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The Piss Empire - Part II

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Part 1 is located here.


Early in the morning the day before her coronation, Liliana awoke and made her way from her bedchambers to a grand, but often empty palace rose garden. The garden, located in the heart of the palace, was off-limits to most, and a short walk from her bed chamber. It made a convenient and private toilet, and served as an excellent training ground for some of the ceremonial duties she would be expected to lead.

According to the traditions and lore of the T'urian Empire, the urine of the sovereign was imbued with significance and power. It represented the water of life to those who lived under the Empire's protection, a radiant pool of golden warmth. To the enemies of the Empire, it would serve as poison; a caustic rain under which they would burn and drown. The right and privilege of the Empress to relieve herself freely, to offer its blessings to her subjects and punish her enemies, had not been regularly exercised for generations. Only a few traditions remained, such as the Empress offering to pee on the first seeds sown during the planting festival. One thousand years ago and for centuries after, the first empress Helena and her descendants joyfully performed this act before throngs of jubilant subjects. She would exuberantly piss in dozens of farmer's fields over the following days, and a bountiful harvest would follow. Now, this process occurred in the presence of a few priests and officials from the agricultural ministry. One perfunctory pee in front of a handful of detached observers was all that was required, and all that was offered.

As a cousin to the previous Empress, several steps down on the order of succession, Liliana had the privilege of pursuing her own interests, and the opportunity to do so free from the influence of courtiers who might interfere with those pursuits. She studied history, and from an early age felt a connection to the fierce vitality of her ancestor Helena. Now, due to treachery and tragedy, Liliana stood as heir to Helena's title and legacy.

She recalled a story she read in an ancient text about Helena visiting the village of Kyr, at the outskirts of the nascent empire. Though Helena had never been to this village before, her reputation preceded her. The people regarded her fearfully, yet curiosity drove them to come see the feral beauty they had heard so much about. "I am Helena," she announced, "defender of T'ur, conqueror of Koint, extinguisher of Maset's Flame. You paid tribute to the rulers Koint in the past in exchange for their protection. They are no more and can do nothing for you. I swear to you now, no harm will come to you from T'ur. I offer you our protection! The same terms Koint offered, I offer. These are dangerous times! Wild bandits and barbarians roam the countryside. Refuse, and we will leave you be, for good or ill. Consider my offer."

A puzzled murmur ran through the assembled villagers. Could they trust her? Did they have a choice? Before consensus could be reached, a large, powerful man emerged from the crowd. His voice boomed. "Bitch! We will never ally with you. You should have stayed safe behind T'ur's walls!" The brute drew a large knife and charged at Helena. Her guards moved to intercept, but she signaled for them not to interfere. Unarmed, she engaged in combat with the much larger and stronger assailant. The burly soldier was indeed strong, but his movements seemed slow and clumsy against his graceful, feminine opponent. Dodging his strikes and slashes, she seemed to anticipate the warrior's moves even before he thought to make them. After toying with him briefly, Helena ended the spectacle by swiftly disarming the attacker. With little fanfare, she slew him with his own weapon.

The village elders quickly accepted the terms they had been offered. "I accept you into the fold in good faith," said Helena. As the throng of rapt villagers watched, she slowly removed her garments. "I stand before you naked. Without deception. You have my protection." She then moved confidently over to the water well at the village center. In Liliana's imagination, Helena stood for a moment at the edge of the well, her skin golden brown glowing beneath the sun, glistening with the sweat of battle. She widened her legs, bent slightly at the knees, leaned back, and placed her hand over her groin. She paused, allowing the the onlookers to consider what would happen next. A pale gold stream stretched out from between Helena's legs and flew down the mouth of the well, mixing with the clean cool waters within. The villagers gasped at this brazen act. As she urinated, the sound of piss polluting the water several feet below echoed against the well's stone walls. Finally, as the peeing slowed to a trickle, the final drops fell into the dust between her feet, leaving a small damp circle in the dirt. "You have my blessings." In the ensuing years, Kyr became an important trading outpost, growing into a prosperous center of commerce. And for nearly 350 years after, pilgrims came from around the empire to drink from the well in the town square.

