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In the car. A true story of desperation and relief

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This is a true story involving my first wife that happened many years ago.

I have been into watersports ever since high school. That's where I met my first wife. Although she wasn't 100% into pee fun herself she would always indulge me to make me happy. Golden showers...naughty peeing..desperation and sometimes ever wetting herself. That however was not our original plan for tonight..but things change.

We had gone out for a night on the town. Dinner at a very nice steak house and then off to the movies to take in the latest show. And a treat when we got home..she had promised to hold her pee all evening and give me a huge golden shower when we got home. I was really looking forward to it. When she held her pee for me she could really let it rip and pee for a LONG time. I knew it was going to be a fun evening.

Dinner was wonderful. I also enjoyed watching as she guzzled down 3 large glasses of tea with her meal. Then a short drive to the theater where we each got a popcorn and a Jumbo coke with all you can drink refills. I really didn't keep track of how many refills she got but it was at least 2 or 3. Near the end of the movie she leaned over and whispered that her bladder was really getting full and she was sure she could drown me when we got home. My cock was stiff as a board just thinking about it.

When the movie ended we went to get up. My wife stood up and kind of froze. Then she sat right back down. I knew something was wrong. She told me that when she stood up the urge to pee increased greatly and she almost started to pee. She told me she wasn't sure if she would be able to make it home without wetting herself. She suggested that maybe she should go and pee some in the bathroom before we left...and then hold the rest until she got home. I agreed hoping she wouldn't lose control and not be able to stop. We made our way to the lobby with her almost holding her crotch and trying not to leak.

When we got to the lobby it was a nightmare. The line to the ladies room was out the door. She took one look and told me she would not be able to wait in that long line. It was a late movie and it was dark outside so I suggested we hurry to the car and she could squat by the car and let some pee out. She agreed.

We made it to the car but it seemed like every time she was about to drop her jeans someone would walk by or a car would turn on it's headlights making it impossible to do what she needed to do. Finally she told me to just get in the car and get her home fast..so we headed out for home which was about 15 minutes away.

As soon as she got in the car she unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans to relieve some of the pressure. She said that helped a little but still said her eyeballs were floating and not to waste any time getting her home...she sat kind of curled up in a ball holding her crotch. I knew she was very uncomfortable but this was really turning me on since it was 100% genuine desperation. I could only imagine the golden shower I was going to get when we got home. But I forgot one detail. In my haste to get her home I forgot about the railroad crossing about 2 miles from the house and before I knew it we bounced across it jarring her bladder. She let out a painful moan.

She told me that was all she could take and she was going to have to relieve herself. I told her I would try and find a safe place to pull off the road so she could pee but she told me not to bother because she was preparing to let go in her jeans. I begged her to hold on a little longer but she said she just couldn't hold it. She sat up in her seat and leaned the seat back as much as she could. Then she spread her legs apart. She told me she was sorry that I was about to lose my golden shower but she suggested I could put my hand in her jeans if I wanted, so I did. As much as I hated what she was about to do to the car seat it was an amazing turn on knowing she was about to have a genuine accident.

She let out a sigh...and relaxed. And then it happened, I felt her warm pee begin to trickle over my fingers. I rubbed her pussy as the stream became stronger. Within second the gentle trickle because a gushing stream that sprayed out so hard I could hear the hissing sound it made. The stream was blasting against my hand but a lot of it too was going between my fingers and drenching her pants. This seamed to go on forever but If I had to guess it probably lasted at least a minute and a half. Finally her stream slowed and I could feel as she pushed to get out the few final spurts. She sighed again. "OK I'm finished" she said. I pulled my hand out from between her crotch and licked my fingers to taste her pee. No longer in agony she zipped up her pants and buttoned them.

When we got home we went inside to inspect the damage. Since she was sitting to the crotch and back of her pants were drenched. Had she been standing up I am sure it would have spread down the legs of her jeans on both sides. I decided to wait until tomorrow to worry about the car seat....We peeled off her wet pants and took a long shower together. This was one of only 2 times I ever saw her pee her pants out of true desperation...something I will never forget.


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What a wonderful, hot story, thanks for sharing it! It is interesting that she preferred to pee her pants instead of peeing somewhere else, where you could have pulled over.

And of course, as you already announced it, I would be very much interested to hear about the second you saw her wetting her pants!

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What a wonderful, hot story, thanks for sharing it! It is interesting that she preferred to pee her pants instead of peeing somewhere else, where you could have pulled over.

And of course, as you already announced it, I would be very much interested to hear about the second you saw her wetting her pants!

I think at that point she didn't think she could make it to the side of the road so peeing in her pants was her only option.

I may post the second story soon..however it's a lot like this one...also happening in our car. That was one lucky car seat :-)


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I think at that point she didn't think she could make it to the side of the road so peeing in her pants was her only option.


Does this mean you had no chance to pull over at that very moment?

Don't get me wrong, it's extremely hot to read how she pissed herself! But if you pulled over, she wouldn't be have had to hold it longer than she finally did? Just curious... Anyway, what a hot experience!!

Btw, what can be done with the damage on the car seat in such a case? Was her pee only on the seat...? Nothing on the floor...?

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Does this mean you had no chance to pull over at that very moment?

Don't get me wrong, it's extremely hot to read how she pissed herself! But if you pulled over, she wouldn't be have had to hold it longer than she finally did? Just curious... Anyway, what a hot experience!!

Btw, what can be done with the damage on the car seat in such a case? Was her pee only on the seat...? Nothing on the floor...?

In the area where we were their was no safe place to pull over. It would have taken several minutes to find a good spot and she just couldn't wait any longer. I'll be posting about the second time here shortly

Wetman. PS I'll try and answer the other question later.

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In the area where we were their was no safe place to pull over. It would have taken several minutes to find a good spot and she just couldn't wait any longer.

Thanks - this makes the story even hotter!! ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You see she should have just peed in the seat/floor at the movies. No one would be in there to know after 2 minutes of ending. Depending on where you sit and who is by you, she didn't even need to wait that long! I mean I've done it and it is harder for a guy than a girl.

Do that next time... on purpose!

Still nice story.

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You see she should have just peed in the seat/floor at the movies. No one would be in there to know after 2 minutes of ending. Depending on where you sit and who is by you, she didn't even need to wait that long! I mean I've done it and it is harder for a guy than a girl.

Do that next time... on purpose!

Still nice story.

I don't think she would have been brave enough to do that...plus until she actually lost control her intentions were to hold it and give me a golden shower when we got home


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  • 4 months later...
Do you mean it's harder for a guy to do it discreetly? Because in almost every other circumstance, it is easier for a guy to piss in public.

u are right simpfan, it is easier for men to piss in public, us guys just unzip pull it out and piss

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