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Potted plant designated for pissing

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I did a decent amount of research on this and determined that Salicornia Pacifica (or any of the Salicornia genus) are the most likely to survive a frequent dousing of urine 😉

It took me awhile to find one but I finally did! Unfortunately it was practically dead when I bought it (so dead they didn’t charge me anything for it) so have nursing it back to health and haven’t yet started really stressing it with super frequent urine but it’s doing great so far with pee about once a week. 

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The goal was to find something that could survive entirely on my girlfriend’s pee and never need regular water! I’ll report back how it goes as the plant recovers and we pee on it more!

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The goal was to find something that could survive entirely on my girlfriend’s pee and never need regular water! I’ll report back how it goes as the plant recovers and we pee on it more!

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1 hour ago, ChrisS said:

The goal was to find something that could survive entirely on my girlfriend’s pee and never need regular water! I’ll report back how it goes as the plant recovers and we pee on it more!

Include pics if possible!

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