that was great! The best part of it is, now that Denise and I have our own apartment, he can come over anytime, w/o Mom being around. This is going to be the best time of my life!

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These diary entries are awesome, Wsvoyeur. Only today have I finally found the time and the right mental space to read stories, and this was the first. Had I known of it's quality, I'd definitely have read it sooner.

The primary focus here is of course golden showers rather than naughty pissing as such - my main interest - but golden showers float my boat too, especially when they are as erotically well written as this.

I do hope that you sometime add more diary entries.

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These diary entries are awesome, Wsvoyeur. Only today have I finally found the time and the right mental space to read stories, and this was the first. Had I known of it's quality, I'd definitely have read it sooner.

The primary focus here is of course golden showers rather than naughty pissing as such - my main interest - but golden showers float my boat too, especially when they are as erotically well written as this.

I do hope that you sometime add more diary entries.

Thanks steve. I really appreciate the feedback. I wrote these as diary entries in order to try something different. I'm happy that it worked for you, and that you really enjoyed the stories.

As far as adding more diary entries, I'm sorry, but I just don't see that happening. I told the story that I wanted to tell, and have a myriad of other stories floating around in my head. Hopefully I'll someday get the time to type them all out.

Thanks again for your comments, they are much appreciated.

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Thanks Alfresco. I'm happy that you liked the stories, and liked the diary format. Who knows, maybe some day I'll try writing a story in this format again. I really appreciate the feedback.

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