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Girls distance peeing


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How long distance can girls pee? And how high can girls pee up to air? And what is the best style to pee long distance for a girl, squatting or standing? When girl pees standing up, is it possible that pee stream goes straight out, not straight down?

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Ah, girls distance peeing, it's one of my favorite things to see! :)

While I've been told some women are good for at least 20 feet in distance, I've never witnessed one who could pee half that far. :frown: (Yes, I've challenged them to contests, and won.) As for which is the best style, I should think standing up, but leaning back against something, so they can push real hard. And, if she wants her stream to go anywhere close to straight out, she's going to have to use her hands.

But, much as I enjoy this sort of thing, I'm not the expert on the subject. Why don't we ask our women colleagues and get the answers, so to speak, right from the source?

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I can pee long distance but certainly not 20 feet. Is that even possible???
I'm told it is, but I'll believe it when I see it! :)

Lizz, that's pretty impressive and close to the furthest I've seen a woman pee. But, is THAT really the best you can do? *wink*

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How long distance can girls pee? And how high can girls pee up to air? And what is the best style to pee long distance for a girl, squatting or standing? When girl pees standing up, is it possible that pee stream goes straight out, not straight down?

By what ive seen,girls can either angle their vagina down at 90 degs,like when squat on the toilet,or can angle further forward so it shoots forward,maybe when standing up.But i think standing is not a natural pee position.I guess they would get a lot of dribble.It seems that in order to pee standing,they must use their fingers to squeeze their urethra a bit.It must be in the angle of the hips.

But i maintain,that girls can piss more powerfully than guys.

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  • 7 months later...
I can pee long distance but certainly not 20 feet. Is that even possible???


How about I stand over where your stream landed and aim back at the fence. What do you bet I clear it?

If not, I promise I'll clean you up.

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  • 2 months later...

There's a good example in b2939' s photo thread, I would think you have to squat or crouch then lean back, taking the weight on your arms behind you before letting fly and flexing your vaginal muscles to get maximum distance...a full bladder would help!


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We ought to arrange a members kind of annual "Festival of Piss".Like "Its a Knockout"only involving pissing instead..There could be games,2 teams,men,and women.One of the games could be the "Piss up a wall" challenge.Women on one side,men the other,then all piss up the wall,and the highest aggregate score wins the round...Any more ideas for our theoretical "Festival of Piss"?This could be fun...:thumbsup:

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I will pass for now because I need practice. lolol

I reckon your stream,judging by those pictures is pretty good anyway,im sure you could go a few feet!

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  • 8 months later...

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