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Brazen pee sightings

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Another classic view, the woman has gone to the backside of the building but knowing well its a public place she also covered her head head and face but she is fully exposed. Also notice she is carrying a bottle of water to wash her pussy after peeing.




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The last series of pics highlights what I have written about my sightings. As I mentioned when women would reach their selected venue to pee, they would have their dress already lifted up like the woman above, some women would lift it the moment they would be outside the tent, others would lift it as soon as they would step into the grass. Best of all when they would lower themselves or raise themselves, their asscheeks would part to reveal what you see in photos above giving me a up close view of their goodies.

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[GALLERY=media, 3670]Pic_67_big by vpw posted Aug 27, 2015 at 8:12 AM[/GALLERY]

Another very common sighting of ladies peeing methods here in India. Usually I would have tons of sightings like this in outdoor spots and picnic spots. I had many similar sightings behind the famous tent as a teen. It would mostly be slightly older women who would go like this on the grass but I also saw some truly pretty young girls as well baring their bottoms and do a standing pee with legs spread and everything on show.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Another memory from childhood. I was in seventh grade walking back home. I had got late so I usually took a shortcut through a alley which faced the huge school wall on one side and back wall of houses. It would usually be a place where there would be less traffic. As I walked down the alley and I was the only one at that time, from distance I saw a woman walk inside the alley. She had a big broom in her hand indicating she was one of the government employed cleaner. They were hired to clean up alleys etc.

However in this case the woman just walked inside the alley and put her broom against the wall. She then turned around and her back faced the school wall. From distance I could see her lift the top of her dress and reach for the drawstrings of her lowers. I realized she was going to pee there and that was a surprise. I had seen men peeing in that alley before but rarely a woman.

The woman had lowered her loose pants and had squatted down. As I was walking toward her my heart was already racing at the prospect of watching a grown women peeing in the open. As I got close to her I had a great sideways view of her naked bum. She had lifted her top up over her hips while her lowers were around her knees. A huge arc of pee was shooting out of her and landing in front of her. As I approached her, it was a sight to behold, she had her legs spread wide with her hands tucked under thighs. She had squatted low and this bought out her whole natural pussy in full show. In the relative quiet of afternoon I could hear her hiss and splatter as well. I had a clear sight at her spread lips for my anatomy lesson and luckily it was that of a young fairly attractive woman at that. I passed her taking a good look, I noticed she had her head down and she looked discomforted probably embarrassed.

I guess the pressure of her bladder made her go in the open and of course, there was absolutely no facilities around. I also noticed few people coming down the alley so this woman was in for some more ordeal.

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Was back in India for few weeks and as usual its never gets boring for us pee watchers. However due to my short stay and busy schedule there was not much outing except for one planned in the weekends.

I and the driver hit the road early in the morning and within half an hour we struck pay dirt. On the highway a bus had pulled over by the side. From distance I could see males out by the side peeing into the open field.

I also saw some women making their way back to the bus and as my vehicle neared, I saw couple of fully naked butts squatted and peeing by the ditch. In broad daylight the light skinned and dark brown skinned asses contrasted well but it was a brief show due to the speed of my vehicle but still a good one nonetheless.

After that it was long hours and there was none to be seen. I had dozed off and when my eyes opened up, I noticed we were crawling slowly due to construction. The vehicle moved slowly coming to a full halt couple of times. The road had now become a two way rather as the opposite lane had been shut down. I noticed a bus had pulled over to the side of the road on the soft ground. My brain got alerted right away as that meant pee time usually for the passengers or a bus breakdown. Either way I was anticipating some sightings from it. My vehicle slowly started inching its way toward the bus as I waited in anticipation but to my disappointment, I noticed the usual men peeing by the side of the bus. I saw women making their way back to the bus from the front. This was a letdown for me as I thought I had missed out all the fun. It seemed the women had gone to the front of the bus to pee. This meant loss of a great opportunity for me to enjoy these women squatting in the open and getting a good look at them with the slow moving traffic.

