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32 minutes ago, Lutab said:

Look forward to hearing about places they pee 🙂

Definitely working on it and I’m hoping I’ll be ready to publish soon 

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  • 2 weeks later...

                                   Part 2

“Naz? Naz, pay attention! “, said Lakeisha. Naz was vibing to his music while driving, but his earlier conversation with his girlfriend had gotten his attention.

”Naz, I’m so excited that I get to share this with you. I made a checklist of all the places we’re gonna pee. Well, that you’re gonna pee. I’ve already checked off most or probably all of the stuff on the list, but there’s still a few I have in mind. Some aren’t even on the list because they’re extra special to me. I call those the secret spots”, said Lakeisha in a seductive manner.

”What are the secret spots?”, asked Naz.

”When the time is right, I’ll tell you “, said Lakeisha slyly. Then she gave him a gentle kiss for reassurance. “Pull over here “, she said. Curious, Naz complied without question, as they pulled into a gas station.

”Come with me “, said Lakeisha as she pulled Naz into the single person bathroom. “What are we doing here? I thought you weren’t a big fan of the toilet.”, said Naz. “Oh, I’m not. Not at all. But that’s not what we’re here for “, said Lakeisha as she pulled her biker shorts down and adopted a high squat. “When did you change into biker shorts?”, asked Naz. “My skirt got a little wet when I was peeing on your seat earlier, so I changed in the car. You didn’t notice, because you were distracted by the music.”

”Oh, ok”, said Naz. “Still not wearing underwear I see.”

”Still don’t even own any as far as I remember”, said Lakeisha. With that, she started peeing on the floor. Still peeing, Lakeisha began to speak again. “Welcome to your first milestone “, she said. “Three of the places on the list are right here. The sink, the trash can, and the bathroom floor. Take your pick”, she said to Naz.

Naz was not wanting to leave any evidence, as he didn’t feel he was at that level of confidence in this yet. So, he settled for the sink. He struggled a little bit, but eventually he began peeing, accidentally spraying the mirror as he did so.

”It’s pretty mild, but I respect your journey “, Lakeisha teased, while still peeing on the floor.

Feeling a slight unexpected surge of confidence, Naz directed his dick away from the sink and aimed it at Lakeisha. 

“No, dude. You got my shirt all wet and now I have to take it off,” said Lakeisha laughing. “I’m not even wearing a bra. And I don’t think I can just walk out with my boobs on display.”

Naz would have gladly offered his jacket if he had one with him, but he didn’t.

”You know what? Fuck it! I wanna try something”, said Lakeisha. Then, she took her shirt off and placed her hand over her boobs. “Let’s go “, she said.

Naz was too intrigued to argue for this being a bad idea, so he went with it. They quickly snuck their way to the door, Lakeisha’s bare back on display the whole time.

When they made it back to the car, Naz asked Lakeisha if she wanted to put another shirt on. “No, this actually feels really good “, she said. “Besides, I have something else in mind”, she stated as she climbed on top of Naz and began kissing him up and down while straddling his chest.

Edited by Peekid
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  • 2 weeks later...

                                       Part 3

“Babe, that felt so good. I suppose we should probably put our clothes back on though before someone catches us”, said Lakeisha.

”Yeah, you’re probably right”, said Naz as he began to get redressed.

”Ah, leave those off”, said Lakeisha, referring to Naz’s underwear.

”What? Why?”, said Naz.

”So we can be twinning, duh. Besides the less layers there are between me and your dick, the easier I can show you what my mouth can do. But only if you do good with the list”, said Lakeisha.

”Dang. You’re a bit obsessed, aren’t you?”, said Naz.

”Only for you, babe”, said Lakeisha while giving Naz a kiss on the cheek and very gently stroking his dick.

”I think we missed the lunch hour at the cafe we were going to”, said Naz.

”That’s ok. Let’s just go grab something quick and go exploring”, said Lakeisha.

Naz liked this idea, so that’s exactly what they did. After they drove around for a while, Lakeisha spotted something that caught her eye and told Naz to pull over again.

When they got out, Naz noticed that they were at some model homes. “What are we doing here?”, he asked.

”You’ll see “, said Lakeisha.

When they got inside, she immediately dragged Naz to the basement of the first model home and ducked into a corner. Naz had a feeling that he knew what was coming next. Sure enough, Lakeisha started pulling her shorts down and within seconds, Naz heard the unmistakable sound of liquid hitting concrete. “I can’t believe you’re doing this”, said Naz. “How?”

”Well, you see, I never had a basement growing up”, said Lakeisha. “This combines 2 of my greatest desires. Peeing in a basement and peeing in a strangers house.”

