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Workplace Hydration = Great Desperation

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3 hours ago, sweet_release said:

Hello! I’m a long time lurker and occasional poster on some other sites, but I just discovered this one and wanted to share my stories with you all here. I hope you enjoy this first post!

As a note - the events below happened a few years ago, but I still remember them fondly! 

If I had to pick my favorite omo thing, it would definitely be this: intense female desperation that leads to "barely made it" scenarios and long, hard, gushing streams. Unfortunately, I seem to have an inability to create pees like those myself; even when desperate, my bladder has a habit of sending its contents out in a slow, steady, average trickle. However, life has recently blessed me with a situation that creates just the kind of piss situations I crave: my new job in a restaurant. 

The area I live in is already verrrrry hot and humid right now, averaging 90-ish daily. My job is running takeout, which means staying in the kitchen for hours packing up food and bringing it out to the register desk. Now, I don't know if you've ever been in a restaurant kitchen, but they are absurdly hot. I'm quite near to the cooking ranges, and the heat of those combined with the general climate temperature is oppressive. In order to combat this, I have, of course, been drinking a lot of water. Like, 6+ full glasses in a 4 hour period. Things tend to get quite busy, and the waiters are mostly out front, so it's very hard for me to get a chance to leave my station - a.k.a, bathroom breaks are few and far between. There've been many times when I've simply not been able to slip away to the restroom, and thus just resigned myself to holding my piss. 

I would posit that I have a fairly average bladder - I usually pee maybe 5 times a day, without massive liquid intake. Sometimes, though, I manage to surprise myself - like the first day I worked this job, and was introduced to the water intake consequences I now deal with. I brought a 16 oz water bottle with me, and refilled it several times over the course of the first two to three hours. I was surprised at my lack of a need to pee, but I was sweating so much that I think it cancelled it out (attractive, I know). By the time my shift was nearing its end though, I was feeling it. My bladder was pressing against the waistband of my jeans, and every time I would have to scoot forward towards the counter to let people walk behind me, pressing my lower belly into the ledge, I would have to clench my thighs to keep the desperation from becoming overwhelming. Finally, I reached the end of my shift, and headed straight for the bathroom. Upon reaching the stall, I pulled down my pants and sat myself on the toilet in one fluid motion (ha, no pun intended) and immediately relaxed my overfilled bladder. Pee came shooting out of me, splattering against the porcelain in a steady rush. At long last, I relaxed, and simply let my piss flow. I realized partway through that I'd forgotten to time it, but my guess is it went on for at least 45 seconds. Usually, I start with a decent stream and tend to slow down after about 15 seconds or so (I'd say on average, I pee for about 30 seconds). This time, my stream stayed heavy and strong the whole way through, splashing noisily into the water. 

This has happened a few more times, but there's two really great, memorable wets that I want to share with you: 

1) A few days ago, I worked only a morning shift, and drank water steadily throughout, as I normally do. When I came home, I kept drinking, almost out of habit - just sipping on my water bottle throughout the afternoon. I peed probably once or twice, but nothing major; just an average piss. I went to bed around 2 a.m., and took a good few gulps of water before I fell asleep. I woke up to my alarm at 10:00 the next morning, and definitely felt an urge to pee, but exhaustion overrode it (I hadn't slept much the night before), and I turned my alarm off and passed back out. At about 1:30, I re-awoke, this time with my bladder absolutely screaming at me. I hopped out of bed, and took an extra second to grab my phone before dashing to the bathroom - I know this was going to be good, and there was no way I wasn't going to time it. My piss shot out of me the instant I got my panties out of the way, before I even fully settled myself on the seat. It felt incredible: when I say "shot", I really mean it - this stream was like someone had turned on a hose. A loud hissing accompanied the pounding sound of pressurized liquid meeting the water in the bowl; I will admit to having let out a fairly loud moan at the feeling of relief. It went on, and on; I'd promised myself I wouldn't look at the time until it was over. It's power continued for a while, but eventually it dropped down to a tinkling stream, and I pushed hard with my pelvic muscles to get the remaining amount out of me without messing up the total time by waiting for the gaps between those last little gushes. I hit time on my phone, and looked down, and was completely blown away: I had pissed for a full minute and a half! I truly never thought I would reach that point and I'm still quite proud of myself. 

