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1 hour ago, Hayley Bauer said:

Hey all,

I know I haven't been on here in a while.  I've just been figuring things out, I was suppose to spend the summer in Canada so much for that.   I went for a walk one day about a month ago was having a great morning,  I even popped a squat in the bushes had a very satisfying pee then I headed back to Will's.   When I turned the corner I seen a blonde girl coming out of the house,  I went inside to find out who she was thinking it was a cousin I haven't met or something but Will was coming out of the bedroom getting dressed so I packed up whatever I could and got the next flight out back to South Carolina.

He texted me and called me but I just been ignoring him.  Maybe I should let him explain but I'm afraid he might come up with an excuse or lie.   Once I'm feeling up to posting again I will,  miss you all.

Happy peeing!

Oh no, I'm so sorry your going through that. Hope it works out for the best and feel free to DM me if you need to vent. Hugs

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Well I feel like such a bitch.   Paige(will's sister) video chatted me this morning,  I recognized where she was too,  I said girl what are you doing in South Carolina and how come you never messaged me that you were coming.   So I went and picked her up,  we went for coffee and she cleared the air.

She said so Will told me everything and I see why you reacted the way you did,  I totally would too.   The truth is that was his realtor.   My first thought was he's sleeping with his realtor.   She said no he was going to tell you that night that he was selling his house,  he's been sleeping on my couch ever since that day.   My next question was why is he selling the house.   She said Will has always been five steps ahead,  he's madly in love with you and as a surprise he was going to buy a bigger house for you guys to fill it with kids.  

Oh great I said,  he must hate me for sure now.   Paige said he's a little ticked I won't lie but really he misses you Hayley.  Before you came along,  my brother was a player,  sleep with and chuck.  I've never seen him so happy in my life up until that day,  he doesn't know I'm here I told him I had a work conference in Texas. I've come to take you back Hayley.   I said I got to go back to him.  Paige said well yes but don't go rushing to book a flight right away or I'll be a liar.   Let's just take a couple days,  show me some sights and we'll leave Sunday morning.

 Myself and Paige are heading for a girls day right after we pee.

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Be careful. Can you check round realtors in the area? Do you recognise her? I hope this is genuine, but take  few steps to check things out first. I hope it all works out for the best

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Hey all,

So I spoke to will last night, I may have been a little drunk.   The girl was legit a realtor I looked her up,  again I feel like such a bitch I didn't even give him time to explain I just packed a few clothes and made a run for it.    He was working on his friend's car that morning and got grease all over his shirt.   So it was just bad timing and a misunderstanding,  I never told him I was going back to Canada I'm going to surprise him.  I'll be back there tomorrow flying back with Paige.  She's going to drop me off at her house and then give us some time to talk things out. 

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