My vehicle passed the bus and then stopped by the front of the bus. I looked out the car window and saw some big fresh puddles on the soft dry ground right next to a pile of rocks that had been placed there for construction.

Seeing this made my heart sink as I seem to have missed out some great peeing action up close. I resigned myself for a sighting less journey when I saw a young mother emerge from the bus with her kid who appeared to be around five or six year old boy and walked to the front. Seeing that my heart raced up again but at this stage I was praying that the traffic ahead and luckily it made no sign of any movement. Best of all my driver had stepped out of the vehicle and had gone up front to take a look.

Now I had a complete seat to the anticipated pee by the woman. The woman quickly walked to the pile of rocks in front of the bus. She was an attractive young mom with medium sized body with a huge pair of jugs in her tight red blouse and big round globes of her ass was draped tightly in a red Indian dress.

She leaned over and lowered her kid's dress to help him pee. I was enjoying the sight of her big ass draped and hoping she would join her kid to take a pee as well. She helped her kid and slowly she lowered herself down as she pulled the kid's pants up and by the time she was done, she slowly got up. At this point I lost hope as I assumed she was heading back with her kid to the bus.

However, she remained in a half squat and I saw her hands reach for the side of her dress and slowly raise it up to her knees. This is what I had been waiting for as I realized she was going to pee there. My heart raced up big time as I saw the woman reach under her dress and quickly pull down a pair of black panties around her knees. Slowly she lowered herself down to a squat. Now everything that I was hoping for began to unfold right in front of my eyes and not far from me.

The woman had raised her dress over her hips and her two big pale globes of her ass was exposed. It was indeed a surprise how brazen the woman was but she and others also had no choice in true sense. Her back was fully visible to anyone sitting in the bus.

I could see her in all clarity from my car window as she was around six meters from where I was. She had her butt raised from ground and legs spread wide. This spread her ass cheeks revealing the dark crack in between and brown wrinkled hole in the bottom. This totally made my day as I saw the hole close and open a few times. This woman had no hair on her anus but from the angle it was difficult for me to see her pussy as she had squatted low. I also didn't see any stream coming down but I was positive she was peeing. She remained squatted for almost thirty seconds while she talked to her kid who had a fantastic view of her pussy. I am sure when he would grow up he would have early memories of the show put on by his mother.

Suddenly I noticed two tell tale streams of pee run down the bottom of her bum cheeks confirming the end of her pee. She quickly shifted her stance and looked down to avoid the pee from touching her feet and slowly raised her ass from the ground leaning forward. My final wish to see the woman's pussy got fulfilled. Between her thighs, her big fat pussy peeked out with wet lips dangling in between. Thin stream of pee was still dripping down from her extended lips. This whole scene almost made me explode in my pants but somehow I managed to control myself.

I was relishing the scene when the driver of my vehicle got in the car. I hadn't noticed him coming back to the car and he caught me checking the woman out. It was like I was caught with my pants down literally but the man broke into a big smile and made a comment about the woman's big beautiful ass.

The woman by now had pulled her panties up and she got hold of her son and walked back to the bus. I saw a huge puddle of pee she had left in front where she had squatted and that's the reason I couldn't see any stream between her legs. There were in fact two puddles, one big one had landed few feet in front of her close to the pile of rocks and a small one when she was near end dripping.

I told the driver how hard it is for women to get relief when traveling due to lack of facilities.

The man opened up and told me its common for women to pee near their car or behind buses or in ditches. He went on further to tell me how he has seen countless women exposed and peeing unabashedly. According to him, women tend to shed their inhibitions once they have done it outside and so it was a common case with most women in India as there is no other choice.

He also told me he had seen tourists western women do it as well to adapt to the circumstances. Initially they are hesitant but soon succumb to the ground realities.

