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Its getting warmer around here, and my building is smelling more like a urinal.  Lol.  AInt no surprise of course considering.  Y'all remember my buddy Mike, well he's been getting more and more like me and has been pissing around his building too.  Its interesting with him cause  as far as I understand, theres no kink with em.  Dont know if he just does it cause he knows I am into it and he's just trying to bond with me or something else.  My pissing aint no stranger to his place neither as you know, and when he visits me too he aint shy tio let it go neither. I bet ya they all can  probably tell when we are out of town cause of the smell gone away. 

And it aint a great smell or nothing like that, but to me,  its like a job well done, ya know what i mean?  Smells like home.  Some times last summer Mikey texts me saying how the place stanks bad.    And actually, it aint just us, apparently more guys have been pissing around lately in our buildings.  I like to think its cause of us leading the way.  I always love me the sight of watching some dude having a piss.  I seen both drunk and sober occasions. I love it.  

Any of yousr apartment buildings starting to smell cause of you?  

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That's awesome.  I think I actually kind of like the smell.  Or I guess I should say that I don't mind it.  I hope one day my building will smell as good as yours though.  

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