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Which supernatural power would you choose?

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So I just remembered this TV show we were watching as teenagers. It was called H2O: Just Add Water and was about girls who turned into mermaids when they would get in contact with water.

Anyway, they also had superpowers that all had to do with controlling water. They were:
1. Being able to lower the temperature of water, including freezing.
2. Being able to raise the temperature of water up to a boiling point.
3. Being able to increase or decrease the amount of water and also changing the flow and direction up to a telekinetic kind of control (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0tsLYoqAzU)
4. Being able to change the texture of water from liquid to a jelly to something like glass (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr6TvQN6w2w)

Now when it works with plain water it has to work with pee, too, right?

It got me thinking, which one of the powers would I like to have. I think I would go with 3.
Telekinesis is just way too cool of a power. Imagine you could just direct your stream in any way possible, or shrink any puddle away to nothing. Peeing in Public would be really easy, suddenly. I am just imagining myself rightnow, sitting on my sofa, peeing and directing the stream right out of the window!

Of cause I would take any of the four, if one was offered to me 😄 they are all pretty handy to help destroy evidence and dry stuff.

Which power would you choose and why? Can you think of other powers that would be super cool to have with your interest in Pee?


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Those all sound good ... I agree that the options 3 & 4 would be the most useful.  Getting the pee to go where I want or turn it into a solid then pick it up and get rid of it seem like handy skills.

But as a naughty/public pee fan (seeing and doing), I think it would cool if I could make my pee invisible.  Then I could pee and no one would see the puddle until I wanted them to. The best part is staying nearby so I can see the reactions when I reveal the results.  

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