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New ideas please.

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Hi Everyone 

Me and my boyfriend are off on a dirty day out on Monday somewhere where people don’t know us. We’ve made a rule that neither of us is allowed to use the toilet from leaving the house to arriving back at the house later and we will be having a good few pints of lager while we’re out so we’re gonna need to pee quite often though. We’re hoping to try as much new stuff as possible and we’re fairly daring people especially when we’re doing it together. We have a few ideas already-

1. On the train                                            2. Tescos (only a small puddle for health and safety reasons)                                  3. Wet ourselves in front of someone    4. Either on a seat or floor in a pub         5. On the bus

If any one has any more suggestions we would love to hear them  Also if anyone is interested in hearing about what we got up to I will be posting some stories and photos of what we did when we when we get home. 

P.S. Please note that I will be taking precautions to protect surfaces such as seats. The photo below is a plastic sheet with 3 super absorbent incontinence pads stuck to it. I store it by folding it and putting it in a nappy sack and it easily fits in even a small handbag. I place it on the seat before I sit down and it means that it can’t be seen but I can wet myself without soiling the seat. When I leave the seat it will go straight into the nappy sack and put in the bin. I will be taking a few of these with me  




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Sounds like a fun thing to do - you will get a thrill from peeing near others, with no lasting evidence - at least where you do it on the seats with your pad, which I presume is for the train/bus/pub.   

You asked for other suggestions and for me it depends very much on where you are going and what is there, but I'd suggest there are plenty of places where you don't need to use your pads.  Definitely I'd be looking at peeing in a quiet alley or carpark and maybe a car park stairwell.  If you really want to be a bit brave then you could walk into a random hotel and find a quiet corridor or stairwell where you can pee.

Maybe find a park and use the bushes or even sit in the middle of the field and pee on the grass discretely.   If you wear a suitable skirt and your boyfriend wears loose shorts (don't know what the weather is like where you are) then you can discretely pee just about anywhere.  You could even consider leaving small puddles in lots of places like shops and fitting rooms rather than releasing a full bladder in one place.    

The options are many and varied and it all depends on your personal desires.

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If theee are bridges, preferably over a river you and especially your boyfriend could lean against the railings while  jetting your stream enter the stream below. Extra points if you do it in daylight.

Another idea would be trying to find abandoned places or just an empty parking lot where you can leave a prominent puddle or even atempt at making some shapes with little limitations

The train is quite naughty but in case there is no  good good opportunity just one the seating in the stations. Another thing could be using cups or other containers so you don't have to place the pad protector beforehand.

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