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Misson to the ISS - The Astronaut with the Super Bladder

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The Jessie Lewis situation - Part 1

Dr. Jessie Lewis (age 32)
Jessie made it through the NASA astronaut recruitment program. She is a mechanical engineer and was selected and trained for spacewalk missions to perform a number of difficult maintenance operations at the international space station. She is scheduled for her first trip to space in six months, a mission to the ISS for performing important maintenance procedures.
Already as a child she discovered that she could hold much more urine than anyone else. Nowadays, her close friends are aware of her peeing capabilities, and from time to time people mention her infinite bladder or recall the stories where Jessie released incredible amounts of pee in the stall next door or similar events. Jessie does enjoy the admiration that she gets for her super bladder, and in the right situation it makes her feel very happy and also horny when people notice that she can pee so much. She also enjoys to shock other people with her powerful and neverending pee stream. However, in her professional life, i.e. in her work at NASA, her bladder capacity was not yet discovered by anyone, not by the medical staff and not by her colleagues.
As explained before, she looks remarkably similar to SpaceX engineer Jessie Anderson.


Prof. Dr. MD. Julia Strahler (age 43)
Head of the Freiburg Institute for Space Urination Technology and High-Pressure Urodynamics in Germany.
Julia started her career as a medical doctor in urology. She soon gained some fame in the urology field when she started to characterize physiological properties of people with very large bladders and high pressure peeing capabilities. She discovered, that existing urodynamics equipment was not able to quantify the urination of so called "hyper-voiders". Julia herself belongs into the category of so called hyper-voiders (i.e. people that can void urine at a rate around 4 times higher than average people). She is known for her huge bladder and incredible bladder control, meaning that even when her bladder is filled to the max (at around 1.7 liters), she can in a highly controlled manner shoot out quick powerful pee streams and immediately regain control. She convincingly demonstrated the problems with existing urodynamics equipment by herself, by participating in urodynamics studies in healthy individuals and completely destroying the equipment with her laser-sharp pee stream.
She then got funding to develop a number of technologies to quantify the urination of hyper-voiders, but also to develop technologies to contain the urine expelled by hyper-voiders. In particular the urine containment systems were very successful, and as a consequence she contributed to essentially all human space flight programs with the development of high performance urine containment systems.

We will later introduce some of the members of her institute, as well as some of her colleagues working at NASA.


Jessie's crew:
Commander Samantha Dryer (age 43) Size 168cm, Samantha is multiethnic with roots in the Caribbean, and therefore has a darker skin color. She has shoulder-long brown hair, perfect body shape and is generally considered as very attractive.
Pilot James Morgan (age 41)
Mission specialist Jessie Lewis (age 32)
Mission specialist Nathalie Weber (age 35) Size 165cm, Nathalie is from Germany, rather short about chin-length blonde hair, quite prototypical for the attractive German woman. She is also generally considered as very attractive, and she has an extremely sporty body shape, definitively on the thinner end, super fit and zero body fat. She is also an engineer by training, and she is also part of the space walk team for maintenance work on the ISS, together with Jessie and Alexej.
Mission specialist Alexej Kolodin (age 46)
Mission specialist Chris Gardner (age 40)



Jessie was just sitting there in a room of the medical complex at Cape Canaveral. Six months ago she was selected for the mission and it was clear that she would finally go to space. These six months were rather busy, and all kinds of preparations and additional training was performed. Today, she participated in the so called "bladder morning", a routine procedure to check the size of the bladders of the astronauts. For this, the six members of the mission arrived there at 8 in the morning. Then, they had one hour available to drink 2.5 liters of an isotonic drink. After that, they should hold it as long as possible, and when they felt like they really could not hold it much longer, they were briefly examined by a physician via ultrasound and were then allowed to pee. Her colleagues had long left, the last one was her colleague Samantha Dryer, who managed to hold it for about one hour and twenty minutes after the initial hour. The NASA physician Dr. Andrea Hart entered the room to check for Jessie. 2 hours had passed now after the initial hour. The physician asked: "so you are still not bursting to go??", and Jessie replied: "I do feel some urge to go, but it is not really that I cannot hold it anymore at all". The physician said: "ok alright, let's examine your bladder with the ultrasound, this is quite amazing. Please follow me". Jessie followed Dr. Hart into an examination room. The rather petite and really slim Jessie exhibited a gigantic bulge in her abdominal region while following Dr. Hart

"Can you please sit down here.. then I'll take a look at your super bladder".

"Can you please pull up your sweater a little bit, such that we can take a look?"

Jessie pulled up her sweater, fully exposing her massive bulging bladder.

"Wow that's some serious bladder control you have there."

Dr. Hart used her ultrasound device to get some imaging from Jessie's bladder. After some time of examination, she said: "allright, very good, everything's fine with your super bladder!".

Jessie was of course happy to hear this, but also slightly suspicious if this check was done correctly. She asked: "so you don't think that my bladder might be too large? I only recently learned about the Strahler law, and from that point on I was wondering if my huge bladder might cause any problems for the mission?"

The "Strahler law" is an empirical observation about the rate at which kidneys produce urine in female astronauts under zero gravity. There is no explanation for why this is the case, but for some reason, the rate at which urine is produced in zero gravity is determined by the size of the bladder, following a quadratic relationship. Meaning, that the bladder of a female astronaut with a bladder of 1.2 liters was filling around 2.25 times faster than the bladder of a female astronaut with a bladder size of 0.8 liters. Prof. Strahler first hypothesized this law when working for the Russian Sojus program, where the urine containment system of one of the female astronauts failed. In subsequent studies performed on the space station ISS this law was confirmed, and despite the fact that nobody had an explanation for it, the law so far worked very reliably over all tested bladder sizes.

Dr. Hart replied: "ah yes, the Strahler law.. to be honest, two years ago we had problems with huge bladders in female astronauts. Your colleague Sophie Robinson has an incredibly huge bladder, and we had to adapt some of her space suit to deal with the amounts of urine produced. However, I can tell you that her bladder is still much bigger than yours, so we are really prepared for the amounts of urine you will produce in space".

Jessie was really glad to hear this, however she was also a bit skeptical about the statement that someone should have a bladder bigger than her. In her life so far she had never met anyone (male or female) who had a bladder of comparable size to her.

Jessie asked: "This is great to hear! So how to proceed, should I continue to wait until I really have to go?"

Dr. Hart: "No this is fine, we are done here. You can just use the restroom outside to empty your bladder."

Jessie: "Ok.. uhmm.. are you sure? Shouldn't we maybe measure how much urine I currently hold to ensure that there is really no problem?"

Dr. Hart: "Nah.. that's not necessary, don't worry about this, your bladder is huge but it is not in the range that we cannot deal with."

Jessie thanked the doctor, left the examination room, and headed for the restrooms in the facility. She entered a stall and started to pee. As always, her powerful pee stream created an incredily loud noise when hitting the water. She peed for about thirtyfive seconds with incredible force. She thought about Sophie Robinson's bladder and felt really confused about Dr. Hart's statement, that Sophie's bladder apparently was "much bigger" than hers. She also thought, how should it be possible that there is some space diaper that can handle this powerful stream and this amount of pee? But then she thought that there are a lot of smart people, and probably someone had figured out a solution to handle such vast amounts of urine.

As it turned out later, Dr. Hart was completely wrong about Jessie's bladder size. At the point of examination, Jessie was already holding slightly over 1.5 liters of pee in her bladder. The acclaimed super bladder of Sophie Robinson could only hold around 1.2 liters at the point of bursting. This problem became obvious in a later test.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is absolutely brilliant.

Just the thought of an industry of urodynamics, where the sole purpose is to calculate the capacity & torrential flow rate of a lassie blessed with an absolutely massive, impossibly vast goddess bladder is enough to send me to the edge.

This is absolutely my kind of story, and a sincere thank you, HitEmAll, for taking the time to write and post. Perhaps we'll be lucky should the Moderna booster yields a similar glorious delirium of writing prowess.  

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Thanks for the kind words! Haha yes after this absurd idea about a research institute for high pressure urodynamics crossed my mind I immediately liked it a lot, and I had a lot of fun writing this stuff. The thing is, there is some draft for chapters three and four.  Jessie's situation as well as the story itself become kind of complicated. As a little teaser, we will get to know the NASA top engineers and scientists responsible for safe urination in space, and Jessie and her superbladder will prove to be a serious challenge for them. Right now I feel like I would like to continue writing this story. So I think that at some point in the  future I will post the next chapters. And yes, another "booster vaccination side effects writing delirium" would be great!

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  • 3 months later...

I have written a part 3.. The thing is, the story gets a bit complicated. Also, this part does not yet contain any peeing, but the buildup to another epic pee by Jessie. In addition to that, Jessie's super bladder comes into the center of NASA's attention and there is a lot of discussion about the topic on all levels.. 😉


The Jessie Lewis situation - Part 3


Dr. Joanna Meyers (age 48): Physician at Cape Canaveral. One of the physicians supervising the astronauts during missions.

Dr. Natasha Wright (age 36, MD PhD): Medical doctor that worked first in urology but was always fascinated by space flight. Natasha does have a slight pee fetish, i.e. she likes to talk about pee and enjoys to research everything about urination. She also likes to watch women pee, in particular when they urinate large amounts. She was part of the team that 2.5 years ago had to redesign the urine containment system for Sophie Robinson's 1.2 liter bladder. Due to the Strahler law, Sophie's bladder would produce too much urine during some of the phases where the astronauts had to stay suited up. They changed the original design to increase the capacity from 2.0 liters to 2.6 liters, such that the diaper could safely contain the required amounts of urine. Natasha really enjoyed this project, as it involved a number of huge test urinations of Sophie to test the improved diaper designs that Natasha could observe. However, Natasha would soon find out that Sophie's huge bladder was nothing in comparison to Jessie's epic super bladder. To gather as much data as possible from Sophie's test urinations, she and her team had developed a test bench to optimally record the test urinations and monitor the behavior of the urine containment system, with the aim to examine potential modes of failure of the system.

Dr. Hayley Johnson (age 33): Computer scientist and engineer in Natasha's team. She joined Natasha's team three years ago. She contributed to the development of various parts of the urine containment system test bench. She is also an expert for physics simulations, fluid dynamics, as well as image processing. Currently she is working on several collaborations together with Prof. Strahler's lab in Freiburg, Germany.

Jessie realized something that she so far did not think about. She was so focused on preparing her epic first piss in a space suit, that she did not really think about the rest of the mission. With the huge amounts of liquids she had consumed (close to five liters by now), and the remaining mission time of over 4 hours, she would most likely have to pee again. She got a bit worried about this, because she was not sure if her diaper was really designed to contain so many liters of urine. She thought, that in the worst case she would overflow her diaper and then continue to pee into her space suit. Therefore she was really curious to find out what mission control was discussing with the "experts" about her "urine containment situation".

At mission control this problem was recognized as well. Suit technician Fiona Smith, who is also part of mission control, and had observed all of Jessie's epic urination was asked to contact the experts and to further evaluate the situation. She contacted one of the physicians (Dr. Joanna Meyers) as well as one of the Cape Canaveral urine containment experts, Dr. Natasha Wright.

Fiona calling Dr. Natasha Wright

Natasha: "Hello?"

Fiona: "Hello Natasha, this is Fiona Smith from the mission control team of NGSS-1"

Natasha: "Hello Fiona, um.. how can I help?"

Fiona: "umm.. are you busy right now or can you free some time for the next couple of hours?"

Natasha: "umm.. yes, I guess.. If it is something important and urgent then of course I can help."

Fiona: "Yes, it is rather important and um.. - urgent. Can you start heading towards the the mission simulator center and call me back when you are on the way?"

Natasha: "Sure, is it ok if I tell my colleagues that I am away, then I'll be on my way in three minutes?"

Fiona: Yes, perfect!

Fiona then told her co-worker to also contact physician Joanna Meyers.

Natasha was really confused by Fiona's call and with the given information could not make too much sense of the situation. However, she felt quite excited, as probably there was some situation involving urination and she was looking forward to find out what was really going on. Natasha had drank several coffees this morning and did not go to the restroom for a long time, so she did feel some need to pee. She thought about going before leaving for the simulator center, but decided against it, because she promised to call back in a couple of minutes and did not want to lose any time.

Natasha walked to her car at a fast pace and started to drive towards the simulator center. It was a couple of minutes to drive from the labs where she was working. She called Fiona back:

Fiona: "Hi Natasha, great that you could make it so fast!"

Natasha: "Of course, no problem. Now do you want to explain to me what this situation is about?"

Fiona: "Sure! So, uhm.. I guess you remember Sophie Robinson's bladder very well."

Natasha instantly got very excited and immediately felt slightly horny. This was exactly what she wanted to hear.

Natasha: "Haha yes, of course.."

Fiona: "Uhmm.. well you did a great engineering job when developing Sophie's diaper, but it seems that we may have to rethink.."

Natasha now feeling very very excited about this development and very curious to hear the full story.

Natasha: "Uhm OK, then can you please explain what the issue is?"

Fiona: "Sure. So, it seems that one of our female astronauts has a bladder that is much much bigger than Sophie's".

Natasha now feeling super horny to hear this. She of course knew the astronauts of NGSS-1 quite well and immediately wondered who the girl with the super bladder was. She was super excited that she would probably be able to observe gigantic urinations of one of the very attractive female astronauts of this mission. Because Samantha was the tallest, her first guess was Samantha.

Natasha: "Wow!! Sounds interesting, much bigger than Sophies? Oh my fucking god.. Who is the astronaut with the super bladder, Samantha?"

Fiona: "No. Jessie."

Natasha (thinking about how attractive Jessie was, how exciting the whole situation was, and imagining Jessie urinating huge amounts): "Ah interesing, Jessie. Wow, very nice.." (speaking her mind out aloud)

Fiona: "uh what?"

Natasha (trying to regain her professionality): "uhm I mean, understood, this sounds challenging. I'm curious to hear the full story and am looking forward to work on this apparently challenging new problem."

Fiona: "Very good. So long story short, three days ago in the 6 hour ISS approach simulation Jessie drank over three liters of liquids and never peed."

Natasha: "Uhmm.. ok, wow!"

Fiona: "So today we are in one of the 6+ hour ISS approach tests that include some simulated problems. Because we found out that Jessie so far never had peed into her space suit, we made sure that she would really have to go this time."

Natasha's face flushed red from excitement and hornyness, she realized that this was maybe the hottest thing that she had ever experienced.

Natasha: "Uhm ok. And did it work, did she eventually pee?"

Fiona: "Uhmm.. yes, one could say so.. After drinking five liters over 4.5 hours she peed like probably no human being ever peed before and nearly flooded the whole spacecraft."

This was too much to handle for Natasha. She took her right hand and started to rub her clit through her pants while driving.
Natasha (trying to hide that she was breathing heavily from excitement): "uhmm.. ooh.. I.. uhh.. OK. Wow! Thanks for the update. uhh.. ooooh.. Then I'll be there as fast as possible!".

Fiona: "OK. Very good. Then we will continue to talk when you are here. We will have to take some decisions on how to continue with this test soon, also regarding the urine containment situation."

Natasha: "Sure, ooh.. I'm on my way, uhh.. I will be there in five minutes."

Fiona: "Great, thanks! Just come to the simulator center main entrance, someone will pick you up there."

Natasha: "Great! Then see you in a second!"

Luckily for Natasha the street towards the simulator center was completely straight and empty, so after ending the call she could focus on masturbating. She was as horny and excited as maybe never before in her life. She thought about the near future, that probably in the remainder of this day and in the next couple of months there would be so many exciting situations involving massive urination of super hot astronaut Jessie Lewis. While thinking about the rest of the day, as well as imagining what exactly happened earlier when Jessie peed in the simulator, she came really hard, twice, on her way to the simulator center. After that she felt much better, it helped her a lot to calm her down to be able to handle the upcoming situations professionally.

The astronauts of mission NGSS-1 were now about 150 minutes into their 6+ hours ISS docking simulation. Natasha parked her car, took some heavy breaths of air to calm herself down for the moment, and then started walking towards the main entrace of the simulator center. She was picked up and then immediately sent to talk to suit technician Fiona Smith.

Fiona: "Ah, very good. Hi Natasha, great that you could make it so fast!"

Natasha: "Hi Fiona, yes I guess that is my job to help with these kinds of "urgent" situations.."

Fiona: "Sure! So, here is the situation. We asked Jessie to drink 2 liters of liquids 1.5 hours before the test. Then the test started, and she continued to drink over 2.5 additional liters over the first two hours."

Natasha: "OK wow, that will seriously fill up your bladder for sure.."

Fiona: "Yes.. The thing is, Jessie apparently has a ridiculously large bladder."

Of course Natasha had learnt this before, but hearing it again made her blush slightly and increase her heart rate significantly. However, this time she was able to keep everything professional and keep all thoughts about watching sexy astronaut Jessie Lewis urinating like crazy away for the moment.

Natasha: "OK, this of course might be a rather serious problem for NGSS-1. Can you specify ridiculously large more precisely?"

Fiona: "132 minutes into the test, she decided that she felt rather desperate and wanted to take her first pee into her space suit."

Natasha: "OK. You are saying that Jessie really held it for over four hours while drinking several liters of liquids?? Holy crap, "fuck me sideways" is the only thing that I can say about this."

Fiona: "Yes. We also have some rather spectacular footage from her urination, maybe you should take a look at it afterwards."

Natasha (pretending to be partially joking): "Yes!! I really want to see that spectacular super piss!"

Natasha: "Do we have some estimate about how much pee she voided during her mega urination?"

Fiona: "Based on some rather conservative estimates about her hydration state before starting to consume liquids, and conservative estimates on her urine production rate, around 1.9 liters. But it could be more."

Natasha: "Hmm.. I see. If the Strahler law holds for bladder sizes up to that size, then we have a very serious problem.."

[Reminder from part 1: the Strahler law describes the rate at which kidneys produce urine in female astronauts under zero gravity as a function of bladder size. For details see part 1]

Fiona: "Yes. Do you think that there is some hope that the urine production rate at some point stops increasing?"

Natasha: "Yes, absolutely, we can really hope for this. Actually, we saw this already for Sophie Robinson, if you analyze the data correctly, then luckily for bladder sizes above around 900 ml it seems that there is a much smaller increase in urine production rate, certainly not quadratic anymore, probably sublinear. This is also not surprising, because we are also not that far away from the maximal urine production rate that kidneys can have on earth, under superhydration conditions."

Fiona: "Interesting. So this means, assuming that we, say optimistically, only have a 25% higher urine production rate in Jessie compared to Sophie, we, that means mainly you, would have to increase the diaper capacity from 2.6 liters to around 3.25 liters?"

Natasha: "Hmm.. It is more complicated. There are a number of additional points: Sophie is quite a bit taller than Jessie, Jessie has a smaller suit size and also smaller diapers. The diaper that she is currently wearing has only a capacity for 2.4 liters of urine."

Fiona: "Haha! This is cool! Our peeing world champion girl got the small diaper!"

Natasha: "Haha yes.. this was due to engineering decisions, all female diapers were upgraded to the new design, and their capacity scales with size. However, we can certainly increase this to 2.6 liters. To go far over this, e.g. to go over 3 liters we have to invent some new technology, but I'm sure that we will be able to do this. Six months is not a lot of time, but we will get there."

Natasha: "However, there is an additional problem.. The longest period where Jessie has to wear a space suit is not the ISS approach of 6 to 7 hours. Her spacewalk missions are planned to be around 7 hours + around 1 hour of preparation phase."

Fiona: "Uhm OK.. I see."

Natasha: "However.. if the increase of urine production rate as we hope for is strongly sublinear above one liter bladder size, then this may give us some additional wiggle room.."

Fiona: "You mean, because Jessie has this incredibly large bladder, she can just hold a lot pee towards the end of her time suited up?"

Natasha: "Exactly.. Poor Jessie will be bursting to go when she reenters ISS, but at least she did not overflow her urine containment system."

Fiona: "Hmm.. I don't know if this is really possible. Probably it is difficult to perform non-trivial maintenance tasks outside of the ISS while being desperate to pee."

Natasha: "True. Hmm we will see."

Natasha: "OK. All these things are still to be discussed later. Let's get back to our super-hydrated Jessie that is currently sitting inside the simulator, after taking the biggest piss ever, with a urine containment system filled to over 75% capacity and a rapidly refilling super bladder."

Fiona: "Yes. Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed?"

Natasha: "So because there are only 6 months left, and because this is really a mission-critical problem, I think that we have to throw some of the standard procedures over board.."

Fiona: "I don't exactly know what you are talking about, but I am sure that mission control and our bosses are cooperative, they do understand that this is a serious issue."

Natasha: "What I mean is, that what helped most when developing Sophia's diaper was data about realistic failure modes of the urine containment system. We should try to get as much data as possible, we still have the equipment for our urine containment system test bench. Best in my opinion would be to start today, with Jessie making her urine containment system explode on our test bench."

(Natasha said this 100% out of professional need. This is really the data that she and her team require most for improving their systems. However, Natasha also got (again) seriously wet when thinking about the described scenario.)

Fiona: "Hmm I see. Sounds reasonable. Is your pee pee test bench portable, i.e. can you transport it to the simulator center?"

Natasha: "Yes, I guess this should be no problem. We anyway first have to reassemble it."

Fiona: "How long does this take? Can Jessie hold it until your test bench is ready?"

Natasha: "Hmm.. yes I guess we will see.. It should not take that long to set it up and to configure, maybe 1.5 hours for my team. However, it was nearly three years ago that we last had to set it up, so I don't really know."

Fiona: "OK. Then we should initiate this as soon as possible."

Natasha: "Yes, I will do this in a second. Next we have to decide on how to proceed with Jessie right now."

Fiona: "Yes.. So of course we told her to stop drinking for the moment, but probably this will not help that much, as she is already very well hydrated."

Natasha: "Yes.. And I also guess that we have to get her out of the simulator at some point, because I cannot really imagine that she makes it through her full test without taking a pee?"

Fiona: "Haha after seeing her pee earlier I think that she might be able to manage. But you are right, we should not try this. It is of course against a couple of regulations and in theory she has to complete this training, but as I said, people are usually really constructive when it is about mission critical issues. So I think we can get her out of the simulator after you have set up your test bench."

Natasha: "OK. Sounds like a plan. Then I will tell my team to set up and configure our urine containment system test bench in your dress up room as fast as possible, and you talk to mission control to get Jessie out of the simulator when we are ready here?"

Fiona: "Yes. Very good. Let's proceed like this. Let's talk again after I talked to my boss, and after you contacted your team?"

Nathasha: "Very good. I guess if Jessie's bladder is far over 1.5 liters, and if her kidneys are operating at rate normal for slight superhydration, then we might have two hours left until she's due for her next super pee?"

Fiona: "Hmm.. might be, might also be less, I don't know.. but anyway we should work as fast as possible, just in case."

It was now 163 minutes into the test, i.e. about thirty minutes after Jessie finished her epic pee.

Natasha immediately contacted her team and told them to drop everything and then to fetch all the parts necessary for the urine containment system test bench, and transport all the parts to the dress up room of the simulator center, as fast as possible.

In the meantime, Fiona managed to talk to simulator test supervisor Stephen Mitchell and convinced him about the urgency of the problem. It was decided to perform a five minute halt before the next maneuver in the docking simulation, such that Fiona had time to discuss with the flight director directly.

After this discussion, flight director Tim Spencer had understood and tried to summarize:

Flight director : "So, for the moment we just continue to monitor Jessie's bladder status and tell her, that she should inform us in case that she wants to urinate? And as soon as Jessie is bursting to pee again, we get her out of the simulator? And then, if Dr. Wright is fast enough with setting up her high tech pee bench, we put Jessie there and tell her that she can just let it rip with the aim to explode her way too small NASA high tech diaper in a controlled test setting?"

Fiona: "Uhm.. yes exactly, this is pretty much our plan right now."

Flight director : "Hmm.. OK, I guess we can try this.. Yeah, pretty much a normal day in the office, I guess.."

Fiona: "Haha.. yes.. maybe a normal day in the simulator center with a super-hydrated Jessie Lewis inside the simulator.."

Flight director : "Yes.. OK, then I will inform Jessie that she should inform us about her bladder status and let's hope that Natasha is fast enough. Great, thanks for handling the situation, Fiona."

Fiona: "Great. Thanks too, for your time and flexibility."


It was now 175 minutes into the test, i.e. about forty minutes after Jessie finished her epic pee.

The crew of mission NGSS-1 had just succesfully executed the next maneuver on their simulated travel to the ISS. Jessie still felt very relieved from her pee. However, she did notice that her bladder was starting to fill again, even though she did not yet feel any need to pee. She was slightly worried while thinking about her bladder situation for the rest of the mission, and she hoped that mission control could resolve all potential issues with her urine containment system.

Just after completing the maneuver, the crew was informed by flight control that there was a five minute halt before continuing with the next maneuver. Jessie was not particularly happy about this right now, as she kind of wanted to hold her pee until the end of the mission, despite the fact that this was probably nearly impossible due to the large amounts of liquid that she had already consumed. Surely, these extra five minutes would not help.

After the five minute halt, there was another two minutes halt to inform Jessie and the rest of the crew about the new situation:

Flight control: "Jessie, our experts did notice some minor issue with your urine containment system. But it is nothing serious at all."

Jessie: "OK. So what does that mean?"

Flight control: "We will continue to ask you about the state of your bladder from time to time. Also, in case that you feel that you want to urinate, could you try to inform us a couple of minutes in advance before you go, such that our technicians can take some extra measures?"

Jessie: "OK. Sure, copy that. You will ask me from time to time if I have to urinate, and in case that I want to urinate I will inform you a couple of minutes prior to urination?"

Flight control: "Yes, exactly."

Jessie: "OK. Very good. Would it help if I just hold my pee until the end of the mission?"

Flight control: "Uhm.. No, there is absolutely no need for that, we can let you urinate if you need to, just please tell us beforehand. By now we know that you have an incredibly large bladder, but due to your large prior liquid intake it would be probably even for you very unpleasant to suppress urination until the end of the mission."

Jessie: "OK. Understood."

Jessie felt somewhat better after this exchange with flight control. She was obviously wondering about what exactly was the problem and what they actually planned to do prior to her next urination, but at least she knew that they were working on something to resolve potential issues.

Her crew members still enjoyed the Jessie Lewis super bladder topic very much and were back to making jokes about the situation:

Natasha: "So maybe Jessie's mega bladder is too much too handle for a NASA high tech diaper?"

James: "Yeah, it seems like. I wonder what they will do prior to your next mega piss?"

Chris: "Maybe they will equip us with some umbrellas, such that we can stay somewhat dry despite being in the splash zone of Jessie's exploding diaper?"

Everybody was laughing, the topic was just really funny and it was kind of hard to talk seriously about it, despite the importance of the simulation that they were currently in.

Jessie replid: "Haha.. yeah you know, maybe I'll just hold my pee pee until the end of the mission, if my super high tech diaper is not able to handle the - uhmm.. magnitude of my urination."

After this, the crew had to focus again, because they had to perform the next maneuver.


Meanwhile, Natasha's team ran into some problem. They found out that the test bench equipment was stored in a restricted storage area, and only Natasha had clearance to access this. They immediately contacted Natasha:

Natasha: "Hey! What's up?"
Hayley:  "We have a problem, the test bench is stored in SLA-442-B, and we do not have clearance to access it. We need you to get it for us.."
Natasha: "Oh fuck.. true. I forgot about this. Sure, I'll be there in a second.."
(and Natasha started to walk towards the exit of the simulator center)
Natasha: "Do you have a pickup truck ready and enough people to transport all the equipment into the truck?"
Hayley: "Yes, everything's ready, we just have to get the clearance."
Natasha: "Great! I'm on my way and will be there in at most ten minutes."

