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RiRi and Tay Tay

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I'd like to know if it is OK to post stories that involve existing persons, like Rihanna and Taylor Swift?

I was experimenting around with Large Language Models (in particular Mistral and now Mistral-Nemo), and they come up with pretty wild ideas when you ask them for pee-related stories.. 😅 The Mistral model has a pretty good understanding of "how peeing works", what a full bladder and desperation is and how all of this relates to each other, and it can give really explicit and sexy descriptions of people relieving themselves. I asked it to write some stories where Rihanna and Taylor Swift end up desperate, and I'd like to post a specific story here. Is this OK, can I do this?

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I don’t think it causes any problems, it isn’t against any site rules.  There is a chance that it may get thrown up on an internet search (and gain us some attention), but hopefully it wouldn’t - being behind the sign-in wall part of the site.

Personally speaking my preferences would be for a human written story rather than creating an AI work and publishing it.  But I’m just out of touch like that. 

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45 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Personally speaking my preferences would be for a human written story rather than creating an AI work and publishing it.  But I’m just out of touch like that

Me too (fondly remembering my Alizée Jacotey story, one of my favourites to write 🙂). 

Edited by Kupar
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Great! I'm still working on it. It is not entirely written by AI, one could say, it is human written with some AI assistance 🙂 I particularly like to use AI for brainstorming creative and crazy ideas, it is oftentimes really fun to see what creative / funny / absurd ideas these things come up with.. 😅

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As the night's festivities at the glamorous "Music's Night" gala drew to a close, Taylor Swift and Rihanna, both staying at the same luxurious hotel, decided to share a limousine ride back, eager to catch up in the comfort and privacy of their shared transportation, but also eager to finally arrive at the hotel to get some well-deserved rest after a very long day.

The neon lights of the city blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors as the limousine glided through the night, its plush interior a sanctuary from the bustling world outside. Taylor Swift, her heels abandoned in the corner, leaned back against the cool leather seat, her fingers drumming a restless rhythm on her thigh. Beside her, Rihanna, a queen in her domain, sipping on her glass of champagne, her eyes reflecting the dance of the city lights.

Taylor shifted uncomfortably, her dress riding up slightly to reveal more of her toned legs. Rihanna, noting her discomfort, raised an eyebrow. "Honey, you also didn't pee all night, huh?" she asked, a smirk playing on her full lips. Taylor glanced at her, then down at her bulging bladder, visible through the shimmering fabric of her dress. She let out a small laugh, "No, it's been... a while. I was in a hurry to make it to the event, actually I did not pee all day, and I'm really happy when I finally can go.."

Rihanna chuckled, "Same here, doll. I've been drinking like a fish all night." She patted her own stomach, drawing Taylor's gaze to the impressive swell of her own bladder, straining against her tight dress.

Taylor grimaced, "Well, at least you've still got room to enjoy yourself. Still drinking more champagne?" She crossed her legs, a futile attempt to alleviate the pressure.

Rihanna leaned back, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You know, I have a huge tank down there." she said, her confident statement making both Taylor and herself laugh.

But the laughter was short-lived as the limousine suddenly slowed to a crawl. Taylor glanced out the window, her heart sinking as she took in the gridlocked traffic. "What's going on?" she asked, a note of desperation creeping into her voice.

Rihanna peered out, her expression turning serious. "Looks like we're stuck, doll. And by the looks of things, we might be here for a while."

Taylor's eyes widened as she realized the implications. She was already on the edge, and now, with no end to the traffic in sight, she knew it was only a matter of time before her bladder gave out. She took a deep breath, her mind racing. This was going to be a tough night.


PART 2  (30 Minutes In)

The limousine inched forward a few feet before grinding to another halt. Taylor's bladder felt really full. Taylor was used to holding her pee for a long time, but now it seemed that the pressure was mounting with each passing minute. She let out a shaky breath, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her dress.

Rihanna, sensing her growing discomfort, tried to engage her in conversation. "So, doll, I've been meaning to ask - what's the inspiration behind 'All Too Well'? It's been stuck in my head for days." She leaned back, her eyes twinkling with genuine curiosity.

Taylor was grateful for the distraction. "Uh, well... it's about a lost love, I guess," she managed to say, her words coming out in a rush. "The way certain moments can stay with you, even when the relationship is long gone."

Rihanna nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I get that. My 'Love on the Brain' was like that. A bit of a rollercoaster, you know? But it's those experiences that make us who we are." She took a sip of her champagne, her eyes never leaving Taylor's. "We've both been there, haven't we? The highs, the lows, the in-betweens."

