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Roommates 3

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Roommates 3

Sara's hairbrush wasn't a first for Lily, she had been experimenting with various objects since she was about 14. She had tried mallets, toothbrushes, and her own hair brushes from time to time, as well as a few vegetables. She found she preferred carrots of all of those, not only because she could shape them how she wanted, but it made her feel extra naughty when she ate it after she was done. There was something that felt extra naughty about using her roommate’s hairbrush. It made Lily feel like a part of Sara was fucking her, and she couldn't stop thinking about it all that day. After drum line sectionals, she grabbed a quick bite to eat from the student union and headed back to her dorm room.

A part of Lily was terrified that Sara had found out, and would be furious with her. The last thing Lily wanted was a new roommate, she loved living with Sara, and she was sure she would die of embarrassment if Sara told an RA what she had done. Lily almost panicked, but took a few deep breaths, and realized that the chances of Sara discovering what she had done were slim to none, with no way to prove it. Besides, Sara had always came off as very open minded when it came to sexual matters. Far more open minded then her parents had been at the very least.

All of her worries seemed for naught when she came into her dorm room. Sara was typing something on her computer, wearing a tank top that did nothing to conceal her gorgeous breasts, and a tight pair of yoga pants that left nothing to the imagination. Lily looked over her roommate a second longer than she intended, wishing she had such delicious curves as her, not her plain stick figure body.

“Hey roomie!” Sara greeted Lily without looking up at her computer screen, “How was your day?”

“Same old, same old, Bryan kept screwing up his part and throwing the rest of the bass line off, but what else is new. Did you get started on the Calc homework for Steward?”

“Yeah, I spent a good part of my afternoon on that, and did some laundry and cleaned up a bit, I got stuck on 38, and was going to see if you could help me puzzle it out. I was thinking of heading to the store after a bit, did you want to come?”

“What do you need at the store?” Lily asked, wondering again if she suspected something, and hoping that she didn't sound nervous.

“Oh, I dropped my toothbrush in the toilet on accident, and so I’m going to go get a new one. Maybe some pop if some is on sale.” Sara thought she heard a hint of concern in Lily's voice, and it made her pussy throb a little. The last thing she wanted was to scare Lily off. Sara had used her hairbrush several times to get herself off over the years. The gel handle worked better than some other hairbrushes she had tried over the years. She had fucked herself earlier with the hairbrush in question to a second mind blowing orgasm, thinking of it being inside Lily.

“I can give you a few dollars for a 12 pack of Pepsi, I’m good on coffee right now.”

“That's fine, you bought last time, and it’s my turn.”

The conversation drifted to school work and TV over the next hour. Sara went over to her dresser and got out a nice mid-thigh skirt, and selected a rather plain T-Shirt from her closet. She briefly debated changing in the restroom, but decided to gauge her roommate’s reaction as she changed in front of her, all the while keeping the same topic of conversation. First Sara took of her shirt nice and slowly, never breaking eye contact with Lily. She then threw her shirt in the general direction of the laundry hamper, but it deliberately fell short. Next she started to peel her yoga pants off nice and slow, giving her a nice look at her breasts from all the angles. She then turned around a kicked with her foot the yoga pants towards the hamper, making sure more to give her roommate a glimpse of her neatly trimmed muff than any attempt at accuracy. Sara slowly walked over to the hamper, bent over giving Lily a perfect view of her ass, and picked the clothes up and put them in. She slowly slipped the t-shirt over her head, and played with her breasts to give them maximum perk and ensure that her nipples were clearly visible through the fabric. She reached down, stepped into the skirt, ensuring to wiggle her ass as she pulled it up, and gave a short hop when she got it at her waist to give her breasts a nice jiggle. She buttoned and zipped the skirt, and then put her leg up leaving her skirt wide open for Lily to see the moisture dripping from her pussy as she buckled her sandals.

Lily definitely took this chance to check out her roommate top to bottom. This wasn't the first time she had seen Sara naked, but this was the first time Sara gave her so much of a show. Did Sara know how Lily felt about her, and was this her way of teasing her about it? Lily dismissed that thought, and if the way Sara's nipples were getting hard and her pussy dripping was any indication, she knew exactly what she was doing, and was getting turned on by it.

Sara for her part loved the attention Lily was giving her, and it made her feel all sorts of sexy. As a nod to modesty, she did grab a hooded sweatshirt. “You sure you don't need anything at the store?”

“No, I’m good, thanks.” Lily had definitely noticed that Sara had omitted bra and panties, and her mind ran wild wondering what she was going to get up to. As soon as Sara had closed the door, Lily unbuttoned her jeans and had her hand inside the waistband of her panties. She started massaging her clit, when she felt the urge to pee. One of her favorite things about her leather chair was how easy it was to clean up. She let a short burst go into her cotton panties, and took a small amount and rubbed it into her clit. She got up out of her chair, headed to the bathroom to get her towel, and Sara's hairbrush. Lily put the towel down under the chair and sat back down, she didn't want to do any more cleanup than she had to, and if Sara came back early, she could say she spilled something. Lily loved the warm feeling in her panties and the way the jeans hugged her crotch when they were wet. She let out another, longer spurt, this time feeling the piss pool around her ass and soaking through her jeans there too. She wasn't sure how long she was going to get before Sara came back, so she decided to unleash a flood into her chair and jeans, holding back nothing. She loved the feeling of the piss creating back pressure on her pussy, and she began to grind her crotch into the chair. She slowly peeled her jeans off, and then began to attack her clit in earnest, while her other hand took her roommates hairbrush and slowly inserted it little by little. She had soon lubed up the handle of the brush enough to begin fucking herself in earnest. She did her best to stifle a cry of ecstasy as she brought herself to climax, but a little one escaped none the less.

She desperately hoped none of her neighbors heard, as she quickly started to clean up. Lily debated taking a quick shower, but opted just give her legs a quick rinse. She decided to take a page out of Sara's book and just put on a pair of comfy sweatpants as she went to do some laundry.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with Alfresco, another great installment. Building up the tension to when these girls finally find out about each other is brilliant, but it doesn't help me with my impatience! :-) I can't wait to read the next chapter.

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