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Bluey & Bush Wees

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Last week I was at an event where parents were talking about a popular Australian TV show called Bluey which is on Disney+ in the US. Apparently the characters are frequently peeing outside and its made their children want to have "tactical pees" and pee outside which they call "bush wees" or "taking a bluey." I had never heard of the show, but most of the parents were affirming that this was a trend. It will be interesting if this has any eventual impact on acceptance of peeing outside in the US.

Has anyone else heard about this show in this way?

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30 minutes ago, Havelock said:

Last week I was at an event where parents were talking about a popular Australian TV show called Bluey which is on Disney+ in the US. Apparently the characters are frequently peeing outside and its made their children want to have "tactical pees" and pee outside which they call "taking a bluey." I had never heard of the show, but most of the parents were affirming that this was a trend. It will be interesting if this has any eventual impact on acceptance of peeing outside in the US.

Has anyone else heard about this show in this way?

I've never heard of that show. But, wow, what an interesting sociological experiment it presents. From a developmental perspective, the habits that we pick up before age 7 are usually imprinted in us for good. In fact, it doesn't even matter if we remember what caused it to stick in our heads or not. Therefore, if a kid's show plants the idea that peeing outdoors is fun, it might unintentionally engineer certain plocivities later in life. And if it's a popular show, it could do this on a massive scale. Damn, that's such a weird idea. 

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Some more discussion of the Bluey "bush wees" here:

https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/ryb7ir/as_im_watching_episodes_of_bluey_ive_noticed_one/ "I’ve noticed one thing… the amount of Public “Bush Wees” is astronomical. Are there no indecency laws in their reality?"



https://blog-actf.com.au/australias-most-influential-childrens-television-personalities/ "grandparents across the country were bewildered when their grandchildren demanded they learned how to “floss”; park public toilets were abandoned in favour of bush wees."

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