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Peeing and faithfullness to a partner

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All credit to Egwalrus for triggering the thought processes that lead to this thread, by talking in another thread about his lady friends who let him watch them pee but with no physical contact involved.

So for those with partners who might not share in your fetish - and who might not even know about it - do you regard peeing fun with other people behind their backs as being in any way unfaithful?

If you are watching another woman pee and she is letting you, and then she is enjoying watching you pee - but with no physical contact at all - is that in any way unfaithful? Or does the lack of physical contact make it ok? And would the wife see it that way?

And what about golden showers? It is possible to have a woman piss on you, or for yourself to piss on a woman, also without any physical contact with each other's bodies. Would that be unfaithful?

Personally, I think that if I were in a relationship with a partner not into pee, watching other ladies pee and letting them watch me is not something I'd regard as being unfaithful. Yet I would regard it as something best kept secret from her indoors because she might not agree. So perhaps I am with Walrus on that.

But what about golden showers? You can have a woman piss on you without any physical contact with her whatsoever. But of course, you are being covered in her fresh hot pee, perhaps even drinking it. Would that be crossing the line into unfaithfulness?

I'd be interested in the views of others on this.

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In my opinion that only opinion that matters is this partner.

If the partner does not see it as unfaithful then no problem.

If the partner does consider it unfaithful and finds out then you have the problem of forgiveness.

This again is a matter of how this partner feels.

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This is really not something I've had to think about, honestly.

With a quick discussion between the three of us though, it has came to light that I would probably die horribly, so my girls answer is definately cheating, and on thinking about it, I wouldn't be impressed if they went elsewhere either. We also had some debate on the mechanics of a 3some relationship, but it didn't go anywhere, thankfully. Maigh and Mary talked about me jumping both their bones, and was there any "tension" in this. Maigh just smiled, said she loves to watch, which pretty much ended the conversation. I added that I like to watch them go at it and just got the standard "you're a male" response. They got quite touchy / feely at this point which ended any further discussion.

Is this something you would do with a non pee partner?

If you had a pee partner, would you go somewhere else to get more?

Interesting "mess with your head" thread, any other takers?

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I think watching a woman pissing would be cool I wouldn't think of it as unfaithful.... If she wanted to piss on you or be pissed on I would say that's a sexual contact I would only do it if my wife said ok.......

Except if was kirsty allsop :-) then it would be worth the grief

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