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Range of pee length?

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This is inspired by two recent threads on here--the one about peeing off of buildings and other high places, where it was discussed about whether you could pee and finish before it hit the ground, and Mary Moon's one about bladder capacity. I would have thought there would already be a thread on this topic, but if there is I couldn't find it with the search function.

My question is, what is the range of variation in the time it takes you to pee? How short is your shortest "reasonably typical" pee. By "reasonably typical" I mean not like after you just peed 5 or 10 minutes ago, but not like where you really need to go either--like if you just check to make sure you're empty, as before going to bed or before a long series of classes/meetings? And how long is a "gotta go now" pee, the kind of fullness that would interrupt you no matter how busy you are?

For me, the shortest I'd tend to actually pee has a little under 10 seconds of flow, like maybe 8 seconds or so, and then trickles for a few seconds more. The longest pees I take are around 30 seconds.

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Shortest would be 10 or 15 seconds.  Longest would be a bit over a minute. Average 25 seconds.  I’m a guy but I’ve known both girls and guys who have me beat by a mile in this department.  Curious what others have to say.

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