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Using a catheter to prevent peeing or fill bladder

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I'm well aware of the dangers of over-extending the bladder and preventing it from naturally voiding.

Has anyone used a catheter to force desperation, or to fill their bladder up (with something sterile!) so they quickly become desperate?

I'm into desperation play, and using a catheter to let the pressure build up with the urethra "plugged" appeals, but interested in any experiences.

Used catheters in my play (first time was intermittent, then several times with in-dwelling), but to make myself incontinent, not the other way around!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Assuming by the lack of response this is a extreme niche kink 😊

In about a month's time I've got the opportunity to play with catheters for a few days, considering doing this (carefully) so will post my experiences 🙂

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I have used a catheter to empty a bladder, but never to fill it or prevent it from emptying. It seems to me that filling it or preventing it from emptying could be dangerous. Having said that, I do remember when I was younger I took an empty shampoo bottle and cleaned it out. Then I filled it with water and put it against my penis, squeezed the bottle, and felt it fill my urethra. If I squeezed the bottle hard enough, it would backfill into my bladder. I filled my bladder a couple of times that way. Thinking about it now, I was very lucky that I didn't end up with a bladder infection.

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On 8/16/2024 at 4:48 AM, Pooler said:

I have used a catheter to empty a bladder, but never to fill it or prevent it from emptying. It seems to me that filling it or preventing it from emptying could be dangerous. Having said that, I do remember when I was younger I took an empty shampoo bottle and cleaned it out. Then I filled it with water and put it against my penis, squeezed the bottle, and felt it fill my urethra. If I squeezed the bottle hard enough, it would backfill into my bladder. I filled my bladder a couple of times that way. Thinking about it now, I was very lucky that I didn't end up with a bladder infection.

Did exactly the same when I was young teen. In my case it was a face cream bottle with a thin pointed nozzle that fitted exactly into the end of my penis. Recollections of the bottle size it was probably 250ml, emptied it into my bladder a couple of times before becoming so desperate I'd be uncontrollably dribbling, then slowly letting it out and spraying it around the bath, sometimes pushing more in part way through once the desperate feeling had subsided.

Thankfully no infections, did have the sense to use clean water (not the bathwater!) but still thinking back on what I did, it was rather stupid!

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I've had to have a catheter in twice due to medical procedures, the first time when they removed it the nurse filled my bladder with saline so that I would immediately void my bladder and move out anything that was in my urethra due to the catheter.


It was an interesting experience to say the least, feeling the cooler than body temp liquid going into my bladder, and she must have gotten a little air in there too because when I was done peeing I basically farted out of my penis, that was very weird!

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