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Introducing a girl to peeing

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A while back I was living in a hotel and a lovely girl who'd just moved in knocked on my door, asking if I wanted to fuck. She's 29 and I'm 51. Naturally I said yes. When she was on top of me I asked "Will you pee for me", she promptly said "Yes", and in the sweetest tone said "I don't have to pee". Clearly she'd never peed for anyone before. I didn't want to push her so didn't ask again. After the following 2 weeks of fucking every day, always initiated by her. We were at a party and she wanted to fuck. On our way to my room she said she needed to pee so I asked if I could watch. She said yes. On the toilet she didn't part her legs but with the slightest prompting she opened up for me and peed so beautifully. I'm sure she could sense my delight. When finished she grabbed toilet paper and I tried to stop her her saying I'd clean up with my tongue, she refused. I was disappointed but the sex that followed was great as always. She's happy to squirt for me and she's happy that I love that taste. Sex with her is on her terms in that she comes to me when she wants me. She appears to be using me for sex but satisfying me seems to be her greatest pleasure. I'm reluctant to ask her to pee again though. Am I being too timid. I'm so happy with what's happening but I'm desperate to feel and taste her pee. Any advice appreciated. 

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You shouldn't be reluctant!! You could even start each sex session with pee! You could even offer her a small treat for it (a gift or a dinner out etc)! Gradually, when she gets used to showing her pee to you, you could ask her to squat, hover or even pee standing for you in the shower. It just needs time! It seems that she finds no enthusiasm for that, but you can explain her that it is very important for you! As for cleaning up with your tongue.... it was gross the moment you told her!! Such things happen gradually, one at a time, not altogether! Before reaching this level, you could ask her to help you wipe her with a tissue... by putting her fingers amongst yours on the tissue!!!

Edited by DemetraTS
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Forgive me if I'm jumping to conclusions - it sounds like a very open and forthright relationship, the sort of thing many will be jealous of (in a nice way of course).  On bonus could be the attitude of 'easy come, easy go' - and what I mean by that with a relationship that has started so suddenly, if it were to stop just as suddenly you'd have happy memories but it would hopefully be easy to deal with.

That's all compared of course to a long term relationship where both partners have invested a great deal of love, trust, time and commitment.  Such a relationship may hurt an awful lot more if it went astray.

Sorry - I'm rambling on a bit - but my point is, what's the worst that could happen?   She's obviously supported you initially on experimenting - she could decide it's weird, obscene and freaky (in her mind) and break off?  It's a risk.  Perhaps it's not for her, but everything else is fine?  Perhaps she's happy to continue.  It sounds like it's worth a shot.

My personal thoughts on these sort of questions is that we often discuss 'should I ask her' or 'how should I ask' and of course we know next to nothing.  We've had no pillow talk, no post sex chat - so we're guessing a little.

My suggestion (and I don't have a huge track record) is that it has to be two sided.  There's obviously two of you there.  If you haven't already, find out what her fantasies are.  Are they something you could try?  Have you already?  Encourage her that you won't consider them weird, you'll try them.  Take your time...  she may have bad experiences of being mocked.

And when she trusts that you won't then you can discuss yours.  Maybe not asking her to perform maybe in the sense of expressing a fantasy, maybe in a milder way.  Maybe not a straight 'I want to drink your piss' but 'I have this sort of fantasy, this may sound weird, but of feeling a lady peeing on my leg in the shower' or something like that.  See where that goes...?

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Wow,  that must have been somewhat unexpected to have a young lady knocking on the door and just asking if you wanted sex.   Given that she is obviously quite open and forward in that she approached you like that and given that she said yes the first time (even though she didn't actually need to pee), I think there is no reason why you couldn't discuss the idea of what she would and wouldn't be happy to do.   I would say have it as a discussion, maybe after one of your sessions rather than trying to put her on the spot.   Just refer back to you previously mentioning it and also say that you loved seeing her pee on the toilet, but would be very happy if she would be happy to let you see more, maybe keeping it tame to start with but asking her where her interests lie and see whether there is anything you can do for her as well to satisfy her particular desires.

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