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An observation about my desperation

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One thing I have noticed about getting desperate to pee is it isn't the fullness of my bladder that gets me, it's the anticipation of emptying it. For example, if I am ironing clothes and I tell myself I can sit on the toilet once I have finished, I get increasingly desperate as the pile gets smaller, to the point where I had my legs crossed as I ironed the final shirt.  It's the anticipation of being able to go once they are all ironed. It's like when you are walking home desperate, you feel the need to go so much more once you can see your house.

Alternatively, if I am busy with something and it doesn't have a set time to finish, it's done when it's done, I find it so much easier to hold. I don't think to myself "five more minutes and I can pee" or "Just need to finish these three things and I can go". I just think to myself "woohoo it's done. Okay, time to go to the loo" I don't get that strong desperation as I get closer to finishing.

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Agreed.  And seems like very much the same thing as driving home - conscious of the need to pee.  And taking the last couple of turns on the housing estate and then reversing on the drive are an absolute battle. 

But if I’m sat at home and the bathroom is just across the hall then no issues at all comparatively. 

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