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I need some advise

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what did you do to get yourself off for the 6 plus weeks after your wife/ gf had a baby and they couldn’t have sex. 

Im thinking of buying a pocket pussy.

Also any pregnant wife pee stories are welcome. I have a few so far but we are only halfway there.


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Not to be preachy but I'd tend to think that when you have a newborn in your family there are so many things to get used to and do that there would barely be time for sex even if the mother was biologically able to have it. The fact that this is high on your priority list to think about seems to suggest you might be focusing on the wrong things.

Yes, you understandably still need to get off every once in a while just to take care of the physiological needs of your body, but it's possible to either take care of that yourself, or have your wife help you in other ways than by taking you inside her. And you can offer to help make her lady parts and her body in general feel as good as it can--whether by massaging her or otherwise--so that she gets back to her normal self as quickly and smoothly as is possible.

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For the first 2 weeks it was fistina anytime I felt the need. But we were both wore out bybthe end of our day.

But then after that it got back to somewhat normal,  I got blowjobs,  and anal!

But the best part for me, was after about 8 weeks I was getting breastfeed also when she was producing more milk than was getting drank by our baby and it made her so horny!!

And breast milk taste great!! If your wife has a healthy diet. There's nothing like having sex and nursing at the same time for both of you!! 

When her milk would let down and your mouth fills and then she orgasams!!

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