Taylor let out a small laugh. "Yeah, we have." She uncrossed her legs, then crossed them again. She could feel it, the urgency building, the need to release growing stronger every minute.

Rihanna reached out, her hand covering Taylor's in a show of solidarity. "We'll get out of this, doll. Just hang in there a little longer," she said, her voice steady and reassuring. But even as she spoke, the limousine remained stubbornly still, the traffic ahead of them showing no signs of moving.


PART 3 - (55 Minutes In)

Another 25 minutes had ticked by, and Taylor was now starting to feel the pinch. Her bladder was full, the pressure mounting, and she was finding it increasingly difficult to ignore the need to relieve herself. She shifted in her seat, her dress riding up slightly as she tried to find a position that offered some relief. But it was no use. Her body was a live wire of need, her discomfort growing with each passing second.

Rihanna, noticing her increasing discomfort, tried to distract her with a game of 'Two Truths and a Lie'. "Okay, doll, listen to this - I once got lost in a corn maze, I can't stand the taste of pineapple, and I've never broken a bone in my body." She leaned back, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Which one is the lie?"

Taylor looked at her, her eyes narrowing in concentration as she tried to ignore the growing pressure in her bladder. "Hmm... I'd say the lie is that you've never broken a bone," she said, her voice steady despite the discomfort. "I mean, come on, Riri. You're a wild child. I can't see you going through life without so much as a stubbed toe."

Rihanna laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're right, doll. I've broken a few bones in my time." She leaned back, her expression turning thoughtful. "You know, I've been thinking about getting a new tattoo. Maybe something related to our relationship. What do you think?"

Taylor let out a small laugh, the sound slightly strained. "Oh wow! That's a great idea! Maybe something with a limousine and a traffic jam?" she joked, her body wracked with a small shiver as she tried to ignore the growing need to relieve herself. She was managing, just barely, as she felt an immense pressure inside her.


PART 4 - (75 Minutes In)

The limousine had been at a standstill for what felt like an eternity. Taylor glanced at her phone, checking the time and realizing that they'd been stuck for over 75 minutes. Her bladder was painfully full, the pressure mounting, and she was finding it increasingly difficult to ignore the need to relieve herself. She shifted in her seat, her dress riding up as she tried to find a position that offered some relief. But it was no use. Her bladder was feeling fuller with each passing second.

Rihanna pressed the intercom button, connecting her to the driver. "Excuse me, sir? Any update on the traffic?" she asked, her voice polite but firm.

The driver's voice crackled through the speaker. "I'm afraid not, Miss Rihanna. It's still at a standstill up ahead. I'll let you know as soon as there's any movement."

Rihanna, seeing Taylor's discomfort, reached out and squeezed her hand. "Hey, doll. We're in this together, okay? Here, let's check out what our fans are saying about the event. Maybe it'll take our minds off... certain things." She grabbed her phone and navigated to their respective social media pages, scrolling through the comments.

Taylor leaned in, her eyes scanning the screen as she read the comments aloud. "'Rihanna, you look like a queen in that dress!', 'Taylor, you're absolutely killing it in that gown!', 'Both of you look like you're ready to take over the world!'" She let out a small laugh, the sound slightly strained. "Our fans are amazing, aren't they?"

Rihanna grinned, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "They really are, doll. And they're right - we do look amazing. But you know what? As much as I love this dress, I've got to admit - it's really a problem that there's no way to go to the bathroom wearing that thing." She took a deep breath, her expression turning serious. "I have to say, I could really need a piss as well.."

Taylor replied, "To be honest, I was wondering how after all these drinks tonight you did not already pee yourself!"

Rihanna let out a low chuckle, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I've got a bladder the size of a watermelon." She leaned back, her hands instinctively moving to her lower abdomen, where she gave the bulge a proud pat. "It's like, the bladder to end all bladders. I can hold a ton in there.."

Taylor's eyes flicked down to Rihanna's lower abdomen, where a giant, rounded bulge was now prominently displayed. "Yeah I have to say, your bladder looks really impressive!".


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PART 5  (90 Minutes In)

The limousine had been at a standstill for what felt like an eternity, the tension inside the car growing with each passing minute. Rihanna, despite her own discomfort, had been trying to keep the mood light, but even she was starting to feel the strain. She glanced over at Taylor, who was now shifting uncomfortably in her seat, her face flushed and her eyes filled with desperation.

"Taylor, doll, you look like you're about to explode," Rihanna said, her voice filled with concern. "You are really bursting right now, huh?"

Taylor let out a soft groan, her eyes squeezing shut as she nodded. "Rihanna, I've never had to pee this bad in my life. I swear, I'm starting to think I'm going to burst right here in the limousine."