Now I was truly envious of this lucky man but having traveled in India, it didn't surprise me a bit that drivers of buses and tourist vehicles would have access to tons of pee sightings. I also got a sense that this man was into our hobby by the way he described it. Most drivers are accustomed seeing this commonly and thus don't take much interest apart from checking out a nice ass and pussies. However, this man's interest seemed to be beyond much like ours. He also told me that many times due to poor quality of food, women needed to crap. For this most of the times he would try find them a rest stop but on many occasions he had to pull over and the woman would find the nearest bush to empty their stomachs.

Usually he would warn them not to go deep into the fields due to presence of snakes and that would usually make them not go in the deep due to fear of snakes. I asked him what was his best sightings so far and his reply was one too many. I pushed him further and he recounted how he took this group of college girls on a long trip. It was during summer vacations and there were five girls and one old lady who probably was one of their faculty or a relative. According to him the girls would ask him to pull over frequently and go next to the vehicle using it as cover. According to him the girls would lower their trousers or denims that is what most wore and squat with everything on show. The older woman would also step outside with them just as a token cover. The girls would be fully exposed most of the times. Sometimes he would find them an empty farm land but even if they would go far, due to open ground, they would still be exposed.

Most of the time they would just step out of the vehicle and go in the ditch. The driver told me most of the girls were with trimmed pussies or totally shaved unlike in past when women here kept a full natural bush. I asked him what was the common position for women when they peed and he they usually faced the car with their backs exposed. This gave them some sense of cover even though there was none. I truly wanted his job after hearing all the fun he has on daily basis driving in India. I am giving a picture below which is typical of how ladies squat and pee on roads here.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I spent a couple of hours today just outside the queue for a very popular nightclub in London, queues were an hour to get in. I couldn't believe the amount of sightings I had in theis period, all cute girls normally in two's going to relieve themselves away from the main queue. If you're looking for sightings and you know somewhere similar to this in your town, I would say go for it. I couldn't take any photos as would just draw attention to the fact I was purely there to perv!

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  • 1 month later...

Desperation always brings brazen scenarios. For women it compounds to worse as they need to seek some relative privacy in the open and in most likelihood, its nowhere to be had.

Like the sightings of desperate women going out from pubs with full bladders as described. Growing up in India, desperate women peeing outdoors has always been a common sighting. In fact during those days facilities outdoors was only to be expected in hotels and other establishment. Public facilities were too far and few and this was in cities. That's the reason I got so many wonderful sightings of women brazenly peeing in the open that I have written here.

Recently I was in India for some work, I had to go to a small town. The winter is also time for various festivals that are held all over. They are usually makeshift affairs held on large open fields where tents are pitched. These places have no facilities whatsoever. Even in big cities, unless they are held at permanent places, usually they have no place to pee so people are left to their own means. This usually means men go find any spot while women make the best of whatever little privacy they can manage. I was in the taxi when I noticed a huge tent being propped up for one such event. I made a mental note to visit that spot later after finishing my work.

I was done with my work by the end of the day but since I was booked in that town for two days, I decided to make the next day productive. I visited the spot in the evening to take a look around.

The last time I saw mass level of pee sighting was behind tents of such celebrations where both genders used the grassy area in the back to pee. I have written about it here. This was more than thirty years back so I was wondering if everything had changed since then.

Walking around I noticed that the organizers had not put up any form of toilet facilities so that was a bright spot for sure. Further, down there was an open field that had walls on three sides. The back wall had an opening of sort and there was a path that was made on grass from people walking. This seemed to be one possible place for relief.

Next day I waited till it was afternoon as thats the time the event gets crowd. I could hear the music from the event from my hotel room. That was the indication that the festivities had begun. The event was not far from my hotel so I walked up. I reached there I noticed a sizable crowd had built up which was a good indication. I went inside the tent and merged in with the crowd. I also dressed apt to merge myself with the crowd. I have always found it helps not to stand out in crowd and this helps to get sightings with ease and not being singled out.

