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Tua, a naughty little panty wetter, seduces her foster mother

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Hi everybody!

Most of my stories are about my own experiences. But I have also written some fictional stories. One of my fictional persons is Tua, a very naughty little girl! So far I've written two stories about her. Here comes the first one. If you like it a little, I'll post the second one later.


When this story occurred, Tua was barely an adult. She wasn't tall. As a fact, she was rather small with a slim figure and small, firm breasts. Her hair was dark brown and she'd a forelock. She was cute and sweet. But also naughty and, sometimes, evil. And she was lesbian, she'd always been.

She lived with her foster parents, Mary and John, who were in their early thirties. Tua got on very well with them. Especially with Mary. "Especially" as in a particular special way. It began with an episode, that took place not long ago.

Mary and John had been at a party, and when they came home late at the evening they were rather drunk. Tua hadn't yet gone to bed, she was sitting on the sofa with her lap top in front of her at a table. John was tired and went directly to bed. But Mary thought she would take the opportunity to have a nice chat with Tua.

She sat down beside Tua and asked, pointing at the lap top:

"Are you doing some home work? I hope I don't disturb you!"

"No, not at all! I've been chatting with a friend, but we've just finished."

They started to talk about this and that. Tua's school, the party Mary and John been at. Mary was very merry and felt she would like to have a drink. She went to the kitchen and fetched gin and a bottle of tonic water. She also brought two glasses.

"I thought you might have a drink too", she giggled. "But don't tell anyone!"

She poured out gin and tonic in their glasses. As her hand was a little unsteady, the amount of gin in their glasses became quite considerable...

They continued their chat, Mary told some amusing stories about some of the guests at the party they've been at. She also refilled their glasses a couple of times. Tua began to feel very tipsy. And she thought it was very nice to sit and talk like this with her foster mother. It felt more like Mary was an older sister. It was so comfy to sit this close to her. She felt Mary's warm thigh press against her. Both their skirts had ridden high up and she could see a glimpse of white skin above Mary's stockings. The sight made her aroused and she began to feel very warm between her thighs.

Mary stood up. "I got to pee", she said. "I'll be right back."

"I've to pee too", Tua said. I'll come with you!"

They reeled away to the bathroom. When they entered, Mary stumbled on the doorstep and in the next second she found herself sitting on the bathroom floor. Her legs were parted and her skirt was gathered up around her hips. She giggled:

"Oops!! I'm peeing myself!"

Tua looked. Mary's pee flowed through her light-blue panties and she was sitting in a rapidly growing pool of her own pee! Tua sat down beside Mary and put one hand in between Mary's thighs and touched her pussy. Excited she felt pee running between her fingers. With her other hand she reached down to her own pussy and began to stroke outside her pink cotton panties. Mary realized that Tua was caressing her pussy and although she was pretty drunk, she thought it wouldn't be appropriate to be caressed by her young foster daughter.

"No, Tua", she spoke thickly, "you mustn't do that!"

"But, Mary, don't you like it? I want to make it nice for you, you're so cute when you're wetting yourself like a little girl! Please, don't stop me from make it nice for you!"

Right then Tua felt a sudden spurt of pee in her panties.

"Oh, Mary, I'm starting to wet myself too! Feel!"

She took one of Mary's hands and placed it upon her panties, which now were flooding with her warm pee. Mary made a feeble attempt to move away her hand but Tua held it close to her pussy. Not quite realizing what she was doing Mary began to stroke Tua's pussy with gentle but yet firm moves. At the same time Tua continued to caress Mary's pussy, from which pee still poured. They were both heavily moaning (while John was sleeping a drunk man's deep sleep in the bedroom upstairs). It didn't took long before they both had their first strong orgasms. Tua's orgasm was so hard that it pushed a gush of pee through her panties right into Mary's face!

Exhausted they rested on the bathroom floor a while before they went to Tua's room. It was dawning outside when they took a shower and then went to sleep. Mary in her and John's bedroom.

Next day Mary took Tua aside.

"Tua, I was terribly drunk yesterday. I didn't know what I did! We mustn't ever do it again! And, please, I beg you, don't tell John! Promise me!"

"Of course I won't tell John! You can trust me! But didn't you like what we did? I think it was so amazing! I know you liked it too! Tell me you didn't..."

"As I said, I was drunk and so was you. We shouldn't have done it!"

Tua went on.

"Oh, you liked it! You can't say you didn't! I wanna do it again some time!"

"OK, perhaps I liked it. It was nice. I got horny and carried away. But we shouldn't do it again, don't you understand that?"

"Oh, Mary, nice wasn't the word you used when we made love! Don't you remember all the words you used? And that I was your little wonderful baby? You called me that when I peed myself again! All over your tummy!"

Mary blushed and turned and went to the kitchen, where John was sitting with a cup of coffee. Tua smiled contently.

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