Rihanna, witnessing her friend's distress, felt a pang of sympathy. She again pressed the button for the intercom, "Excuse me, sir? We've got a bit of a situation here. My friend hasn't been able to... go all day. Is there any way she can relieve herself in here?"

The driver answered immediately. "Oh, I see, Miss Rihanna" he said, his voice apologetic. "I'm afraid there's no proper facilities in here, but... there's a pitcher in the fridge. It's not ideal, but if she's really desperate..." He trailed off, leaving the suggestion hanging in the air.

Rihanna turned to Taylor, her expression serious. "Alright, doll. Emergency mode. You think you can manage?" Taylor nodded, her teeth gritted, "I have to. I can't hold it in any longer."

Rihanna opened the fridge, her eyes scanning the contents before she pulled out a large, clear pitcher. She took a sip, her eyebrows raising in appreciation. "Hmm, that's a nice drink!" she commented.

She then glanced at the shaded windows, then at the paparazzi trailing their limousine, their cameras clicking away, oblivious to the drama unfolding inside. A mischievous grin spread across her face.

She rolled down the tinted window to stick her head out, her long, curly hair whipping in the night breeze. She empties the pitcher on the street below her. The paparazzi shouting at her. "Hey! Rihanna! What's going on?". Rihanna turned to the paparazzi, and replied in a teasing way: "My friend Tay-Tay is bursting to piss!". She then rolled up the window, her eyes gleaming with amusement as she turned back to Taylor.

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Rihanna turned to Taylor, her expression serious yet excited. "Alright, doll. Let's do this. You can't hold it in any longer, and I'm not going to let you suffer." Taylor began to struggle out of her fancy dress, the cramped space and her urgent need making the task difficult. Rihanna lent a helping hand to get Tay out of her dress.

"Okay, hun," Rihanna said, holding the empty pitcher in her hands. "You go, and I'll hold it for you." She glanced at Taylor's distended bladder, a hint of apprehension in her eyes. "I hope this pitcher is big enough," she said cheekily.

Taylor, despite her discomfort, let out a small laugh. "Thanks, Riri. I hope so too." She took a deep breath, and with a moan of relief, she began to pee. "Ahhh, I needed this for so long!" she moaned, her body relaxing as she started to fill the pitcher.

"Wow, you go, girl!" Rihanna exclaimed, a mix of awe and amusement in her voice, while Taylor's stream was filling the pitcher rapidly. Taylor, her face scrunched up with the effort, let out a long, relieved sigh. "Aaahhh, that's so much better," she moaned, her body relaxing as she continued to fill the pitcher.

Rihanna watched as the pitcher started to fill dangerously. "Wow, that's... that's a lot, Tay!" she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Taylor, her bladder finally emptying, glanced at the pitcher, her eyes reflecting the same disbelief. "Yeah, when I gotta go, I really gotta go," she said, a small laugh escaping her lips.

Rihanna, her eyes still on the pitcher, nodded. "I can see that," she said, her voice filled with admiration. "Do you think you can stop for a second, hun? I'll empty this for you." Taylor nodded, her face still flushed, and Rihanna quickly rolled down the window, tipping the pitcher out. Over a liter of Taylor's piss splattered onto the street. The paparazzi, their cameras still clicking, stared in disbelief, their eyes wide with shock and excitement.

Rihanna, a wicked grin on her face, stuck her head out the window, her long hair whipping in the wind. "Surprise, boys! My friend Taylor has to pee a lot!" she called out, her voice filled with laughter. Then she rolled the window backup. Riri turned back to Taylor, her expression turning serious. "Here, hun," she said, holding the pitcher in position.

Taylor, her face still flushed, let out another moan as she began to pee again, the stream filling the pitcher halfway before she finally stopped. Rihanna let out a low whistle, her eyes on the pitcher. "Well, doll. That was a really good piss!" she said, her voice filled with admiration and laughter.

Both women laughed, the sound filling the limousine, their laughter echoing the excitement and relief they both felt. They were two powerful women, used to being in control, and yet here they were, peeing in a limousine, giving the paparazzi a show they would never forget.

Rihanna, her eyes gleaming with mischief, emptied the pitcher again out of the window, pouring out the second round of Taylor's piss. She stuck her head out the window, her voice filled with laughter as she called out to the paparazzi, "Tay Tay is done! But guess what, I need a piss, too!"



