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Kai's Fascination

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Hey everybody! I'm Kai. My username references Joe Dever's Lone Wolf series (kailord) and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (42)

I've been fascinated by pee for as long as I can remember. I'm especially curious about how women do their business and all the various aspects that entails - the many positions, the cleaning techniques, dealing with pads and tampons, etc etc. as it's so different from what I experience as a man. It's also interesting to me hearing accounts of women wetting themselves, intentionally or otherwise. My primary purpose with this site is to engage with questions and gain some new insights. I hope I don't offend anyone with my inquires but please let me know if I ever upset you. I don't want to ruin anyone's day! Happy peeing everyone!

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6 hours ago, kailord42 said:

dealing with pads and tampons,

Have you ever heard of a menstrual cup? I use one of those paired with period panties and am happy to share my experiences. I haven't used a pad and tampons in years. 

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18 hours ago, Bacardi said:

Have you ever heard of a menstrual cup? I use one of those paired with period panties and am happy to share my experiences. I haven't used a pad and tampons in years. 

Yes I have! I hear they're very popular among hikers who don't want to deal with the hassle of the frequent changes. Is that accurate? What's your experience been like?

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22 minutes ago, kailord42 said:

Yes I have! I hear they're very popular among hikers who don't want to deal with the hassle of the frequent changes. Is that accurate? What's your experience been like?

Well I don't hike and the only real exersize I get is walking on my treadmill lol. But I started using it to go green and save money. I used cloth diapers on my babies, reusable shopping and produce bags, and reusable paper towels, so it made sense to me to make my period eco friendly!

In regards to pee the cup is all over the place. If I don't get everything aligned correctly (cup to cervix and if its not positioned correcrly in my vagina) the cup can press on my urethra which then makes it feel like I really, really need to pee but nothing will come out. There was once a time where I was suddenly hit with the urge to pee, went scrambling to the bathroom and nothing came out. Not even after I took the cup out. It's something I've gotten used to lol. Worth it to not have to pay for pads or tampons anymore.

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