Natasha realized, that this would add quite some extra time that was not anticipated. She got slightly worried that it could get really close with installing the test bench in time for Jessie's next piss, but she wanted to try everything to make it work. When driving to the storage location, she did not care for the speed limit, but just wanted to get there as fast as possible. Natasha arrived there 9 minutes later at 181 minutes into the test. When she requested access to the storage, there was the next bad surprise. She learnt, that according to NASA regulations it was only allowed to set the equipment up in its original location. Meaning, they had to change their plan to set up the test bench directly in the simulator, close to Jessie's soon to be super full bladder.

Natasha to Hayley: "Hmm oh fuck.. do we have space left in our lab D4?" (D4 was the original location where it was originally set up, two years ago)
Hayley: "Hmm.. yes I'm sure we can free enough space, it will take some extra time probably."
Natasha: "OK. I see. Then let's just do it this way."

Natasha's team then started to get the equipment and load it into the pickup truck.
Meanwhile, Natasha called Fiona:

Luckily, Fiona had just finished talking to the flight director.

Fiona: "Hey Natasha?"
Natasha: "Hi Fiona, you have a second?"
Fiona: "Yes. Is there some issue?"
Natasha: "Yes kind of. We just learnt from NASA that we are not allowed to set up the test bench in the simulator center, but we have to set it up in it's original location. At least for now."
Fiona: "Hmm.. ok.. then I guess you set it up there, and we transport our bursting Jessie over to your site?"
Natasha: "Yes I guess this is what we should do. Anyway, we can discuss the details later, we will start setting up the system in our lab, OK?"
Fiona: "Yes, I guess this is fine. So to bring Jessie after leaving the simulator over to your site will take about 15 minutes I guess?"
Natasha: "Yes, that sounds about right. Let's hope that Jessie will make it, but I heard she has a rather strong bladder."
Fiona: "Yes. Anyway, I'll talk again to the flight director, he should tell Jessie that she should plan for some extra time before she can actually pee."
Natasha: "OK. Very good. Yes I think we will somehow manage to get Jessie to tinkle on our test bench to get the data of her exploding diaper."
Fiona: "Yes. Very good."

Natasha and her team then continued with the transport of their equipment to it's original location, the laboratory D4 inside their building.

Fiona again contacted the simulator test supervisor Stephen Mitchell. She instructed him, to message the flight director, that he should tell Jessie, that she should plan some extra 20 minutes when announcing her desire to urinate. Then, after the crew had performed their next successful maneuver, the  flight director again contacted Jessie. It was now 191 minutes into the test, i.e. 54 minutes after Jessie's epic pee.

Flight director: "Jessie, how is you bladder situation? Do you feel any need to urinate?"
Jessie: "Negative."
Fight director: "OK. Understood. I do have some extra instruction for you. We will have to go through a special procedure prior to your urination that will take around twenty minutes. Therefore, please tell us twenty minutes before you plan to urinate, that you want to urinate. Understood?"
Jessie: "OK. I will do that. Can you explain what kind of technical procedure this is?"
Flight director: "Uhmm.. uh.. at the moment we are still working on the exact procedure, I cannot exactly tell you at the moment, but I will inform you when I know more."
Jessie: "OK. Understood. Thanks. Sounds mysterious!"

Jessie was obviuosly still rather confused by what this call from the flight director could actually mean for her. She could not really think of any procedures that might be necessary to prepare for taking a piss. She was really curious to find out, but for the moment she did not really care about this topic. She anyway still considered the option to just not urinate for the rest of the mission.

It was now 198 minutes into the test, i.e. 63 minutes after Jessie's epic pee.

Natasha's team was very efficient at transporting all the material to their site. It took them only fifteen minutes to transport all the parts into lab D4. They also already had reshuffled eqiupment in the lab to free space for the assembly of their high tech test stand.

Natasha: "Great! Let's transform D4 back into the Piss Lab!"
Hayley:  "Haha yes! Back to the good old times, a lot of urine was released in this lab, 2.5 years ago!"
Natasha: "Yes. However, it seems that our super bladder Jessie will redefine the meaning of a lot of urine."
Hayley:  "Haha, OK, really, is that so? I'm curious to find out later!"

The urine containment system test bench consisted of a small 1.5 x 1.5 meter platform in the center with several metal constructions around it. Several cameras and other sensors (3d scanners and similar) were then attached to the metal constructions. In addition to that, the current urine containment systems contained some built-in telemetry that could be connected to the test bench and generated data about it's state.

Her team was already assembling the stage and the additional constructions. Assembling the system was not so difficult, Natasha was rather a bit worried about configuring all the devices, performing calibration, and setting up the software system that controlled the test bench. While her team was setting up the test bench hardware, she started to work on the computer to set up the software.

By now, physician Dr. Joanna Meyers had arrived at the simulator center. Fiona updated Joanna on the situation and on their plan for the next steps. They were confident that everything should work out without any problems, and that they only had to organize a smooth transfer of Jessie with her potentially super-full bladder, while she was still wearing her urine containment system, from the simulator to the by then hopefully configured test bench located in the D4 piss lab. It was decided that Jessie after leaving the simulator should remove the upper part of her space suit, but keep on the lower part for the transport to the D4 lab. Fiona and Joanna would join Jessie. After arrival at the D4 lab, Fiona would help Jessie to get rid of the remaining parts of her space suit, then Natasha's team would set up everything for the test, i.e. mainly connect Jessie's urine containment system to their telemetry system and adjust the sensors and cameras correctly. Then, everything would be ready for Jessie's next large-scale urination, this time destined to end up in quite a mess on their test stand. For the transport of Jessie after leaving the simulator, Jessie would have to walk about 30 meters through the simulator center to a delivery entrance. There, the three women would enter a Van that then should transport all of them to the delivery entrance closest to the D4 lab. The D4 lab was located on the second floor. To reach the D4 lab, Jessie then would have to walk only a couple of meters to the elevator, and afterwards walk about 15 meters to enter the D4 piss lab where they then would continue with the procedure.

Fiona and Joanna were quite happy with their plan and looking forward to the execution. Now they only had to hope for, that Natasha's team was fast enough to set up and configure their test bench, before Jessie lost control over her rapidly filling super bladder..





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Another epic chapter, HitEmAll!

I'm fascinated by the science aspects and attention to detail on the importance of the space suit holding out on the actual mission.  

My true love of the story is of course our heroine's inhumanly massive bladder and eventual torrential release, but also the amazement and comments of her team. Also love that you have elements of Jessie being both proud & turned on by her bladder and her excitedly displaying what only she can do, but also the reactions of the supporting cast, especially Natasha, in having to up the ante on the retention system.

All of this while also not certain of the Strahler effect on a petite woman with a more than significantly larger bladder than the vast bladders tested in their preceding experiment...you truly have put thought & extraordinary effort in creating a unique, captivating story.

Goes with out saying that I can't wait to see Jessie go, and go, and gooooooo, with each passing second building into minutes, and the shock and awe of her supporting crew reaching levels not possible, just like Jessie's endless peeing.    

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HitEmAll, I am another one of your fans. And one who is quite willing to suspend disbelief in the quest for a tale of superhuman female urinary powers. I'm of a hope that Jessie exceeds Strahler's Law of urine production as a function of bladder size by so many standard deviations, that it negates the scientific validity of the law! 

In previews of coming attractions, I wish these beautiful female astronauts would board a spaceship for a trip to the Cydonia region of Mars. Once there they could encounter tall, beautiful Martian women with urinary powers that far-far exceed anything our Earthly mortal minds could ever conceive. Imagine Jessie, Sophie, Samantha and the rest of the crew collaborating on a crucially important mission plan of action. They set-out to witness and scientifically document the lives of Martian women with unimaginably behemoth bladders! The group go incognito into an intergalactic cafe where they witness women socializing in a restroom (U.S.) toilet (UK)-- a few urinating for seemingly endless periods of time. However, unlike on Earth where abnormally long and voluminous urinations are met with a curious lack of social response, on Mars there is an exhibitionistic and voyeuristic openness, an undeniable sexual thrill in this female peeing hierarchy.    

Just a thought. 

Edited by LngPeeFan
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @David Jarrell and @LngPeeFan !
Thanks a lot for the kind words, it is really really nice to see that some people actually read this pretty complicated story! Next chapter will be out soon!

And @LngPeeFan: This is a really crazy coincidence.. The first ever peeing related story that I started to write (and also the first ever story that I started to write, past 5th grade in school or so) was very very similar to the scenario that you outline. I thought about scientifically somewhat plausible ways to justify women with super bladders, and I ended up with an idea for a story in the "The Expanse" (books / TV series) universe. "The Expanse" plays a few hundred years in the future where Mars and other places in the solar system have been colonized by humanity. I actually started to write several stories, but I did not finish any of them. Maybe it is time to continue writing and start with posting parts of it.. 😉

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I have begun so many stories that ultimately I didn't finish I've lost count. The main problem lies in the fact I conceptualize three-dimensional characters in my mind, female protagonists with intricate plotlines. Add to that my area of interest-- females with urinary powers far beyond that of mortal women-- and I'm left with a potential novella that would appeal to just a few. Lastly there are writing time constraints.

I'm sure you and I have fantasized stories that would make the late Gene Roddenberry blush. 


Edited by LngPeeFan
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Jessie Lewis situation - Part 4


It was now 213 minutes into the simulator test. The crew of NGSS-1 had just completed the next successful maneuver on their simulated way to docking the ISS. The flight manager asked Jessie again about the state of her bladder.

Flight control: "Jessie, do you feel any urge to urinate?"

Jessie: "Negative, right now I can feel that my bladder is filling, but I do not feel the slightest urge to urinate. I am pretty sure that I can hold it for several more hours."

Flight control: "OK. Understood. Very good. As before, please for the moment do not consume any more liquids, if possible. We think that you are hydrated enough for the mission."

Jessie: "OK. Understood. Yes, I think so too that I am well enough hydrated."

Jessie was still feeling very relaxed about her bladder. She knew that despite the large amount of liquids that she had consumed, it would take still several hours until she really needed to go.

It was now 215 minutes into the simulator test.

Suit technician Fiona who had just planned how to safely transfer Jessie from the simulator center to the piss lab D4 got a call from the simulator supervisor Stephen Mitchell.

Fiona: "Hello Stephen, what's up?"

Stephen: "Hi Fiona, uhm.. I am sorry, but it seems that we have to somewhat change our plans.."

Fiona: "Uhm, ok?"

Stephen: "I just tried to get permission for getting Jessie out of the simulator. NASA says that this is not possible, that this is one of the A+ tests that are in the highest priority class, and that all members of the crew have to finish this test, today. I tried to convince them that we have an engineering issue to solve, and that we potentially lose an important opportunity to generate data, if Jessie has to finish the test. But they replied that there is still enough time after this crucial test to resolve these issues."

Fiona: "Oof.. Hmm.. thanks for the update, and thanks for trying to convince them that it would be good to be flexible today. Hmm.. I guess I can understand their point, it really is one of the most important simulations.."

Stephen: "Yes, sure.. Hmm.. now the question is how to proceed.. I am not yet sure what kind of instructions and explanations the flight director now should exactly give to poor Jessie.."

Fiona: "Yes, this is a tricky one.. I mean I guess we have to tell Jessie that her urine containment system is soon filled to the brim and that her next pee will overflow it. If Jessie overflows her urine containment system, it will create quite a mess inside the simulator, but apart from soaking her crew members probably with a very significant amount of pee, this is not a serious problem for the simulated mission. The question is rather, whether there is still any possibility that Jessie could make it to the test bench after the test?

Stephen: "Yes, exactly, that's the question. Does your assembled team of experts for space urination have any estimates on how long it will take until Jessie's mega bladder is full again?"

Fiona: "Hmm not yet.. If it is OK, then I'll consult the experts in my team, and then in say fifteen minutes I'll call you back?"

Stephen: "Yes, I think this should be fine. For the moment we anyway cannot really influence anything. Right now, in case that Jessie suddenly wishes to urinate, then we can just tell her she can go.."

Fiona: "Yes, exactly. If there are experts in my team that think that it is possible that Jessie can suppress urination for the next four hours, then we can still decide if we want to tell Jessie that she might try to hold it?"

Stephen: "Yes, this might be an option. OK, sorry again for the negative news. Looking forward to hearing from you. Btw. one last question: in case that Jessie overflows, what will happen, where does the overflowing um.. liquids go? Just on the floor, or will she really um.. "soak her crew members", as you said?"

Fiona: "Uhm.. how should I explain this.. uhm.. The space suits actually have a very complicated overflow system, that is only active in the simulator. In the real mission it is not possible to use it. Apparently, there were a ton of design constraints, and as a consequence it has a rather.. um.. extravagant design. Short answer: yes, if Jessie again urinates large amounts, then her crew members will get seriously soaked by her.. um.. liquids".

Stephen: "Uhm.. ok, thanks for the information, very, um.. interesting.. Hmm.. I'm not sure, I think we should not tell this part to Jessie or the crew, at least for the moment.."


Fiona first informed physician Joanna about the new situation.

Joanna: "Oh my god.. poor Jessie.. hmm.. can you give me again the exact timeline, i.e. how much she drank at what time and when exactly she peed?.. maybe we can estimate if there is some chance that our Jessie with her super bladder will be able to make it to the end of the test.."

Joanna performed some rough calculation about Jessie's hydration status to estimate the time that they had left until her bladder was full. Her conclusion was, that due to the fact that Jessie probably already had released around to two liters of urine, together with the fact that astronauts also transpire a significant amount of liquids during this test, that Jessie probably would be not as super-hydrated currently as originally feared. So according to her calculation it was quite possible that Jessie had maybe three to four hours left until her bladder was full again.

Fiona: "Hmm.. the problem with this test is, that we do not even exactly know how long it takes until they finally dock to the ISS, due to the simulated problems. They are now 3.5 hours into the test. If they don't encounter any other problems they are currently on track for 6 hours and 10 minutes."

Joanna: "Then Jessie could really make it to the end. Hmm.. does the flight director of the simulation supervisor know how many problems they will still encounter?"

Fiona: "I don't think so. I think the specific scenario is somewhat randomly generated. It should be realistic for everybody. But I just remember something else: there are several relatively long 12 minute halts in the schedule, in between different maneuvers. In theory these are not necessary, so maybe we can ask the flight director if we can try to hurry up a bit with docking to the ISS?"

Joanna: "Yes this would be great! Haha this is funny, we hurry up with our approach to the ISS because one of our astronauts has to go to the restroom really really badly!"

Fiona: "Haha yes exactly! OK, then I'll first talk again to the simulator supervisor, give him the update that we think it is at least possible that Jessie can hold her pee until the end, and ask him if it is possible that the flight director speeds up the approach a little bit to save some time. Afterwards I'll update Natasha."

Joanna: "Sounds great!"

Fiona called the simulator supervisor back:

Stephen: "Hi Fiona, thanks for calling back, do you have some update?"

Fiona: "Yes. Good news is, we think it is absolutely possible that Jessie can hold it, at least if there is not too much extra time required."

Stephen: "OK. I understand. Yes, we do not know the number of simulated problems in advance. The scenarios are generated such that they should take inbetween 6.5 and 7.5 hours."

Fiona: "Yes I see. Hmm. 7.5 hours will be tough according to our estimations, I guess we have to wait and see. There is one additional thing that we thought about. There are several 12 minute halts in the schedule. Do you think we could shorten some of them a bit, to buy Jessie some extra time?"

Stephen: "Uhmm.. so there are indeed five 12 minute halts left.. This is in theory possible to shorten these, I can ask the flight director if he can do that."

Fiona: "Yes this would be great! Thank you very much for helping with this!"

Stephen: "Sure, no problem. Then, I guess the question is now, what do we tell Jessie? I guess we tell her the full story, that she of course can pee anytime if she has to, but that it would help us if she could hold her pee until she got transferred to the D4 lab?"

Fiona: "Yes, I guess this makes sense. I guess her crew members will make a lot of fun about her bladder destroying NASA high tech diapers, but this we anyway cannot avoid."

Stephen: "No. I cannot blame them, this story is really something special and funny.. Great, then I'll talk to the flight director and tell him to give Jessie and the crew a full disclosure of what's going on. And I tell him to hurry up to get to the ISS because one of his astronauts needs to pee."

Fiona: "Exactly. Very good. Afterwards I might be back in mission control and see how things are going, if not I'll call you again and ask if everything worked out."

Stephen: "Great, thanks."

The simulator supervisor could reach flight control and they decided that they would cut 4 of the breaks to 3 minutes and one break to six minutes, saving in total 42 minutes. The simulator supervisor forwarded the message to the flight director to explain the crew the situation..

It was now 241 minutes into the test, the crew had just started the next burn.

Flight control: "Jessie, do you feel any need to urinate?"

Jessie: "Negative.. uhmm, or maybe a very little urge, but I am sure that I can hold it for several more hours."

Flight control: "Very good. OK, there is quite a bit of new information about the current situation with your urine containment system."

Jessie: "OK?"

Flight control: "OK, so first of all, if you feel the need to urinate during this test you can safely urinate at any point in time."

Jessie: "OK. Great. Sounds a bit like there is a "but"..? "

Flight control: "Uhm yes, one could say so.. Your urine containment system will most likely not be able to handle the amount of additional urine. This is no problem, it just means that urine will be released through an overflow system into the spacecraft, which is absolutely not dangerous here in the simulator."

(the other crew members are laughing quietly about hearing this, because they kind of already expected it)

Jessie: "OK.. .. .. uhm.. uh.. can you make "released into the spacecraft" a bit more specific?"

Flight control: "uhm.. it will flow out of your space suit. We can give you a more detailed description in case that you decide to urinate..".

Jessie: "OK.. copy that: in case that I decide to pee again, piss will be flying all across the simulator?"

Flight control: "Uhm.. uh.. we cannot exclude that it is possible, that your crew members will get into contact with your urine in that case. But remember, urine is totally harmless, in addition to that you are all wearing space suits, so some drops of urine will not make any difference for anyone.."

(All of the crew was already laughing hard about Jessie's question, and even harder about the answer from flight control.)

Flight control: "However, there is another aspect. Our engineers may have to perform adjustments to your urine containment system to handle the necessary amounts of urine you will void during the actual mission. They would be interested in recording the data about how exactly your urine containment system fails when you urinate the next time."

Jessie: "OK? How will they do that?"

Flight control: "This is only possible outside the simulator, on a special test bench, ten minutes away from the simulator center. We asked NASA if it is possible to get you out of the simulator early, but they said that you have to finish the test. Therefore, it would help our engineers if you could suppress urination until twenty minutes after the test ended. However, if you cannot do this there is absolutely no problem, then you can just safely urinate and our engineers will get their data at a later point in time."

Jessie: "OK.. Wow.. so then I will participate now in a NASA pee holding contest?"

Flight control: "Yes, kind of.. As I said, there is no problem if you cannot do this. We understand that what we ask you here would be a completely impossible task for any normal human being. Do you think right now that there could be a possibility that you hold it until the end?"

Jessie: "Uhmm.. it is still a couple of hours left, but yes, it might be possible. I think right now my bladder is filling rather fast, but maybe it will slow down over the next hours."

Flight control: "Yes. We had some experts calculate some rough estimates, and they think this should be the case. I have another information. We will actually try to help you and try to speed up with our approach to the ISS, by shortening the halts in between maneuvers. This will gain us over 40 minutes. However, we do not know how long exactly it will take you to get there, as there might be additional simulated problems that will cause delay."

Jessie: "Wow. Thanks for speeding up such that I can take my pee in time! If you organize all this then I guess it is rather important that I can hold my pee until the end?"

Flight control: "Hmm.. it would help the engineers a bit, but as I said, if you have to go then please just go, this is no problem."

Jessie: "OK. Thanks for the update. Then I will tell you from time to time how my bladder feels."

Flight control: "OK. Great. And we will continue to be very interested in your urinary situation. Thank you very much for your efforts, and we are all deeply impressed by your abilities to hold pee."

Following the dialog, the whole crew was on the brink of bursting into laughter. After the dialog, they couldn't hold themselves and laughed tears once again. They currently were not busy with any mission duties and had time to talk about their favorite topic, Jessie's gigantic bladder.

Jessie: "Haha, super funny.. Oh wow, what a crazy situation. I hope I can hold my pee until the end.."

Samantha (sitting directly next to Jessie): "Yes, we hope so too!", everybody started to laugh again.

Nathalie: "If Jessie pees like before and makes her diaper explode, then we will all get seriously wet.. Flight control made that very clear haha!"

Chris: "That's the fanciest goldenshower ever, inside a NASA spacecraft simulator, the peeing world champion Dr. Lewis will pee simultaneously over all her crew, through an exploding NASA high tech diaper.."

Samantha (jokingly): "Remember Jessie, I am the commander, I decide when my crew members are allowed to urinate!"

Everybody was still laughing. Jessie was slightly worried that she might disappoint NASA, as she could feel that her bladder was not dangerously full yet, but still filling rapidly. However, she was also very excited about this development, as she felt very horny thinking about all the additional attention for her huge bladder. Secretly, she sometimes dreamed about participating and winning a pee holding contest (obviously, she would easily win any peeing contest, if she participated). She now participated in the craziest pee holding contest of all time. She was also really hoping that she would make it to the end of the test, as she was super excited to find out how this peeing test bench would work.

Nathalie: "This is just crazy, today we already witnessed the biggest pee in history, and maybe, if Jessie will not make it, we will witness probably an even bigger pee.."

Chris: "Maybe NASA measured, and found out that your last pee was a couple of drops below the world record, and now they want you to try again?"

Samantha: "Haha.. No, I am sure Jessie already beat the world record. And I also think that she will make it, thanks to her gigantic bladder."

Chris: "OK. Let's bet, who thinks that Jessie can hold it until the end?"

..everybody still laughing, but all of the crew members believed in Jessie's bladder and her ability to hold ridiculous amounts of pee, and all agreed that she would make it most likely to the end.

Jessie started to calculate. It was now 247 minutes into the mission. After speeding up the approach, and including the delay that they currently had, without any problems the total mission time would be 334 minutes, so in the best case she had to hold her pee only for a bit over two hours until she was on that test bench and could finally go. By now she could definitively feel some pressure in her bladder, but she also knew that usually she could hold her pee from this point still for a long time, even after drinking large amounts.

After Fiona talked to the simulator supervisor, she tried to reach and update Natasha. Natasha was obviously very busy with setting up their test bench as fast as possible, but she took a break to talk to Fiona.

Natasha: "Hi Fiona, how is it going, does Jessie already have to pee?"

Fiona: "Probably, but I don't know exactly. Listen, the situation has changed, NASA will not allow us to get Jessie out of the simulator, she has to stay in until the end of the test."

Natasha: "Uhmm.. oh.. poor Jessie! Uhmm.. so.. what is the plan now, did you tell her what's going on and will she try to hold it until the end?"

Natasha's heart rate again jumped up a lot and she felt very horny thinking about poor Jessie with her ultra full bladder bursting to go, but trying to hold it for the sake of NASA.

Fiona: "Yes, this is exactly what we did. They also try to speed up the mission a bit to help Jessie. I talked to the physician, and she calculated that it might well be possible that Jessie can hold it, if her bladder is really as huge as we believe."

Natasha: "OK. Wow.. that's.. really a completely new scenario. So for us this is very good, now we do have more time to set up everything I guess?"

Fiona: "Yes. The test will minimum last for two more hours, probably rather two and a half or three."

Natasha: "OK. Great, then we have plenty of time, we will be ready. Haha Jessie by then also will be VERY ready, if she makes it to that point.."

Fiona: "Yes.. this will be rather crazy I guess. Jessie not peeing for over four hours after drinking that much.. I hope we manage a smooth transfer to your place for her super bursting bladder."

Natasha felt so very very horny thinking about Jessie with a massively bulging bladder arriving at their lab, for her epic next urination. She tried to stay calm and think professionally, but it was extremely hard, because the picture in her head was just too damn sexy.

Natasha: "Haha.. yes maybe we should set up an obstacle course for the last 10 meters to the lab to make it a bit more challenging?"

Fiona: "Haha sure.. OK. Then please continue to set up your test bench, and I'll keep you updated on how Jessie and her bladder are doing."

Natasha: "Great! OK, thanks for the update, and then I am looking forward to watch Jessie's next world record pee hopefully inside our lab!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Jessie Lewis Situation - Part 5

It was now 281 minutes into the simulator test, i.e. 40 minutes after Jessie got full disclosure about the situation of her urine containment system, and nearly 2.5 hours after her epic piss. The crew of NGSS-1 had just completed the next successful maneuver on their simulated way to docking the ISS. The flight manager used the short 3 minutes break to ask Jessie again about the state of her bladder.

Flight manager: Very good job on your mission so far. Jessie, how are you feeling?

Jessie: Uhm.. I'm not gonna lie, I could use a tinkle.. My bladder seems to be filling rather quickly.

Flight manager: Understood. Thanks for the update. As we said, you can safely urinate anytime. It may be possible that your bladder stops filling so rapidly soon, because you reduced your liquid intake some time ago, but this is not guaranteed. If it becomes too unpleasant, then please just let go and urinate, it is more important that you finish the test successfully than that we get that data.

Jessie: Understood. I still think it might be possible, but I'm not hundred percent sure that I can make it.

Flight manager: Very good, once again thanks for your efforts!

Nathalie: Oh no, poor Jessie! Damn NASA with their diapers for tiny bladders..

Samantha: On the plus side, we might get to see our Jessie super goldenshower performance.

Jessie: Haha.. Yes I hope that in case that I cannot hold it I will not create too much "collateral damage".. I tend to pee rather forcefully as you could witness before, and god knows what happens when my science fiction diaper overflows or explodes..

Samantha: Haha yes we did indeed witness a rather powerful urination before.. But seriously, let's be clear: don't worry about this at all. If you have to go then you have to go. As the commander I give you permission to urinate whenever you want and as much and as powerful as you have to, no matter where your overflowing piss sprays or who gets splashed by your pee.

The rest of the crew agreed with this statement and confirmed that they had no problem with a situation where Jessie's pee would spray all across the spaceship simulator.

Nathalie: It would be an honor! Haha, and seriously, probably only Samantha will get wet, very very wet! [because Samantha was sitting directly next to Jessie]

Samantha: Ha don't underestimate Jessie's urinary capabilities! Jessie, I order you to aim for Nathalie in case that you cannot hold your pee pee!

Everybody was laughing again.

Samantha: No, probably Nathalie is right an I will get very wet, but this is totally fine. Maybe then I will overflow my diaper too, out of sympathy.

James: Wow, now does NASA have to deal with a second super pisser?

Samantha: Haha maybe? No, I'm certainly not on a Jessie Lewis peeing world champion level, but I did drank quite a lot before and during this test..

After this discussion, due to the shortened halts, the crew had to start with preparing for the next maneuver.

Meanwhile in the pisslab D4:

It was now 302 minutes into the simulator test. Natasha's team was nearly done with assembling the full setup. All structures were assembled and the devices in place, and they just plugged in the last cables to connect everything.

Natasha was in the process of setting up the software and configuring all the sensor devices. Already two hours ago, Natasha felt a minor need to pee. Due to the large amount of coffee that she had consumed earlier in the day but also during the last two hours, by now her bladder was getting really full. She did not really notice up to this point, because of the special situation and because she was busy with all the work. But now her bladder had reached a level where it was not possible to ignore anymore. However, she had a plan: to verify that the test bench worked correctly, they usually performed a test run, usually with her or Hailey taking a pee on the platform. Natasha was determined to hold it until the test run, and then to take a huge test pee herself. But prior to that she had to still install some software and calibrate some devices. She was slightly fidgety while performing these tasks, but now that her bladder was so full and the time for the test pee so close, she absolutely wanted to hold it until the test bench was ready.

