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How I would make videos if i were a producer

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One thing I truly enjoy about pee videos is when it's clear the model is enjoying what she's doing and everything is very natural. The whole photoshoot “Start, stop, Smile at me, okay go” thing is very annoying along with the camera flashes. It's just not natural enough. I would create a nice white room, set some cameras running and let the model do things in her own time. She would be the only person there so she wouldn't have to worry about the camera guys getting impatient, she could do whatever she wanted however she wanted. I might set some basic criteria but everything else is entirely up to her.

For example, if I was going to record a video of somebody peeing on the floor. The basic criteria is you must pee on the floor, otherwise do whatever you like. The model could arrive in any outfit she fancied, there would be plenty of water on hand if she needed it. She could undress, she could wet, she could pull them down and squat, entirely up to her. She could take as long or as little as she liked. Maybe she would want to give a striptease, or maybe she would just want to get straight to it.

I'm not very good at explaining it, it sounds great in my head but in words? Not so much.

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Agree totally. For pee videos of any kind, four things are absolutely essential for a good vid:-

1. It must come natural to the performer or performers, in the sense that they are clearly "into" it and doing what feels right for them. It will tend to work as a performance quite naturally then.

2. Realism. The scenario being presented to us must make plausible sense. Girls supposedly displaying desperation whilst prancing around an available toilet for ten minutes is illogical. Just use the fucking toilet! Also girls supposedly desperate for a pee who then struggle to produce the merest trickle. Desperation scenes rarely work well at all because it is generally quite obvious that the girl isn't desperate, and rarely is fake desperation acted out at all well enough to even begin to look convincing. Again, if you are going to have desperation scenes, why not use models who are genuinely into desperation?

3. It is important to see that the performers actually enjoy what they are doing. Looks of disgust when their faces get peed on, or showing an obvious lack of enthusiasm when having their mouths peed in, are a turn off. I want to see performers enjoying what I enjoy. I don't want to see them disgusted by it. So again, why not employ performers who are at least to some extent into it? And why the fuck would we want to see any girl or guy doing anything that obviously grosses them out? Their obvious disgust ruins it by highlighting the fact that they actually hate what they are doing. I don't want to see that. I don't want to see people doing any stuff that they obviously hate.

4. Full bladders capable of producing worthwhile pees are a no brainer and ought to be an obvious basic requirement. Yet so many producers out there can't even get this right! So often we get promising scenes which seriously disappoint by trying to fob us off with the briefest and tiniest trickle. Mr Porn producer dude - if you can't even get that right you'd be more use filming a frigging sunday school outing!

All of which brings me to the following point. I think a major problem with pee porn is that it tends to be produced by porn producers with no interest in pee themselves, nor any real understanding of our fetish at all, and simply trying to make money out of it. And it shows. Surely, a true pee enthusiast like any number of people here could undertake an advisory role on such productions that would end up with a much better finished product? After all, we have an interest in viewing high quality pee porn and a natural love of it. Fucking hell, I could do the job - you could too, Sophie - any number of us could! Why the fuck don't they listen to real enthusiasts and produce better quality pee porn as a result? Surely they'd make more money out of it then?

If any pee porn producer in the UK out there wants to hire me as a "consultant", a nominal fee plus travelling expenses - and a free download of the end product - is all I would ask for. :biggrin:

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  • 1 month later...
This could be kind of difficult, but I like to see properly coloured pee. I expect people in the films are told to drink lots of water to increase the quantity, but it doesn't look realistic if the pee is colourless.

It is not a make or break issue for me, but I must admit that I prefer the pee that ladies are spraying to be truly golden, rather than looking more like warm water. But they can pee a lot more both in terms of quantity and frequency if they drink loads, even though this inevitably dilutes the natural golden colour of their piss.

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I prefer "natural" pissing,whatever that means.Not necessarily voyeur,but as long as the girl would be pissing as if shes just got in from work etc,and is bursting to go.She goes in loo,pulls down knickers,pees,then wipe,up with the knickers,job done,maybe accidentally on purpose,glimpse of her knicker gusset..I guess if you could do it legally,you would have someone in the ladies where you have set up a camera,offer the sexy girls that come in maybe £50,just to go in the stall,and be filmed pissing.You could even pixellate the faces if they wanted.

Im not a big fan of that "orgasmic" type,where its all"ooooohh" and "oh yeah" kind of thing.Although i do like it if during the proceedings a male gets involved.

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Im all for porn directed by women.Like the ones made in Italy,i think,where theres about 20 different girls all beautiful,just piss away to their hearts desire.I guess if they make it for men,it would more sexy.But any porn is good porn,wanking fodder basically!:thumbsup:

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It is not a make or break issue for me, but I must admit that I prefer the pee that ladies are spraying to be truly golden, rather than looking more like warm water. But they can pee a lot more both in terms of quantity and frequency if they drink loads, even though this inevitably dilutes the natural golden colour of their piss.

Yes,ive seen one in a lift on a cold night,and steam can be seen rising from the ladies piss,as it streams out.Very horny.

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