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meeting each other for the first time (a chinese peeing story)

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This story came from a Chinese love/ romance novel called "I have been to your world". the author's name is Xue ying shuang hun . the story mention the Chinese couple remembered their past experience of peeing contest when they met each other for the first time as children. the main female character's name is Bohe, while the main male character's name is Xi Ruinan. They met each other for the first time when they were six years old. They dated each other at fifteen years old, but their relationship did not keep very long. after they broke up, they had not see each other again for nine years. when they met each other again for the first time as adults when they were twenty four years old, they recalled that when they met each other for the first time as children, they had a peeing contest to compete against each other to see who pee the furthest.

Bohe had been very boyish since she was a little girl. She often cut her hair to make her hair short. she did not like wearing skirt. she like wearing t-shirt and jeans. some of her t-shirts had image of skeleton in the front, and her jeans were full of holes, which make her look un-girly. When she was in elementary school, she played with boys rather than girls most of times. she had very forward peeing dream. when she peed, she could pee very far, and she sometime could pee a little further than boys even when she was squat.

when Bohe was six years old, her father,Bo Jiaqing was invite to his boss, Xi Wenqian's party. Bo Jiaqing was a driver of Xi Wenqian. Bo Jiaqing brought his daughter, Bohe to the party. That was the first time Bohe met Xi Ruinan,the son of Xi Wenqian. Just like other boys at that age, Xi Ruinan did not like to play with girls, but he like to play with Bohe, because Bohe had short hair, and she never wear skirt, and she look like a boy. Xi Ruinan mistook Bohe as a boy. during the afternoon after lunch, Xi Ruinan had a full bladder, and he really wanted to pee. when he unbutton his pants and about to stand to pee, it remind him about Bohe, so he turn his head and look at Bohe ,smile and ask:"do you want to pee? if so, how about a pee contest to see who pee furthest?"

Xi Ruinan did not realize that Bohe was a girl. At that time, Bohe felt urge to pee too, she just agreed to compete with  Xi Ruinan without thinking twice. they went behind the stone chair to do the peeing competition. Xi Ruinan stand while Bohe squat to pee. when Xi Ruinan turned his head and saw Bohe squatted to pee, he felt very surprised   and he asked:"why are you squatting to pee? are you a girl?" this time Bohe suddenly realized why Xi Ruinan didn't play with other girls, but played with her only, because he thought she was also a boy. Xi Ruinan felt even more   surprised  that although Bohe squatted to pee, she peed far away, even a little farther than him. He bent down to look at her suspiciously and ask: "Are you really a girl?how can you pee so far? do you have a penis?What do you use to pee?" when Bohe was still squatting to pee, Xi Ruinan bent even lower as he spoke,  try to see what did she use to pee,but Bohe suddenly finish peeing and pull up her pants very fast as she stand up. Xi Ruinan did not see anything and he felt very disappointed.

Edited by kitty and mimi
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Interesting, this novel shows another form or discussion/admiration for forward streams. Do you think peeing contests are common in Chinese culture or more common than the west? I wonder if its common for girls to have a peeing contest since outdoor squatting and peeing is more common in China.

It says they went behind the stone chair. Do you know what that means? Is that outside or were they peeing behind a stone Shari inside?

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On 8/16/2023 at 11:33 PM, Havelock said:

It says they went behind the stone chair. Do you know what that means? Is that outside or were they peeing behind a stone Shari inside?

The novel did not explain what stone chair mean, but I think it was most likely in outdoor environment. chairs that made of stone are commonly used in park or garden in outdoor environment in China.

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On 8/17/2023 at 4:25 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

This is the fictional stories section.  Let’s keep it that way shall we?

It’s very typical in analyzing fiction to try to understand the cultural context. From high school through post graduate education it would not be unusual to have a dialogue around such topics. I have always considered Peefans more thoughtful and intellectual than other fetish sites. I really appreciate the thought and depth of topics on the site. I don’t understand the harm and I am genuinely curious if anyone with more expertise knows and could put context as to whether the competition described in the fiction is common or more fanciful and imaginative. 