”Checks out “, said Naz.

”Yup. The only thing that would make it better is if a certain boyfriend of mine would join me”, said Lakeisha slyly.

”I don’t know if I’m ready for that”, said Naz hesitantly.

”Yes, you are”, said Lakeisha as she finished peeing and pulled her shorts up. “Come here”.

Then she dragged Naz into the same corner where she just peed a second ago. “Look, I’ll even help you”, she said as she began pulling the front of his pants down exposing his dick.

” I still don’t know about this “, said Naz. So, Lakeisha began stroking his dick hoping that it would help him to pee.

By now, Naz couldn’t deny his need to pee anymore, so he began to let go on the floor into his girlfriend’s puddle.

”There you go”, said Lakeisha. “You’re doing it!”

”I’m so proud of you”, she said as she put her mouth around his dick and began to drink his pee. Naz was already kind of shocked by this, but he was especially shocked when she didn’t even spit any of it out. 

“Did you swallow?”, asked Naz as he put his dick away kind of enjoying the feeling of it flopping around inside his pants.

”Feels good, doesn’t it?”, said Lakeisha referring to the fact that Naz was also commando and she could see the comfort on his face.

”Yeah, yeah. But, did you actually swallow for real thought?”, said Naz.

”Every last drop”, said Lakeisha.

“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”, said Naz.

”What? I was thirsty”, said Lakeisha with an innocent smile.


To be continued…

Edited by Peekid
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4 hours ago, Lutab said:

They could find a carpeted room in one of those houses and get even naughtier 😉

Hmm. That’s definitely something to take into consideration. Not really my style, but I’m open to trying out different ideas 

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  • 2 weeks later...

                                    Part 4

“That Was kinda fun lowkey”, said Naz “and it was kinda hot.”

”Wait, do you hear that?”, said Lakeisha.

”What?”, said Naz

“I hear liquid hitting something. Are you peeing again?”, Lakeisha asked Naz.

”No”, he said.

”Hmm, let’s check it out. Come on “, said Lakeisha as she dragged Naz around to different rooms in the house.

Eventually they found the source and they couldn’t believe it. They had quietly snuck up to find the realtor herself peeing on the carpet in the corner of the master bedroom.

Lakeisha, being as bold as she was made their presence known.

”Nice stream you got there”, she said.

”Oh my gosh “, the realtor screamed as she put her clothing back into place.

” I…um…I just…I really needed…”

”It’s ok”, Lakeisha said “I wont tell if you don’t tell.”

”Thanks, wait, what do you mean by that?”, said the realtor.

”Don’t tell anyone, but…we just peed in the basement”, said Lakeisha with a smirk as she nodded her head towards Naz.

”That’s a bold move “, said the realtor.

”I try”, said Lakeisha. “Wanna see something bolder?”

”What?”, said the realtor.

”This!”, Lakeisha said as she threw her arms around the realtor and kissed her on the lips. “Sorry, I know I should get to know people better first, but you’re just so hot. I couldn’t resist. Plus, what if I never see you again?”

”Wow”, said the realtor. “Here, take my personal number. I hope to see you again for sure. But how does your boyfriend feel about this?”

”You tell me”, said Lakeisha nodding towards Naz’s very obvious boner.

”Fair enough. I’m Michelle by the way”, said the realtor.

”Lakeisha. Nice to meet you.”

”You too”, said Michelle.

”So, why were you peeing on the carpet in the bedroom, Michelle?”, asked Lakeisha.

”When I first started here, the plumbing wasn’t working. They wanted us to use the bathroom across the street, but I hated walking all the way over there. One day I was alone and I had the idea to pee in the garage. It took me a while to work myself up to it, but eventually I managed to release a stream in the corner. It was amazing and way better than walking across the street. Over time, I worked up my confidence and started peeing in more rooms around the house when no one was around. Then after a while, I started peeing in different rooms in the house while people were in it. My next goal is to pee in the same room that a client is in. But, it’s a long shot.”

”Well, you could always pee anywhere you want in front of me”, said Lakeisha as she planted another kiss on Michelle’s lips. “I dont think my boyfriend would mind too much either. Just text me whenever you feel like having an audience.”

”You know, I think I will”, said Michelle. Then they heard the door open downstairs. “I suppose I should get back to work.”

Michelle planted a kiss right on Lakeisha’s lips before she left though. 

“One for the road. Bye!”