I was keeping my eyes open as more crowds began to come in. I looked around and my eyes picked up a young couple. The woman had her child on her shoulders and what got my immediate attention was that she was pretty with long hair with a slim figure and small but well shaped ass. The couple reminded me of my early sighting that I had written here. In that case the woman was full figured with a bigger wider ass unlike this one. Now my mind was thinking of possibilities like the earlier one but then I also was wary it was broad daylight so most women would probably try to hold their pee till evening to get some privacy.

Half hour passed by with no signs of any woman heading out for pee and it was also quite early as most had come from their houses nearby so probably with empty bladders. I knew I had to exert patience here also I had no other agenda for that day. I decided to hang around and watch the woman in front of me and spot out for other good looking ones in the crowd. After an hour I noticed the woman in front shuffle few times on her feet. I assumed she was relieving her feet after standing for long. After ten minutes or so the shuffling became frequent and I also detected she had her legs together. It was apparent she needed to pee. The question here was where and when. After squirming around for fifteen or twenty minutes more I saw her hand her kid over to her husband as she talked to him. I saw the husband's head nod in an acknowledgement. She quickly turned around and walked past me heading for the exit. She weaved her way across the crowd and I followed. I observed she had her hands on her crotch, a common sight when a woman has been holding for long. She stepped out of the tent and took a quick look around and then she turned to her left and began to walk with quick steps.

She stopped and took a quick look by the side of the tent. There were few men peeing there so I thought she would go deep down and pee. She changed her mind and began walking down the road. The open field was just ahead and as I expected she quickly turned toward it. I slowed down to let her walk in and then follow. The spot was empty during that time and the woman walked down the path and she was half way into the field when she turned to her right and stepped into the grass. She was walking down and simultaneously lifting up her dress. She had the typical Indian wrap around dress called Saree. She had managed to lift it up over her knees. This is common to see in a desperate woman when she heads for the toilet be it inside or outside. Its instinctive as she prepares in advance for the squat. She stopped and turned to her right and stepped into the grass and by this time she had lifted her dress up all the way around her hips. In broad daylight she was virtually bottom less and I also noticed she had no panties on which is still the norm with many women especially in small towns when they wear the typical Indian dress.

I expected her to squat down but she quickly turned around to face the path with her side to the road. This gave me a quick but clear look at her nice round pert light brown ass.

She squatted down and immediately let out a huge arc of pee that landed few feet in front of her.

I decided to do a walk past to get my view as it was a public place and thoroughfare as well. Even then I was a bit apprehensive on the approach as it was a new place and times had changed. I approached slowly and cautiously looking away from the woman. I noticed she was looking down between her legs at the huge arc of pee she was making. Already a huge puddle had formed in front of her on the dry ground. I was close enough to get a nice side view of her exposed ass and her hairy unshaved legs. Her both hands were clasped around her lower legs that were spread wide. She had squatted low down the ground and thats why the pee was shooting out of her due to the position of her pussy. I slowly approached her, she was few feet from me when from the corner of my eyes I saw the source of her huge arc. I expected her to be hairy from her hairy legs and I was spot on.

This woman had a thick muff that grew in long strands rather than curls all the way up to her inner thighs as well as down her ass cheeks . Her hair was wet with pee and she had her legs spread wide. For a slim woman she had a huge pussy and in between her prominent inner lips complete with the clitoral hood was visible. Also, due to her legs being spread wide the inner lips were parted wide open revealing bright wet pink insides. Her wrinkled anus with tufts of hair around them. Since the woman was busy looking down at her stream, it afforded me to turn my head quickly and get a good detailed look before I walked by her.

I approached the opening on the back side to exit the ground when I saw a family of four with an adult couple and their two teen sons. The older one around sixteen and the younger one around twelve or so. I turned my head to see that all of them passed by the woman who was still squatted. The adult kept looking straight while the two male teens had their heads fixed on the woman probably learning and enjoying the fantastic peeing pussy show she was giving. The woman didn't even bother to cover up or scold them but am sure any adult doing that would have been duly reprimanded.