She then turned to Taylor, her expression turning serious. "Alright, doll. Now it's my turn. Let's see how much pee I've got in here." She jokingly patted her distended bladder, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Taylor, her face still flushed, "Do you need any help, Riri? I can hold the pitcher for you!" she said. Rihanna let out a throaty laugh, "Thanks, I can handle it, doll. I've got this.". Riri then went on to get out of her dress, such that she could relieve herself, too. Then, Rihanna sitting on the elegant leather seat with spread legs brought the pitcher in position, holding it in front of her pussy. Riri then explained: "I really have a lot in there, let's see if I can fill it up, too!" She took a deep breath, and with a moan of relief, she began to pee, the stream splashing into the pitcher and filling it rapidly.

Taylor watched as the liquid rose steadily. "Wow, Riri. Haha you really had a lot of drinks tonight!" she said, her voice filled with admiration and laughter.

Rihanna, her face looking focuses with the effort of relieving herself, let out a low laugh. "Yeah, doll. This is the first three glasses of champagne," she said, her voice filled with amusement. "Fourth one," she added as the pitcher began to fill up. "Fifth one," she said cheekily, as the pitcher was 3/4th full.

Taylor let out a low whistle. "Wow, Riri. Will you ever stop?" she asked, her voice filled with laughter.

Rihanna, her eyes still on the pitcher, let out a throaty laugh. "Not so soon, doll. I've got to break your record," she said, her voice filled with determination and laughter.

Taylor, her face still flushed, shook her head in disbelief. "Okay, wow. Can you stop for a second, Riri? I'll empty the pitcher for you," she said.

Rihanna, her face still scrunched up, nodded. Riri interrupted her pee stream, and handed over the full pitcher to Tay. "Please, hurry up," Rihanna said in a joking way, as she demonstratively held her crotch with both her hands in the middle of her spread legs, a sexy and playful gesture that made Taylor laugh.

Taylor quickly rolled down the window, tipping the pitcher out, splashing another liter of superstar piss onto the surface of the street. She then stuck her head out the window, her voice filled with laughter as she called out to the paparazzi, "My girl Riri also has to pee a lot. This is just the start, boys!" She then rolled the window back up, and handed the pitcher back to Riri, such that she could continue to relieve herself.

Rihanna let out another relieved sigh as she resumed pissing, immediately blasting out a powerful stream that was filling the pitcher at an alarming rate. "You know, Tay. I also had two beers earlier".

Taylor watched as the pitcher began to fill up rapidly. "Wow, I can see that, Riri! Wow, will you ever stop?" she asked, her voice filled with laughter and a hint of awe.

Riri replied, "Eh, not yet!" while she continued to piss with a relentless and powerful stream.

Taylor shook her head in disbelief as she watched the liquid rise. "Wow, Riri. You're really filling it up again," she said, her voice filled with admiration and laughter.

Rihanna, her eyes still on the pitcher, let out a throaty laugh. "Yeah, doll. I told you. I've got a huge bladder," she said, her voice filled with pride and amusement.

Only when the pitcher was nearly full, Rihanna stopped peeing. Taylor looked at the pitcher, then at Rihanna, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Wow, Riri. You really need another one?" she asked, her voice filled with a hint of admiration.

Rihanna, her face still scrunched up, let out a low laugh. "I could go some more, doll. But that's enough for the moment," she said, her voice filled with amusement and satisfaction. Both women laughed, their laughter filling the limousine, their relief and excitement palpable.

Rihanna then commanded Taylor, her voice filled with mischief, "Alright, doll. Empty the pitcher again. Let's give the paparazzi something to ponder on."

Taylor, her face still flushed, nodded, rolling down the window. She tipped the pitcher out, the liquid splattering onto the street. She then stuck her head out the window, her voice filled with laughter and a hint of provocation as she called out to the paparazzi, "Oops, boys. Looks like we made a bit of a mess. But hey, when you've got to go, you've got to go, right?" She then rolled the window back up, her face still flushed with laughter and excitement.

Finally, the traffic gets better and the car can continue its way. As the limousine finally pulled up to the hotel, they stepped out of the car, their arms linked, their bond stronger than ever. As they began to walk towards the hotel entrance, a paparazzi, who had been trailing them, called out to them.

"Hey, Rihanna! Taylor! How bad did you need to pee?" the paparazzi shouted, his camera flashing as he snapped photos.

Rihanna, while hastily walking towards the hotel entrance briefly turns her head, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "I think you could see that from the amount of pee we released!" she said, her voice filled with laughter and a hint of provocation.

The paparazzi pressed for more. "How is it possible that you both peed so much?" one of them called out.

Taylor stepped in, her voice filled with amusement and a hint of pride, and just before reaching the hotel entrance she explains, "Riri has the biggest bladder in the world!", her voice filled with laughter.

With that, both women turned and disappeared into the hotel, their laughter echoing behind them as they left the paparazzi staring in disbelief, their cameras clicking away, capturing the last moments of their incredible pee adventure.

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