Hailey: Wow this is a really stressful day.. It looks like we are well on track and the piss lab will be up and running to perfectly monitor Jessie's world record pee. At least in case that poor Jessie can hold her weewee for long enough.

Natasha [after checking the clock and calculating]: Yes, it looks like we are ready on time. I guess we have some time available to call Fiona, to see how Jessie is doing. Maybe she already flooded the simulator and all the stress was for nothing..

Hailey: Haha maybe. No, Jessie is a tough girl, I am sure that she will make it!

again Hailey: But before we ask mission control, let's please first finish the test bench. I have to pee since two hours, boy do I need to go, I am so ready for taking a nice test piss, I might break our record!

Natasha: Haha yes I feel the same, my bladder is also pretty full, and I was also looking forward to the test piss..

Hailey: Ah yes I can imagine, obviously you also did not have any time to pee until now. And sure, I don't mind, you can do the test piss.

Natasha: No no, it's fine! You can have the honor, and I am curious to find out if you can really break our record!

Hailey: Haha great! Yes I'll try my best! Then let's finish the setup quickly, such that I don't pee my pants and soil the holy floor of our piss lab!

Natasha: Haha! In that case I could step in as your backup!

Natasha was a bit disappointed that she could not herself do the test piss, but she thought that this also had some positive aspects: first of all, it was also very hot to watch desperate Hailey peeing on the test bench, and second she thought that she could hold her pee for some more time. She was looking forward to hold her pee until Jessie had done her epic world record piss. She thought that's probably the hottest thing in the world, to watch the super hot and absolutely bursting Jessie Lewis completely flood their test bench with the biggest urination ever while being really desperate herself..
The record that Hailey mentioned was an internal thing in between Hailey and Natasha. Obviously, NASA's high tech diaper generates telemetry data about it's state and usage (however, in the simulator as well as on the actual mission the data links to read out the data are so far not connected, this feature was just used for the development of the system). The highest ever recorded volume of urine that was released into one of NASA's high tech urinary containment systems in a single pee was done by Sophie Robinson, who voided 1185 ml in 43 seconds (obviously, not counting today's events, because Jessie's epic urination clearly had shattered this record). There were a couple of occasions for test or calibration pisses, where Hailey or Natasha emptied their bladders into one of NASA's high tech diapers. Hailey's record so far was at 785 ml, and Natasha's at 845 ml. However, they did not specifically hold their pee to try for a record, this was just the result of having really full bladders during a normal work day. Natasha for example knew from some of her own "experiments", that she could pee well over a liter if she really tried to hold it as long as possible.


It was now 306 minutes into the simulator test, about three hours after Jessie's epic urination. The crew of NGSS-1 had just completed the third last maneuver of their mission. They were already at 210 meters distance to the ISS in their simulated approach. Only one more maneuver to get to the last waypoint at 20 meters distance, and then after a six minutes hold, the final approach for docking. They were now in another short three minutes hold, before the start of the second last maneuver.

Flight director: Once again great job with the last maneuver! Before we discuss our favorite topic: any issues from anyone that are not related to Jessie's bladder?

All of the six crew members confirmed that everything was fine and that there were no problems.

Flight director: OK, great! Then Jessie, how are you feeling?

Jessie: uhm.. I really need to pee and I feel that my bladder is REALLY full, but so far it is manageable. I think I should be able to hold on for quite some time, but I cannot really guarantee it. Can you quickly outline the timeline for the rest of the mission?

Flight director: Thanks for the update Jessie, you are doing great! Yes, I have some good news for you. I negotiated with my boss that we can skip the simulated hard docking to the ISS and can end the simulation after successful soft docking, because of Jessie's situation. This will save us twelve minutes from the original timeline. With this, if everything goes right and we don't encounter any additional problems, the simulation will end in exactly 51 minutes. Jessie, if you can hold it until then, there will be about ten minutes to get you out of the simulator and undressed for the transport to the test bench, then about twelve minutes for the transfer to the test bench. When you arrive on the test bench, the scientists will adjust instruments and set you up for optimal monitoring for about three to five minutes, and then everything is ready for your urination. This means, if everything goes right, this will be in around 75 to 76 minutes.

Jessie: Great, thanks for the update and the good news! Then I will definitively try to hold my pee until then, I'm looking forward to flood their test bench in a very controlled lab setting! This sounds feasible, although I cannot promise anything and I will most likely be absolutely bursting at that point..

Flight director: Again, thanks for your superhuman efforts. And remember, if it gets to uncomfortable, then please just empty your bladder.

Nathalie: Never! Our super bladder Jessie is a big girl that can hold her pee until everything is ready!

Samantha: Yes, Jessie's bladder is unbeatable. You will manage this! Also, you are not even wiggling in your seat yet, I really think you can do this!

Jessie: Yes, I think it is possible. And yes, I will probably soon start to wiggle in my seat.. Relatively soon after that point I will enter uncharted territory, because I cannot remember any time before that I had to pee so bad. I think, that because of the size of my bladder I very rarely ended up in situations where I was really desperate..

Nathalie: I see, that makes sense. And yes, this is definitively uncharted territory, holding your pee for several hours after drinking five liters of fluids..

Samantha: Yes, and then when everything is ready, Jessie will pee like no one has ever peed before!

Jessie: Yeah.. let's see if that will work out. We still have one minute left, enough talk about peeing, any other topics?

Nathalie: No no, your next pee is really our favorite topic, we want to talk exclusively about this!

Pilot James: Yes it is really unlucky, the shiny perfect space toilet on the ISS is only about 200 meters away. But it will still take fifty minutes to get there..

Nathalie: Maybe Jessie is faster if she leaves our spacecraft and takes a spacewalk to get there?

Samantha: Let's see, if NASA's diapers cannot handle Jessie's "output", maybe she will also destroy the ISS toilet with her inhuman peeing?

The crew was in a good mood and everybody was laughing once again. Jessie, despite the fact that she was getting increasingly desperate, was in a good mood too, motivated to do everything possible to hold her pee until she was finally allowed to go, and still feeling really horny because of her weird NASA holding contest situation.

Then, they started to prepare for their second last maneuver. The maneuver was planned to take 26 minutes, for a careful approach to within 20 meters of the space station. During the maneuver, the spacecraft rotated towards the ISS, meaning that the ISS became clearly visible on the front view screen. Jessie could clearly see the destination of their journey, but it was approaching very slowly.

334 minutes into the simulation, i.e. after 23 minutes of their maneuver, an alarm went off. The booster that already had a problem with the sensors ealier, failed, i.e. the computer shut it down due to sensor readings that were too unreliable. This was not a very big problem, but it caused some delay and some consequences for the final approach. First of all, the crew had to work for five minutes to reconfigure the propulsion system. Then, the procedure was, that before approaching the last way point, they had to perform a small maneuver to verify that the spacecraft was still 100% controllable. This maneuver took another twelve minutes. During this test maneuver, Jessie's bladder had reached a fill level that she had never experienced before. She was now really desperate, and started to wiggle slightly with her right leg. She was still determined to hold on, but she was not sure for how much longer she could actually hold it. Clearly, seeing the ISS and their destined docking port that currently did not get any closer did not help.

352 minutes into the mission they finally had successfully verified controllability of their spacecraft and reached waypoint 2, i.e. the last hold before the final approach. On their schedule was a six minutes break before starting the docking procedure.

Flight director: Great job, you are nearly there! We will successfully end this test very soon! Jessie, we are really sorry for the delay, are you still holding your pee?

Jessie: Yes, I am. I am really desperate now and my bladder feels super full, but I think that if we hurry up then we can still make it.

Flight director: Great job, Jessie! We are nearly there!

So, I'll make it short, due to the booster shut down, the safety protocol does not allow that we use the automatic docking. James and Samantha, as you know, in this case you have to perform a computer-assisted manual docking, are you ready for this?

James: Yes, of course, from my side we can start right now, such that Jessie can make it in time.

Flight director: Very good, yes from our side you are clear to go. Samantha and James, please start with the maneuver any time you feel ready.

*psss* from Nathalie's seat's direction
*pssssss* from Samantha's seat's direction

Samantha: I'm basically ready, but, uhm, please give me one minute, uhm, with something..

*psss* from Nathalie's seat's direction
*PSSSHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Nathalie: I don't dare to say what Samantha is currently doing..

*psss* from Nathalie's seat
*PSSSSHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Samantha: I am so so sorry, but I really really have to empty my bladder before the docking procedure..

*psss* from Nathalie's seat
*PSSSSHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Chris: Oh no!! Poor Jessie, this is really cruel..

*PSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH* from Nathalie's seat's direction
*PSSSSSHHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Samantha: Nathalie, you are peeing too, aren't you?

*PSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH* from Nathalie's seat's direction
*PSSSSSHHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Nathalie: I'm so sorry, I tried to pee quietly, but I couldn't, I have to go really really badly, too.. I peed the last time three hours ago, and tried to hold it until the end, but -ah- this did not work out..

*PSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH* from Nathalie's seat's direction
*PSSSSSSHHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Chris: Wow, you guys are really mean! Poor Jessie..

*PSSSSSSSHHHHHH* from Nathalie's seat's direction
*PSSSSHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Nathalie: Remember, life is not fair.. ahh it feels sooo good.. Sorry Jessie!!..

*PSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH* from Nathalie's seat's direction
*PSSSSHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

This situation was too much for all crew members. Nathalie and Samantha were about fifteen seconds into their perfectly synchronized pees. No one was saying anything, it was just the deafening silence of the simulator, broken only by the hissing of two massive pee streams gushing into NASA urinary containment systems.

Jessie was in slight disbelief about what was currently happening.. Relief for her ultra full super bladder got delayed, because the commander of the spacecraft had to take a pee break herself. Really unlucky. Up to this point, Jessie was still "only" wiggling with her right leg due to the desperation, but the sound of two girls pissing full stream into their urine containment systems directly next to her made her situation worse, and she started to also slightly wiggle with her upper body. On the plus side, for some reason listening to the two huge pees of her colleagues made her again a bit horny, thinking about the earth shattering piss that she would release soon..

Finally, James broke the silence.

James: I guess Jessie was not the only one bursting to pee.. Wow, how much are you girls peeing??

*PSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH* from Nathalie's seat's direction
*PSSSSHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Chris: Not Jessie levels I guess, but wow that must be a lot of pee..

*pssss* from Nathalie's seat's direction
*PSSSSHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Nathalie: It is a lot.. but I am done now..

While Nathalie's huge pee stream ended after 32 seconds, the loud hissing emanating from Samantha's crotch continued.

*PSSSSHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Samantha: Yes, it is a lot.. I am so so sorry, but I cannot stop, I still have to pee a lot more.. I kind of started to hold my pee too out of sympathy with poor Jessie, but this was a really stupid idea.

Nathalie: Please hurry up with peeing! Such that you can finally pilot poor bursting Jessie to her fancy super toilet!!

*PSSSSHHHH* from Samantha's seat's direction

Samantha: I am working on i..


Flight director: Wow.. we got an overflow warning from your urine disposal system, Samantha..

Samantha: ahhh.. then I'll try to stop p..


Flight director: Samantha, you don't have to stop urinating.. please continue to urinate for as long as you want, until you feel comfortable again..

Samantha didn't think twice and was really happy to hear this. She thought that she anyway was not able to stop her pee stream right now.


Samantha: OK, aahhh thanks.. I still have to go a lot more.. so what will happen when it overflows?

Flight director: Four overflow valves will open, and the excess pee will flow out of the system. Please just continue urinating, this will not cause any harm to anyone and remember, you have to perform the docking procedure afterwards.


The point of overflowing was reached now.. The overflow valves were connected to overflow valves in her space suit. All crew members turned their heads in disbelief towards what was happening to Samantha.


Four thin streams of pee started to spray out at the front side of her suit, shooting about 50 centimeters into all directions away from her.. The thin pee streams hit Jessie (Jessie was sitting directly next to Samantha), and also Nathalie (she was sitting on the opposite side of Jessie, but at a slightly larger distance).


Samantha: What the fuck!!
Jessie: Whoa..
Nathalie: Uhmm..
James: Huh??..


As a consequence of this really strange behavior of the urinary containment system overflow mechanism, once again everybody burst into laughter.. Even Jessie was laughing, and it made her desperation for the moment a lot worse and she nearly lost control over her bladder.

Nathalie: Samantha is not only our commander, but also our water sprinkler! How convenient!


Samantha: Oh my god.. I am so so sorry.. I am nearly empty..

Chris: Uhm.. I'd say you are rather overflowing and not empty at all?..


Samantha: OK, then I am soon done with overflowing..


James: Wow Samantha, you turned into a really impressive water feature! It seems that you also drank way to much on the way here?


Samantha: Yes.. I don't know why, but somehow I felt nervous today about the whole situation, and felt really thirsty all the time..


After 58 seconds of peeing, Samantha was finally done. The thin pee streams from the overpressure valves continued to spray out, but with slightly reduced pressure.

Samantha: What is going on? I stopped peeing, but I am still spraying pee into all directions?

Flight control: Yes, this is expected behavior of the system. It will stop in a few seconds..


Nathalie: Wow, this was a surprise! What a crazy day!! Now it seems we did get our goldenshower in the end!


Everyone was still in shock about the whole situation. Slowly, the overpressure valve pee streams got weaker. Nathalie's legs were completely sprayed by Samantha's pee, and Jessie's space suit up to her breast was covered in pee that got ejected by Samantha's overflow system. As a consequence of her colleague's massive urinations, Jessie's situation had gotten clearly worse, now she was really desperate, wiggling her body around to keep control.

Samantha: Jessie, I am so so sorry.. for everything..

Nathalie: Jessie, how are you doing? How do you feel, do you think you can still make it?

Jessie: Uhm.. I don't really want to talk about it right now, can we please try to get out of this simulator as soon as possible? I really really need to pee, and I don't want to imagine what will happen if I lose it in here..

Nathalie: Yes that makes sense, if Samantha turns into a water sprinkler, then I also don't want to imagine what you will turn into..

James: Yes, I agree. If all crew members without inhumanly large bladders are relieved, then we should proceed with the docking maneuver as soon as possible.

Samantha: Yes! Let's bring Jessie to the ISS as soon as possible, such that she can have her world record pee!

James and Samantha started to initiate the docking maneuver. However, due to the failed booster, they could for safety reasons use only very small accelerations to move the spacecraft towards the docking port of the ISS. Jessie had regained full control over her bladder and her situation had improved a tiny little bit. She was still wiggling in her seat, but she felt confident that she could hold it for the remaining time. The test bench was now so close, that she was determined to hold her epic amount of piss until she was there. When Jessie was laughing due to the fact that Samantha had turned into a water sprinkler, she considered for a moment to let go as well. In that moment, she thought that if she'd start to pee like crazy and spraying piss all across the spacecraft simulator, this would also be incredibly hot in some sense, but she decided against it, she still preferred to go on the test bench. Now, during the computer guided docking maneuver, she was also afraid that it could actually threaten the mission success if she lost it, because it could distract James and Samantha to much from their task of docking the spacecraft.

The next 20 minutes were really really tough for Jessie. The ISS was clearly visible and really close, but their spacecraft approached it at an incredibly slow speed. Soon, Jessie was again close to the point of losing it. 10 minutes into the docking maneuver, she started to breath heavily, and started to wiggle more intensely in her seat. While James and Samantha were focused on their task, this was not unobserved by the other crew members.

Nathalie: Hey Jessie! I'm sure you can make it! We are now 4 meters away from out destination, you can hold it until we get there!

Jessie: Oohh.. uh.. yes I can hold on.. But it is really painful to see it approaching sooo slowly.

James: Yes, we are really really slow with this maneuver, but we will get you there! Stay strong!

The cheering up of her colleagues helped Jessie for the moment. They were right, it was only a couple of more minutes until everything was over, she knew that she could do it!

Meanwhile, in the simulator center outside of the spacecraft simulator, suit technician Fiona and physician Joana had prepared everything for a quick transport of the by now super desperate Jessie to the test bench in lab D4. To ensure the fastest and most comfortable transport for the drive to Natasha's lab they had organized an ambulance from the Cape Canaveral medical center. In there, Jessie would be able to either sit or stand or lie down, depending on what was most comfortable for her. In preparation for the transport, Joana had also put an ultrasound device that could measure the volume inside Jessie's bladder, to get the data to help with the required redesign of her urinary containment system.

It was now 371 minutes into the mission, and Jessie and her simulated spacecraft were only at one meter distance to the simulated ISS, so it was only a matter of minutes until Jessie could leave the simulator..


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  • 3 weeks later...

Love the sprinkler description and love the way that everyone is talking about the desperation and peeing so matter of factly as it would be with a scientific monitoring.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/9/2022 at 5:06 PM, Ghs said:

damn this story is the best i ever read so far, are u planning on writing another chapter?

Thanks @Ghs ! Yes I think I want to finish this story such that poor Jessie can finally relieve herself and take the biggest and most scientifically important pee in history (hopefully..). Actually, in addition to that I have a couple of ideas for how to continue the story after the described incident, so let's see..

Anyways.. today, I was watching parts of the Artemis 1 countdown, and all the NASA and human spaceflight stuff motivated me to continue writing the story. So here is the second last chapter, describing the final preparations in Natasha's lab. I hope you enjoy this part, as an "appetizer" for the grand finale.. 😉

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The Jessie Lewis Situation - Part 6


Meanwhile, in Natasha's lab D4 things initially did not go as smoothly as originally thought. It was 311 minutes into the mission, i.e. still about 40 minutes before the earliest possible arrival of Jessie.

The very last step for setting up the software system of the urinary containment system test bench was to connect the sensor group G2, responsible for measuring surface temperature.

Natasha: Hmm.. Somehow I cannot connect to the infrared sensors. Anyone has an idea what could be wrong?

Hayley: Hmm.. I remember that we had this problem before. I will check in our documentation if someone wrote something about fixing this problem.

Four minutes later, she had indeed found a problem that they had encountered before with these sensors. Apparently, the proprietary connection cable was prone to breaking.

Natasha: Fuck, now things might get stressful again if we have to scramble for a fucking replacement cable?

Hayley: Hmm yes.. hmm.. At least it seems, we do have replacement cables in our storage at SLA-442-C.. Ha, at least we are really well organized!

Natasha: Hm OK, that's at least something. Hmm it might still get really tight.. With driving there, and with NASA bureaucracy to access the storage locations, it will take 20 to 30 minutes until I am back to get them.

Hayley: Yes, but I guess we cannot do anything about this. This is a really powerful and complicated technical system, sometimes things don't go as expected.

Natasha: True.. OK I'll run to get these damn cables, I'll be back as fast as possible. Can you prepare everything else, such that we can start with our test procedures as soon as possible after I return?

Hayley: Sure, everything will be ready to go, and I will be full to the brim and ready to go as well, to contribute my.. uhm.. inputs for the test procedure.

[as described earlier, both Hayley and Natasha had no time for a bathroom break for the last couple of hours, and both are desperate to pee]

Natasha: Yes, very good. And fuck yes.. I also have to piss rather sooner than later..

Natasha left the piss lab and went to her car, while Hayley started to double check all the parts of the test platform.

It took Natasha about eight minutes to drive to the storage building. She used the time to call Fiona to get an update on Jessie's situation in the simulator.

Fiona: Hi Natasha, how is it going?

Natasha: Hi Fiona, we encountered a minor problem but we should have the system ready at latest in about forty minutes or so. How is the test mission going and how is Jessie's super bladder holding up?

Fiona: Wow, this is great to hear that you will be ready soon. Jessie is doing great, we just talked to her a couple of minutes ago, and she thinks that she might be able to make it and will try to hold it for your experiment.

Natasha: Wow, Jessie is really amazing. In case that she can really hold it, when can we expect Jessie in our lab for our little pee pee experiment?

Fiona: So, for the best case scenario she will be there in around 65 minutes. However, they might encounter additional delays due to simulated problems with the spacecraft.

Natasha: OK, thanks for the update, then we should easily have enough time. The test platform is ready, except for one small technical problem that we are currently trying to resolve, and for a test run to ensure that the system is working as expected.

Fiona: Great. Haha, test run sounds great, then I wish you good luck with that!

Natasha: Haha, yes we have to make sure that the systems are working correctly for Jessie's very special urination..

Fiona: Sure, thanks for your update as well, then let's see if this will really work out!

Natasha arrived at the building containing their storage site. Getting access to their storage went smoothly, and Natasha quickly found the necessary replacement cables for the sensor. It was 327 minutes into the mission when Natasha arrived at her car to drive back to the pisslab. She drove as fast as possible, and a couple of minutes later she was back and with the cables in her hand running from the parking lot to her lab.

Meanwhile, Hailey did double-check all of the other technical systems and sensors of the test bench. Everything seemed to be prepared for the most epic urination in human history. In this moment Natasha entered the door.

Natasha: So how is the situation? I got us some cables, let's hope that they work!

Hailey: Great! Yes I double-checked all other systems, everything is good to go!

They installed the replacement cables and after this the full system was up and running. Now the only thing that was missing according to their procedures was a full-scale test of the system.

Natasha: Great, everything's ready! I guess you are very ready to go, too?

Hailey: Haha yes I am really really bursting to go.. But you must be bursting too, right? So as I said before, if you want to have the honor, you can do the test run.

Natasha: Haha yes I am bursting, too, but it is fine if you do it. Let's get you diapered up!

Natasha could feel her excitement rise again massively. For the last hours she was occupied all the time with preparing everything for the upcoming moments. But now that everything was ready, she had time to think about the incredible near and mid-term future. The thought of examining Jessie's incredible urinary capabilities and working towards finding solutions to improve space urination systems to cope with Jessie's "output" was just too good! All of these thoughts made her really excited and wet again, she could feel her heart beating from excitement and anticipation. Also the immediate future was super exciting. Now she would first witness the very attractive Hailey relieving her very full bladder on their test bench, and then, if everything went well, she would witness the very sexy astronaut Jessie Lewis taking the biggest piss of all time on their test bench. All of this while she was holding a very full bladder herself, a feeling that she was really enjoying at the moment.

Natasha and Hailey proceeded with preparing Hailey for her test urination. They together went to fetch one of their development urine containment systems. They grabbed one in the right size for Hailey.

Hailey: Wow, it was really a long time ago that we used these ourselves!..

Natasha: Haha yes.. However, we had quite a lot of astronauts taking quite a lot of pees into them over the last two years.. I am really quite proud of the system that we developed, it was working super reliably so far, but now for Jessie it seems that we have to rethink..

Hailey: Yes..

Natasha: Do you remember how to put this thing on?

Hailey: Yes I think I can still do this, it is not very complicated.. I also am proud of being part of the team that developed this system, it is a really clever design.. I'll be right back.

Hailey went to a small room next to the D4 lab that was used to store equipment, to mount the urine containment system. In the meantime Natasha called Fiona to get an update of Jessie's situation and the upcoming schedule. It was now 346 minutes into the mission.

Fiona: "Hi Natasha!"

Natasha: "Hi Fiona! I just wanted to inform you that we are basically ready here. How is Jessie doing, and how is the schedule?"

Fiona: "Wow that's great to hear! Jessie is still doing fine! So there are some minor delays, according to the current schedule, Jessie will be in - uhm.. let me quickly check.. uhm.. in around 40 minutes in your lab."

Natasha: "OK thanks for the information, that's great, then we have time for a quick full-scale test of the system."

Fiona: "Sounds great! Uhm.. uh.. just out of curiosity, so for this, you.. uhm.. you.."

Natasha: "Haha yes exactly, this is what we do.. I'll explain you at some point in detail how this works when we have more time!"

Fiona: "Haha OK. By the way, just as a quick info, there happened another little uhm.. hmm.. let's say - "urination system related accident" in the simulator, I'll also explain you the details later when we have more time."

Natasha: "Uhm.. ok, whatever that means?.. OK, then thanks for the update, and see you soon, hopefully for witnessing the peeing world record!"

Fiona: "Haha yes, looking forward to that! Thanks for all your efforts, and see you soon!"

Meanwhile, Hailey had successfully replaced her pants and underwear with a NASA high tech diaper that she co-developed. She returned into the lab D4, from the waist downwards only wearing her high tech urine containment system.

Natasha (jokingly): Haha great, wow like two years ago, you still look very sexy in that! Then let's get you connected to the system, such that you don't pee yourself prematurely!

Hailey: Haha thanks! And yes I hope I can hold it until we are ready!.. I am really really full to the brim..

Hailey started to make some typical "holding her pee" moves with putting her hands into her crotch (i.e. over her high-tech diaper) while shifting her body from side to side. She did this partially for fun, and partially because she was really feeling a strong need to pee by now.

Natasha: Oh wow.. yes I'll hurry up and let's hope that you can make it! Haha just don't think about poor Jessie who is holding probably much more than both of our bladders combined!..

Hailey: Haha yes poor Jessie.. And yes I am sure that I can hold it until we are ready.

Natasha: Great. And by the way, Jessie will be hear in about forty minutes, so we have enough time for this test run.

Hailey: Great! Nice, then it is time for me to set a new record, really looking forward to that!

Hailey walked up the three steps to reach the main platform of their test bench. Then, she connected the data link cable to her urine containment system. The cable would transmit telemetry data of the system.

Hailey [jokingly]: So, hurry up! I am ready to go and have some urgent business to do!

Natasha: Haha great! Please hold it for one more minute such that I can calibrate the sensors. You pee in a standing position as always, right?

Hailey: Haha sure! Always standing!

Both started to laugh, thinking about a funny pee-related episode that the two women shared. Two years ago, when they were first discussing this topic, Hailey was pointing out that she could pee "like a man", meaning that she was able to pee forwards in a standing position. Natasha very happily remembered the moment when Hailey once demonstrated this in her presence. Hailey also offered to teach Natasha how to do this, and back then Natasha happily agreed, however this never happened so far.

Natasha: Great! Haha you still once have to teach me how to do this!

Hailey: Sure! Haha maybe I should also teach Jessie how to do this, then she can join the fire brigade!

Natasha: Haha absolutely!.. Or.. the next time she sees snow she can.. uhm.. start writing and editing poems in the snow for example!..

Both women were laughing, and Natasha in addition was really horny dreaming about Jessie aiming her massive and never ending pee stream in a well controlled manner writing all kinds of naughty things into the snow.

Natasha: ..however, maybe Jessie already knows how to do this?

Hailey: Haha yes, maybe..

Then Natasha refocussed on configuring and calibrating the instruments of the test bench. It took her about five minutes to do this, because the last time she did this was long time ago. In the meantime, Hailey was standing on top of the test bench with her very full bladder, ready to go, just waiting for Natasha to complete the configuration of the system.

Natasha: So.. finally everything is set up!

Hailey: Finally! I'm about to pee myself!..

Natasha: Sorry that it took so long, good that I practiced, for Jessie it will be much quicker.

Hailey: Yes, that's very good. I guess the time for Jessie waiting here will be pure torture..

Natasha: Yes, absolutely.. The good thing is, also in the case that she cannot hold it and will start peeing too soon while on the test bench, we will still get a lot of data data, actually all data, just not in the most optimal way.

Hailey: Sure, if she somehow can make it to the test bench then we will get our valuable data.

Natasha: OK.. So.. Then I guess it is finally time to restart full-scale NASA urine containment system testing!

Hailey: Yes, absolutely!

Natasha: So, then - the stage is yours.. Please show me what you've got! Time for your attempt to break the record!

