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Retraining your brain and spoonies

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I was wondering if there was any other spoonies on this site that enjoy engaging in water sports activities. I have Interstitial cystitis so sometimes naughty peeing is a little bit difficult for me because my bladder won't let me release. I've been slowly retraining my brain and going in the tub a lot and have had more success with my bladder is very full. Because of the origins of my Kink I'm not really interested in going all around my house. Though I would definitely consider going on like a puppy pad or something like that. But definitely more interested in going in other places, public bathrooms, Outdoors, indoors in places that aren't my house, and so on. A couple years back I was more engaged and had even flooded a public pool bathroom before but I'm trying to retrain my brain to get back to that but sometimes it feels like my chronic illness is fighting against that. However I am making steady progress and enjoying the kinkiness and the fun along the way. Anyways just curious if there was other people like me or if anyone had any tips. Cheers 😊

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It's hard to give tips when we don't know the enemy against it (in this case, your illness). That being said, what do you feel is stopping you from peeing in the places you listed? Is it pain, or is it the possibility for shame and embarrassment?

I like to think that 9 times out of 10, you'll likely never be caught peeing in public, even if you aren't all that careful. If I were you, I would try going in park bathrooms, slowly graduating yourself to public bathrooms like over the drain at a Starbucks (do they have those where you live?). Wear skirts without panties, go to dimly lit bars, nightclubs, or crowded festivals. These are places where you could do alot of naughty things and get away with it, simply because no one is looking or trying to look at you. As for peeing in private (I'm guessing you mean places like a friends place, an Airbnb, maybe a movie theater?), try training yourself to pee in cups, and then move the cup away and finish on the floor. Go with a full bladder, releasing into the cup, then each time move the cup away for a bigger amount on the floor. Keep trying that with less of a full bladder, smaller cups, then moving to no cup at all!

You could also read peoples stories on here for tips. I believe @Eliminature and @Paulypeeps might be more of the authority on these kinds of topics. Hope to see stories of you flooding places some day. Happy peeing!

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