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I can relate to the urge to confess. It could be that you feel a little ashamed that her stories and actions turn you on?

It reminds me of a female dancer who assumes her new straight male dance partner is gay like her previous partners. She changes her clothes in front of him without a second thought while completely oblivious to his excitement. Although he wasn't trying to decieve her on purpose, he can't tell her the truth without making things deeply uncomfortable. 

I don't know your best friend, but maybe it's best to keep your kink to yourself. Once it's out in the open things could get awkward real quick. Especially when she has to pee around you. 



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I can relate. I'm not crazy about people knowing I like it when girls piss on the floor or into the swimming pool because of past shaming 

You could always just share a few stories of places you've peed in return without revealing you like it. Did that once with a female coworker. Honestly I was kind of surprised to find out some of the places she'd done it. Did not seem the type to pee in public at all. Just goes to show some people can be very surprising

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Hottttttttttttt. 🔥  Lucky you.

I had a very conservative, sheltered friend back in the day.  I bet her she wouldn't wet herself if her team won and she was like EWWW!  NO way.  Fast forward a little and she was daring me to pee in the toilet in front of her, or pee in the sink at my house.  I've never confessed my kink to ANYONE but sometimes you don't have to... they can pick up on it by the heavy hints you drop.  😁   Same with my ex-gf of 13 years:  she somehow "just knew" and humored me more than once even tho she wasn't into it herself.  I didn't even have to ask. 

All this to say:  you can up the ante without coming right out with it if you fear it'd risk the friendship.

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