[As a quick reminder, for details please check the last chapter: the two scientists always recorded the volumes that they managed to release during full-scale tests of the system. Natasha was currently holding the record with 910 ml of voided urine.]

Hailey: Haha YES!
Hailey: [jokingly] Please watch closely! Now I'll show you how to REALLY pee!

Natasha: Haha great! Sure I will watch closely!
(of course Natasha really watched closely when the very attractive Hailey emptied her bladder, and not only for "scientific" reasons..)

Then it was quiet and Hailey focussed on starting to urinate. After about ten seconds, Hailey began to empty her very full bladder into her NASA high tech urine containment system that she was wearing while standing on top of their test bench. Hailey was standing confidently with the hands in her hips, standing very slightly on her toe tips. She was peeing exactly like when she was peeing "regularly" forward in standing position (i.e. like a boy), except for her hands that were in her hips instead of aiming her pee stream.

*PSSSSSS* (from Hailey's urinary containment system)

From the sound it was clear that Hailey was starting to urinate with a decent flow rate into her high tech diaper.
Hailey: "Ahhhh..."


Hailey: "Aahh soo good.. I really really needed that.."


While Hailey was very happy about finally being able to relieve herself, Natasha was pretty much in heaven observing the action. She was very excited to watch this very attractive girl finally peeing after holding a very full bladder for a long time. In addition to just watching Hailey peeing on the test bench, she had also access to live telemetry data from Hailey's high tech diaper.


From the gushing sound and from the telemetry data Natasha could observe that after starting with a decent outflow rate, Hailey's flow rate had reached a level that they had rarely observed during test urinations.

Natasha: Wow! I can see that! You are peeing nearly 50ml per second! I think you just beat the record for flow rate!

Hailey: Haha aaaahhh!!... Wow, I can tell you it feels really great!

Natasha: Haha I believe you!


After the initial gushing out of pee, Hailey's stream normalized a bit, and Natasha could observe that Hailey's flow rate stabilized at around 25 ml per second.


Natasha: You peed 450 ml so far! Keep going!


Hailey: Will do! Wow I feel like I have a lot more! AAahh... Heaven!..


Natasha: Haha very good, I see you are really enjoying yourself there! Go for the record, you can do it!


Hailey's stream continued to slow down a bit, but she was still peeing a relatively strong stream at around 20 ml per second.


Natasha: 600 ml! Keep going!


Hailey: Sure! There's still a lot of pee left!

Natasha: Haha! So you think you can break my record?

Hailey: Haha sure! [jokingly] Watch and learn!


Natasha: Haha, I see you are really confident!

Hailey: Sure!

Natasha observed, that Hailey's stream had further slowed down. She was thinking that maybe Hailey's bladder was drained soon and that her record might stay untouched.

Natasha: 750 ml! Keep going!

Hailey: Sure.. Haha..

Suddenly the gushing sound from Hailey's urinary containment system increased massively.


Hailey: Aahhhhh!!.... [again expressing ecstatic relief]

Natasha: Whoa!! You are really going for it!


Hailey continued to blast out pee into her high tech diaper.

Hailey: Yessss!! Just heaven! I told you I have a lot more!


Hailey: Going.


Hailey: For.


Hailey: The.


Hailey: Record!


Natasha: WOW!! You really did it! You are at 950 ml!!


Hailey: Still going!


Natasha watched in slight disbelief how the measured volume of released urine crossed the 1000 ml mark.


Natasha: Whoa.. you just pissed over a liter!


Hailey: Phewww!!!! But now I am nearly done!


Hailey: Ahhhh!!!! I'm done! Wow I really really needed that! Haha I told you I would break the record!

Natasha: Wow! 1045 ml, you did not only break the record, you absolutely shattered it! Congratulations!

Hailey: Thanks!.. ahh so good.. Haha and thanks for letting me do the test pee! Probably your bladder is as full as mine was and you could just go for breaking the record again right now!

Natasha: Haha I think it was good that you could pee now, judging by this huge amount.. You are right, my bladder is also very full, but I don't think it is that super full.. The most important thing is, that all of the systems are working as they should, we made it! Everything is ready for Jessie's super pee show!

Hailey: Very good! Yes I am really looking forward to our astronaut with her ultra-full super bladder to show us how to REALLY pee!

Natasha: Haha yes.. and on the downside also to illustrate us that the urine containment systems that we developed only work for astronauts with tiny bladders..

Hailey: Yes.. regular astronauts with their tiny bladders..

Natasha was still slightly in shock because of Hailey's massive piss. She was amazed and really surprised that Hailey could hold that much pee without showing any obvious signs of desperation. She remembered that she herself was really desperate and at the "slightly wiggling" stage when she did her 910 ml test piss, and she considered herself as having a rather large bladder.

Learning about Natasha's amazing bladder control made her super horny. And obviously, if everything went right, then this was just a very sexy prequel to the epic peeing show that would take place in a couple of minutes..



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Are you ready for the grand finale? Will Jessie be able to make it?

The finale for Part 1 is nearly done and I will post it very soon, later today.. Btw. I started to work on a Part 2 of the story. However, feel free to help NASA to bring Jessie safely into space and in case that you have ideas that could enable her to pee safely in space, then please share them here! I guess, although NASA has skilled experts for space urination, they most likely cannot keep up with the accumulated competence in urination found on this site 🙂

Currently having a youtube stream open with the countdown for the NASA Artemis 1 mission. Haha what is harder, tanking the massive SLS tank with liquid hydrogen, or detanking Jessie's massive bladder from all the pee? 😂🤷‍♀️

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The Jessie Lewis Situation - Part 7


It was now 372 minutes into the mission, and Jessie was heavily breathing and clearly wiggling in her seat. She observed on the front camera screen how the spacecraft perfectly slid into the port of the space station. Perfectly, but at a very very low speed.

Samantha: 50 cm, trajectory good
Samantha: 20 cm, we are nearly there..
Finally, the crew felt a very light simulated bump, indicating that they had reached their destination and successfully docked with the ISS.

Samantha: "Contact"

No one said anything, everybody was waiting for the spacecraft to indicate that the soft dock was successful.

Finally, the spacecraft instruments indicated the soft dock.

Samantha: Docking successful!

All of the crew cheered.

Flight director: Great job! Congratulations!

Natasha: What a crazy mission.. Please keep your seatbelt fastened until Jessie has left the spacecraft!

Flight director: Yes, simulation is over, you passed everything. Jessie, do you think you can hold it for another 15 minutes?

Jessie: I will try.. I am really really bursting at this point, so can we please hurry up?

Flight director: Great, and yes absolutely. We will send in Fiona and Joana to help you get out of your seat, and then we will transport you to the test platform. And as Natasha said, for the others, please keep your position until Jessie is out of the simulator.

Doors of the simulator opened, and Fiona and Joanna entered the simulator, to try to help poor Jessie with her super full bladder out of her seat.

Fiona: You are doing great! Let's see if we will make it!

Everything was really wet due to Samantha's earlier overflowing of her urinary containment system and there was a large puddle of pee on the floor. Fiona and Joana resisted to mention it or to make comments about it, because both thought, that Jessie probably did not want to hear about anything related to peeing at the moment.

Fiona: OK Jessie, let's get you out of that seat!

Fiona unbuckled the seatbelts and helped Jessie to get up.

Fiona: Great! How are you feeling?

Jessie was standing on her own feet and dancing a little by slightly wiggling with her whole body.

Jessie: Very very desperate.. But I think if we hurry up we can make it..

Fiona: Great! Yes we try to hurry up!

Jessie, Fiona and Joanna left the simulator, while the rest of the crew was cheering for Jessie:

Samantha: Jessie! We know you can do it!!

Nathalie: Jessie! You can do this. Make us proud!

Jessie, Samantha and Fiona arrived in the dress up room. The plan was to undress Jessie down to her underwear / urine containment system for the transport to the lab D4, to minimize the efforts required by Jessie.

Joanna: Do you think you can sit down without peeing yourself, such that we can remove your suit?

Jessie: Yes, I'll try my best.

Jessie sat down and took off the helmet of her space suite, while Fiona removed first the lower part of Jessie's space suit, revealing her already significantly filled urinary containment system (however this was not at all visible from the outside).

Fiona: Great, the most difficult part is done!

Fiona then helped Jessie out of the upper part of her space suit. Jessie was wiggling around during this. Jessie's massively bulging bladder became visible, and both Fiona and Joanna stared in disbelief, but did not say anything.

Fiona then helped Jessie to get in her normal shoes, and then Jessie was ready for the transport.

Fiona: Great, let's go!

They helped Jessie up. Now Jessie was as desperate as never before. While standing, she wiggled fast left and right with small steps. For a moment, Fiona and Joanna thought that Jessie would start peeing immediately. But Jessie was still determined to make it to the lab.

Jessie: Ahhh fuck fuck fuck.. Let's go fast please!! I really need to go..

Fiona: Yes, let's go!

And Fiona led the way to the exit where an ambulance was waiting to transfer Jessie to the Lab D4 site.

They made it to the exit and left the building.
Joanna: See, we prepared a fast transport for you!

Jessie: Wow great, yes we really have an emergency here..

Fiona: Sure.

Fiona helped Jessie to enter the ambulance, they closed the door, and the ambulance left with turned on emergency light.

Joanna: Jessie, do you prefer standing, sitting, lying?

Jessie: Hmm.. I think standing is the best for the moment.

Jessie was stepping from one foot to the other.

Fiona: We are reallly close now.. In a couple of minutes you can finally go.

Jessie: Yes, really looking forward to that!

Joanna: I will do a quick ultrasound scan of your bladder, ok?

Jessie: Sure..

Joanna: I'll try to not put too much additional pressure on your bladder..

Joanna shifted Jessie's undershirt a little bit up to fully reveal her bladder. She then put some gel on Jessie's incredibly bloated belly and moved the sensor of the ultrasound device over it. The device had some trouble computing the volume, but it finally reported a value in between 2.5 and 2.6 liter.

Joanna: Wooahh.. Good girl! Over 2.5 liter, this is incredible! You really know how to keep it tight down there!..

Jessie: Haha.. for the moment, but this can change really soon.

Another wave of desperation struck Jessie, and she was again doing fast small movements with her complete body.

Fiona: You can do it Jessie, come on!

Jessie: Yes, yes, it should work.. but I am really really looking forward to finally going to the bathroom.. or rather to go in your science fiction NASA pee research facility..

Fiona: Yes. So to make things as efficient as possible, I'll quickly run you through the procedure to prepare you for your science fiction pee.

Jessie: Sure.

Fiona got an instruction about the specific procedure by Natasha before the end of Jessie's docking training mission.

Fiona: So once we are in the lab, it will take very little time. We will bring you straight to the test platform. Then the team will connect a datalink to your urine containment system, this will take just a few seconds. Then, in the best case you manage to hold your pee for another two minutes, while the team is calibrating the sensors to your specific body dimensions. Then you can finally relieve yourself.

Jessie: Sounds great. Cannot wait for this. By the way can you explain what will happen when my diaper explodes? Will I also turn into a water sprinkler like Samantha?

Fiona: Thanks, good question! And no, you will not turn into a water sprinkler. The overpressure valve system is only active while you are inside the simulator, it is deactivated by now. It will be not that spectacular, the system will start to leak when you are urinating and overflowing, somewhat similar to what would happen to a normal diaper.

Jessie: Ok, interesting! I literally never in my life peed myself, so this will be a first, really looking forward to this experience haha!..

For the moment Jessie was pretty happy, she felt like her bladder situation currently was under control, and she was not having anything like bladder spasms but just feeling very very full.

Fiona: Haha, this will be a fancy way of having your first "accident"!

Jessie: Haha! Yes, and it will only be an "accident" because NASA so far had only tiny-bladdered astronauts!

Fiona: Yes you are right, you definitively keep your "zero accidents" record. This is a science experiment and not an accident.

Jessie: Yes.. at least if I can keep it in for the next couple of minutes..

Fiona: Yes! So.. there is one last question about your pee.. Do you think I can ask you about a very pee-specific thing without you peeing yourself immediately?

Jessie: Uhm.. huh? I don't understand what you mean? But I think just go ahead, for the moment I feel like I have things somewhat under control.

Jessie was still in a standing position and constantly shifting her body in relatively fast pace from left to right, at the same time she was wiggling with her right leg.

Fiona: So.. you can choose the position in which you want to urinate.. Do you have some preference for this?

Jessie: Ooohh.. wow now I understand what you meant, ok I'm definitively a bit closer to peeing myself right now.. Oooh...

For the moment, Jessie's wiggling behavior changed and intensified, and she stopped shifting her body weight from left to right and started to shake up and down with her whole body.

Fiona: I am really sorry about this.. But we have to set up the test system accordingly.

Jessie: OOhh... aahh... Ok... ok.. I think I have it again under control.. Uhmm.. I'll piss in any position, but what are the options?

Fiona: Easiest would be if you go just standing straight-up, or in a high-squat position. But you could also squat down or we could also set up something to sit on, if you prefer?

Jessie: I think standing will work just fine. So for the unrealistic case that I could not start peeing in that position, could we still change this?

Fiona: Yes, of course. Once you are on the test bench you can pee in any way you want, this is mainly for helping you to go as easily as possible..

Jessie: Haha, great!.. Yes, and I guess the 2.6 liters of pee in my bladder will also help me to go!

Fiona: Haha sure.. let's hope that we can get there quickly such that you can do your NASA certified world record pee!..

Jessie: Yes I am really looking forward to that!

Fiona: Great! I'll quickly call our colleagues to tell them that we are there soon!

While Fiona was calling Natasha to announce that they were on their way, Joanna had an idea on how to distract Jessie a little bit from her need to pee. Joanna witnessed how Jessie took her first massive pee inside the simulator (because she watched footage that was recorded in the simulator before), and from that she clearly got the impression that Jessie was really proud of her incredible peeing abilities. She thought, asking Jessie about her bladder might possibly distract her very well from her current need to pee.

Joanna: So Jessie, you literally have by very very far the biggest bladder that I have ever seen!

Jessie: Haha that's great to hear! Yes I know that it is huge, and I always noticed that I could pee much much more than anyone else around me.

Joanna could see that Jessie was really excited talking about this topic, so she thought that her somewhat counter-intuitive strategy was working and continued with the topic.

Joanna: So, you always knew that you had a very large bladder?

Jessie: Yes, as long as I remember I was always the one that never had to pee and could pee forever.

Joanna: So that means your friends also knew about your large bladder?

Jessie: Yes.. I did not really hide it, and sometimes I had to pee when others were around, and then I just went.. as you can imagine, usually I went a lot..

Joanna was really happy with how well her strategy of distracting Jessie was working. For the moment, Jessie nearly stopped wiggling around, and she was clearly enjoying talking about her pee experiences. Thererore, Joanna continued:

Joanna: Haha yes I can imagine that you made quite some impression on people that witnessed you peeing.. So did you ever have reactions from other people that were really shocked by the amount you peed?

Jessie: Haha, like today, when everyone at NASA was really shocked?

Joanna: Haha yes exactly, like this?

Jessie: Yes, a couple of times.. Hmm.. however, usually I pee before I am really desperate, so I pee a really huge amount, but not a completely inhuman amount. However, there were occasions where I really had to go haha!.. Then people were also really really shocked..

Joanna: Haha so how did people then react?

Jessie: Haha so there is actually one story that I like to remember.. I ended up in kind of a peeing competition, by pure coincidence and while having a really full bladder..

Joanna: Haha wow, I guess this was a quite traumatic experience for your competitors..

Jessie: Yes, absolutely.. So, at the time I was working at MIT, and a colleague just turned 21, so she was officially allowed to drink.. With a couple of friends (some that I knew better, some I did not know very well) we were celebrating her birthday with a rather wild tour through a couple of bars.. I was drinking beer all night long, and I did not visit any restrooms all night. At some point when we were pretty drunk, I left the last bar together with a group of about seven other girls. We were all heading in the same direction. Because it was summer and a really nice night, we decided to walk home instead of taking a cab. I was kind of surprised by this decision, and I kind of regretted not emptying my bladder before leaving, but it was too late. However, after walking for about twenty minutes it became obvious that some of the other girls were obviously in a similar situation as myself..

Joanna: And then you all found a place to pee together?

Jessie: Yes, or rather, two of the girls started to brag about their large and super full bladders, and then group dynamics led to a peeing competition.

Joanna: And you were ready to go with your really full inhuman sized bladder?

Jessie: Exactly, some of the other girls also peed a lot, but still I showed them what a really large bladder can do.

Joanna: I can imagine! Haha I would have loved to witness that! From a medical perspective!

Jessie: Haha.. I guess you will witness something similar today..

Joanna: Yes, this is true.

In the meantime, Fiona had called Hailey:

Hailey: Hi Fiona!

Fiona: Hi Hailey, we are on our way, and we will bring our very full test subject in about five minutes.

Hailey: Great! Thanks for the information, we will prepare everything here and make sure that Jessie has a smooth last couple of minutes of her experiment.

Fiona: Jessie said that she will try to go in standing position. But of course things might change.

Hailey: OK very good, thanks for the information, we will prepare accordingly.

Fiona: OK great, then see you very soon for the big show!

Hailey: Sure! I hope our test subject will manage to compose herself for the last couple of minutes!

Fiona: Yes, I hope so too!

In this moment, the car left the street that they were driving on, an turned into a smaller street, leading to the access point to the lab building where they were instructed to go. While Natasha would stay in the lab, Hailey would meet their guests at one of the access points of the building. Two other co-workers were positioned on the way from the building access to the test bench in lab D4, to ensure that the path was clear and that the elevator was ready when Jessie was arriving.

Joanna: Jessie you are doing great! We are nearly there!

Jessie: Haha yes I hope that nothing goes wrong on the last meters!

The ambulance took the last turn to reach the access point. It stopped directly in front of Hailey.

Joanna: Great, then let's get you safely on the test bench!

Jessie: Yes, but let's move fast, please!

Joanna: Sure!

They opened the doors and the super desperate Jessie stepped out of the car.

Hailey: Hello Jessie! Great that you could make it! Now we will be there in a second!

Jessie: Hello! Great! But can we walk fast, please?!

Hailey: Sure, follow me!

Hailey had seen Jessie's bulging bladder and could not really believe her eyes.

The group of women entered the building and walked quickly towards the elevator. Jessie was breathing rather heavily because she was focussing so much on holding her pee. It was a pretty spectacular situation that had never happened before in any NASA building: in front, NASA engineer Dr. Hailey Johnson, behind that in the middle NASA astronaut Dr. Jessie Lewis, dressed only with a urine containment system and a shirt and presenting an incredibly bulging bladder, next to Jessie on either side NASA suit technician Fiona Smith and NASA doctor Dr. Joanna Meyers.

Hailey: Only a couple of more meters, we are nearly there!

Jessie: Great!

The group entered the elevator to get up to the lab D4. A very desperate Jessie kept walking inside the elevator, while wiggling with her whole body from side to side.

Joanna: Jessie, you can do it!

Jessie: Aahh.. yess, but let's please hurry up!

The elevator doors closed, and a couple of seconds later the doors opened again, just next to the piss lab D4.

Hailey jumped out of the elevator and showed the way to their lab. The whole group was walking at a fast pace, Jessie was still breathing heavily and wiggling with her whole body.

Hailey: Jessie, we are here!

Jessie: Wow, cool! So how does this work?

Hailey ran to their urine containment system test bench, and explained that Jessie should step up the three steps to reach the platform.

Hailey: Here, Jessie! Please step on top of this!

Jessie: Wow, this is how my science fiction bathroom looks? Really cool!

Jessie stepped on top of the platform. Hailey followed her to immediately connect Jessie's already very full urinary containment system to the datalink cable that could transmit telemetry data.

Hailey: Please excuse me, I'll connect you to our systems!

Jessie: Uhm.. ok..

Jessie currently was only wiggling slightly with her body, and seemed to be somewhat in control of her bladder for the moment. For Hailey it was no problem to plug in the data link cable.

Natasha had already started with the final configuration of the instruments, now that Jessie had reached the test bench. Natasha did not yet talk to Jessie. When Jessie and her entourage entered her lab, Natasha of course immediately noticed the incredible bulge in Jessie's abdomen. Natasha was incredibly horny due to the whole situation, but for the moment she was super focused to manage to do the final calibration as well as possible.

Hailey began with final instructions for Jessie.

Hailey: Here we are, welcome to our test bench! You made it, congratulations!
Hailey: So first, please, if possible, do not yet start urinating immediately!

Jessie: Uhm, ok..

For the moment Jessie was somewhat overwhelmed by the whole situation. She realized that she really made it this far, and that now everything was nearly ready for her NASA-certificed world record pee. For the moment, she felt in very good control of her bladder, due to all of the excitement she did not feel a huge need to pee, mainly she felt that she had an incredibly large and full bladder.

Hailey: Great! So, Natasha is currently performing the final calibration of systems and will be done in at most two minutes.

Jessie: Uhm, ok. And then?

Hailey: Uhm.. let's wait for a moment until Natasha indicates that everything is ready..

Jessie: Sure.. uhm.. your test platform looks really impressive!

Hailey: Thank you! Yes I guess we will have to use it a couple of times in the future.

Jessie: Ah yes. Haha yes, sadly I have to say, that I am not so happy with.. uhm.. the performance of your science fiction diapers..

Everybody in the room except for Natasha who was still focusing was laughing.

Hailey: Haha yes, I can imagine. We are really sorry for this inconvenience, but we will find a solution for our very special customer..

Then Natasha was done with calibration and everything was ready for the big show.

Natasha: So, everything calibrated! Hi Jessie, welcome to the piss lab! I am Natasha, I am kind of the host for your peeing world record attempt!

Jessie: Hello Natasha! Haha ok! So now how does this work?

Hailey: So now, I guess it is your turn!

Everybody in the lab started laughing..

Natasha: So, if you want and if you are able to you can start to urinate. Best would be if you try to go in a standing position facing forward.

Hailey was still on the platform with Jessie and gently guided Jessie into the right position.

Hailey: Like this, if this is possible for you.

Jessie: Haha I am sure that I will be able to urinate!

Everybody in the room was laughing again.

Hailey: But please hold it for one more second that I can get into safe distance!

Laughter from all sides, and Hailey left the platform, now it was just all eyes on Jessie, everybody waiting for her super pee.

Jessie was currently feeling really desperate again, thinking about finally releasing the massive amounts of urine from her bladder. She was slightly shifting her body weight from side to side due to her desperation. However, she was also in absolute heaven and enjoyed this absurd attention for her inhuman bladder. She was not yet ready to end it all, she wanted to enjoy all of this for a bit longer.

Jessie: So you are telling me, that finally I can just relieve myself, exactly here where I am standing?

Natasha: Yes, this would be great!

Natasha was excited and horny as never before in her life.. She had checked the telemetry data that she got from Jessie's urinary containment system. She could not believe her eyes when she was looking at the data. She thought, now was the right moment to share some information about Jessie's epic pee in the simulator.

Natasha: Btw. Jessie, I have to say that we are a bit disappointed with your pee in the simulator, you only voided 2075 ml of urine.. I mean, this is probably the world record, but we are sure that you can do more?

Everybody was laughing. Hailey was really impressed by the number.

Jessie: Haha yes.. in the simulator I just had a little tinkle, this time I really need a piss!

And Fiona (who knew about Joanna's ultrasound measurement) said: Yes, this time Jessie will pee quite a bit more!..

Natasha: Great! So just as a little warning, your urinary containment system will fail relatively soon after you start urinating.. So it will start to make some alarm sound, and it will start leaking urine. However, this is absolutely no problem, please just continue to urinate until your bladder is completely empty.

Jessie: Thanks for the information! So your test bench is water proof?

Natasha: Haha yes, it is designed for this! It has seen a lot of pee already!

Jessie: Haha.. I am sure it has never seen THAT much pee..

Everybody was laughing again.

Natasha: Haha you are absolutely right, not THAT much. So far, only human beings have urinated on our test bench, and never a Jessie Lewis!

Jessie: Haha! Great! I guess then it is about time!

Natasha: Haha sure! We are all waiting for you!

Jessie noticed, that although she wanted to prolong everything for a bit and have a bit of super full super bladder small talk, she just could not hold it for much longer, it was really time to go.

Jessie: OK, great!.. *breathing in deeply* Then everybody please turn around such that I can finally pee!

Joanna and Fiona as a reflex really turned their heads away, and Hailey and Natasha looked somewhat confused at each other. However, directly after turning her head, Fiona announced:

Fiona: Haha I will just pretend to not watch, of course I will watch you when you take your world record pee!

Jessie: Haha no.. of course I want you to watch! Please watch closely, uhm.. for scientific reasons! Here we go, this is how to REALLY piss..

In this exact moment Jessie's bladder finally gave in. Just before going she inhaled reflexively, and then Jessie started to blast out urine into her already well-filled urine containment system. There was zero "startup" time, from the first moment Jessie was pissing like crazy.

For the first moment everyone and everything in the lab was quiet, it was only the sound of Jessie's powerful pee stream gushing into her urine containment system, and Jessie moaning from relief.


Jessie: *Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh....*

Everybody in the lab was standing in awe, and just watching and listening to the astronaut with the super bladder relieving herself.

Natasha and Hailey also had an eye on the real time telemetry. For the first two seconds, Jessie was peeing around 100 ml per second. Only about five seconds into her pee, her urine containment system started to indicate that it failed (acoustically, and with eight flashing red lights).

*BEEPBEEP* *BEEPBEEP* (the alarm of the urine containment system)

Jessie: Huh?

Natasha: That's fine, please just continue to urinate, you are doing great!

Natasha also turned off the beeping of the alarm remotely, so acoustically it was again only Jessie peeing like crazy.

From the next second on, a heavy stream of urine appeared in between Jessie's legs, under her urine containment system. With loud splashing noises a huge amount of urine hit the platform beneath Jessie.

Everybody was surprised by the large stream of pee coming out of Jessie's urine containment system.

*Loud splashing noise*

Natasha: Whoaa... OK we have seen lots of pee, but never anything close to this..

Jessie's stream slowed down a bit from when she started but was still very powerful by any standards.

For Jessie a first huge wave of relief was kicking in, and she was just feeling absolutely ecstatic and slightly trembling of joy.

After a few seconds, Jessie's audience had somewhat recovered from their initial shock and excitement about Jessie's massive pee.

*Loud splashing noise*

Hailey: Haha it looks like you really had to go this time!

Jessie: aaaahhh..... yyyaaaaa..... [Jessie was currently unable to talk, she was just in pure ecstasy from relieving herself]

All of the audience started laughing. Jessie also started a combination of laughing and crying as she was overwhelmed by emotions.

For the next couple of seconds it was just Jessie urinating.

*Loud splashing noise*

A huge puddle of pee formed around Jessie's feet on the testbench platform. The platform had a slightly concave shape to guide pee towards a small drain under Jessie. However, the drain was not big enough to cope with the output of Jessie's bladder.

Jessie: "Aaahhhh....."

Jessie seemed to have recovered a bit from initially being completely overwhelmed by the situation. She also regained some control over her pee flow, and continued to pee at a rather standard rate, slightly holding back with her stream.

Natasha was also in absolute heaven. This was the hottest thing that she had ever seen in her life, and her heart was beating like crazy. She took the chance to talk to the very sexy and heavily urinating Jessie.

Natasha: Uhm.. Jessie?.. You wanna tell us how that feels?

Jessie: "Haha!.. Aaahh.. aah.. it.. ahhh.. feels.. uh.. haha.. sooooo goood!..."

Everybody in the room started to laugh again.

Jessie was still feeling absolutely ecstatic, but she had regained control over her mind and body, while blasting large amounts of urine into her overflowing urine containment system.

