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Pissing off the hotel maids

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OK so you all know that I love to pee in hotels. I think it's obnoxiously funny and the thrill of "getting away with it" combined with my love to laugh excites me. But do you think it's cruel and unfair to the maids? hahahaha I suppose my peeing activity would really piss them off right? (pun intended) what do you think???


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I guess it probably does,but if you can get away with it,why not?Notice the small trickle running between her butt cheeks,thats horny!Can we see the blonde lady having a pee too?

I'm glad I could capture your interest and provoke you to comment. The blond lady is one of my very best friends and she too is featured in this particular video. Sorry I don't have a sample of her peeing. . . but you can see the whole video inside the members area of my site. http://www.misspiss.com

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Guest Anonymous

As long as nobody gets hurt, and not just physically but also morally, like insults for example, I have no problems with you peeing in hotel rooms or anywhere else that would be considered naughty.

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I'd also consider the factor of how thin your pee is. If you would drink LOTS and LOTS before doing this and your pee is like water, who cares? No smell, no stain, it dries up and it's gone.

On the other hand if it's strong smelly yellow morning pee - NO, I would never condone that.

I like games with 'clean' pee anyway since even though I love pee as being a hot liquid erupting from a girl's most private parts, I really can't stand the smell / taste of strong pee.

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I'm a big fan of hotel peeing but have my own rules

  • Drink lots of water to avoid smelly yellow pee
  • Don't leave obvious puddles
  • Clean up after my fun as necessary

A little effort for me is worth the time. I'm not going to leave a pee puddle on the bathroom floor but who notices a damp spot on the carpet? The maids are focused on their work, they're not inspecting the room. If your reasonably discreet then they probably won't notice anything. They're trained not to notice things (dildos on the night table, condoms in the bin, etc.) so just keep it under control.

I don't condone actual damage. That's not cool. Wet spots dry but damage is permanent.

Keep up the good work, MP :thumbsup:

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