I am posting a video I had saved typically indicating the scenario that I witnessed. This is a small town celebration from the music in the background and watch how casually the women pee exposed in front of others including males passing by. In fact this woman made a token effort to cover up but in most cases they don't bother. Also notice anyone coming from her front would have a clear view of her slit. Even her ass is partly visible from lower side.


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That day was truly prolific after a long while and that too in India where it awakened my early memories. Will post full report of 200+ open daylight sightings I witnessed that day.

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I mentioned the huge number of sightings I had that day after a long while, I will try to write about the highlights of it. There were tons of women around of all ages and shapes and size so I could discern who to check out and who to reject. I stayed outside the tent this time waiting to spot women leaving the tent. I didn't wait long when I noticed two young girls, one wearing denims while the other had the two piece Indian dress walk out of the tent. Both were around seventeen or eighteen. The one wearing Indian dress was full bodied while the one in denim was skinny. At that stage I had no idea if they were going for pee or somewhere else. I soon got the answer as I noticed the girl in Indian dress lift up her top and began to undo her strings as she took a look at the left side of the tent. That side had no gaps as the tent was closely lined up with a wall next to it. Both the girls took a good look at the possibilities to squat there but they didn't go to the other side where they would have found the gap. They quickly talked among themselves and continued to walk from what I assumed to be the open field. This is another common trend as most women look for closer areas to pee rather than far so they trade off privacy for security in this case.

I decided to go around the field from the other side and double back into it via the rear entrance. This would help me catch the girls mid flow.

I quickly walked around and entered through the rear wall of the field. From a distance I could see the girls had squatted not far from the entrance close to the road rather than in middle. They both had their backs to the wall. There were few men peeing against the opposite wall. The girls were totally at ease talking to each other as they peed. I got close to them and could see them exposed. The skinny one was untrimmed but not particularly hairy down there. What stood out was her protruding inner lips dangling with drips of pee coming out of it. She had finished her pee up but the other girl was still going strong. A thick gush of pee was still coming out, this girl had heavily trimmed her hair so her fat lips were visible. Her outer lips were plump and her inner lips were recessed. The girl in denim slowly got up while I approached and as she pulled her pants up, she gave me and others around a good view of her muff. By the time I passed them by, the other girl was still squatted and peeing.

I saw many more sightings as I stayed there till evening. Too many to list here but some were truly fantastic ones. The day progressed and many women were now going by the side of the tent joining the men and peeing. It was gratuitous display of peeing pussies in all shapes, sizes, colors and surprisingly some of them were shaved or heavily trimmed. Rest were all typical full bushed never seen a razor types. Unlike my previous sightings in a big event, this one was all in broad daylight so details were way more vivid.

I noticed a group of six women come up and walk few steps inside the lane. There were men peeing there but these ladies without any concern lifted their dresses up and squatted down one after other. All of them chatted loudly amongst each other as while men passed them by. It was amazing to see not even one stared at the six fully exposed pussies on display. All of them had squatted with their backs against the tent. I walked by slowly and from the corner of my eyes checked out the awesome display of female genitals.

Another notable observation was how mothers brought their male children along and peed comfortably in front of them. The young male child would sometimes stare between their mother's legs but that didn't seem to bother the mother. I saw a mother come with her teen daughter and her younger ten year son. Both mother and daughter squatted down while the boy stood in front. He pointed out to his sister and that made the mother laugh out.

Another noteworthy display of brazen attitude worth mentioning here. I was standing at my usual spot outside. For a while the stream of peeing women had tapered off due to the major show going on inside but I was expecting a big rush of desperate women once it would be over.

