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Hi everyone! I’m Gaami, I’m 27 and sorry for my poor english.

I discovered this site a few days ago and now I have decided to introduce myself. I have been attracted to pee for many years and I like a lot of sides of it. This is how it started: probably since middle school ... I had noticed that school toilets often had clear signs that someone had pissed off the toilet, it didn't take long to realize someone was doing it on purpose and this intrigued and excited me. So I also decided to start pissing out of the toilet, not always and not immediately, it took me a while. The first few times I had fun making some on the edge, then on the lid, then a little on the wall and finally after a few days I took courage and thought "yes, I piss on the floor" I locked myself in the bathroom, I pulled down my underwear and without thinking twice instead of pointing to the toilet I headed straight for the ground, and I started to see the floor that was colored with piss, a fantastic emotion for me. It became a habit, at school, I waited for no one to be in the bathroom (I was afraid of being discovered) and I pissed everywhere inside the bathroom, floors, walls, toilet paper ... as I told you clearly I was not the only one who did, in fact once I discovered a classmate of mine pissing in the gym showers after the gym hour and I asked him "why are you pissing in the shower?" - "why not?" he replied, how to blame him, after the hour of gymnastics a piss in the shower was therefore a must for both. I specify that we did not use the showers to wash (it was the last hour of class) and clearly to turn on the water after pee was not even an option. After some time, a letter from the headmaster arrived at the whole school complaining about the poor condition of the bathrooms, referring to "urine on the floors and in the showers", we knew that that warning was also due to us and for my part this made me very proud and did nothing but keep me pissing on the floor and walls of the school bathrooms more and with more enthusiasm, my only attention was not to make too much pee that did not pass under the cubicle door, so as not to be discovered, and I was also very happy that other guys were doing the same. This is my first experience with peeing, since then, if I can, in a public bathroom I always try to pee where it happens, every now and then I point my cock up, every now and then directly on the floor, every now and then I enjoy pissing around on walls and furniture, but my favorite is always seeing the floor of a public bathroom filling up with my piss. I know that then someone else will use the bathrooms and someone will have to clean, but NO, I don't care at all, in fact it is the thing I like most, I will never take away this pleasure. 🙂

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