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How did you discover that the other sex pees differently?

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I’m really curious about how you found out or discovered that boys stand and girls sit when they go pee/piss. Likewise, that they had different parts.

I’m assuming they go hand in hand, but maybe not.

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When I was young my mom had my classmates over fir my birthday party.  Ar sine point she had us all like up to use the bathroom.  Although we went one ar a tune she kept the door open.   

   She later explained the difference. 

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As for knowing that the sexes have different parts, for me it was from those "body books" almost every kid has. Being an only child, having no extended family living nearby, and being a socially awkward and disinterested kid, I never interacted closely with girls my age as a boy, but I loved reading and was always fascinated about nature and biology (hence the joke behind my username here, that I'm merely another carbon-based life form--a username I honestly wouldn't pick today, but I chose it over a decade ago on PeeSearch and was too lazy to change it and have to re-introduce myself from scratch).

While I had some general curiosity about girls, they always even from a very young age (we're talking kindergarten here) seemed to find the way I approached them "creepy" and so I never had the sort of experiences with neighbor kids or whatever that other people on here talk about having. I did at least once walk in on my mom naked after a shower or whatever but this was after I already knew that the sexes had different parts, and otherwise we were never a family where nudity was practiced openly in any form.

I didn't think much about peeing posture being different, as a boy who sat down to pee myself. I taught myself to pee standing later in my early teen years, and by then again I was of course well aware that peeing standing up was something males did because they had a penis. I remember vaguely a babysitter peeing with the door open and me walking in because I was curious, and her being rather OK with it, but that was just one instance and I didn't see very much. I didn't really think too hard about how girls/women peed when not sitting on a toilet until I found sites like this one. 

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