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This upset me when it happened but from reading other post some of you might have enjoyed it.

    There is a VFW hall near me and the men's room has 2 urinals and 1 stall just to the right of the urinals.

    For a variety of Reason I can't pee standing up so I always use a stall.  One time I'm sitting there and someone is using the urinal to my left.  The urinal is so close that I was getting splashback in my face through the gaps in the stall walls.  

   Since then I stuff paper towels in the gap before I sit down.

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Ew that sounds yucky!

It seems like this bathroom must be especially poorly designed too for this to happen. Generally, the gap between the partition surrounding the stall and the actual wall extends at most an inch and a half forward from the wall, usually much less. So wayward drops would need to be going parallel to the wall and very close to it in order to have any chance of going into the stall. And usually urinals are built such that either the surface you pee against is recessed into the wall, or else it's out from the wall in a porcelain or occasionally metal "box" with sides that stick at least 3 inches or so out from the wall. Either way, even if you pee against the curved edge where the back meets one of the sides, splashes that go sideways hit the opposite side. Any splashes are coming back toward the pee-er and would miss that crack between the wall and the stall partition by a long shot.

Furthermore, the toilets IN stalls are usually decently far out from the wall, such that even if you're sitting all the way back on the toilet, your back is well forward of that crack as well--such that even if someone were to spray water with a squirt gun right into that crack it would still miss your back. That's also I think why nobody thinks of that crack as a privacy issue--you couldn't even get your eye close enough to the wall to look in at the proper angle to see anything. So all in all, it sounds like someone wasn't doing their job designing this.

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I found it disgusting but I was to embarrassed to tell anyone or complain. 

I enjoy pee play when everyone has consented and knows what's going to happen. I don't know anything about measurements but like you said poorly designed. 

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I think this is a problem almost unique to North America where there are two problems with the design:-

  1. The gaps in the partition walls that allow the splashback through.
  2. The use of right angles in the construction of the urinals that causes the splashback.

I don't know why it persists when the problem and its cause is so obvious.

Here is an example of a pretty idiotic design that not only has right angles in the trough profile but a corner where you would have to be pretty good mates to stand so close!


I am glad I don't need to use these.

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