Liliana enjoyed that story, and swore to piss down a well of her own some day. She found Lady Debora waiting for her at the garden gates. Debora had been assigned to teach her the finer points of urinary etiquette as it concerned the Empire and the station of Empress. Although Liliana had expected someone assigned to such a task would want to contain any pissing to the minimum ceremonial requirements, the haughty academic shared a secret enthusiasm for the unambiguous and unimpeded right of the Empress to piss freely. Given the turmoil that had brought Liliana to the throne, she might be able to reintroduce the practice, though it would need to be done delicately at first.

Lady Debora had explained that while some of the commoners still held the empress to be semi-divine, and would delight at seeing her spray their meager possessions with her piss, the the noble houses and wealthy merchants might react less kindly to the reintroduction the ancient custom. She and Debora agreed that she would need to be deliberate with the choices she made about where to pee. No one could stop her, but she did not want to prematurely antagonize those who opposed her, or offend possible allies. For now, she limited the peeing to this garden and other select locations throughout the palace. Once her coronation was official, however, she would begin peeing with relish in public. She would begin in places where the people still strongly believed in the boon of the Empress's piss, to help gain popular favor. If the people accepted her, she could grow bolder. It would not be long, she mused, before her enemies and all their worldly possessions would be flooded and drowned by her golden fury.

As Liliana contemplated the distant past and very near future, she walked through the garden, feeling the soft cool grass against her feet. Debora pointed toward a tall, proud bush adorned with sky-blue flowers and signaled for Liliana to join her. "Look at these. Are they not the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen?"

"They are magnificent, although the head gardner told me yesterday that he's worried the flowers will bloom smelling like pee if we keep this up." Debora frowned, so Liliana added, "I'm quite sure he was joking. He actually said he was honored that I chose to water the garden he maintains." She leaned close to one of the blooms and inhaled. The aroma was light, clean, refreshing, and happily, floral. "I thanked him for his service in maintaining this beautiful place. It is my prerogative to pee where I like, and I quite enjoy peeing on beautiful things," Liliana continued as she squat and moved her dress aside. A stream of pee arced forward and pattered softly against the trunk of the bush. When she was finished relieving herself, the wood and soil at the base of the bush were noticeably darker, testimony to the thorough soaking they received.

"Yes, Empress. Feeding the roots will make it grow strong." Debora pulled apart her divided dress, revealing her pale legs and the neatly trimmed black strip of hair nestled between her legs. She squat down to deposit her own offering over the base of the plant. Her pee flowed for only a short second, and then she cut it off as she observed a caterpillar crawl out on a leaf higher in the bush. She directed Liliana's attention to the creature as it bit into the leaf. "Of course, while the roots must be watered, attention must be paid to the higher levels as well. If corruption is found, it must be cleared away," Debora cooly remarked as she stood. A hard, angry stream of pee emanated from her pussy, flying through the air into the heart of the bush. She repositioned her legs and twisted her hips, directing the stream toward her target. Once she found the right position, she trained the full force of her piss on the insect, blasting it mercilessly. Although it struggled to maintain its position on the leaf, it was helpless against the punishing stream directed against it. Debora's piss washed the caterpillar to the ground, where she continued showering it contemptuously until she was spent.

"Your coronation is tomorrow, Empress. Are you ready?"

Liliana plucked one of the pale blue flowers from the bush, taking care to select a dry one, and tied it in her hair. "I am."

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  • 1 year later...

This is another great chapter that I somehow never commented on here on PeeFans. I'm hoping that I did so on PS, if it's posted there. Either way, it was another brilliant chapter. I have never before felt envious of a caterpillar! I'm now off to read part 3.

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