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Peeing in the bush

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Excellent experience.   I'm amazed that you both didn't need to pee earlier - what about the guides?  Did they pee at any point?   I would have thought that maybe they would have set the example and peed maybe at the lunch stop.

I love the way the lady said that she needed to urinate rather than pee, or needing a wee or something.   Sounds so formal and matter of fact.   Great that she didn't feel the need to ask you to look the other way or anything and great that you returned the favour - mind you, 8 to 10 feet stream is pretty impressive!

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Actually, she had peed earlier on the trip, at a stop shortly after lunch. It appeared typical of the facilities found in the bush, a block structure with two doors, one for each room, and what I imagined as little more than a couple holes dug into the earth with a rudimentary sit toilet on top. I believe the guides took advantage of the opportunity, as well. 

I chose not to go there, as I felt no need at the time and didn't want the risk of introducing unfamiliar germs to my system. Besides, I was kind of hoping I would later pee out in the open. 😁

I had a nice reaction, too, when she said urinate rather than some other term. It did sound matter of fact and somewhat formal, as if she had some serious business to do. Over the years I've heard a few other women use the word, often as their way of politely expressing their need or occasionally expressing their urgency. But in this case, she seemed to have chosen it because English wasn't her native language, but rather German or Dutch. I never figured out exactly which, as her family was from a town along their border, which I'm sure had changed a few times over the centuries. In any event, her choice of words gave me a stir in my nether 😉 region. 

I really wasn't trying to impress with my stream this time. But, I'd been holding for nearly nine hours and, when I let a little out, a lot more followed. And, yes, I have regrets that we never met up again. ☹️

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Thanks @glad1, Helpful to know more of the background.   I had assumed you had been well away from toilets all day.  Also, the fact that she wasn't a native English speaker would be quite likely to be a contributing factor to her choice of words.  It probably depended a lot on how she had learned English and what terms she had in her vocabulary.


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