Edited by Havelock
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/20/2023 at 10:07 PM, Havelock said:

It’s very typical in analyzing fiction to try to understand the cultural context. From high school through post graduate education it would not be unusual to have a dialogue around such topics. I have always considered Peefans more thoughtful and intellectual than other fetish sites. I really appreciate the thought and depth of topics on the site. I don’t understand the harm and I am genuinely curious if anyone with more expertise knows and could put context as to whether the competition described in the fiction is common or more fanciful and imaginative. 

yes, it is true that it is very interesting to analyze fiction, and it is no harm to discuss the cultural perspective of urination rather than just fetish by itself, although I don't think the story in the novel reflect any Chinese cultural value, since the story involve peeing contest between people of opposite sex, which I had never seen before. I was highly uncommon for one boy and one girl peeing side by side outdoor in china, not to mention peeing contest. I only seen this twice before I came to united states. once was in China. another time was in Hong Kong. none of theme had peeing contest at all. I read a urban legend in yahoo China (i think the website no longer exist), that once there was a large mixed gender peeing competition took place outside of China. at the end, all the winners were women.

as for peeing competition by itself, or the admiration for forward streams, I don't think any of these were unique to Chinese culture either. I think from  sociobiological approach, peeing contest might be actually a mating strategy that evolved for animals to compete with the same sex and attract the opposite sex.

in classic literatures around the world, it is not uncommon for people to consider forward stream to be a sign of fertility, sexual potency and attractiveness. In less developed places without proper bathroom facility, people of same sex may pee side by side, outdoor while exposed to other people of opposite sex. they compete against each other to see who pee the furthest, to attract people of opposite sex, to maximize their chance of reproduction.

There is one ancient Irish myth about female peeing contest. according to the myth, one day during a cold winter, the men used snow to create a phallic pillar. several women had a competition to pee into the snow pillar, to see who can shoot urine  deepest into the snow pillar to prove that she was most attractive to men. Derbforgaill, wife of Lugaid Riab nDerg won the competition, but other women fatally attacked her out of jealous. at the end, she was eventually killed by those envy women.

this story suggest that female peeing contest and the admiration of forward stream had exist in ancient time in Ireland. this story also reflect the reality of  natural selection which human or non human animals of same sex fight each other to death, to attract the opposite sex,to win the chance of mating to maximize their chance of reproduction.

When I was in Hong Kong, I saw a game show, which a group of male stars were asked to make a most masculine posture to compete to see who was most attractive to women. One male star, his name is Steven Ma, he made a male peeing posture, and he said men's peeing posture is most attractive to women. He stood face to the wall, two hand was in front, as it he was holding his penis and peeing.

I think peeing contest is mainly between people of same sex, to compete against each other to attract people of opposite sex, which evolve from ancient time or in less developed places, when bathroom facility were less developed. but in modern time, in more developed places, in gender segregation bathroom environment which men and women cannot see each other peeing, many people still re-enact that kind of ancient instinct, and bring that kind of mating strategy into a gender segregation bathroom with open urinals or open squat toilets while exposed to the people of same sex, to compete to see who pee furthest, although there is no people of opposite sex was present to see. just like the ancient Irish story, in modern China, where some lady's room with open squat toilet with no door, some women compete to see who pee the furthest, but what different from the ancient story is that it is just competition between people same sex, but not about attracting the people of opposite sex, because there was no male audience present to watch. the men on urinals on the other side of the bathroom might have their own peeing competition at the same time,but there is no female audience present to watch either. in a modern bathroom with open urinals or open squat toilets in gender segregation environment,each gender group could have their own peeing competition, but people on the each side of the bathroom cannot see each other doing the competition. therefor, in modern public bathroom environment,peeing competition is no longer about attracting people of opposite sex, or maximize one's chance of reproduction. people just re-enact an ancient mating strategy which is hardly even work today.

Edited by kitty and mimi
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