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Hotels with "secret" bdsm rooms

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Alright get ready for some dream salad...

I had this dream where my so and I were in a hotel that doubled as a bdsm play house. You check in like any regular hotel and get the key to your room. You can either bring up your stuff or have stuff brought up for you. Each room has a bdsm playroom hidden in the closet, equipped with something for every kink and fetish imaginable. My brain for some reason made the rooms beige with a mirror in the back and a large table in the middle of the room with another table having all kink equipment on it. 

There was a two way mirror on the floor, and at the time of writing this text, I had this idea that every night, there's a social where all the guests get to know each other; you go in, eat dinner, drink, dance, and in your room is every button to get in touch with any active room and talk, exchange numbers. The two way mirror idea comes in when you ask for the others consent to watch  someone masturbate or couples have sex. If it's not a room directly adjacent, a zoom-like call could activate a secured camera in the room.

For some reason, my brain added things you can't do. Rule 6 was pissing but you had the chance to undo one rule of the playroom by doing something with the hotel staff or something like that. Not sure what it was. I'm sure something real could have rules that you could undo and some rules you can't. The playrooms are cleaned by professionally trained cleaners ( could be the staff w/ certifications). 

I woke up thinking this has to be something that's already been done or at least attempted. Thoughts?


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