I saw a young woman emerge from the tent grasping her crotch. She appeared to be a young newly married woman from her attire. She was strikingly beautiful with tall slim figure. She quickly turned to her right and I knew she would be going to the side. I waited for her to go and squat with intention of catching her mid flow. The spot was empty as I was happy that I would get a great view unimpeded by others.

The woman did a typical quick walk while she raised her dress up all the way revealing a pair of black undies that covered her well shaped bottom. She turned her back to the tent and promptly lowered her panties and squatted down. Within seconds she let out a huge arc of pee that was probably the longest I had seen for that day. It shot straight and landed few feet in front of her almost near the fence. Not wishing to miss all this I quickly made my way up the path with intention of walking past her. I neared her I saw the woman looking down at her stream. It was an incredible sight as her dress was lifted all the way up, her black panties were around her knees. Her legs were spread wide with her ass low to the ground. Even from side I had a super view of her young pussy and the glorious arch of pee coming out between thick jungle of hair. I got closer when I saw the woman look up and surprisingly, she asked me to watch out for the stream. I looked down to see her smiling at me with a look of embarrassment. I had a good look at her exposed hairy crotch. It was covered with thick growth of curly hair parted from the middle to expose her light pink inner lips that were in perfect proportions. I also had a clear look at her small wrinkled bunghole. Her pee was shooting out from below the hood making a loud whistle. I acknowledged and waited for her stream to taper off before I waked past her. I walked few steps down and then turned toward the tent to take a piss to make my presence there legit. I had a tough time controlling my boner so had to be careful. I kept an eye on the girl and noticed her arc had tapered off now and her pee was now drizzling down. I finished up and slowly walked past her. I noticed she was looking down between her legs as the stream was now running down her ass cheeks. There was a huge puddle in front of her and I took a quick glance and noticed her anus and pussy contracting as she squeezed out last drops of pee from her bladder. I am sure that her panties would be wet with all the remaining pee on her pussy hair and ass.

The evening came and street light went up. Most women now stopped going to the field and instead peed by the side of the busy road outside the tent. Few went to the lane as it was drenched with pee. Most would just go at the entrance of the side and squat. The street lights and lights from the tent would give ample display of female private parts. The best part came when the young woman I had seen first walked out with her husband from the tent. I wasn't expecting much at that stage but kept an eye on her anyways. After walking few steps she stopped and handed the baby over to her husband. I saw her talking to him and he took the baby from her and stated walking. The woman meanwhile walked to the side of the street and in full view lifted her dress up revealing her well rounded ass that I had missed earlier and squatted down. I got close to her to get a better look and was just few feet from her. The area had heavy traffic so there was no suspicion of any sort. I was enjoying the great view of her derriere when few vehicles with their headlights on passed by lighting it up in all glory. It also exposed her dark hair split between her butt with the stream of pee shining in between. She peed for a while fully emptying her bladder and making a big puddle on ground below. Slowly she began to lift her butt up and as she did, a big van passed by with its headlights on. She was half way up when the lights exposed her furrowed hole and the big lips of her hairy wet pussy before she straightened up.

This was the norm and I saw tons of sightings of ladies who would walk out of the venue with their husbands and drop down to empty their bladders. Invariably the husband or their near family would always walk away or stand at distance giving voyeurs like us a good chance to enjoy the sight.

I went back to my hotel with this sweet memory that refreshed my early days in India. I visit India less frequently now and small towns are not that common on my itinerary when I do. This would probably be my last big sighting in this country. What makes it so special unlike others is that these are normal females who have to expose and pee in front of others. Their only consolation is that the ones around them are strangers. They were not drunk, nor careless teens or exhibitionists. Rather the small town folks in India are very conservative when it comes to sexual norms and exposure. However when it concerns their bodily functions, seeking relief in front of others is normal and accepted. This is a unique conditioning and its familiar all over Asia and not just India.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Apart from women peeing in the open comfortably with full exposure, another fascinating part is how many of them are not embarrassed peeing together with other men. This is a worldwide phenomenon when ordinary women would happily pee in company of other men outdoors. Sometimes in known company and many times in presence of strangers.

