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Road Rage


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Maigh and Mary were a little bored during the week, so they drove to Melbourne, had dinner, went to movies and stayed the night at a hotel. Next day they fussed about, done some shopping, picked up some PC bits I ordered then left the city just on dark. Travelling in the middle lane of the freeway, a Chrysler 300c driving beside them on the passenger side, moved into Maigh's lane, hitting her car. When they could stop safely, the guy jumped out of his car and was yelling abuse at Maigh, ranting that she was driving in his blind spot, and that it was her fault. This went on for several minutes until the Highway Patrol turned up, and he turned to water and admitted that he didn't look.

Maigh and Mary were shaken up by this, both in tears, and another couple that had stopped, got them settled down. No injuries to anyone, minor damage to Maigh's car, just shaken up by this idiot screaming at them.

I've cleaned most of this off, just looks like the tyre of the Chrysler rubbed away at the paintwork. Maigh is still a little shaky, does not want to drive as yet, Mary is comforting her as much as she can.

Anyone else been in this situation?



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Glad to see they're ok! I second everything Egwalrus said.

Consider using dashcam. I have a dashcam app on my phone. Didn't use it for some time but recently I started using it again, after nearly being rammed by a couple such idiots. I use this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.richardtozer.dashcam It's simple and easy and works fine. Using a dashcam takes some work, some effort. I discipline myself into using it by doing a mindgame pretending I'm a pilot. Just imagine the number of checks and devices pilots need to work on before they can fly an airliner, or a fighter jet. All we need to do is:

* connect phone to charger

* turn on the dashcam

* turn on your sat-nav if needed

* buckle up

* turn on the car

* check all around

* signal if needed

* off you go....

Turning on the dashcam simply should be part of that routine, that's what I mean. It should be as natural as unzipping your pants to take a leak. (On a wetting site, that might not fully apply, though.)

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Car has been checked, all good. Insurance chick has been out, discussed options for the slight crease in the guard, we would have to pay the "no claim bonus" due to no damage on the 300c. I'll try and pop it out myself. Other thing that only came to light later was that the guy followed her, she turned off at a service station, best public place she could find, and he was there behind her. They had more words and she went inside, and he was gone when they came out. This I think, was the bigger shock, she has been stalked before, freaked them both out a fair bit.

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I can definitely understand that. Perhaps the guy would be caught on the service station's CCTV? In which case the Highway Patrol might be interested...

We have all his details, he never asked for anything from Maigh or Mary, seems to me that this in itself was admission of fault.

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