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My Insta-Pee Feed (filling the void)

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22 hours ago, Peeteller said:

I down with sharing suggestions,  how do you want to start, basic and simple or do you want to get right to the naughty stuff

Anything you’d like to see. I may or may not do them all, but it’ll give me more ideas to build on. I always enjoy the encouragement!

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13 hours ago, Simpfan said:

Lonely sometimes but very warm and wet. I think peeing can be a very loving act, whether you are loving yourself or are able to share it. I know I enjoyed seeing it here. Thank you for showing. 

I totally agree! It’s all about love and sensuality in my book. It’s so nice to meet and share with others who view it the same way as myself 😊

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After drinking A LOT of water and two big cups of tea I was incredibly desperate and almost bursting... dreaming of a cute girlfriend who wants to be showered in this 💦. Also feeling insecure about the size of my flaccid peen here, but I’m a grower not a shower 😂

Thanks for all your comments and appreciation on the thread so far folks. Making me feel more connected to other pee lovers!


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