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Paula Meadows aka Lynn Paula Russell EROTIC ART


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Paula Meadows/Lynn Paula Russell is an erotic graphic artist, who produced an enormous amount of drawn porn from - I think - the 1980s onwards. I believe she's still working but she's now turned away from erotica - which is a great pity, as far as I'm concerned. 

Most of her work centres on the spanking and caning of female subjects, often involving masturbation. However, I've never found her work 'heavy'. She has a lightly humorous touch which I enjoy a lot. Her work certainly isn't heavy BDSM. 

The Internet Archive has seven complete collections of her work, which are viewable online (in full) and downloadable as pdfs.

https://archive.org/details/lpr-painful-pleasures/Janus Collection - Paula Meadows/page/n9/mode/2up?vi


Janus Collection - Hardcastle_0001.jpg




Janus Collection - Hardcastle_0056.jpg

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A lot of Paula's drawings were self portraits, as in the second image in the post above (the woman masturbating in her knickers while she canes a girl), and here:


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SOURCE: https://honesterotica.com/portfolios/500


Lynn Paula Russell


"Almost the last book that The Erotic Print Society published was a sex manual with a difference, written and illustrated by Lynn Paula Russell. Titled Sexcitement, it covers a wide range of fetish and BDSM practices designed, as she puts it, to add erotic charge to sexual intimacy.  ...

"it shows Lynn Paula Russell as artist, author and practitioner, and because it is a good example of the detailed colour illustrations she was producing in the early 2000s."

It's a great site and isn't confined to Lynn Paula Russell, though there's a lot of her stuff there. I'm pretty sure the woman pissing on the man is a self-portrait.


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