*Loud splashing noise*

Jessie could talk again but was constantly laughing from the joy and relief that she was experiencing.

Jessie: But you know.. haha.. I'll have to write a bad review on.. hahaha Amazon for your ...hahaha shitty science fiction diaper..

Everybody in the room was laughing.

Jessie: haha.. I mean what is this.. haha.. I just drank five liters of NASA juice and then had to pee after holding it for seven hours.. and see what happened?.. ahahaha..

*Loud splashing noise*

Natasha: Haha yes we see.. Yes maybe the next time you just have to hold it until you reach the ISS and then hope that their bathroom is not occupied!

Everybody was laughing.

*Loud splashing noise*

Hailey: Wow.. I have to say your peeing so far is really impressive, Jessie.. and that's also quite a puddle of pee that you created on our test platform..

Jessie: Haha yes.. and I'm just getting started.. Yes I am getting pretty wet feet in your high tech super bathroom.. not impressed haha..

Natasha: Haha yes, I am sorry for that. As I said before, so far we had only human beings urinating on this platform haha..

Jessie: Haha.. you mean only tiny bladdered human beings?..

Natasha: Haha yes..

*Loud splashing noise*

Jessie was feeling like in heaven. She was enjoying the tremendous relief of emptying her super bladder, enjoying the for her new feeling of pee gushing down her legs, and all of this while an audience was closely monitoring what she did.

It was now about thirty seconds after Jessy started to urinate. Natasha took the opportunity to share some fun telemetry data about Jessie's pee.

*Loud splashing noise*

Natasha: OK Jessie, so you are currently urinating at around 25 ml per second, you voided so far over 1.3 liters. Just at the beginning of your pee you reached your maximal flow rate, at 122 ml per second.

Jessie: Ah yes, that felt really really good at the beginning! So cool to have this live data of my pee!

Natasha: Haha see, Jessie? Not everything is bad about your high tech diaper!

Jessie: Haha no no, it's great.. Haha at least until I take a quick tinkle in it, after that it is absolutey toast and probably just special waste..

Natasha: Haha yes, this is true.. we are working on that..

Jessie: So what was my max flow rate again?

Natasha: 122 ml per second.

Jessie: Hmm.. what's the record?

Everybody started laughing..

*Loud splashing noise*

Natasha: You mean, in our lab?

Jessie: Uh.. yes for example.

Natasha: Hmm.. we don't keep track of this, maybe like 70ml per second?

Jessie: Hmm ok, I see. Haha.. Anyone knows what the world record is?

Natasha: I know that most NASA space urination systems are certified for a max flow rate of 100ml. However, it is really hard to find test subjects that can urinate at that rate and for long enough for the certification process.

*Loud splashing noise*

Jessie: haha.. I could help..

For the last 15 seconds, during that conversation, Jessie again deliberately slowed down her stream, to prolong her urination and also to build up some internal pressure for some more pee-based entertainment for her urination-interested audience. She decided that it was the right moment to let out another high-pressure squirt of her pee, and for about two seconds she let her pee come out at full force, before again cutting back.

To increase the dramatic effect she complemented her massive pee stream that was clearly audible by everyone with some moaning.

*Loud splashing noise*

Jessie: Aaahhhhhh.. did I mention how fucking good it feels to piss?

Everyone was laughing again.

Hailey: Haha, good girl Jessie! Yes let everything out! We believe you that this must feel incredible!

Natasha: Haha good job Jessie, you again hit 105 ml per second! Yes, you could certainly help with certification, or even with testing to failure haha.. For high-pressure and high-volume testing and certification NASA collaborates with the world's leading research center for high pressure urination systems in Germany.

Jessie: I see, so funny, haha that's great, NASA needs German super-bladdered women to certify their equipment for tiny bladdered astronauts.

Natasha: Haha.. yes I guess this is exactly how it is.

Jessie: Anyway.. I guess you may have to give them a call after today?

Natasha: Uhm.. yes I guess we will have a long call with them to ask them if they have ideas, equipment and super-bladdered women that can somewhat keep up with your urinary capabilities..

*Loud splashing noises*

Hailey: Wow Jessie, you are at 1.8 liters! Are you done soon?

Jessie: Uhm.. no..

Everybody was laughing again.

For the last couple of seconds Jessie was again holding back with her stream. However, now, a huge wave of desperation struck her, and she felt that she had to release pee with a powerful stream soon. So she decided that it was time to go all in with her peeing show.

Jessie: uhm.. so first, I'll give your German powerpissing colleagues something to ponder on..

Jessie prepared for releasing pee at her maximal possible flow rate. For this, she put her hands in her waist, and started to stand slightly on her toe tips. She was standing in a very self-confident and also somewhat provocative way.

Jessie: Watch closely..

This time, Jessie did not actually moan, however, to tease her audience maximally she did some obvious fake moaning, to show that she now was in perfect control of everything.

*very loud splashing noise*

Jessie: "ooooohh" [ironically]

Her already incredibly powerful stream continued to further increase in power

*very loud splashing noise*

Jessie: "aaaahh" [ironically, while winking with an eye]

The stream of overflowing urine from Jessie's urine containment system was much bigger than ever before. It looked like someone was pouring water out of a large bucket.

Natasha and Hailey, more or less simultaneously while watching Jessie and the telemetry data in disbelief:

Natasha: Whooaaaaaa???
Hailey: Huuuhhhh???

Everybody in the room was bursting into laughter. Joanna and Fiona were close to laughing tears because of Jessie's absurd peeing performance. Natasha by now was even more horny than before and had trouble keeping it together..

Jessie: See? This is how you pee! Aahhh that felt really really good! Ha! I bet this was another world record!

In the meantime, Jessie's stream was back to normal, however the puddle beneath her further increased, and by now her feet were completely covered by her urine. Jessie couldn't care less.

Hailey: HAhaha, what. the. fuck.. am I witnessing here, Jessie this is absolutely crazy!

*Loud splashing noise*

Jessie was still urinating, although at a relatively slow rate.

Hailey: Hahaha yes this was again really impressive.. you maxed out our pee flow sensor, for nearly two seconds you maxed out at 150 ml per second..

Jessie: Ahahaha.. See, I AGAIN broke your science fiction diaper haha!..

Hailey: Yes, it seems.. But how the fuck are you still peeing? We have you now at over 2400 ml (and this value is underreported because you maxed out the sensor), this is just not possible..

Jessie: Hahaha.. See.. still peeing.. [pointing her finger towards her crotch]

*Loud splashing noise*

From the sounds, the pee splashing from her urine containment system, as well as from the telemetry it was clear that Jessie was still happily continuing with her world record urination.

Jessie's audience was laughing because of her incredible and still continuing pee..

Jessie: But I think that this will come to an end soon..

Fiona: Already?? Hahaha!!..

Everybody was laughing again..

Now Jessie was again really focused on urinating, to let out the remainder of pee that was sill left in her gigantic bladder.
*Loud splashing noise*

Due to that, her pee stream increased again a bit in strength. Jessie's body was slightly bent forward, she had her hands on her thighs. It was obvious that she was using all her concentration to completely relieve herself.

Her audience noticed that she was super focused, and for the moment no one dared to say anything, everybody was just watching her and listening to the still continuing hissing and splashing.

Jessie was also from time to time breathing heavily, and closing her eyes to fully focus and indulge in the moment. From her body language it was clear that she was again experiencing a lot of relief, from letting out the remaining pee.

This was continuing for a long time. Quietly, and in disbelief, Haley and Natasha observed the measured volume still going up.. Jessie was stil peeing with a flow rate fluctuating in between 15 and 25 ml per second.

*Splashing noise*


*Splashing noise*

*Splashing noise*

*Splashing noise*


Everybody was quiet and continued to listen in awe and disbelief because of Jessie's pee.

*Dripping noise*

*Dripping noise*

*Dripping noise*

*Dripping noise*


Still everybody was quiet and continued to listen in awe and disbelief..

*Dripping noise*

Then Jessie realized that it was the last squirt of pee that she had in her..

*Splashing noise*

For a last time Jessie moaned, this time absolutely for real and like never before today..

Jessie: [moaning heavily] AAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh...... I feel so fucking much better!!!!!!

Jessie exhaled, and was done with her world record pee.

The gushing and hissing noise had stopped, now it was quiet, except for the dripping of the pee that was still dripping down from her urine containment system into the massive puddle of urine that she was standing in.

Nobody was speaking, everyone seemed to be to some extent paralyzed from shock because of what just happened.

Then Jessie recovered from her state of total concentration and relief. She was smiling and looking around into the incredulous faces of her audience. A moment later, the smiling Jessie said:

Jessie: I'm done! .. Haha I really needed to go but now I'm done!


for the next couple of moments still nobody said anything.

Finally, Fiona was the first to say something again:

Fiona: Great! And yes, we could see that you really needed to go..

Jessie was standing foot-deep in a gigantic puddle of pee, only wearing a NASA urinary containment system that she had completely destroyed.

Jessie: Hmm.. so what now?

Hailey: Uhm.. let's get you out of your pee puddle, and then we'll get you uhm.. changed, that means, out of your urine containment system.

Jessie: uhm.. should I just step out?

Hailey: Yes, all that part of the lab is designed to handle pee, we can clean all of this without any effort.

Watching back in disbelief into the gigantic puddle of pee that was slowly running down the drain, Jessie stepped off the platform and walked down the three steps to the floor. There was still a lot of her urine dripping down from the urine containment system. Jessie was feeling a bit strange, dripping urine all over the place, but from Natasha's and Hailey's reaction this seemed to be completely normal.

Hailey slid into some pee-protective overshoes to protect her shoes, and then approached Jessie.

Hailey: Is it OK for you if I dismount your urine containment system?

Jessie: Uh.. sure.. but you will get pee all over your clothes?

Hailey: Haha that's fine, NASA is washing my clothes anyway, I can easily change.

Hailey: See, after I dismount this, you can take a shower, and then we have your clothes such that you can change back into your outfit.

Jessie: That sounds very good!

Hailey guided Jessie four steps behind a wall, such that they were view-protected from the other people in the lab.

Hailey: OK Jessie, then I'll dismount your urine containment system, OK?

Jessie: Uhm.. I know how to do it, I could do it myself such that you don't get splashed in my pee?

Hailey: Thanks, but this is no problem at all. And believe me, with a completely overfilled system it is better if I dismount it.

Jessie: Uhm ok.. Then feel free.

Hailey pressed the necessary buttons to configure the system to "unclasp", and as soon as the system opened, a huge amount of pee slopped out of the system. Although it was quite some time ago that Hailey had to deal with overfilled urine containment systems, she still had the routine to smoothly get Jessie out of it.

Hailey after disounting the system: Very good Jessie, now this will go straight to our lab for further examination, and you can take a shower.

After dismounting, the from the waist down completely naked and urine-covered Jessie and the urine-splashed Hailey holding Jessie's unmounted and overfilled urine containment system in her hands were opposing each other. Hailey was turning her head away, to give Jessie some privacy.

Jessie: Thanks a lot Hailey! Yes after over six hours in the simulator and all of this I really need a shower..

Jessie pointing to the still heavily urine-dripping unmounted urine containment system: uhm.. and.. good luck with this..

Hailey: Haha.. uhm.. yes.. we will see what we can do for you to get you dry to the ISS..

Jessie: I am sure! Again, thanks for this crazy experience.. this is for sure a once-in-a-lifetime crazy thing..

Hailey: Yes.. Uhm.. thanks to you for your incredible efforts today, to help us to fix the problems that we are currently having with uhm.. your bladder..

Jessie: Haha.. I have to say I somewhat enjoyed your insane NASA pee holding contest..

Hailey: Hahaha.. Jessie, you naughty girl!

The others were of course listening to their discussion, and everybody including Jessie and Hailey burst into laughter once again.

Hailey: And now go and take a shower!

Jessie: Sure!

And Jessie turned around to enter the shower.

Fiona: And Jessie! Don't pee into the shower!

Everybody was laughing again.

Hailey: Haha.. No, seriously, it is well possible that after this strain on your bladder you have to pee again very soon.. Of course you can pee into the shower if you feel any need to go..

Jessie: Haha, OK!

Jessie went to take a shower, and indeed, after a few minutes, she suddenly felt a strong urge to pee. She did not even try to hold back and just let it flow. She peed a strong stream for about ten seconds and felt again very relieved afterwards splashing down in between her feet. Jessie was not usually peeing into the shower (actually she had done this only a very few times in her life), but after her experience on the test bench she was by now very used to the feeling of pee splashing down in between her feet and just did not care at all. After finishing her shower, she found her clothes, and changed back into the Jessie Lewis that entered the simulator center in the morning of that day.

The successful simulator test was the only activity from Jessie's training program for the day. The next day was a Saturday, and mostly a rest day for the aspiring astronauts, the only activity was a two hour test debriefing in the afternoon, but for successful simulator tests the debriefing was usually pretty relaxed. The Sunday after was a day off. Jessie was really happy about the relaxed upcoming program, because she felt somehow really exhausted from what happened today.

The situation for Natasha, Hailey, and for a lot of people from mission control including Fiona and Joana was completely different. Their weekend was completely canceled, and all of them already had several emergency meetings scheduled, to see what could be done to handle the Jessie Lewis situation..

However, after Jessie disappeared for taking her shower, the remaining NASA staff in the room did not immediately start with their discussions, they first had to take care of some other issue.

Natasha: Sorry, I have to excuse myself for a second, I did not have time to pee all day.. I will be back in a second..
Fiona: I have to go too, OK if I join?
Joanna: Same..
Natasha: Haha then let's first resolve our bladder situations before we look into how to resolve the situation with Jessie's bladder..

The three women were heading for the women's restroom and entered. It was empty but had only two stalls.

Natasha: OK if I go first? Sorry but I am really bursting..
Fiona: Sure, you girls go first..
Natasha: Thanks!
Joanna: Thanks!

Natasha and Joanna entered the stalls, and both immediately started to pee powerful streams. Joanna's stream was a bit more powerful at first, but then diminished, and after about fifteen seconds died down. Natasha kept going strong. Joanna hurried to get out of the cubicle, such that Fiona could also empty her bladder. After Joanna had left the cubicle, Fiona immediately entered and started to pee. Joanna could not stop herself to comment on Natasha's pee that was now going strong for over thirty seconds by now..

Joanna: Wow Natasha.. You were not kidding.. Somehow this day it does not stop with urgent and huge pees..
Natasha: Hahaha.. yes.. I really had to go.. And until today I thought that I have a really large bladder..
Joanna: As a medical professional, from listening to your pee I can attest you that you indeed have a large bladder.. I still cannot really grasp what we experienced today, Jessie' bladder is kind of a joke of nature.
In the meantime, also Fiona started to pee with a powerful stream, a bit more powerful than Natasha's.
Fiona: Ahh.. I also did not pee for a long time.. This is nice, now we also have our personal Jessie Lewis moments.

Everybody started laughing.
Joanna continued to listen to her two heavily urinating colleagues.

Joanna: Wow, this was a really stressful day for all of us..
Fiona: Yes, and for our bladders..

Everybody started laughing again..
It was now over fifty seconds after Natasha started peeing, and she was still going with a decent stream.
Fiona's stream was getting more and more powerful.

Joanna: Oh my god Natasha, how bad did you need to go?.. I guess watching Jessie go just before must have been torture for you?
Natasha: Haha yes it was a bit difficult, but as I said, luckily I have a pretty strong bladder.. By the way, before watching Jessie pee, I already watched Hailey take a huge piss..
Fiona: Ah yes!.. So how did this work, exactly in the same way as for Jessie?
Natasha: Uhm.. quite similar, with the small difference that Hailey did not manage to overflow the system, although she also peed a huge amount..

After about 65 seconds, Natasha's stream died down rather suddenly.
Natasha cleaned herself up and left the cubicle. Now it was only Fiona peeing. She was peeing for about twenty seconds, and the intensity of her stream had increased significantly over time, she was now blasting out pee at a very high rate, and the sound of her pee was really loud and echoing through the room.
Joanna: Wow, you two girls really held a ton of pee for the sake of NASA and Jessie's mission.. I hope that you and your teams will get credit for your efforts and for what you achieved today.
After a couple of more seconds of high pressure pissing, Fiona's stream stopped.
After washing their hands, three very relieved NASA employees left the women's restroom and headed back to the lab D4.

In the meantime, Hailey had "stabilized" the Jessie's urine containment system, such that it could be further examined in the next days. In addition to that she had cleaned the "pee splash area" of their lab and removed all traces of Jessie's epic release. Jessie was still taking her shower.

Natasha was the first to speak, expressing what everybody was thinking..

Natasha: OK, we have a big fucking problem with this mission..

The other NASA employees agreed.

Natasha: Actually, there is a whole list of problems.. Depending on how the Strahler law works for Jessie, she will produce urine at an extremely fast rate. This means, for the ISS approach, but also for her return to earth, and most importantly for her absolutely crucial space walk service mission, we may need incredibly large urinary containment systems, or alternatively some creative solutions that would probably mean a complete redesign of the mission. ..which is probably not possible in the short time..

[Reminder from part 1: the Strahler law describes the rate at which kidneys produce urine in female astronauts under zero gravity as a function of bladder size. For details see part 1]

Fiona: Yes. OK, I can give you some context information from mission control and about the "big picture", in case you don't know. Because problems with this mission are actually very big problems for NASA in general.

Fiona: So, first of all, the mission NGSS-1 features a crucial service on the central power management systems of the ISS, in fact it is to some extent a redesign of the system, i.e. a very complicated procedure. This service is relatively time-critical.. Please don't share this information with anyone, but there are some potential problems with the current power management system, and the situation is getting more problematic over time. NASA is not at all happy about this and wants to and probably has to fix this as soon as possible.

Natasha: Thanks for the background information, I did not really know this..

Fiona: There is more. The specific spacewalk service procedure in this mission is technically and physically extremely challenging. Also, it requires an extremely well coordinated team effort. Jessie, Nathalie and Alexej are practicing the procedures together already for seven months. Back then, the plan was to have a full backup team, so three other astronauts were also practicing as a team. So the idea was, that for potential problems with crew members, one could either switch to the complete backup crew, or replace single members. Now, Jessie's job has the highest requirements.. There were actually 48 top aspiring astronauts applying for the job, and only two of them (one of them Jessie) managed to qualify for the job. However, two months ago, there was a highly-classified incident with Jessie's counterpart in the backup crew. I don't know what happened, and none of my direct colleagues know what happened, but as a matter of fact, Jessie's counterpart is not part of NASA anymore, and he will never be again. That means, there is absolutely no backup in sight for Jessie and due to the extremely high requirements and complexity it is not possible to find one now. Therefore it is absolutely crucial for the future of the ISS that NASA comes up with a plan to bring Jessie safely into space and to enable her to safely perform her spacewalk service mission as soon as possible.

Natasha: OK.. uhm.. ok.. hmm.. Well, thanks for this information.. hmm.. That's bad.. that's really really bad. This is the only thing that I can say right now..

Joanna: Yes I agree that this is really really bad.. Although I am not as much an expert as Natasha and Hailey for the topic, I can give some quick background about the Strahler law, i.e. the main problem that we are having to deal with. So, as you all know, the Strahler law describes the effect, that the size of the bladder determines the rate of urine production under zero gravity. Women with large bladders have a much faster urine production than women with smaller bladders. Scientifically, we do not understand at all what causes this effect. Strangely, this effect occurs only in female humans. There were monkey, apes, mice rabbits, dogs and many other species in space, and for none of them we observe this effect. This is what makes it scientifically so puzzling, and also hard to study, because science cannot use any model organisms.. the only way to properly study the effect, is to take women into zero gravity, which is extremely expensive as you know.

Fiona: OK, thanks for this information, yes this makes sense. Yes it would be great if we just had some pill against the Strahler law, then Jessie would not even need a urine containment system, she could just hold it and simply empty her 3 liter bladder after she's done.

Joanna: Yes, a pill would be great, but without having any idea of the mechanism or means to recreate the effect in the lab it is hard to develop a pill.

Joanna: For Jessie, medically this is quite a big problem.. The biggest bladder in space so far was 1.3 liter, we do not have any data for what the kidneys will do for a much much larger bladder. Probably, Jessie's kidneys will just run all the time at the maximum urine production rate that we can observe in normal gravity. However, we cannot say this for sure, maybe her kidneys will go in some "overdrive" mode, something that medically could be very problematic.

Fiona: Yes this makes sense, this sounds kind of dangerous.

Fiona: Hmm.. I guess the only feasible way to somewhat study the Strahler law would be these zero gravity airplanes that fly parabolas?

Natasha: Yes.. I think there are scientists that thought about using this. However, it was never done as far as I know. One problem is, that the zero gravity phases are really short (only 25 seconds if I recall correctly). So it is not clear whether the effect is really active, or if the onset of the effect is only after some time in zero gravity.

Hailey: Hmm.. however.. now, because this is NASA's biggest problem, it might be time to rethink.. Actually, we could try to experimentally determine the onset time of the effect: we have female astronauts with bladders of various sizes with their measured urine production rates in  space. Put some of them into these planes and see (i) whether you can detect the Strahler law effect, and (ii) in case that you detect it, check if onset is immediate.

Joanna: Hmm.. I agree.. This sounds a bit like a desperate try, but I think for the sake of ensuring Jessie's safety as much as possible, we have use everything that has at least a tiny probability of working.

Hailey: Hmm.. maybe if a normal jet gets 25 seconds, then if NASA would use some jet fighters instead to fly parabolas, they could get longer time periods? Because they can get much faster, higher, and probably also "fall" further down?

Natasha: Very plausible.. Sounds a bit expensive, but for the sake of mission critical space pee pee research, this sounds like a plan.

Fiona: Yes.. compared to any part on the ISS, this is probably pretty cheap. Haha, if this works out and the short period zero gravity can really induce the Strahler law effect, then Jessie at some point will probably have to do a very long jet fighter flight..

Natasha: Haha yes, for sure. Then we will see if she first vomits or pees herself..

Fiona: Haha exactly.. However, astronauts that qualify for spacewalk mission must have an extremely robust stomach, so probably she can handle that..

Joanna: I heard rumors that her bladder is also pretty "robust"..

Natasha: Haha yes, but if the Strahler law kicks in, then even with her "robust" bladder she will eventually have to go to the little astronaut girls room..

Joanna: True. The little astronaut girls room will be out of order and under water after Jessie's visit.

The others agreed with that statement.

The group noticed, that Jessie was done with taking her shower and dressing up and just re-entered the lab D4 where the discussion just took place.

Joanna: Hey Jessie! How are you feeling?

Jessie: Hmm I don't know how to describe it. Somehow, "confused" maybe?.. What happened today was just very absurd and bizarre on so many levels. How are you guys feeling, you must be extremely exhausted from your super stressful day I guess?

Natasha answered: I guess we feel somewhat similar to what you express, we really have to first digest what we have seen today.. I guess we are a bit worried about how we can make your trip to space as safe as possible.. It seems that we do have an extremely complicated problem to solve.

Jessie: Yes, I see. It is the most absurd problem ever: In space, I pee way too much.. I understand that this is extremely complicated to solve.

Fiona: Yes, the problem sounds really absurd. But, as you know, this problem is really the biggest problem for all of NASA currently.

Jessie: Hmm.. yes.. if you say it like this, then this is really the pinnacle of absurdity.. You really have to let that sink in, oh my fucking god..



To be continued..

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Part 2 - Preparations for an Epic NASA Mission


Preparations for an Epic NASA Mission - Prologue

What happened in part 1: NASA discovered a mission-threatening problem for a planned mission to the ISS to perform crucial and time-critical maintenance. NASA learned, that mission specialist Dr. Jessie Lewis, who was selected to perform the most difficult part of the spacewalk-requiring service on the ISS, has an extremely large bladder. This is mission-threatening, because due to a scientifically not yet understood phenomenon called the "Strahler law", urine production in female astronauts is a function of bladder size, meaning that Jessie with her extremely large bladder will produce urine at an extremely high rate. There are a number of problems for NASA, most importantly, the urine containment systems that Jessie will wear during launch, return to earth, and most importantly during her crucial spacewalk mission will have no chance to handle the tremendous amounts of urine that Jessie will produce.


After Jessie had left the lab D4, the four remaining NASA employees in the lab continued with their debriefing of what they had witnessed on this remarkable day. Natasha once again stared in disbelief on one of the computer screens showing the live telemetry data from Jessie's world record urination. The total volume of urine that Jessie had released at the end was 2925 ml, and due to the characteristics of Jessie's pee (see part 1 for details..), this value was slightly underreported, meaning that they had to find a solution to cope with Jessie's three liter bladder.

[NASA urine research abbreviations: UCS stands for urine containment system]

Natasha: After Jessie finished her pee, I briefly checked the data that our systems recorded for how Jessie's UCS failed. At least we did get excellent data.

Fiona: That's good, then today's efforts at least were for a good reason. Excellent data from an excellent pee!

Natasha: Yes.. However, we currently do not have any technology available to extend the capacity of Jessie's UCS to anything close to what we would probably need.. The problem is, that there are limitations on the dimensions of the system. In Jessie's space suit, as well as in the suit that she will use during her spacewalk mission, there are so many different technical systems that take space, such that there is only a restricted amount of space left for the UCS.. Already for the problem with Sophie's bladder two years ago, we did need a significant redesign of large parts of the space suit, and this was only to extend the capacity by a small amount compared to what we need now..

Fiona: Hmm.. yes this sounds very problematic.

Natasha: Yes, right now, I don't see any way how we can provide a solution for Jessie, based on conventional UCIs..

Joanna: Hmm.. so as you know, NASA does have some "unconventional" technology for women to pee in space..

Natasha: Yes.. however, it was never tested in space.. Maybe we have to go this route. We will discuss this in more detail tomorrow, I am sure..

Joanna: Yes.. We will also have to study the Strahler law, to figure out ow much urine Jessie is actually producing in zero gravity.

Hailey: Yes.. Anyway, we should contact our colleagues in Freiburg as soon as possible, for various reasons..

Fiona: I guess you mean the German research center that you mentioned before?

Hailey: Exactly. Maybe they have some ideas.. and maybe also access to some women with very large and powerful bladders, which we could need for various reasons..

Fiona: So this is true that they have women with powerful bladders for testing and certification?

Natasha: Haha yes, this is absolutely true! We don't exactly know how they do it, but they usually have a team of very "skilled" women.

Hailey: Yes.. Haha.. maybe bladders of German girls are just built differently?

Fiona: Haha.. maybe.

Natasha: Btw. Fiona and Joanna, in case you did not know, Prof. Strahler is head of the institute.

Fiona: Ah, wow! Very interesting, I did not know that.

Joanna: Interesting, me neither..

Natasha: Fun fact, Julia Strahler herself is an expert for high-power urination. Quite a lot of NASA certified urination equipment was at some point during development tested-to-failure by Prof. Strahler herself.

Fiona: Haha, so cool! Haha.. so I guess when Prof. Strahler needs a bathroom break, she just walks through the labs of the institute to find some device that requires testing?

Natasha: Yes, as far as I know this actually happens from time to time..

With this discussion this remarkable Friday in the NASA "piss lab" D4 ended, and everybody went home to get some rest and prepare for a weekend full of work to figure out a solution for Jessie and her giant bladder.






Preparations for an Epic NASA Mission - Part 1

George Robinson, Flight director
Dr. Andy Foster, Lead Engineer Spacewalk Systems
Dr. Sarah Turner, Lead Engineer "Manticore" Capsule

The weekend following Jessie's epic urination was packed with emergency meetings at NASA to plan and decide on the next steps how to deal with this situation. On Sunday, a couple of decisions were already taken and several immediate action items defined. One major project that was started immediately was to study if the bladder fill rate of former female astronauts under zero G could be approximated using fighter jet flights with shorter periods of zero G. Simultaneously, NASA decided to immediately start the recruitment of women with extremely large and powerful bladders to help with testing the hopefully soon upgraded systems. Then, Natasha's team had to address the problem of dealing with the close-to-inhuman amounts of pee that Jessie would produce in space. It was decided that in the remaining time it was impossible to upgrade the urine containment system by the required amount, and that it was necessary to find other solutions.