I have seen this at festivals in Europe, US and of course India. What is important to note is how women drop their inhibitions when in company of men. Even in early days of my childhood in India I would observe totally normal women in conservative Indian attire do a full monty squat in front of other men. However most Indian women wouldn't pee in front of men they know personally unlike elsewhere where I have seen bunch of women peeing together in company of men they are familiar with. Elsewhere I have had tons of sighting and also on personal basis of women peeing along in known company of males in total abandon.

In front of strangers however the conservative Indian woman would loose all her shyness. Without any hesitation she would lift or lower her dress exposing her glorious assets and pee in total comfort. For her its a natural act and surprising part is how much at ease they expose their genitals in front of other males. In those days it was a fantastic display of untrimmed pussies and piss flaps of all shapes and sizes. Some would try and cover their asses but keep their fronts exposed while others wouldn't care and have their dress lifted all the way above hips. I noticed this in broad daylight and evenings as well.

The pretty young mother I described had the option of going on side where women generally peed but instead she chose to be close to the spot where other men were peeing. Then she proceeded to take a loud hissy pee with her dress lifted all the way over her hips. Her big shapely brown ass exposed in early evening light lifted above ground her dark bunghole and hairy source all exposed. There were men close to her peeing and she was close to the path as well in full view of those walking by. Best of all she finished up and then stayed in a half squat as her bladder released more. The funny part is it was the men who averted gawking at this awesome display but am sure they enjoyed the exposure fully.

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  • 1 month later...

I was in India recently.

I was at an event where there were tons of sightings like the one in the pics. Notice the kids with his mother and also the other women around. The second picture depicts a woman squatted in the open.

I regularly noticed ladies and young girls stepping off their vehicles and peeing behind in the parking lot. What happens here is that the trips are long and slow, tedious and with little breaks. Most rest stops don't have much in terms of facilities once you are away from main cities. Women usually wait to reach their destination and then relieve themselves of their full bladders. Most don't bother with their inhibitions but they do make sure they are not in company of other male members. Usually the husbands and other males walk away of the women put some distance. However its common to see their male kids accompany them as in the pic.

They are not bothered with their exposure otherwise even from other males as long as no one is staring at them which is usually never the case as that would mean trouble for the male. However that don't stop no one from having a good look in a surreptitious manner.

This time I experienced even more casual attitude among women who peed. They were hardly bothered with people passing them by. One trend that I noticed is that the women have no joined the shaved pussy brigade as many were either trimmed or shaved fully.

A small bus pulled over and it appeared to be from some girl's college. The bus parked next to another vehicle with good amount of gap. Two males got down first followed by an attractive full figured woman who was around her early thirties. She appeared to be faculty as did the males. Then the young girls started getting out and they all began to gather around next to the bus. I was within earshot of them standing opposite to the car parked next to the bus.

The girls were chatting among themselves as the faculty discussed the plan for the day. Suddenly I heard one of the girls tell the women faculty that she needs to use the toilet. My radar right away got alert. There were one older lady there as well among the faculty who was around her sixties. To my surprise the topic of conversation turned to the subject of toilets. The older lady told the girls that the toilet was quite far off into the venue so either they hold it or they needed to go there. My heart at this point was racing like a F1 engine.

The younger woman was even more matter of fact and told the girls to go by the side of the bus as it was a long walk to the venue. The men meanwhile decided to push off for the venue. Among the girls there was one who was desperate the moment she had stepped off the bus she was wriggling around and many times she would have her hands between her crotch. I heard her announce that she was about to burst which made the other girls burst out in laughter. I noticed she had began to unbutton her denims. I could see her half body from the top as she held her denims from the side and quickly lowered them down giving a quick flash of a clean shaven pussy, she quickly squatted down and now she was covered by the vehicle.

