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Anybody check bladder fullness?

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So, I caught myself unconsicously checking my bladderfullness and thought about it and I've been doing it my whole life.

Let me explain - so, when my bladder is partially full, I don't have a good estimate of how full it really is, so if I will be going to a meeting or heading out of the house, I give my bladder (about 5 cm above the pubic bone) a gentle, quick press.

If I don't feel much, then I have plenty of room left, if that push causes the "need to pee soon" feeling, then I know I will need to pee in the next hour or two.

Anyone else do this or can everyone estimate their bladder filling better than me?

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I don’t physically press on my bladder to check, but will kind of do a push as if I were going to try to push a little bit of pee out, but without actually letting any out. Then depending on how it feels when I do that, will make my decision on whether to go or not. For instance I just peed a few minutes ago before getting into bed for the night. So when I just did my “push test”, I felt absolutely no pressure or anything. Other times it will be just enough pressure to say “yeah, I could go for a pee before I go.”

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A test I sometimes do is grab my shaft with one hand and rub the head in circles with the other. If it produces a strong urge to piss (or if it causes some to squirt), I’m definitely full. Feels good either way. 

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