Jessie's mission included three different major pee-critical situations: 1. the launch and approach to the ISS, 2. the two (or potentially three) spacewalks to perform the crucial and time-critical repairs on the outside of the ISS, and 3. the return to earth. The following initial plans were developed for these situations:

Launch and approach to the ISS:

It was decided that it was impossible to perform a launch / approach mission as planned. However, the current six hour "earth to ISS" mission was only introduced three years ago, to make it as comfortable and fast as possible for the astronauts to get to the ISS. Before that, the approach took much longer, including a sleep phase for the crew. Back then, the capsule had a waste disposal system that was then removed because it was not necessary anymore. The plan now was, to re-add the waste disposal system to the capsule and to develop a "semi-fast" mission profile that included pee breaks for Jessie, during which she could empty her bladder safely into the waste disposal system and change into a new urine containment system. The initial plan was, that with this, the maximum time that Jessie had to be suited up could be reduced to about 2.5 hours during launch, and also about 2.5 hours during the final approach. According to estimations based on the Strahler law, for Jessie it should be easily possible to make it safely through these periods, including one very substantial urination into her urine containment system per period dressed up. A couple of things had to be worked out for this, but as a plan this seemed feasible.

Return to earth:

It was decided to adapt the mission profile, and to include a pee break for Jessie just before the reentry burn that took place about 1.5 hours before landing in the ocean. Here, the longest time for Jessie to be suited up was again around 2.5 hours. Implementing this mission profile was pretty straight-forward if the necessary changes for implementing the semi-fast approach to the ISS could be implemented.

Space walks:

It was identified that the spacewalks posed a major problem for Jessie. It was decided that it was not possible to significantly shorten the duration of the spacewalks, also it was decided that it was not possible to increase the capacity of the urine containment system by the required amount. Instead, it was decided to re-evaluate plans for a system that would allow female astronauts to literally urinate into space. When NASA prepared to plan for the first female spacewalk, they already knew about the Strahler law and considered different approaches to handle the potentially very large amounts of urine that female astronauts would produce. NASA had designs of spacewalk suits for female astronauts that did not have a urine containment system, but instead a system below the crotch where a "urination mode" could be activated. When activating urination mode, a kind of "high tech funnel" that was highly optimized for the given female astronaut's physiology is pressed with high pressure against the crotch from "below", such that an air-tight connection from the urethra into a small air lock to space can be established. After verifying that the funnel crotch connection is fully sealed, the air lock can be opened to enable the astronaut to empty her bladder directly into space. There existed prototypes of the system and they were tested on earth, and female astronauts found the systems actually very comfortable for wearing and for urination. However, in the end it was decided that it was safer to scale up the capacity of normal urine containment systems. Because of Jessie's bladder it was now decided to work with highest priority on integrating this system into Jessie's spacewalk suit. Also it was decided to adapt the system as soon as possible for Jessie, such that she could test the system as soon as possible without actual integration into the space suit, by wearing it and by using it for urination. The initial plan was, that every 100 to 120 minutes (depending on Jessie's urge to go) Jessie would interrupt her work, move into a position that was safe for urination, and then take a huge piss directly into space.

It was further decided to shift the launch date by two months, to have at least a small amount of additional time to work on all the necessary changes. It was also decided that for the next week all possible resources should be shifted towards setting up the necessary projects, with the consequence that some of the normal mission preparation of this week was cancelled.

On Monday morning, Jessie arrived at the crew's Monday morning briefing for the week. On Sunday she had a day off, so she was not in the loop with respect to the latest plans. A number of additional people joined the meeting to present the current plan and the decisions taken to the crew. First, flight director George Robinson communicated the summary of the decisions taken to the crew. After a 25 minutes presentation packed with information, the crew had time to process the news, to discuss internally, and to ask questions to the other experts in the meeting.

Mission Commander Samantha Dryer started to talk and asked her crew about their feelings about the plans.

Samantha: Hmm.. sounds like a plan. I guess it is a ton of work for the engineers at NASA and some things are pretty complicated, but for us it seems pretty OK, or does anyone see any major problem?

Nathalie: Seems pretty OK! Our spaceship gets a toilet upgrade and we get to see Jessie literally take a piss into space!

Samantha: Jessie, what are your initial thoughts? Do you think this could work?

Jessie: Hmm.. sure.. sounds great so far, I think this could work. I'm really curious to find out more about this pee-into-space-system, sounds completely crazy, but I am looking very much forward to use it!

Andy Foster, the Lead Engineer Spacewalk Systems joined the discussion:

Andy: Yes, in fact we are already preparing for you to test the system. If it is OK for you, then Dr. Meyers will examine your physiology this afternoon, such that we can fit the "vacuum funnel" for you. We will then immediately integrate it with one of the prototypes that we built long time ago, and then we plan to run a first test with you tomorrow, and if this was successful, then perform a long test on Wednesday.

Jessie: Wow, that's really fast! Great! I see, we are really in a hurry here with setting up things.. So how will these tests work?

Natasha Wright, the lead engineer responsible for the urine containment and waste disposal systems on this mission explained the plan for these tests:

Natasha: Tomorrow we will explain you the system, you can wear it for the first time, and then we want you to immediately "test" it.

Jessie: Wow, so tomorrow I will already take my first pee in this thing?

Natasha: Yes, maybe even multiple pees. We are still working out the exact program for the next two days.

Jessie: Cool!

Nathalie: Wow, impressive! Only four days after Jessie absolutely destroyed your science fiction diaper, you already have a new even more science fiction system ready! Cool!

George: So for Wednesday we have planned another full scale test of space walk 1 for Jessie in the training pool, Nathalie and Andrej if this is OK for you? To compensate for this, the remaining program for this week will be very relaxed.

Jessie, Nathalie and Andrej agreed that and said that this was no problem for them.

Jessie: So that means I will wear the new system during that training?

Andy: Yes, we can fit this system into the suits that you wear in the pool. And we also want you to practice how to safely urinate in space.

Nathalie: So, Jessie will pee into the training pool?

Andy: Yes that's the plan. Haha I guess that's OK for you Andrej and Nathalie?

Nathalie: "Rrrrrr", so hot! We love to swim in Jessie's pee haha! Just make sure that the pool does not overflow!

Everybody was laughing, and of course no one had any problem with Jessie peeing into the pool.

Nathalie: Haha then in space Andrej and I will have to stand guard for Jessie such that she can pee safely and is protected from the views of naughty aliens!

Everybody was still laughing.

George: Haha, actually we plan to have a live stream on youtube showing your space walk missions. So it is not only aliens but potentially also lots of naughty people on earth watching you pee. I guess if you want we can pixelate you then haha!

Nathalie: Noooo! Let them have a bit of fun and let them watch Jessie do her space business!

Jessie: Haha what can they see anyway? Some liquid spraying into space, I guess I can live with that haha..

Samantha: "some liquid" is a bit of an understatement, probably rather the "Jessie space geyser" haha..

Alexej: Haha.. anyway, they will probably have no clue what is going on?.. This might actually be quite disturbing and worrying seeing lots of liquid spraying out of Jessie's suits?

Everybody was laughing again. They agreed that they currently did not have to worry about this topic.

George: So, to summarize the plans for this week: we will focus on preparing everything for Jessie to be able to pee into space. All of your planned team trainings for this week are canceled, and only the individual trainings will take place and of course the space walk 1 training. For the space walk team, you have a day off on Thursday. For Friday, we are not yet completely sure, but there might be a change and you might get an introduction to the Manticore waste disposal system.

Samantha: So on Friday we will learn how to use the fancy new toilet in our spaceship?

Sarah Turner, Lead Engineer of the "Manticore" Capsule answered,

Sarah: Possibly, could also be next week. We are currently very busy with planning the re-integration of the system into your spaceship, so we are not yet sure when this will be ready.

George: So I hope the plan for this week will be OK for all of you. For you Jessie it will be a bit stressful with your extra program for the next three days, but we hope that this is OK for you?

Jessie: Sure, this sounds very reasonable. I am very impressed by how fast all of you figured out these things. I hope that it is also OK for all of the engineers, it sounds like you did not get too much sleep or breaks during the last two days if we look at the progress.

The scientists and engineers in the room confirmed that they were extremely busy right now, but they said that for the moment it was OK for them to work long overtime hours, until they were sure that they had figured out a plan that should work.

Jessie: ..it sounds like I am expected to pee several times tomorrow and on Wednesday?

Doctor Joanna Meyers, one of the mission physicians answered.

Joanna: Yes, exactly. This is what we aim for. We still have to figure out how to exactly do this, but probably we will give you a "drinking schedule" for today and tomorrow such that you have some pee in your bladder prior to the training sessions, if this is OK for you?

Jessie: Sure, that makes sense.

Nathalie: Jessie is pretty good at peeing, she will manage!

Everybody was laughing.

Nathalie: Btw. if I understand correctly, then I don't have anything to do tomorrow during Jessie's pee system test.. Can I join?

Everybody was laughing again.

Joanna: Haha.. from our side, why not? But I guess Jessie has to say if it is fine if you join for the peeing fun?

Jessie: Hahaha!! Sure I want to have sexy Nathalie support me and watch me learning how to pee in space!

This concluded this very special Monday morning briefing of the crew. The rest of the morning they spent with some individual preparations for their mission. In the afternoon, Jessie had her examination by Dr. Meyers to create the optimal design of her vacuum funnel. At 10:30 in the morning, Joanna visited Jessie for a quick chat.

Joanna: Sorry to interrupt you, but I have some questions and instructions.

Jessie: OK, sure!

Joanna: So, first I'd briefly talk about your bladder after your two very large pees on Friday. Did you notice anything different with respect to your need to pee on Saturday and Sunday?

Jessie: Yes, on Saturday my bladder certainly was a bit more sensitive than usual, and I suddenly felt quite desperate around noon and had to go pee.

Joanna: OK, so was it much less pee that you voided there than usual?

Jessie: Hmm.. it was certainly not like when I peed on Friday, but it certainly was not a "small" pee by normal standards. Probably a bit less than when I usually go, but still quite a lot.

Joanna: OK, that's very good to hear! And on Sunday?

Jessie: I think on Sunday my bladder had pretty much fully recovered. I did not really notice this "increased sensitivity" of my bladder anymore.

Joanna: Very good! Of course we have to pay attention that your super bladder stays 100 percent healthy!

Jessie: Yes, this is certainly important!

Joanna: So, for this week we plan to have you fill your bladder to some extent multiple times. It is not necessary that you are anywhere close to bursting, but you might have a somewhat full bladder multiple times. We hope that this will not irritate your bladder in any way. If you experience anything like this "increased sensitivity" then please tell us, then we will change the schedule.

Jessie: Sure! OK, do you already know how this will work, or what I have to do to prepare for these trainings?

Joanna: Hmm.. first of all, for today it would be also good if you have a somewhat filled bladder for our appointment this afternoon at 2 pm.

Jessie: OK, I think I can do this.

Joanna: I am sure you can do this haha! I guess you did not pee since this early morning and had a couple of drinks since then?

Jessie: Yes, I got up at 06:15, had a coffee, before I left from home for the crew briefing I peed, probably around 07:15. Since then I drank two more coffees and about two cups of water.

Joanna: OK, very good. Do you plan to pee anytime soon?

Jessie: Hmm.. Sometimes I take a pee before lunch, more out of habituation than because I have to pee. I think if I skip this pee today and maybe drink a few cups of water extra I'll have a reasonably full bladder for the appointment.

Joanna: Yes, that sounds very good. Just don't overdo it, if your bladder is not full enough, then we can also just wait a bit. I think one or two extra cups per hour should easily do the job.

Jessie had a half full water bottle next to her, and ostentatiously started drinking and emptied the bottle.

Jessie: OK! [while winking with her eye]

Joanna: Haha!.. No need for a new pee world record today!.. And you will not be able to pee directly after you arrive, it would be good if you could hold it for another hour or so!

Jessie: Ok ok, understood! Great, thanks for the information!

Joanna: Great, thanks for your time, and see you soon!

Joanna left, and Jessie continued studying some training material for her mission.

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Preparations for an Epic NASA Mission - Part 2

After Joanna had left, Jessie decided to get another cup of coffee to help prepare her bladder. The rest of the morning was uneventful, at 11:45 she went for lunch with the other crew members. They were discussing all kinds of aspects of the new situation and about the engineering challenges for NASA. After finishing her lunch, Jessie got herself another half liter bottle of water and downed it.

Nathalie: Thirsty today?

Jessie: Haha.. Joanna told me to come with a full bladder to the appointment.

Nathalie: Ahhhh!! OK! And, is your bladder full? Probably you have to drink five more bottles at least! Haha..

Everybody was laughing. Jessie's bladder felt slightly full, she was sure that she was more or less on the right trajectory for having a somewhat full bladder at 2 pm.

Jessie: I think I'm doing alright, I had some extra water and coffees this morning and I already feel a bit full.

Nathalie looked at Jessie's lower abdomen and noticed the already clearly visible bulge from Jessie's giant bladder.

Nathalie: Haha we can already see your giant bladder! Ohoh.. I hope you can make it without exploding!..

Jessie: Yes, I am sure I can make it, I do not yet really feel any need to pee..

Nathalie and Andrej did not have anything to do until 2 pm, like Jessie, so they continued to talk about all kinds of things, mission-related but also completely different topics. They all had a coffee after lunch and continued talking. At 1 pm Jessie got herself another coffee and another half liter bottle of water.

Nathalie: Are you sure that's a good idea? Your bladder looks already pretty full?

Jessie: Haha.. I'm sure that my bladder can handle this. I feel a bit full, but it is still a long way until I really have to pee!

Nathalie: Sure. Btw. do you already know what exactly you are going to do there and why they want you to have a full bladder?

Jessie: Hmm.. not really. They want to design my vacuum funnel, so I guess they will somehow measure anatomy and things "down there".

Nathalie: Ahh.. maybe they want to measure anatomy down there both with you having a full and an empty bladder and see if anything changes?

Jessie: Yes this might be. Hmm.. you are right, the vacuum funnel has to fit in both situations.

Nathalie: Haha quite a dangerous job for them measuring things down there when you have a full bladder.. If you lose it then they probably drown..

Everybody was laughing. Jessie noticed that her bladder now was really rather full, she could clearly feel a slightly unpleasant pressure from laughing.

They continued to discuss random things. Fifteen minutes later Jessie had finished her water and coffee. Nathalie thought that she noticed a tiny bit of desperation in Jessie's behavior. E.g. from time to time Jessie was very lightly whipping with her left feet.

Nathalie: Are you sure that you are full enough? What about another round of coffee? Haha..

Jessie: Haha.. Thanks, but I think I'm ready! I can hardly imagine that the amount of pee in my bladder could be not enough!

Nathalie: Haha yes that's indeed hard to imagine.. hmm.. you look a tiny bit desperate!

Jessie: Hmm.. yes I definitively could go for a wee, but I am sure that I can hold it for the next two hours..

Nathalie: Haha and you look definitively pregnant..

Jessie: Haha yes..

At that moment Jessie's phone rang, Jessie looked at it and saw that it was Joanna calling her.

Jessie: Interesting, Joanna is calling me, let's see..

Joanna told Jessie that they had slightly changed their plan and asked Jessie if she could immediately come to the appointment. Jessie agreed to come immediately, and she was a bit relieved that she did not have to wait for the additional 45 minutes. Jessie left her two colleagues and headed for the room in the medical complex where the appointment took place. Obviously, Nathalie made some fun comments about not drowning anyone and similar when Jessie left. After standing up and while walking Jessie noticed some increase of pressure in her bladder. She definitively was a bit desperate by now. It took her a few minutes to walk to the medical complex. Jessie quickly found her way to the room for the appointment. She knocked at the door, and Joanna answered "please come in".

Jessie entered the room and saw a kind of gynecological chair on one side of the room with a couple of additional technical devices (looking quite high tech) next to the chair and attached to the chair. Next to Joanna there was another doctor, a relatively young and very attractive blonde women, Jessie guessed her age to be around thirty.

Joanna: Great that you could make it earlier! Wow you look already pretty full.. Are you feeling desperate right now?

Jessie: Hmm.. yes I think I do feel a bit desperate. But I am sure that I can hold it for quite some time, it is not that I am bursting.

Joanna: Hm OK, great! But anyway, let's get started as soon as possible and then I'll explain on the way what we are trying to do here. Jessie, can you please fully undress your pants and panties? You can put your clothes over there.

Jessie: Uhm ok, sure.

Joanna: And by the way, this is Doctor Jennifer Hall, we will together perform the measurements.

Jessie: Nice to meet you

Jennifer: Nice to meet you!

Joanna: And then please take a seat over here!

Jessie undressed herself and then started to walk towards the gynecological chair.

Jennifer: OK.. wow your bladder.. they were not kidding..

Joanna: Wow indeed! Your bladder looks huge!

Jessie: Haha.. yes it is huge..

Joanna: Let's hope you don't flood everything here! In the unrealistic case that you cannot hold your pee any longer it is of course no problem, then please just urinate as much as you have to.

Jessie: Yeah.. I think I can hold it..

And Jessie sat down on the high tech gynecological chair. Jessie with her underwear removed was an amazing sight. The incredibly sexy Jessie with her absolutely perfectly shaped and clean shaved pussy. Joanna grabbed a ultrasound device and measured the amount of pee in Jessie's bladder.

Joanna: 1775 ml, you are a very good girl! That's actually the perfect amount to start our little experiment. I first  perform the necessary measurements, and then I'll explain how we will proceed. This will take about five to ten minutes.

Jessie: Uhm ok, sure!

Joanna: OK! Please put your legs up here, and then we will start.

Jessie put her legs up, and Joanna put the leg holders of the gynecological chair into a slightly spread position.

Joanna: OK! All good? Still not bursting?

Jessie: Haha all good!.. I'll try to warn you early enough in case that this should change.

Joanna: Great!

Joanna and Jennifer started their examination. The started to "install" a device that was somewhat looking like how long time ago (say in the eighties of the last century) people imagined how high tech science fiction devices would look. The system was on a quite solid metal frame, and they put the system into a very stable position by strapping it to Jessie's legs.

Joanna: Great! Please now try for the next four minutes to move as little as possible..

Jessie: OK!

Joanna: So, the device will apply certain amounts of pressure to your crotch area and see how the anatomy changes. This will not take very long, and it should be not really unpleasant or even hurt.

Jessie: OK?

Jessie was happy that she was not more desperate. At this point in time it was possible for her to keep still relatively easily. The device started to make some hydraulic noises and Jessie could feel pressure applied to different regions of her crotch.

After about three minutes of whirring the device stopped and apparently the procedure was done.

Joanna: OK, perfect, we have the first measurement. We create two more to make sure that everything is perfect.

Jessie: OK!

In the meantime Jessie had looked around in the room. One thing that she noticed directly next to the chair were three glass containers for catching urine from someone in lying position. Jessie thought to herself: "haha yes, one will certainly be not enough if I cannot hold it anymore..".

Ten minutes later, Joanna explained that they had three good measurements. She explained that she would quickly go to another room and check on a computer that everything was perfect, and that she then would start with 3d printing a model of the vacuum funnel. Then Joanna surprised Jessie a little bit..

Joanna: You are doing fantastic! So, how are you feeling, are you very desperate, or do you think we can repeat these measurements with a slightly fuller bladder?

Jessie: Uhm.. you know that I can hold far over 2.5 liters of pee.. So, yes, I guess we can do this.. How full do you think should my bladder be?

Joanna: Great! Hmm.. say 2.35 liter would be absolutely perfect? Do you think we can try for this? In case that you feel that you cannot hold it anymore we can always do it at less.

Jessie: Uhm OK!.. That sounds like quite a lot, but I will try!

Joanna: Great! And as I said at the beginning, in case that you really cannot hold it anymore you can always just start to urinate..

Jessie: OK.. yes I guess at 2350 ml I cannot guarantee that this will not happen.. We might end up in a pretty big puddle of pee..

Joanna: Haha sure, this might absolutely happen. We will see how it goes..

Joanna: Do you think you had enough to drink already, or do you want some additional drinks?

Jessie: Hmm.. I guess one or two more drinks could help..

Joanna: I can offer, water, coffee, tea, isotonic nasa juice, various other things, but I think for this special situation I'd recommend a beer..

Jessie: Hmm.. I think a beer sounds very good. Then I'd like to order one beer and one nasa juice.

Joanna: Very good, I'll get that. Btw. I'll keep you for a moment in this awkward position until I have checked on the computer that the measurements are good.

Jessie: OK

Joanna: Great, I'll be back in five minutes with some drinks!

Jessie: OK, thanks, I guess

Joanna left the room, and Jessie thought about her currently rather strange situation.. naked, strapped to a gynecological chair with some hightech device in between her legs, with nearly two liters of pee in her bladder.

In the meantime Jennifer started to explain the procedure that they had planned.

Jennifer: So, for the vacuum funnel to work it is absolutely crucial that it fits perfectly in every situation, meaning while having a full bladder, a very full bladder, a half full bladder or an empty bladder.

Jessie: OK

Jennifer: If we have the anatomy measurements for all of these states we can design the funnel such that it fits perfectly for every state.

Jessie: OK

Jennifer: And this is the reason why we now try to measure your anatomy with an even fuller bladder. Such that for the case that you are in space and have a very full bladder you can still safely relieve yourself.

Jessie: OK, sounds great.

Jessie: So, let's assume that we manage, then we have measurements for 1800 ml and 2350 ml. So you will still have to measure for a half full and empty bladder, right?

Jennifer: Yes, exactly. So for us it would be most efficient if we could do the half-full measurements directly now. Do you think it is possible for you after you start urinating to stop after voiding around 1000 ml of urine?

Jessie: Uhm.. I cannot 100 percent guarantee that I can stop, but I think it should be possible.

Jennifer: This would be great, but in case that you cannot this is not problem, then we can just do the measurements later.

Jennifer: Btw. we are all very much impressed by your bladder and bladder control!

Jessie: Uhm, thanks?

Jennifer: Ah OK sorry.. I guess we should maybe talk about something else?

Jessie: Uhm.. no no it is fine, I like to talk about my bladder!

Jennifer and Jessie continued for the next minutes to discuss the events from last week, how Fiona after a spacewalk training had noticed Jessie's gigantic bulging bladder and had discovered that Jessie up to that point had never urinated into her urine containment system.

Then Joanna returned, holding a tray with lots of drinks in both her hands.

Joanna: Good news, all three measurements are perfect. And I have a coffee for the doctor, and a pint and some NASA juice for Ms. Superbladder.

Joanna: So Jessie, I guess we should get you out of your awkward position? What position is for you the most comfortable for holding your super full bladder?

Jessie: Hmm.. Actually I feel pretty comfortable like this. I don't think that it is much easier to hold my pee in any other position. Also getting back into the chair with a super full bladder will be pretty tough and I fear that I might flood the room in the process..

Joanna: OK very good. That makes a lot of sense. I think we will now just try to wait for 30 minutes if this is possible for you. Then we can do another ultrasound measurement, depending on how much you drank before, I would guess that in 60 to 90 minutes we might be at 2350 ml. If you notice that you cannot hold it anymore then we will stop of course.

Jessie: Yay, sounds like fun! NASA seems to really like pee holding contests!

Joanna: Yes, we are really sorry for all these things that you have to endure..

Jessie: Anyway, cheers!

Jennifer: Cheers! to Ms. Superbladder!

And Jessie started drinking her pint. She took a couple of huge gulps and had emptied half the glass.

Jessie: Ahhhhh!

Joanna: Ms. Superbladder is thirsty! Very good!

Jessie: *BUUUUUURRRP* .. sorry.. cheers to that..

Jennifer: Haha cheers!

For the next 10 minutes the three women had some small talk about NASA in general and Jessie's mission in particular. By this time, Jessie had long finished her beer and had a couple of gulps of her isotonic drink.

Joanna: Ah Jessie, btw. if you prefer to have another beer, we can also get that if you prefer it over this isotonic drink.

Jessie: Hmm.. yes I guess another beer would be great! I have to say, I think the alcohol somehow makes it much easier to hold my full bladder.. I feel much less desperate than ten minutes ago, I barely feel desperate at all currently..

Joanna: OK, great! Yes, and for filling your bladder it is also pretty much the optimal choice. I'll be back in a second.

Joanna left, and three minutes later returned once again with lots of drinks. This time two more pints and a bottle of water. Over the next fifteen minutes Jessie drank another beer and then decided that this was certainly enough beer for the moment, and she switched to water. It was time for another ultrasound measurement.

Joanna: OK, 2075 ml now. Very good, we are rather rapidly filling. Jessie, how desperate are you currently?

Jessie: Hmm.. I feel pretty OK right now.. I certainly feel that my bladder is pretty full and also that it is currently rapidly continuing to fill, but I feel somehow much less desperate than when I arrived at your office. I guess the position how I am lying also kind of helps with holding my pee.

Joanna: That's great to hear! So then I guess we can wait for 20 to 30 more minutes and then check again? In case that you suddenly feel much more desperate, please tell us immediately!

Jessie: OK, yes sounds good!

Jennifer asked Jessie if Jessie wanted to learn more about the vacuum funnel system, and Jessie said yes. In the meantime, also the 3d-printed prototype was ready, and Joanna went to get it.

When Joanna returned she brought the 3d printed prototype, but also a "real" vacuum funnel. She explained, that the 3d printed prototype was just for performing additional measurements (the material was completely rigid, in comparison to the real vacuum funnel was a tiny bit flexible such that it could deform and seal the area when applying pressure).

Joanna: So in urination mode, this thing with an optimized shape for your body will be put with quite a lot of pressure (about 30 kg of pressure to be precise) against your crotch and should seal it absolutely air tight. As I said, former astronauts that tested the system on earth found it very comfortable to use.

Jessie: OK, wow! Yes this sounds extremely cool to be able to piss directly into space! I am really looking forward to tomorrow when we will try this thing out!

Joanna: Yes. One thing that is important for the next two days is that we practice for you the correct position to pee in during your space walk mission. We have to make sure that you are comfortably able to pee "into the right direction".

Jessie: Always with the wind, not against the wind!

Joanna: Haha yes exactly! We have to make sure that your pee flies into space and not into the high power electrical systems that you are working on.

Jessie: Makes sense. And not all over my dear colleagues I guess!

Joanna: Exactly. Haha although Nathalie by now has mentioned a couple of times that she would enjoy this.

Everybody was laughing.

Jessie: Haha yes Nathalie is really funny! I will still try to not do that during our space walk mission.

Joanna: Yes, that's very good. We will show you the "correct" position tomorrow in the training pool, then we can practice this.

Jessie: Great!

Joanna: Btw. peeing in the pool will feel quite a bit different than peeing in space. In space it will be much easier, under water in the training pool there will be some hydrostatic pressure to pee against, but we think it should still be possible, in particular for you haha..

Jessie: Haha.. I'm really curious to find how it feels, underwater and then in space!

They continued to talk for the next ten minutes about the busy weekend for NASA, and in particular how the engineers involved in the design of the urine containment and waste disposal systems had very little sleep. Then it was again time for an ultrasound measurement.

Joanna: Jessie, how do you feel? Can you still hold it like a big girl?

Jessie: Haha yes, I feel certainly a bit more full than thirty minutes ago, but somehow I am still not really that desperate..

