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Ignoring my bladder at work (and the semi-accidental loss of control)

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At Work

It was 13:00. I had already had 2 coffees and a couple of glasses of water at work. My bladder was quite full, and I could have easily peed a fairly substantial amount. Instead, I chose to ignore it. I only had 1 hour left at work (plus any overtime) and a 30 minute drive home. It was time to see just how strong my bladder was.

It was a busy day, there has been a lot to occupy me the last few days (and evenings), so today I decided to have some fun and use my work load to distract me from my bladders desperation.

I continued working, 13:15 came and went, my bladder a little fuller. I went and grabbed a 500ml bottle of water and drank it quickly. I wanted to be nearly full by the time I left work. The plan worked perfectly. Walking to my car I was well aware of my need for relief, but once again I ignored my poor bladder and casually walked passed the toilets on the way out of work. I felt my bladder spasm as I looked at the sign on the toilet door, almost like a mini wave of latch key desperation.

In the Car

I climbed into my car, my bladder already aching and pulled on my seatbelt. As I tightened it I felt it squeeze my bladder bulge. My pee muscles quivered a little, but settled into submission. It was their job to keep my seat totally dry for the next 30 minutes.

The drive was agonising. It was fairly stop/start for the first 10 minutes, each clutch press and each hard brake put pressure on my already aching bladder. It felt both scary and exciting being so desperate. The threat of ruining a car seat on a 2 year old car was constantly worrying me.

15 minutes on the motorway gave me time to regain some composure. I settled comfortably with the cruise control on and allowed my legs to spread a little. My relaxation was nice, but it didn't last long. The last 5 minutes was through the town. A car pulled out of a junction and I had to slam on pretty hard, my belt tightened, my bladder spasmed, and my poor pee muscles threatened to release! Luckily, they somehow remained clamped shut.

Back Home

Finally back home I dived out the car, rushed up the drive and shoved the key into the lock. I decided from this point onwards, I'd try and do everything I normally do getting back from work and just see how long my bladder could keep control over the nearly 1.5l of pee built up inside of it.

I hurried into the kitchen, filled and turned on the kettle. My bladder spasmed as I watched the water flow into the kettle. It felt like torture knowing I'd be pouring another 400ml or so of coffee into me with an already bursting bladder. (I always leave the kettle for 10 minutes or so after boilet to not ruin the coffee).

The second step was showering, and changing into comfy clothes...... I cautiously climbed the stairs, careful not to jolt my bladder too hard. Once I reached the bathroom, I leaned in and turned the shower on. The water splashing noise was agonising. My bladder instantly protested and sent waves of desperation through me. I focussed hard, and clamped my pee muscles shut tight once again.

Undressing wasn't as bad as I expected. I removed my shirt, then unbuttoned my work trousers (which removed a little pressure) then slid them down. I removed my boxers and then stood for a few seconds, admiring my poor quivering penis. It always excites me seeing my naughty man bursting to pee.

Slowly, I climbed into the shower. The water was torture! As soon as it hit my stomach I felt my bladder protest. A few seriously big waves of desperation nearly overcame me, but I denied my quivering cock relief and forced myself to continue showering. Washing down there was incredible. I had never felt desperation like this before.

Finally after a long 5 minutes the shower was done. I dived out, and quickly dried off being careful not to accidentally press my huge bladder bulge. It took around 5 minutes, but it was done, and my pee muscles were still sealed tightly shut.

I grabbed my sports style boxer briefs and quickly pulled them up, then grabbed my black cargo shorts. I quivered with desperation as I did up the button and zip on the front, but still somehow managed to control the pent up bulge of pee!

By this time I was seriously impressing myself with my holding ability. I have no idea how I was still holding, but I was. I continued with my day. I poured myself a coffee then grabbed a pair of canvas (cheap converse style) shoes, which I put on before heading out into the garden with a book.

Loosing Control

It was at this point it became seriously obvious how bad I needed relief. Just walking to the shed to get the sun chair out was agony. I struggled my way to the door, slowly unlocked it and grabbed the chair. Just lifting it caused my pee muscles to nearly loose control. I was panicking a bit, sweating a little and rushing around.

I couldn't hold it any more. The desperation wave that came over me was almost painful. I quickly ran round the back of the shed, undid my shorts, yanked them down and squat low with my hips tilted forward and my feet too close together. The warmth spread instantly, started at the tip of my penis and flooding around my private area, before flooding like a waterfall through the front and bottom of my tight boxer briefs. I felt the warmth soak into my (fake) converse soaking my feet in hot pee. The relief was heaven, and the flow felt endless. My shoes were entirely drenched, and my tight briefs were saturated.

As soon as the flow subsided, I stood up, pulled my shorts up quickly and stood looking at the puddle on the slabs around my soaked shoes and feet. I slipped one off at a time, tipped out what pee I could and shook my soaked feet dry before slipping them back on.

Enjoying My Wet Patch

I then settled myself on the sun chair, and read my book as if nothing had happed, bladder relieved, penis soaked, and converse still rather wetter then expected. I read for around 2 hours before coming back in, taking my shoes off, and cooking my evening meal with still very slightly damp boxers. 😛

Just Being Lazy

I should shower tonight that's for sure, but then I might just change into fresh boxers for bed and save the water!

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5 hours ago, Spectator9 said:

I think that holding at work is surprisingly common, though for several different reasons.  But you carried it to an extreme, even holding during a shower!  (I wouldn't be able to do that.)  A good report.

Yeah. It's quite often I'll forget about a fairly full bladder at work. 😁

The shower was absolute torture. I've managed it before when I wasn't so desperate but this time it was torture. I was determined not to waste a lovely full bladder of pee down the drain though!

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