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A late night walk...

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I was recently at a party where I ended up leaving with a girl. As we're walking down a path alongside some grass, she stops and announces 'I need to pee!'. Quite confidently (admittedly we were both a little drunk), she steps off the path onto to grass and drops her trousers and knickers. At first I look away out of politeness and just listen to the sound of her pee hissing against the grass, but then I simply decide to watch... It was quite dark, so I couldn't see a great deal, but what I did see was a most enjoyable sight. :laugh:

She uses some tissue from her bag, wipes, and jumps up. 'That was better than last time,' she said, 'I didn't get it on my shoes this time'.

That was a good night...

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That was a good night!

How well do you know this girl? And how far away from you was she? It's sounds very promising, especially the part, "That was better than last time." Apparently she's been down this path before. :)

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