Joanna: Very good! Then I'll do another measurement!

Joanna: OK, Wow! We are still really rapidly filling: 2300 ml now!

Joanna: OK, I think we can now anytime start with the measurements if you start to feel more desperate suddenly.

Jessie: OK, very good to hear! Hmm.. currently I feel like I can easily hold it for another hour..

Joanna: Wow.. OK I think that's probably not necessary. with all the liquids you drank your bladder will probably continue to fill really rapidly. I'd say let's wait for 20 more minutes, and in case that you feel more desperate we will immediately start with the measurements?

Jessie: Sounds good!

Joanna: But you are right, you seem to be very relaxed now, and your are not even wiggling in any way.. If you feel ambitious maybe we could aim for 2500 ml?

Jessie: Right now this seems to be absolutely possible. I mean what is a NASA pee holding contest without any real desperation?

Everybody was laughing.

Joanna: It will also have one advantage for you, you will be able to pee a larger amount in the first go.

Jessie: Haha true! Yes I am looking forward to peeing, but not really to having to stop..

Joanna: Yes, if it is not possible to stop then this does not matter, then we can repeat this.

Jessie: Btw. how will I urinate?

Joanna: Hmm.. that's your choice. If you want to and if it is possible for you then you can just pee in this position and we will capture your pee with these glass containers.

Jessie: Haha I see you brought multiple!

Joanna: Haha yes, they are only 1500 ml, so when they are starting to get full we will have to switch!

Jessie: Haha, yes this should be some psychological help to stop peeing.

Joanna: Yes, but it would be no problem to just continue peeing.. The floor in this room is certainly pee-proof. Otherwise, if you don't like to pee in this position we can get you off the chair such that you can urinate into a 1500 ml beaker, in whatever position you prefer.

Jessie: Hmm.. I think peeing like this sounds very good. With the only concern that there might be lots of pee everywhere after the process..

Joanna: Don't worry about pee spraying around, we can deal with this without any problems..

Jessie: OK..

The next fifteen minutes were rather uneventful, and they were discussing how the original process with creating the vacuum funnels worked and what is different for Jessie. For former astronauts, i.e. women with normal bladder sizes, they just measured the status of the bladder when as full as possible and when empty. Usually, the change in the shape of the relevant anatomy was minimal anyway. Only today they decided that for Jessie's bladder it could make sense to also measure intermediate values, just to make sure that everything is safe. This late decision was the reason why they could not just measure Jessie bladder while filling but why they wanted Jessie to stop urinating after half emptying her bladder.

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Preparations for an Epic NASA Mission - Part 3


[15 minutes later..]

Jessie: OK, I think beer and NASA juice are kicking in right now, I definitively feel a bit desperate now.

Joanna: OK, very good! Then we will proceed immediately, I'll measure the volume and then we will do the measurements!

Joanna: Whoa! We are at 2475 ml. Perfect, and wow we are filling really fast! We will proceed as fast as possible!

Jessie: Great!

Joanna and Jennifer again started to work on the device that was still strapped in between Jessie's legs, and after one minute of re-adjusting it, they were ready.

Joanna: OK! We will start with the measurements! We will try to do two replicates. Please again try to stay as calm as possible. I noticed that you are wiggling a bit which is absolutely fine, the device is built do correct for that.

Jessie: OK! I'll try my best!

The device started again with it's whirring sounds and Jessie felt again pressure applied to her crotch area.

Jessie: Ah that's good! This device kind of helps with holding the pee in!

Joanna and Jennifer laughed.

Jessie: Just in case, if I should lose control and pee over your fancy device, this will not cause any damage, right?

Joanna: No, this device is absolutely pee-proof as well! But please try to hold it, with these measurements we will be completely safe with respect to using this system in space.

Jessie: Sure, I'll do my best!

For Jessie the urge to urinate had suddenly increased by a lot. Now it was pretty hard for her to not wiggle too much in her chair. She started to slightly shift her upper body from left to right.

Joanna: Jessie, you are doing great! I am sure you can do it! Wow, we managed to get our Ms. Superbladder really to be a little bit desperate.

Jennifer: Haha no wonder with 2.5 liters of pee in her bladder..

Jessie started breathing a little bit heavy. Right now she felt really close to bursting. Jessie was wondering when this measurements run was finally finished, it felt like an eternity.

[after a few minutes of whirring sounds..]

Joanna: Great! We are done with this measurement. Sorry that it took a bit longer, this is because of your light wiggling it takes a bit longer to do good measurements. We will immediately go for the final measurement!

Jessie: Great! [still breathing a bit heavily] Haha that's mean, the more desperate you are, the longer the device takes!

Joanna: Yes, this is a bit unfortunate.

The device again started with the measuring procedure. Joanna and Jennifer were a bit worried because of poor Jessie suddenly feeling so desperate. But now they could not really do anything about it, and also distracting Jessie from her super-full bladder was not so easy..

Jessie started to breath a bit more heavy, and she was now slightly rocking her upper body back and forth. The device continued whirring. Joanna and Jennifer tried to cheer for Jessie.

Jennifer: Wow Jessie, you are doing so great! We are very soon done, I am sure you can do it!

Jessie did not answer anymore, she was focussing on keeping the lower part of her body as calm as possible to make the measurement go as fast as possible.

Time was moving very slowly right now, and the device continued whirring, applying pressure, and continuing with it's measuring process. After five minutes that felt like an eternity, the device indicated that the measurement was complete.

Joanna: Great! We are done with two good measurements!

Jessie: Thank god, oof, I thought it would never stop..

Joanna: Uhmm.. there is one more thing. Do you think you can hold it for two more minutes after uninstalling this device?

Jessie: Oohh.. I will try, but I am not 100 percent sure.. What is it?

Joanna and Jennifer were busy unstrapping the device from Jessie's body.

While working on this, Joanna started to explain.

Joanna: Optimally, we would do a fit check with our 3d-printed prototype, do perform a quick measurement of the deviation that we see with your current bladder level. We will try to do this, in case that you cannot hold back then this is no problem, then you can start to urinate at any time.

Jessie: OK.. uhm I might..

Joanna: We try to be as fast as possible!

Joanna and Jennifer brought another device that was built to put the vacuum funnel prototype into the correct position, and to apply light pressure to check how tight the fit was without any structural adjustment of the vacuum funnel. They installed the vacuum funnel prototype into the device, and then they used the device to put the prototype into the right position.

Jessie was bursting, and she was constantly wiggling with both her spread legs in the same rhythm.

Joanna: OK, we see that you are really bursting! We will be done in a second! You are doing very well, you can continue to wiggle like this while we bring it into position!

Jessie: mhhhh.. [making a slightly unahappy noise]

Joanna: OK, we have it in position. Do you think you can stop wiggling your legs for a few seconds?

Jessie: Uhmm.. yes I can try.. but then are we done? I am really very close to losing it I think..

Joanna: Yes, we need about ten seconds, then you can go..

Jessie: uhmm.. OK, I'll try..

Joanna activated a light that was shining from below the prototype, and created a border of bright green light on Jessie's skin at the positions where the fit of the prototype was not perfect.

Jessie: Cool, now my pussy started to glow bright green?

Joanna: Haha yes exactly. Can you count down to when you try to stop wiggling, then we will start the procedure. It really only takes ten seconds!

Jessie: OK.. uhm.. and then how long does it take until I can piss?

Joanna: We will immediately remove the system, and..

Jennifer had grabbed one of the 1.5 liter glass containers and showed it to Jessy that she already had the device in her hand

Joanna: But if you cannot hold it, you can start peeing immediately.. As I said, the floor is pee-proof.

Jessie: Uhm.. ok..

Joanna: But when you pee, please remember that it would be good if you could stop at some point. We will tell you how much you voided and when you should try to stop.

Jessie: Uhmm. sure..

Jessie was breathing heavily, and currently shaking more than ever.

Jessie: OK.. let's try this.. Are you ready?

Joanna: Yes, everything ready on our side.

Jessie: ok.. ok.. then.. .. three.. two.. one..

Jessie took a deep breath and tried to stop wiggling.

Jessie: one.. gooo!!..

Joanna activated the device. The device did some final calibration on its own, and then started very tiny movements in front of Jessie's crotch area. The device was filming and analyzing the light patterns coming from below the prototype during these tiny movements, to determine how tight the fit would be.

Jessie was literally clenching her teeth and breathing in and out really fast.

Joanna: Great, Jessie! We are nearly there, just a few seconds more!!

Jessie: [moaning faintly..]

Joanna: Perfect, Jessie, two.. one.. we are done! You don't have to keep still anymore..

Jessie: Aaaahh...

Joanna and Jennifer unmounted the system and moved it to the side.

Jessie was absolutely bursting. She had no energy left to hold back the torrents of pee. Also she thought, they told me about ten times that I could start to urinate any time, and now it is time..

Jessie started to leak. Jessie's perfectly shaped pussy started to spray out pee. The stream for the first second was not very powerful, it increased from initially a dribble to a maybe one meter arc.. Joanna and Jennifer were busy moving the device to the side.

Jessie: uhm.. guys!!...

Jennifer noticed that Jessie had started to pee.

Jennifer: That's OK.. We are there in a second..

She had the glass container for collecting Jessie's pee already in her hand and started to move back to Jessie to capture the stream of pee that Jessie was ejecting.

After about two seconds of "startup time" peeing a normal stream, Jessie's bladder went into overdrive mode. Jessie had zero control over her bladder at this point in time. She had decided that it was OK for her to start peeing and just let things happen. When her bladder's overdrive mode kicked in, Jessie was overwhelmed by pure joy and moaned loudly.

Jessie: AAAHHHHHHHhhhh!!!!!!!

The sight was absolutely insane. The extremely sexy Jessie with her rather petite body, watermelon big bulging bladder belly, started to shoot out an inhuman stream of pee from her perfect pussy. The stream shot basically like a laser beam slightly upwards due to Jessie's position, and went in a near straight line for about 4 meters to hit the wall on the opposite side of the room..

Jennifer: Whooaa!!

Jennifer hesitated for a split second to move the glass container for collecting the pee into the right position. Mainly, because she had never seen a stream like this, but also instinctively because just the process of moving something into Jessie's line of fire would lead to pee spraying everywhere across the room, including Jessie and Jennifer. After that split second, Jennifer instinctively closed her eyes and mouth and put the glass container into the stream. She could feel the tremendous force of Jessie stream spraying into the container. In the same moment she could also feel all of the pee that was splashing off the glass while she moved it into the stream spraying everywhere.

Jennifer could not fully grasp what just happened, but she realized that she was now fully capturing the insane stream of piss that was shooting out of Jessie.

Jennifer: [again] whoa...

Jessie was feeling slightly embarrassed that she for maybe one second shot a huge amount of pee all across the room, and also because Jennifer was completely soaked in her pee. It took her one more second to realize that now everything was kind of under control, and that she was just urinating with incredible force into the glass container that Jennifer was holding.

Jessie: aaahhhh.... [Jessie was still overwhelmed by her feelings and had to moan again because she realized that now things were somewhat under control]

Jessie: [while still shooting an incredible stream of pee from her pussy] uhh... sorry for that..

Jennifer: uh nevermind! Wow you go girl!

Jessie: uh yeah..

After just five seconds of capturing Jessie's massive pee stream the container was filling up rapidly. Although Jessie was holding her pee already for 7 hours and had drank 5 coffees (among many other things), from the huge liquid intake during the last two hours it was rather diluted, therefore Jessie's collected pee had a very healthy pale golden yellow color.

Jennifer: wow.. uhm Jessie I nearly don't dare to ask, but do you think you can stop your pee in a couple of seconds?

Jessie: uhh.. maybe? How much more? aaaahhh it feels soooooo good!!!

The glas container was really getting full already..

Jennifer: Uhm.. anytime now, maybe in like three seconds?

Jessie: aahh.. I'll try..

Jennifer counted: three.. two.. one.. stop!!

To psychologically support Jessie, Jennifer at this point in time moved the glass container out of the pee stream (however, it was anyway nearly full and Jennifer had to switch to the next one soon).

Jessie: AAhhhhhh!!!!!!

Jessie's stream stopped indeed.

Jessie: AAAAHHHHH!!!!

Jessie absolutely tried to clench together everything down there, but she noticed that there was still one gusher of pee that she had to let out before stopping completely..


One more massive burst of pee erupted from Jessie's pussy. It shot out like a laser beam and hit the ceiling of the room, several meters away from Jessie.

Joanna and Jennifer: whoaaa.. [while watching the pee from Jessie's burst hit the ceiling and then splattering down on the ground]

Jessie:  hhhhmmmmmmpppfff.....

And indeed, after this final gigantic burst, Jessie had stopped her urination.

Joanna: Wow Jessie!! You really stopped!!

Jessie was still focussing on not starting to pee again and currently could not talk. After five more seconds she was "stable" and she did not feel some immediate need to continue to pee. She felt for the moment back in control, and also for the moment incredibly relieved.

Jessie: ahhhhhhh.. sooo much better!!

Joanna: Jessie, how do you feel? Can you hold your pee for the moment?

Jessie: ahh!!.. Yes, currently I feel really great! Uhm.. I am really sorry for what happened. I really could not hold it anymore, I think it might have been because of the position with spread legs..

Joanna: That's all good. You held it for exactly long enough, we told you that you could pee immediately afterwards. You did a phenomenal job and you don't have to excuse for anything.

Jennifer: Wow Jessie, that was quite something..

Jessie: Haha.. good that you reacted so quickly, and that was quite brave to put the container into my pee stream.. I feel bad that you are drenched in pee now..  

Jennifer put the container that she used to capture Jessie's pee on a shelf, grabbed a towel and was currently cleaning her face and upper body from pee..

Jennifer: Haha yes that's quite powerful your pee stream!.. Don't worry about me, I guess that's part of my job.

Joanna was assessing the situation, looking at the lake of pee on the floor, looking at the huge puddle at the wall at 4 meter distance, and looking at pee dripping from the ceiling.

Joanna: Hmm.. we learn, with Jessie in the room it is not enough to have a waterproof floor..

Jennifer: Yes that was quite impressive, I have never seen anyone pee all across the room or hitting the ceiling..

Jessie: Haha I had 2.5 liters of pee in my bladder.. It has to go somewhere..

Jennifer pointed at the glass container filled with Jessie's pee.

Jennifer: I think I have never seen anyone pee that much, but Jessie's bladder is still far from empty..

Joanna: As I said.. Jessie is a good girl.

Everybody was laughing.

Joanna: Hmm.. I would propose that we clean up later and quickly finish up with our measurements?

Jessie: Sure.

Joanna: Jessie if this is OK for you then I will quickly measure the amount of pee that is left in your bladder?

Jessie: Sure.

Joanna grabbed the ultrasound device, and Jennifer started to calculate.

Jennifer: 2500 minus 1250 in the container, minus 300 on the floor, wall and ceiling, plus 250 from beers and NASA juice?

Joanna: OK, 1150 ml! Wow you two did an amazing job with stopping the flow at exactly the right point in time! Bullseye!

Jennifer: Great! Jessie also hit the bullseye on our ceiling!

Everybody started to laugh again.

Jennifer grabbed another towel to clean Jessie, first the splashes on her upper body, and then her naked legs that were completely sprayed with pee.

Jennifer: Haha I am a bit afraid to move "directly into Jessie's line of fire"..

Jessie: Haha don't worry, I do not have that much ammunition anymore, and in case I'd suddenly start "shooting" I'd give you a one second warning prior to it.

After cleaning Jessie and her chair a bit, they performed the same series of measurements as before. The procedure took again about 15 minutes and was much less eventful than the last one.

Joanna: Great! Thanks Jessie! We are done with all measurements for this bladder fill state. Now we just need one more of you with an empty bladder. So please continue doing what you can do best!

Jessie: Haha! OK! Ceiling, wall, what should I aim for this time?

Jennifer: Haha I'd love to see ceiling or wall again, both was really impressive!

Everybody was laughing.

Jennifer: But maybe the cleaning crew is already busy enough and I'd recommend peeing into this? [She had grabbed a new empty 1.5 liter glas container for collecting urine]

Jessie: OK! This is a bit less fun but it will do too!

Jennifer put the glass container about two inches in front of Jessie's vagina.

Jessie tried to relax and resume her urination.

Jessie: Hmm.. wait for it.. .. .. .. uhm.. ..

Jessie started to slightly push on her bladder, to try to resume with peeing.

Joanna: No hurry, we have all the time.

Jessie: uhm.. I guess this is because I had to put so much effort before to stop peeing that I have trouble going again.

Joanna: Yes, just take your time. I am sure it will work soon. .. uhm.. if you want we could also get you out of the chair such that you can try to pee in a different position.

Jessie: uhm.. hmm.. maybe?.. nah I think it should be possible to pee in this position. I very clearly feel the pee in my bladder, and it kind of wants to come out, I am sure that it will work soon.

Jessie continued to lightly press on her bladder, and to shift the position of her upper body a bit.

Jennifer: Just take your time!

Jessie: Uhm.. maybe it would help if.. I.. uhm..

Joanna: Massage your pussy a little bit?

Jessie and Jennifer burst into laughter.

Jessie: ahaha! ..yes, that's exactly what I wanted to propose.

Jennifer immediately pulled away the glass container for catching Jessie's pee that was close to covering Jessie's pussy.

Joanna: Yes that's exactly what I wanted to propose. That's probably the most efficient way to get you a little more relaxed.

Jessie was slightly unsure how to proceed. She slightly hesitantly touched her vagina with her right hand. Joanna and Jennifer were staring at Jessie's pussy. The view was just too good. The super attractive Jessie Lewis with her perfect body and spread legs starting to touch herself. Although Jennifer and Joanna were both at least 90 percent straight, they both swallowed hard because of the amazing view.

Joanna: Uhm.. sorry for staring at your pussy.. we can give you some privacy if you want.

Jessie: uhm.. ok.. but I don't really care.. you watched me piss all across the room and I peed all over you, so now I really don't care for this..

Jessie certainly felt pretty aroused by all the crazy pee action that had happened before. She started to carefully rub her clitoris a bit. Very suddenly she felt very horny and she started to rub a bit harder and faster. Joanna and Jennifer had stepped away a little bit away and had turned their faces away. However, it was hard for them to not watch Jessie "relaxing" and they glimpsed over from time to time. They had noticed that Jessie was breathing heavily and both wondered if Jessie was really close to an orgasm.

Jessie had closed her eyes and was not really close to an orgasm but still feeling very aroused. She very much enjoyed what she was currently doing. Suddenly, she felt the need to urinate, and this immediately reminded her of what she was actually trying to do. She waited for a short moment, to reassure herself that it was really some need to pee that she felt.

Jessie: Hey guys! I think we can continue soon..

Jennifer stepped closer to Jessie, having the urine capturing container in her hand.

Jennifer: You think you can continue to pee?

Jessie: I think we are getting there.. I feel some need to pee, now I just have to get the stream started.. Uhm.. I guess it is ok to pee on the floor to get my stream restarted? [looking down on the huge puddle on the floor beneath her.]

Jennifer: Yes, sure..

Jennifer and Joanna watched Jessie kind of tipping with her finger on her clitoris. Then, a small dribble of pee came out.

Jessie: not quite, but we are getting closer..

The same thing happened four more times, with small dribbles of pee coming out of Jessie's pussy. With each time, the amount of released pee increased a little bit. The sixth' dribble continued for a few seconds, and then Jessie announced:

Jessie: OK, I think we are finally there..

Jennifer moved the pee capturing container about 5 cm in front of Jessie's pussy, such that Jessie could still touch it. Then, Jessie's pee stream resumed and she could aim the stream with her fingers into the container that Jennifer was holding.

When Jennifer noticed that Jessie continued to pee, she moved the container a bit closer. Then, Jessie's stream again increased in force and she removed her hand from her pussy and was now peeing with a "decent" stream into the container.

Jessie: Ahhhh!! Peeing just feels really good!!

Jennifer: Very good Jessie! Keep going!

Jessie: Oh yes, I will!

Jennifer and Joanna were both staring at Jessie's perfect pussy releasing a decent stream of pee that was flowing nicely into the container. Jessie was not watching, she was just enjoying the feeling of emptying her bladder and had closed her eyes for the moment.

Jessie made another sound indicating how much she was enjoying her pee:

Jessie: Mmmmmhhhhh!.... [moaning softly]

Jessie's stream was powerful by human standards, but not nearly as violent as when she had emptied the first half of her bladder.

Jennifer and Joanna for the moment were quietly watching Jessie pee into the container that was slowly filling up. After 15 seconds it was about one third full.

Jennifer: So if we measured correctly, then this time the container should be just big enough such that you can completely relieve yourself.

Jessie: Yes that's very good! I really have to..

Joanna: Haha we are happy for you that you finally can get all the relief that you needed! After flooding the whole room and after already filling up one of these it must feel amazing to fill another container!

Jessie: Haha yes, it does..

After peeing for about 25 seconds the container looked already rather full, and the amount of pee that Jessie had released was approaching one liter.

Jennifer: Good girl! Haha it is getting a bit heavy! Let's hope that you are done soon!

Jessie: I hope so too.. I feel like there is still some left..

Joanna: Haha.. for normal people I would comment now, "wow you really had to go"!

Jessie: But I did really have to go!..

Joanna: Haha sure.. uhm OK.. maybe we are overflowing the next container too..

The container was now getting pretty full and Jessie was still urinating at a significant rate, without any sign of slowing down.

Jessie: uhm.. I think I still have to go a bit.. We may have to switch again..

Jennifer: Wow.. indeed.. Please, in case that you start overflowing the container just continue peeing, there is no need for you to stop now..

Jessie: uhm.. ok..

Joanna: OK.. I'll go and get the next one.. [Joanna grabbed the third and last empty pee capturing container]

Jennifer: Uhm.. OK we are really close to overflowing..

Jessie: [shrugging her shoulders and smiling ironically] what can I do?.. when I go I really go..

Jessie was still peeing with pretty much the same flow rate for now about 45 seconds. The container now was completely full, and the sound of pee splashing on the floor indicated to Jennifer to move her overflowing container away from in front of Jessie's still heavily urinating vagina. For the next second, Jessie was peeing a very beautiful arc of pee about 2 meter through the room. Joanna brought her empty pee collection container in front of Jessie's vagina to capture her pee stream.

Jennifer: OK.. this one is pretty full.. [while carefully putting the container that was full to the brim with Jessie's pee on a shelf, next to the nearly full first container].

Joanna: Haha at some point you must be empty?..

And at that point, Jessie's pee stream reduced a bit in power.

Jessie: Uhm.. yes I think there is not too much left..

Jessie continued to relieve herself and was now releasing the last remaining amounts of pee from her gigantic bladder. She was still peeing with a very nice stream that went directly into the container that now Joanna was holding.

Joanna: Haha.. good that I brought three of these..

Jessie: Thank god! Haha..

Jennifer: That was good, however we could not avoid this.. uhm.. little "accident"..

Jessie: I'm really sorry that there is pee everywhere..

Joanna: Jessie, don't worry. You did perfect today, we have probably all the data that we need to enable you to fix the ISS.. Our job today was basically to fill your bladder until you burst, or maybe to the point just before, and that worked out perfectly. And then, I guess we have to expect some collateral damage when filling your gigantic bladder to the point of bursting..

Jessie's stream again got a bit weaker.

Jennifer: A propos gigantic bladder.. Jessie will you fill up this one too?

At this point in time Jessie's pee stream stopped, about 60 seconds after she had resumed her urination.

Jessie: Ahhhh!! So goood!! Hmm.. no I think I'm empty soon.. But not quite yet

And her stream resumed, it was clearly visible that now Jessie had to slightly push to get the last remainders out of her bladder. By now, the container for capturing her pee was containing a significant amount of pee and was maybe a fifth full.

Jennifer: Wow! Still going!

Then Jessie's stream stopped again, she did resume it once more, and then finally she was completely empty.

Jessie: Done!

Joanna and Jennifer looked at each other, and Joanna asked,

Joanna: Already!? Are you sure?

Jessie was not immediately answering, she tried to feel if there was still some pee left, but there was none. So after a few seconds,

Jessie: I'm really empty! Done!

Joanna: Wow! Jessie, you are such a good girl! Do you feel relieved?

Jessie: Oh yes, very much! I feel very much better!

Joanna did not yet dare to move the capturing container away, she was expecting the possibility of more pee from Jessie. But Jessie was really completely empty. After a few more seconds:

Joanna: OK, great! Then we can go for your last measurement!

Joanna put the pee capturing container that she was holding to the shelf where the two full containers were already standing.

Joanna: Well.. this is probably again very close to the peeing world record..

Jessie: Yay!..

Jennifer: Jessie, I have to say this was very very impressive.

Jessie: Haha!.. You make me blush!..

Jennifer: To be honest, even half the amount of pee would be already very impressive..

Jessie: Haha..

Jennifer: OK, then let's get you cleaned up for the last measurement!

And Jennifer handed took some tissues to gently clean some drops of pee from Jessie beautiful pussy. Then, Jennifer and Joanna started to reinstall the first machine for measuring. Jessie looked around in the room, she felt really proud of her gigantic bladder that had contained this massive amount of pee. Jessie's urination was once again absolutely epic, with pee all over the room and a huge puddle at the wall at 4 meter distance, and the row of pee capturing containers on the shelf next to her: one 1.5 liter container literally at the point of overflowing, one 1.5 liter container very close to overflowing, and a third 1.5 liter container with a significant amount of pee inside.

Joanna and Jennifer performed the measurements of Jessie with an empty bladder, and then Jessie's very special "examination" was over. They once again assured Jessie that it was no problem at all that Jessie had peed all over their office and they again thanked Jessie for her efforts. They then instructed Jessie to not drive home by herself and instead take a cab ride home, because she was somewhat intoxicated from drinking one liter of beer before. Jessie agreed to do so. On her ride home, she thought again about what she had learnt today in the morning crew briefing. She felt super relieved because it seemed that NASA had figured out a potential way to bring her safely into space. Also, she felt super excited because of the things to come. She was really looking forward to the various test pisses and training pisses that she would take in the next weeks and months. And then she was obviously incredibly excited about finally going to space, and then enjoying multiple extra pee breaks during the mission that were just for her. It was literally all of NASA's attention on her giant bladder and on the incredibly huge pisses that she would take during that mission. All of these thoughts made her extremely horny, and she could only just stop herself from rubbing herself in the cab while riding home. After a few minutes of driving she finally arrived at home and paid with her NASA credit card. At home, Jessie immediately started to masturbate and after just a few minutes came super hard. After that she was completely happy, relaxed, and feeling a weird mix of tremendous happiness and tiredness.

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Preparations for an Epic NASA Mission - Part 4

Jessie went to bed rather early that night. She was really excited for what was to come in the next days, but she was also very tired. She had a very relaxing sleep and got up at 7am in the morning. The day before, Dr. Meyers had given Jessie some instructions for this day of training. Jessie should take a pee after waking up, and then normally drink one or two coffees (that's Jessie's morning routine) and in addition to that one liter of water, just to ensure that Jessie was well hydrated and that there was already some urine in her giant bladder. So first thing after waking up, Jessie headed for the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. Jessie always took a pee early in the morning, but rather out of routine and not because she actually felt some need to pee. Today it was different, she felt a small need to pee. She opened her flood gates and a tremendous stream of pee started to shoot out of her. "Whoa!.." Jessie was slightly surprised by the amount of pee that she released. It felt really good, and Jessie thoroughly enjoyed the experience of very casually releasing a torrent of pee. She thought about the day and also about sexy Nathalie who wanted to join, and of course also about the other people at NASA that once again had all their attention only on her inhuman bladder. She was really looking forward to the day and specifically to again wow everyone with demonstrating her peeing abilities, she was determined to once again deliver a really good pee show. After about twenty-five seconds of blasting out pee like crazy Jessie was done. She continued with her morning routine, took a shower, got dressed, ate some breakfast, and drank two large cups of coffee.

