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Seeking: Conversations

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(Cismale 40yo)

During the 2020 and 2021 height of COVID, I struck up a conversation with someone on the website VK.  We found that we like the same type of videos (female desperation, outdoor/nude peeing).  We would share videos back and forth, commenting and critiquing them, telling each other what we found most exciting about the videos and why we liked them.   Since the pandemic has abated, my friend has gone back to work, and doesn't/can't respond as frequently and as in-depth as we used to.  

We also exchanged stories of our experiences with female desperation.

It operated much like a pen-pal relationship as I am on the Eastern Seabord US, and my friend was in Central Europe.

I would like to strike up another/multiple conversations like that.  I suggest VK because the ability to Private Message longer/higher res clips is a bit easier, and allows for in-line commenting.  

If you know of another site that would be as easy, I'm willing to sign up and try it.  

I would be happy to chat with men or women, as long as the videos remain of women peeing.

Let me know if anyone would be interested in talking to me, and sharing thoughts on videos.

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5 hours ago, bkcir said:

hi i'm looking to talk to ladies about my golden shower fantasy. how can i get in touch with anyone?

It depends what you mean by 'talk' - I mean, just by posting that comment you're conversing with the ladies and gentlemen of the site.

We're a forum and not a chatsite first and foremost, so almost all conversation goes on this way.   So there are plenty of areas in Pee Talk or Real Experiences where you can discuss your fantasies and people are able to comment, agree and the like.

Also the site here isn't always real time.  So it may not be a flowing back and forth conversation in real time - you know, a conversation will build up but not immediately.

Perhaps what you're meaning is like a phone chatline - you know, where a girl twerking on a bed will talk dirty as you tell her about it?   That's not what we are, and most definitely our site doesn't provide that kind of service.  Remember the people here, ladies and gentlemen are real people. Everyday people, all brought together because of a common interest.  And people who are in all sorts of situations, some single and free, others in committed relationships.   We're all understanding - but not just here to play along.   Get to know people, learn who they are, build a friendship and then the chances are they'll be more than happy to share online chats (ie written word) about your fantasies.


Now, I know you didn't say specifically here on the site - other than here there are probably options - unfortunately most of them are going to involve somebody making money from you.

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15 minutes ago, bkcir said:

thanks for your reply.

it says for me to send a message i have to have 5 content items count. what is that?

It's because we're a forum - so just as you're doing now, almost all our normal interactions on the site are made by members posting content, other members reading and enjoying that content and maybe adding further posts to create a thread of content.   Just like this chat, or the threads of pictures, fictional stories etc.  Many thousands of pages of interactions between members of the site past and present.   All great content to browse and enjoy.  If those interactions between members didn't exist then the whole site wouldn't be worth visiting.

So that's what I mean by a forum - an area where everyone can meet together and share together all about our wonderful common interest.   No judgement, no criticism - just likeminded people all contributing.

Now, on top of that the site does have the ability to send messages.  It's a one-to-one messaging system like email.  There's a principle that we recommend it only be used between people who have already developed friendships in the forum - that we people who don't want to receive messages aren't getting harassed by spam like messages they're not interested in.   Many people in their profiles will actually ask to not be messaged.   And all the normal site rules apply for messaging.

The five content items thing is a measure put in place to stop people joining the site and immediately going straight into messaging people with spam, harassment or other undesirable content.  So it means that the capability to send messages is locked until you've made some valid participation to the site.   And that measure is having placed some content here on the site.

At the moment you have a content count of 2 because you've made a post in the forum asking about chatting and then you've also made this post.   So once you've made a few more posts then you'd be able to use messenger.

BUT we really do emphasise that messenger should be used between people who have already built up a friendship in the forum.  So for you on your first day of membership, trying to find someone to would be like going and knocking on random people's doors in the street "excuse me, can I tell you about my fantasy".   Imagine how many rejections you'd get.   My suggestion is spend time browsing the content that's here - find a suitable existing thread that ticks the boxes for you, enjoy learning what the site is all about and who we are.

Happy browsing.

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