I heard the older lady bring out a bottle of water from her bag. As you can see in the pic, the women use the water to was their pussies after pee, its a common habit here. Both the older ladies



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Sticking to the subject and my accounts of sightings that I post, sometimes it might seem its too good to be true.

These pictures are all from the net although I so wish I could have some.

However one look at the pictures I am posting will convince all that these are accounts of something that happens commonly there. I will start with this classic situation common on roads. This is where the woman has been traveling long after getting out of her house. Many in India especially in outskirts of cities and in semi rural areas leave the house filling their stomach up. There are few places to go for lunch and that would come after a long while. Within few hours in the trip the urge to pee develops. The woman informs her husband or anyone else driving the vehicle or motorbike.

Usually the vehicle would try stop in a less traffic area but on major roads thats hard to find. So they would pull over where there is an empty plot or just park next to some bushes by the side of the road.

Here some interesting pattern takes place. If the woman is in a vehicle with other family members, she would try get privacy from them especially the male members. They would usually go to the back of the vehicle and squat or go further down and squat. However, in each case the woman is exposed to all so it would make for some heavenly ass views. Some women would cover their heads but the younger ones don’t even bother.

I have had some amazing views of women solo or in groups peeing with their asses exposed just like in the pictures.

A year back I was on the road passing a small town. I had to stop at the railway crossing as its gates were down. It was a long wait and soon vehicles collected on either sides. There were many motorcycles as well. Right in front of my vehicle on the left was this young couple on a motorbike. The man had switched off his engine and both he and his wife were sitting on it. She then got down from the bike and stood next to it as she talked to her husband. She was a looker so she got my attention. She had the white Indian dress on and what got my attention was she had started to squirm around as she talked to her husband. Soon I detected tell tale desperation of hands on the crotch.

I now knew that something good would come up. I was getting ready to get down from my vehicle and try to get a view in case the woman decided to go somewhere to pee. I didn’t have to wait long as I saw the woman tell her husband something and break off quickly. I was fully alert and ready to get out of my vehicle but I noticed she was heading straight to the side of the road toward a small ditch. She walked quickly toward the ditch and without any hesitation she squatted down. She settled down and promptly lifted the back portion of her dress half way over her bums. From my high SUV, I had a clear vision to her exposed well shaped young butt. Her ass was lowered all the way to the ground. She was around fifteen odd feet from my vehicle and in full view of others around including many who walked by her back and front.

I couldn’t see any source or pee due to her position but her ass cheeks were spread wide and the split in between was widened to reveal her cute dark bunghole that was fully exposed and opened up.

I was enjoyed that view and then after few seconds I saw the hole start winking indicating she had finished her pee and was squeezing out her bladder. Slowly she began lifting herself up from her squat. Her dress was still half way over her bums and in between her legs I saw a puff of wet hair and her slit with drips still falling out. After that brief but revealing flash of her bits she straightened up and lowered her dress down all the way. She turned around and walked back to her husband with a big grin of relief on her face. The gate opened up and she got up on the motorcycle and left.

The best part of sightings like this is the unintentional nature of exposure that has a naive innocence about it.







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  • 3 weeks later...
Yet more great stories VPW, I love reading your posts... understand not being able to capture pictures although we'd certainly enjoy it if you ever get the opportunity!

Thanks PeeOutside, wish I was younger, alas I was born in an era where there was no digital cameras. Also my stay in India was quite short as I left for US.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The second pic represents typical Indian scenario of outdoor peeing either at a picnic spot or a event. Usually the women pee openly finding a spot not far from crowd and are not concerned with privacy. Due to safety concerns they don't go too far from the main venue nor do they wish to go to an isolated place so they will condition themselves to comfortably pee in the open.

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All the 476 girls studying at the government-run institute are forced to make a dash for the college field, terrace or an 'abandoned' classroom.

Imagine college age girls indulging in open peeing, this is quite common in India in many institutions and the best part is that life goes on and its all accepted.

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