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Do you feel that the naughty peeing community has grown or diminished?

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Personally, it seems to me that naughty peeing content and participation has plateaued in recent years. I recall pre-2020 it seemed like all the time there were videos and messages about hotel room and fitting room messes, public bathroom floor trashing, and more brazen messes in store aisles, etc, and there are several notable and infamous creators from this time period who I'd say were prominent in the pee community. Fast forward to 2022 and it doesn't feel the same. Do you think it's entirely due to fewer people travelling, thus less hotel use; and more fitting rooms closing, thus less messes there, or is there less enthusiasm in general? Maybe payment processor concerns play a role as well but pee uploads are still profitable on many sites.

Curious to hear your thoughts

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I believe the community is still doing their peeing, they just aren't posting about it as much. I know I haven't been on here in a while, but it doesn't mean I don't still do my thing. It seems to me the majority of the community is non-US based anyway, so maybe there are some changes going on abroad. Post-Covid; back to work??

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