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On 2/21/2024 at 1:56 PM, Lutab said:

They could find a carpeted room in one of those houses and get even naughtier 😉

Part 4 is up and there may be some carpet involved. Just thought I’d let you know 

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On 1/24/2024 at 11:02 AM, Puddlecheckfr said:

Excited to see what all Lakeisha has to teach 😋

Part 4 is up and she’s definitely been keeping busy

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5 hours ago, Lutab said:

Hot story. Looking forward to what they do next 🙂

Appreciate it. I just been waiting for somebody to notice this newest part, which I personally think is my best yet 

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  • 3 months later...

                                  Part 5

“Babe, that was fun”, said Lakeisha when they got back to the car “and I made a new friend,” she said with a sly look.

”Seemed like more than a friend to me. You had your lips all up on hers”, said Naz.

”What? She was hot”, said Lakeisha with a smirk.

”Ok, I mean, it was hot to watch“, said Naz.

”I can tell you think so”, said Lakeisha as she started to rub her hand back and forth over Naz’s very obvious boner.

”I’m getting a little hungry again”, said Naz.

”Here, let’s go to Burger King and get something light”, said Lakeisha. “I have a friend who works there and she said she can hook us up with free stuff. Plus, I may or may not have an idea in my mind.”

So that’s what they did. When they got to Burger King, Lakeisha saw her friend Carly taking out the trash.

”Hey, that’s my friend Carly”, said Lakeisha. “Let’s go sneak up on her.”

When Lakeisha got close to the trashcans, she heard a liquid sound. Just as she suspected, the liquid sound was Carly peeing against the trash can.

”Hey blondie”, said Lakeisha.

”Hey you”, said Carly while still peeing.

”You’re a real class act”, Lakeisha teased.

”Oh yeah, all the way”, Carly teased back while flashing her ass at Lakeisha to reveal she was going commando under her work jeans. “What’s up?”

”Oh, you know. Just hanging out with my boyfriend here. Thought you might be able to hook us up”, said Lakeisha.

Carly glanced Naz up and down before eventually responding. “Ok, I see you got yourself one of those pretty boy types. Yeah, I can hook y’all up. Just let me wash my hands first.”

” I have some hand sanitizer in my purse”, Lakeisha offered.

“No need. I always carry my own, seeing as how I never seem to actually be in a bathroom when I pee”, said Carly.

”Are you sure we’re not related?”, joked Lakeisha.

Once inside, Carly took their orders and made sure to hook them up. Once Carly had brought the food, Naz asked Lakeisha, “What was that? Do y’all have some kind of connection over peeing in public? Does she know that you do it?”


“Well, actually we kinda do have a connection over it”, responded Lakeisha, “So, yes, she knows I do it. See, when we were kids, probably about 8 years old, we were playing outside one day when I had to pee. Now, the playground backed up against some houses, and she dared me to pee in somebody’s backyard. I was pretty scared at first, but she said she would do it with me. So we hopped the fence of one of the houses that looked like nobody was home. We found a corner that looked pretty hidden and we started peeing. It was amazing, but we were wrong about nobody being home. Some old lady came out, I guess to water her garden, which happened to be pretty close to where we were peeing at. She immediately started shooing us away obviously, but it was so heart racing. Me and Carly didn’t know each other very well before that, but at that moment, our bond was solidified. I think that’s probably part of the reason I love it so much. What it signifies to me and the thrill I get from doing it.”

”Wow, that was a lot”, Naz responded. “Almost wish I had a story like that.”

”Well, now you have me. And we can make our own story”, said Lakeisha. “Now, let’s add a chapter. I dare you to pee in your cup.”

“Now?”, said Naz.

”Yup”, responded Lakeisha.

”Here?”, said Naz.

“Right here”, said Lakeisha looking excited “Just pee quick. No one will ever know.”

After some hesitation, Naz pulled out his dick as casually as possible and put it in his cup. He was still hesitant, but he saw Lakeisha biting her lip in the sexiest way he’d ever seen. That was all he needed. He immediately started pissing with a force that he never had before.

Right at that moment, Carly came out of the kitchen and came straight to their table and sat down. Naz tried to hide what he was doing, but Carly saw right through him. “Relax, pretty boy, I know what you’re doing. Try turning a little to the side next time. If you miss the cup, you accidentally pee on the booth a little. Big deal. Better than attracting an audience if you accidentally pee on the floor,” said Carly, “But I can see you were in the middle of something, so I’ll leave you to it. I just came to say hi to my girl.”

”Thanks, Carly”, said Lakeisha.

Once Carly was gone, Lakeisha looked at Naz and told him, “Watching you pee in that cup under the table was so hot. Let’s go to the bathroom.”

“Oh?” said Naz intrigued.

”Straight up, I wanna suck your dick while I pee in the sink”, said Lakeisha.

Naz responded, “Say less”.




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