Jessie was instructed to arrive at the main training facility at 09:30. Before leaving, she drank as instructed a few large glasses of water, in total nearly 1.5 liter. Nathalie had agreed to pick up Jessie and bring her to the training facility because Jessie's car was still there. Nathalie arrived at 09:05 and rang the bell of Jessie's apartment.

Jessie: Good morning Nathalie!

Nathalie: Hey Jessie! How is it going?

Jessie: Very good! Thanks for picking me up and for joining for my uhm.. "special training"!

Nathalie: No problem, and I'm really looking forward to observe your special training! Haha are you ready for your big pee pee instruction?

Jessie: Haha sure! Can't wait! Are you ready for the big pee pee show?

Nathalie: Haha I can't wait as well!

And Jessie and Nathaile headed for the training facility. On the way Jessie told the story of her crazy examination the day before, and that she completely flooded the room and also Dr. Meyers and Dr. Hall. Both women couldn't stop laughing, and Nathalie made all kinds of naughty comments about the situation and how much she would have enjoyed being in place of one of the doctors. At 09:20 two very cheerful future astronauts (one with a rapidly filling bladder that had accumulated already over one liter of urine) arrived at the main training facility.

Dr. Joanna Meyers welcomed them and led them into the facility. While they were walking through the complex, Joanna started to explain the program for the day in more detail.

Joanna: OK, as you know, today we want to test the system that allows you to urinate during your space walks. Before we start explaining the details, how are you feeling, could you take a pee right now?

Jessie indeed already felt some need to pee. She was surprised how fast her bladder apparently was filling this morning.

Jessie: I certainly could!

Joanna: OK I see, are you still feeling comfortable or are you desperate right now?

Jessie: I'm comfortable, but somehow my bladder seems to be filling really fast, so I think that in an hour or so I will be desperate.

Joanna: OK, I see. In case that you start feeling too full please tell us, then we would recommend that you go take a pee and release some urine and try to stop peeing after a while such that your bladder is still half full.

Jessie: OK sure, I will do that. But as I said, for the moment everything is fine.

Joanna: Great. So we want you to perform two test urinations today. First, we want to perform a test in the vacuum chamber to test the real system and if it performs as expected under space conditions. Natasha and her team together with the space walk suit engineering team last night managed to prepare one space walk suit with your urination system. We will briefly introduce you to the system and explain to you how the system works, and then in about thirty minutes we will suit you up and then you can perform the first urination in the vacuum chamber.

Jessie: Sounds great!

Joanna: Then, the engineering team has started to equip your under water training space walk suit with a similar system. This is not yet completed, but the plan is that at some point in the afternoon this will be ready. So by then probably you will be again ready to pee. In that training the aim is that you learn the actual procedure to perform when you go pee during your space walk.

Jessie: Very good, looking forward to that!

Nathalie: Me too!

They arrived in the dress up room for the vacuum test chamber. Natasha and Hailey were waiting there with Jessie's refitted vacuum space walk suit system.

Natasha: Hello Jessie, and Nathalie, nice to meet you!

Jessie and Nathalie both said hello. Natasha briefly introduced herself to Nathalie.

Natasha: OK, so we will do the instruction right here.

Nathalie was wearing gloves and grabbed the the system that would be strapped around and below Jessie's waist and crotch area. The key part was the higly optimized vacuum funnel and a mechanism that would push this vacuum funnel with about 40 kg of pressure from below against Jessie's crotch. The vacuum funnel was connected to a small air lock system that was usually sealed but could be opened for urination when the system was activated.

Natasha: So this is the system that you will be wearing "down there".

She briefly showed it and explained the different parts to the amazed Jessie and Nathalie.

Natasha: So, the procedure will be as follows: you cannot control this system yourself, we can control it from the ISS and from the ground station. So we will always coordinate this with you during your space walk.

Jessie: OK

Natasha: When the system is activated, it presses the funnel against your crotch area. This takes about four seconds. Then, the system performs a leak check that takes about four seconds as well. If the leak check is successful, then the air lock will open and create a connection in between your ..uh urethra and space. If this procedure is successful and the system reaches this "urination state", it will be indicated by a green light that you see in your helmet. If this green light is visible, you can start peeing.

Jessie: OK!

Natasha: It is not completely impossible that the leak check fails. In this case we try again to press the funnel against your crotch, that means we first lower the pressure and then increase it again. This should then eventually lead to a fully sealed vacuum funnel.

Jessie: OK!

Natasha: In the very unlikely case that during your ISS space walk mission we will not manage to get perfect sealing, you will have to abort the space walk and then empty your bladder inside the ISS. We think that the probability for this will be extremely low, and we will also thoroughly test this here on earth.

Jessie: OK, very good!

Natasha: OK.. That's already all the "theory" for the moment, and it is time for the uhm.. practical part.

Everybody was laughing. Jessie was wearing a dark gray NASA shirt, and by now her already over half filled giant bladder was once again very prominently bulging out.

Natasha obviously had immediately noticed Jessie's already very full bladder, and obviously it made her very excited once again. She was imagining the torrent of piss that Jessie would spray through the vacuum test chamber.

Natasha: Uhm Jessie, you look already "very" ready, are you still comfortable and is it possible for you to wait for a couple of more minutes?

Jessie: Sure, I can easily wait, I certainly do have to pee by now, but I am nowhere near desperate, so everything's fine.

Natasha: OK, great! So then we will first install your pee funnel system, then we will show you how it feels when it is activated, then we will suit you up for the vacuum chamber, and then it is show time!

Jessie: OK, sounds like a plan!

Then, Jessie had to completely undress her pants and panties such that the system could be installed. Then, Natasha helped Jessie to install the system. Jessie then tightened the belts that fixed the system against her legs and waist.

Nathalie was watching the procedure and really enjoying what she was seeing. She really enjoyed watching both the naked Jessie as well as Jessie wearing her high tech space urination system. The system was strapped around her waist. The top was elastic, so it was only pressing a little bit against Jessie's giant bulging bladder.

Nathalie: Very sexy Jessie! I love your new space underwear!

Everybody was laughing. Jessie herself felt really sexy as well. She was now really looking forward to emptying her bladder inside the vacuum chamber, as her bladder was still filling rapidly. She was looking forward to flooding the vacuum chamber while being watched by the very attractive women currently standing in the dress up room.

Natasha: Perfect! Jessie, how does the system feel, is it more or less comfortable to wear for you right now?

Jessie: Yes, absolutely! It feels really really comfortable I have to say!

Natasha: Great! That's very good to hear. OK, then I'd say we will test activate the system such that you experience the feeling when the system is activated.

Jessie: Very good!

Nathalie: But do not yet start peeing!

Everybody was laughing.

Natasha: OK, I'll activate the system.


A pretty loud rumbling noise hinted to the powerful hydraulic system that was activated.

Jessie: Uh.. Wow!

Natasha: How does it feel, is it uncomfortable?

Jessie: Uh.. no no, it is perfectly fine. The feeling that something is pressing so hard against your crotch is rather unusual but not uncomfortable at all.

Natasha: That's great to hear! Now the system performs a seal check..

There was a series of four very short hissing noises *PFT* *PFT* *PFT* *PFT*

Natasha: So this was not Jessie farting but the seal check.

Jessie: Hehe you don't know that for sure!

Natasha: Haha OK.. anyway, the seal check was successful, and now we are able to open the air lock inside the device.

There was another short whirring sound.

Natasha: And now the system would be in a safe configuration for urination.

Jessie: Cool! Uhm.. so far so good, sounds reasonable! It is a tad more complicated than just taking a pee into a swimming pool, but that's fine.

Natasha: OK, so now in space as long as you are in the right position and if you get the go from mission control you can empty your bladder into space.

Jessie: Great!

Natasha: Of course it is really important that in space you empty your bladder as thoroughly as possible, because we want to somewhat minimize the time that we need for pee breaks in space.

Jessie: Sure.

Natasha: Then you will communicate when you are done with peeing to mission control.

Jessie: OK sure. Just one more second, I'm nearly done!

Everybody was laughing.

Natasha: Haha OK. Then, when you are done with your virtual test pee, we will show you some more features of the system.

Jessie: OK, now I'm done.

Natasha: Great! Mission control will ask you back once if you are sure, and if you confirm, then we will first close the air lock, and then the system will depress. I'll do this now.

The system first closed the air lock with a whirring sound, and then with a rather loud *SSHHHHHHH* hissing noise depressurized.

Natasha: So how did your first virtual pee into space feel Jessie?

Jessie: Haha.. great! I think peeing into space will be a very nice experience! However, now I'm looking forward to a non-virtual pee!

Everybody was laughing.

Natasha [looking at Jessie's giant bulging bladder directly above her space urination system]: I can imagine, it looks like you are going to seriously flood our vacuum chamber! So it will take about ..uhm.. thirty minutes until you can empty your bladder for our first test urination inside the vacuum chamber. Do you think this is possible or do you want to release some pee before that?

Jessie: No no that's no problem, it was a joke. It is perfectly fine for me to wait for thirty minutes, I'm not desperate at all.

Natasha: Great! Haha Jessie and her super bladder!

Everybody was laughing again.

Natasha: OK, then we will quickly show you some of the other functions of your space urination system. We will quickly illustrate what would happen if the seal check fails. Then, the system will release pressure, a "wiggle" mechanism will try go wiggle everything into a slightly different position such that it hopefully works the next time.

The system went through the same "pressing" procedure, with the subsequent leak check.

Natasha: OK, now we simulate a failed leak check, then it will retry.

Jessie felt how the pressure reduced. Then, Jessie could feel that the vacuum funnel that was directly below her crotch was shaking with fast vibrations for half a second.

Jessie: Ah wow, I felt the wiggle mechanism!

Then the system again increased the pressure with the loud whirring sound from before. After four seconds, it again did the four seal check hissing noises, the air lock openend and again the system was configured correctly for urination.

Natasha: So, that's all for the moment. Let's deactivate the system and then suit you up for your vacuum chamber space walk.

Nathalie: ..and pee!

Everybody was laughing.

Natasha: Haha right!

Currently, Jessie was still a bit confused about how the urine would spray out of the space urination system and her space walk suit. So far, there was some part missing, there was only a connection thread and Jessie thought that probably some tube would be connected to carry her pee out of her suit into space.

And indeed, the next thing that Natasha explained was a tube like device. On one end it looked a bit like the "pee coming out" end of a shewee device, on the other end it had a very high tech looking metal part that could be connected to the port at the space urination system.

Natasha: So this is the last part of your urination system. This will be plugged in on the vacuum side of the space urination system. We are not yet exactly sure how the one will look that you will wear in space, but this is what you will use for today.

Jessie: Cool! I hope I will aim my pee into the right direction with this one!

Natasha: Yes, we will help you with that by observing you and checking that it is pointed in the right direction.

Jessie: Very good!

Natasha: You will have to relearn a few steps of suiting up Jessie for the space walks, with this system it has changed a little bit. For today I will do this.

Natasha attached the device to Jessie's space urination system.

Nathalie: Looks convenient your fix installed shewee device! Now you can pee anywhere!

Everybody was lauging.

Natasha and Nathalie helped Jessie suiting up for the vacuum chamber test urination. After about fifteen minutes Jessie was fully dressed up. By now, Jessie felt that her bladder was pretty full and that she really needed to go. She was wiggling a tiny bit with her right leg. By now, the suit was completely closed, and Natasha and Nathalie were communicating with Jessie via head sets.

Natasha: Jessie ..you seem a bit desperate, everything OK?

Jessie: Yes yes, everything is fine. I am a tiny bit desperate but I can easily hold it until my test piss.

Natasha: OK, very good. Yes this will be very soon, we are pretty much ready. As the final instruction I would like to show you the position in which you pee in the vacuum chamber, OK?

Jessie: Very good! Yes, I am really curious to find this out!

The three women walked towards the currently open and normally pressurized vacuum chamber. They entered, and Jessie and Nathalie noticed a large about 1.5 meter diameter and 20 cm high cylindric container made from transparent plastic.

Jessie: OK, I guess that's where I should aim my pee into?

Natasha: Exactly. Btw. it is absolutely no problem if for some reason there will be pee outside of this container, but we thought it might be easier to clean up with this.

Jessie: Sure, let's see if my aim is good enough!

Natasha: Haha we will help you, if you miss then it will be our fault. I will show you now the position in which we want you to try to urinate.

Jessie: OK!

Next to the container was a construction with metallic wall bars that were not vertical but slightly tilted towards the direction of the pee container. Jessie already had some idea about the position.

Natasha: We thought is might be a good idea to somewhat mimic the position that you will take inside the pool and then in space.

One of the wall bars was marked in red. Natasha grabbed that bar with her hands, had her feet on one of the lower wall bars, and was hanging over the container on the floor.

Natasha: We want you to try to urinate in this hanging position where you hang from this red-marked bar like this. Do you think you can do this?

Nathalie: Wow that's a sexy peeing position!

Everybody was lauging.

Jessie: Haha that's indeed an interesting position! I guess I can do this. I think I never before peed in this position, but I'm looking forward to try!

Natasha stepped down from the wall bars.

Natasha: Very good! OK, so then can you try to go into this position quickly to see if this works? Then we will leave the chamber and depressurize, and then you can go back into this position and pee.

Jessie: Sounds great! OK, I'll try!

Jessie grabbed the red-marked wall bar and climbed into position.

Natasha: Perfect, that's the optimal position.

Jessie: Very good! Wow this feels like a very comfortable position for urinating! Really looking forward to do this, I think this will be a very good test piss!

Natasha: Haha we are sure that you will do a very good test piss! OK, then let's get out of here such that we can perform the first vacuum urination test!

Jessie had immediately noticed several expensive looking cameras that were pointed towards her pee spot from all directions. Once again this was a very well supervised NASA peeing experience for Jessie, and she was absolutely looking forward to taking a massive piss inside the vacuum chamber.

Natasha and Nathalie left the vacuum chamber.

Natasha: Good luck for your test piss!

Jessie: Thanks!

Nathalie: And have lots of fun!

Jessie: Sure, I will! you too, enjoy the show!

Everybody was laughing, and Natasha closed the door of the vacuum chamber.

Natasha: OK, it will take about 4 minutes until we have depressurized to vacuum, and then you can finally pee.

Jessie: Great!

A pretty loud noise started and indicated that the depressurization had started.

Natasha and Nathalie entered the control room of the vacuum chamber. Natasha turned on the cameras that they had set up. In total twelve large screens showed Jessie's test pee setup from various angles. Jessie noticed that red lights lighted up in all of the cameras around her dedicated pee spot.

Nathalie: Yay! Front row seats for Jessie's pee!

Jessie: Haha.. are you sure that you set up enough cams for capturing everything?

Natasha: Sorry for that.. We really want to make sure that this system will work correctly and safe. We hope that you are not pee shy and can pee despite of all the cameras?

Jessie: Haha sure I don't think this will be a problem. And I was joking of course, I am extremely grateful that you guys do such a fantastic job! I really appreciate all the effort that all of the engineering teams put into this project.

Natasha: Haha very good! Btw. your suit is performing nominally, everything looks good. We are a bit over two minutes from full depresserization.

Jessie: That's great to hear! I'm feeling rather full by now, this will be a lot of pee today!..

Natasha: Haha we hope that you can make it for two more minutes!

Nathalie: Haha can we simulate some technical problem? I'd love to watch sexy Jessie do some pee dance inside the vacuum chamber!

Jessie: Haha Nathalie you are a naughty naughty girl!

Everybody was laughing.

Natasha: No I think poor Jessie is desperate enough and it is time that we let her relieve herself.

Jessie was feeling pretty desperate and was slightly wipping up and down with her legs. She was really excited about the things to come. She was very much looking forward to taking a massive pee in that weird hanging position that NASA's urination system engineers wanted, being watched by Nathalie, Natasha, and also tons of other people at NASA.

Nathalie: Haha wow look! Jessie is doing a bit of an astronaut's pee dance! Yes then it is really about time!

Natasha herself was also super excited about the situation and feeling very horny because of the expectation to see a very sexy and very huge pee by Jessie. She was very much fascinated by Jessie, her bladder and her peeing abilities.

Natasha: We are at 100 millbar pressure. Your suit is still performing nominally. Jessie can you hold it for two more minutes?

Jessie: Sure!

Natasha: Great, we try to reach 50 millibar pressure, that would be optimal conditions for this test.

Both in the control room as well as inside the vacuum chamber there were displays showing the current pressure. It slowly continued to decrease towards the target 50 millibar.

Nobody was currently talking, the three women watched the number on the pressure display decrease.

Jessie started to do a little bit of a pee dance, she rhythmically shifted her upper body around a tiny bit. For one reason because she was indeed pretty desperate, but also to give Nathalie and Natasha a good show.

Nathalie: Oh no poor Jessie! You are a big astronaut, you can hold it for one more minute!

Jessie: Haha no worries, I can absolutely hold it.

Natasha got more and more excited, for one because she (also) really enjoyed to watch desperate Jessie holding all that pee inside her giant bladder, but also because now the epic vacuum chamber test piss was really close.

Natasha: 50 mbar! We are there! OK! Then I guess it is your turn now, Jessie!

Jessie: Great! Thank god! I can really use a little pee break right now!

Natasha: OK, so then if you are ready for urinating, then please take the hanging position as before, then we will try to bring your space urination system into the configuration for urination.

Jessie: OK! Uhm.. one last question, should I stop peeing at some point or is it OK if I completely empty my bladder?

Natasha: Ah good point! Please completely empty your bladder! For the next test we will anyway first finish the installation of the system, so you will have enough time to fill up again. And then there is another technical reason why we want to restart with an empty bladder that we will explain later.

Jessie: OK, great! Then you will see lots of piss! I hope I won't overflow your container!

Natasha: Haha that wouldn't be any problem, but I think it's volume is 500 liter or so, so even for you this will be tough to do.

Jessie: Haha OK, I'll try my best! I first have to manage to hit it!

Natasha: Haha yes, as I said, we will help you with this.

Jessie: OK, great. So then let's start with this test!

Jessie took a deep breath and climbed into position, by grabbing the red marked cross bar, putting her feet also onto a cross bar. The shewee-like pipe that stood out of her crotch was aimed perfectly at the center of the large plastic container on the floor.

Jessie: OK, so is this position right?

Natasha: Yes, that's perfect. OK, so then we will initiate the switch to peeing configuration. Jessie please do not yet start to urinate!

Jessie: Haha sure! Thanks a lot for activating my science fiction pee system!

Jessie saw in the HUD display of the helmet an orange text "Switching to Urination Mode" and a large orange "PLEASE STAND BY". She then felt how the hydraulics in the system worked and how the vacuum pee funnel was pressed against her crotch.

Jessie: Wow so cool, really exciting!

She then noticed the four short bursts of some gas flow that happened for the seal check. She saw a green checkmark and the green text "SEAL CHECK OK". Of course the "[PLEASE STAND BY]" was still in place.

Natasha: OK great! Seal check was complete, now we can open the air lock and then you can try to start urinating!

Jessie: Great, then please do that!

Natasha: Sure! I activate the air lock.

Jessie felt in her lower body some vibrations that indicated that the air lock was doing something. After a short moment, her HUD display changed again. A green text "Air lock in urination mode" appeared, and the large orange "[PLEASE STAND BY]" turned into a green "[READY FOR URINATION]".

Natasha: OK, everything is ready, it is now safe to urinate. I think the last thing that I can say right now is "Fire at Will!".

Jessie: Haha OK! Great! Uhm.. yes I'll start in a second.. Uhm.. one last question: I feel like I have a lot of pressure and probably will pee very forcefully. Is there some problem with this, can this somehow break the system?

Natasha: Thanks for asking! No you can pee as powerful as you want, the system is very tightly sealed, there is zero danger that something could go wrong.

Jessie: OK Great! Thanks! Uhm.. is this the position right, am I aiming into the right direction?

Natasha: Yes, you are spot on! Haha not so shy, you can just let it rip! Please show us what you've got!

Jessie: Haha! Uhm.. sure! I will!.. Uhm.. hmm..

For the next ten seconds everyone was just waiting for Jessie's pee stream to start.

Jessie: Uhm.. I really really need to go, but I currently have a tiny bit of trouble to start..

Natasha: OK! Do you think you can urinate in this position?

Jessie: Yes yes absolutely! It is not really the position, I just currently cannot start.

Natasha: Ah OK, that's no problem at all. Then please for a second do not at all think about peeing and relax! There is no hurry at all!

Jessie: OK, I'll try!

Nathalie: I think I can fix this! Jessie, please take a deep breath!

Jessie: OK!

Nathalie: And then please try to focus on the sensation that you feel on your wrists!

Jessie: Uhm.. OK!

Nathalie: And continue to breath regularly! Can you feel your wrists?

Jessie: Uhm.. yes, kind of.

After a few seconds

Nathalie: Very good, then now try to focus on the sensation that you feel on your calf!

Jessie: Uhm.. OK?

Nathalie: Please focus as hard as you can. You can clearly feel your suit touching your calfs, right?

Jessie: Uhm.. yes, sure.

Nathalie: Great! Focus very much on that!

Jessie: OK..

Nathalie: OK, then Jessie, please take a few more deep breaths!

Jessie: OK! *breathing slowly in and out*

Nathalie: ok now.. do you still need to pee?

And Jessie suddenly noticed again her very full bladder, the huge pressure and her urgent need to relieve herself. Now there was no holding back, Jessie was relaxed enough such that her bladder could start emptying itself.

Jessie: Oooohh!!....

Pretty much immediately Jessie started to pee. Jessie felt this huge pressure inside of her. At first she started to pee with a normal stream, but after a few moments she could release urine at a very high flow rate.

Nathalie and Natasha were happy that this had worked so well. They really enjoyed the moment when Jessie released the first amounts of pee and a nice stream of pee started to shoot out of her. The direction of the tip where Jessie's pee came out was a few degrees away from vertical, so at first her stream had a slightly "ballistic" curve, meaning that it was not just going straight. After a few moments, when Jessie started to go full stream, the pee stream turned pretty much into a 1 cm thick laser stream of pee that did go 100 straight and hit the plastic container that was collecting all the pee with very high force.

Jessie: Ahhhhh!! oohh.. I really needed that!..

A laser stream of pee continued to shoot out of Jessie, hitting pretty much the center of the container below her.

Natasha and Nathalie attentively observed Jessie finally relieving herself. Both of them were feeling really happy and excited and did not say anything.

After Jessie had experienced the first wave of tremendous relief after releasing a little bit of pressue, she noticed that her HUD display showed a new text "[URINATING]" and to the next statistics of her pee. It was currently showing [600ml, 55ml/s, max 90ml/s].

Jessie: Wow! Live telemetry of my pee! So cool!

By now, Natasha and Nathalie also were again able to speak. However, they both were watching closely on multiple screens the torrents of pee shooting out of Jessie.

Natasha: Haha yes! We have that too! Great peeing so far!

Jessie: Haha thanks! Ahhh.. there will be quite a bit more of peeing..

Nathalie: Haha yay! Very good pissing you sexy astronaut!

Jessie: Haha thanks for your help! That was very convincing, I had to pee sooo bad after your meditation trick.

Nathalie: Haha I'm glad that it worked so well!

Jessie was relentlessly shooting out a forceful stream of pee. The telemetry showed now [1250ml, 40ml/s, max 90ml/s]

Jessie was feeling extremely happy and horny. She was thoroughly enjoying her tremendous pee. Of course she wanted to find out if she could again max out the flow rate measurement system.

Jessie: I still really really need to go, let's see if your system really can handle very powerful peeing..

Jessie started to hold back her stream, to increase the feeling of pressure inside her. The telemetry now showed [1550ml, 15ml/s, max 90ml/s], and also the pee stream looked significantly thinner than the massive stream from before. Then Jessie let her pee out at maximum force.

Jessie: Ahhhhh!!!!

For the next three seconds a tremendous stream of piss shot out of Jessie. After Jessie's burst of pee was over, the telemetry probably correctly showed her maximum flow rate [1950ml,30ml/s,max 185ml/s]

Nathalie: Wow Jessie! You are the best pisser in the world, you have peed now over two liters and you are still going!

Jessie: Haha of course I am! Haha and it seems that everything is still working fine and this system can handle my bladder output! It seems that I could not even max out the flow meter this time!

Natasha: Haha yes the test is very successful so far! And your peeing is once again just amazing! How is your peeing experience so far?

Jessie: It feels really great! I don't have anything to complain about, this is certainly one of the most fun pees of my life!

Nathalie: Haha so cool, and we can watch it!

Jessie was still peeing.

Jessie: Haha it is also so much fun because all of you are watching!

Nathalie: Haha you are a naughty naughty girl as well, Jessie!

Jessie: Haha I know.

Jessie was still urinating. The telemetry now showed [2225ml,25ml/s,max 185ml/s]

Nathalie: And one that is peeing very very large amounts, wow you are still going!..

Jessie: Hehe enjoying the show?

Nathalie: Very much, that's exactly what I paid for!

Jessie: Ahhh.. but that's the last drops!

After a few more seconds the stream coming out of the tip of Jessie's pee device stopped.

The pee telemetry showed [2395ml,0ml/s,max 185ml/s]

Natasha: OK, great, amazing piss! Now please take your time to make sure that your bladder is really empty, and then we can deactivate the urination mode.

Jessie: OK!

After a few seconds, Jessie confirmed: Uhm yes, I am all done! You can deactivate the urination mode!

Natasha: Alright! Deactivate!

Jessie felt the by now already familiar hydraulic operations around her crotch area. her HUD display informed her that urination mode was deactivated, and that the system was changing back to the normal mode.

A few seconds later Jessie's space suit was back in normal mode.

Jessie made some up and down movements with her body trying to shake of residual pee from the tip of her pee exit.

Jessie: Shaking it off? Or is that not necessary?

Natasha: Haha.. uhm.. for the moment that's not necessary. To be fair, we have not yet 100 percent worked out the full procedure. We will think about this today and in the next days.

Nathalie: Wow Jessie! You really did manage to not overflow the container it seems! That's a first!

Everybody was laughing. The large cylindric container was filled with maybe 1.5 cm of Jessie's pee.

Natasha: OK great! Everything worked perfectly during this first test it seems! That's very good!

Jessie: Oh yes, this was very good, I feel much better now!

Natasha: Haha very good! OK, then we are done for now. We will repressurize and then you can leave and you are done for the moment. I will head over to engineering and join my team, they are finalizing and testing your refitted underwater suit.

Jessie: Great! Thanks for all your efforts, and then I guess see you later at the training pool!

Natasha: Thanks as well! Yes, see you there, hopefully for the next successful test piss!

Jessie:  Looking forward to it! I'll bring a bladder full of pee, you bring your science fiction pee system!

Natasha: Great! We'll do our best, but we still have some final testing to do, so we are not exactly sure when we are ready.

And with this Natasha left and headed out, to join her team working on Jessie's underwater suit.

Then they repressurized the vacuum chamber. After that Jessie left the chamber and then Joanna and Nathalie helped Jessie to get out of her space suit. The last step was dismounting Jessie's high tech space urination system. Joanna explained to Jessie and Nathalie how to do this. After that, Jessie got dressed again.

Joanna explained to Jessie and Nathalie how to clean the system correctly after a space walk to ensure that it stayed 100% sterile. Joanna then gave some further explanation about how to mount and dismount the system. After this, the two astronauts were done for the moment, except for one special procedure for Jessie..

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