2) This actually happened just about 20 minutes ago, and gave me the inspiration to really sit down and write this up. At work tonight, I got unusually desperate around 8:00, an hour before my shift was over. I tried my best to wait but eventually had to ask one of the waitresses to mind the phone for a minute while I ran to the ladies'. That in itself was a great piss - I imagine it would have gone for at least a minute had I not been bearing down hard in an attempt to get back to work as quickly as possible. The gush was pretty awesome - there was backsplash on my thighs from the power of the stream hitting the water in the bowl. I continued drinking water and also had a large iced tea before heading home. As I walked towards my car, I was feeling definite signals from my bladder. I got home about 15 minutes later, and went to go talk to my boyfriend for a while. After about 20 minutes, I was fidgeting and flexing my thigh muscles, and I decided it was time to release. Once again, I could barely contain my stream before seating myself fully; another thick, heavy arc rained down into the bowl. I timed this one, as well, and it tapped out at exactly a minute. The odd thing was, though, I still felt like I had to pee pretty significantly - say, a 5/10. I pushed, but nothing came out, so I decided to wait for a minute. As I sat, the urge steadily increased, but I still couldn't manage to get myself to piss. Eventually, maybe two minutes later, I felt that strange, lovely sensation of piss beginning to make its way down my urethra. A small trickle started, and I expected it to be a dribble or two of a few seconds, which sometimes happens after I've finished the mostly emptying my bladder. Instead, what started out as a trickle became a full stream - not an intense gush by any means, but I would say a stream like my bladder produces on a normal day. This continued for about 15 seconds or so, and my god, did it feel good. It was comparable to the feeling one gets when the first orgasm has been had, but you continue the stimulus that got you off and ride those beautiful aftershocks until your body can't do it anymore. After that stream, I still felt like I had to pee, but waiting and pushing produced nothing, and so I finally called it quits. I got an questioning look from my boyfriend when I came out - I'm fairly sure he could clearly hear me peeing, and while he's not into this at all (and doesn't know that I am), that much pee is enough to pique anyone's curiosity. As I'm sitting here, I'm still feeling the urge to piss, but honestly, I can't tell if that's just arousal or a legitimate need. I'm not going to give in for quite a while though, and plan to go down some more water right after I finish writing this. Chasing those perfect, beautiful gushers has become rather addictive - I've entered the wonderful world of proper hydration and I'm never going back!


Wow such an amazing story @sweet_release so excited so see future stories come to life

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Great write up  - thanks for sharing.

I'm sort of hoping your peeing has grabbed your boyfriend's attention, whether by the squirming before or by the time taken peeing.

If you did want to test that theory (and hopefully convert him to our dark side) then maybe there is the potential 'creating' a situation for him to witness.

What I mean is, perhaps flying into the house from work absolutely frantic to pee - or at least seeming that way - maybe in such a rush you don't even close the bathroom door properly if there's only two of you about.  Then pee noisily and obviously enjoyably.   Now afterwards that may have created the opportunity to discuss the 'this is going to sound really weird, but is it odd that going from so desperate to finally getting relief was almost arousing?'  or something along those sort of lines.   Hopefully you get what I mean. 

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23 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Great write up  - thanks for sharing.

I'm sort of hoping your peeing has grabbed your boyfriend's attention, whether by the squirming before or by the time taken peeing.

If you did want to test that theory (and hopefully convert him to our dark side) then maybe there is the potential 'creating' a situation for him to witness.

What I mean is, perhaps flying into the house from work absolutely frantic to pee - or at least seeming that way - maybe in such a rush you don't even close the bathroom door properly if there's only two of you about.  Then pee noisily and obviously enjoyably.   Now afterwards that may have created the opportunity to discuss the 'this is going to sound really weird, but is it odd that going from so desperate to finally getting relief was almost arousing?'  or something along those sort of lines.   Hopefully you get what I mean. 

Oh I get what you mean 😉 That boyfriend is now an ex and unfortunately I’ve confirmed with certainty that my current partner isn’t in any way into piss… Tragic!

I did have a lot of fun with an old FWB, though, who would tell me what to drink and make me beg to use the toilet… We lived across the country at that point but I would send him videos of my inevitable struggle to tug my panties out of the way in time to let loose a long, frantic stream. Ah, memories :’)

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