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Pee Shy at a Day Long BBQ

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Pee Shy at a Day Long BBQ

This occurred many years ago when I was around 20. I don’t think I ever wrote about it until now.  this is a true story . I believe however my recollection is fairly accurate. I remember stories about pee desperation, mine and my girlfriend / fiancée/ wife well, because they are such a turn on for me, and hopefully you as well. I know this is a bit long but I strive for detail.

It was about this time of year with long summer days with sunshine well into the evening. My fiancée and I went to a BBQ/party at a friend of her sister’s home. We were outside all day from around noon until after dark around 9PM.

Of course there were plenty of beverages including beer, ice tea, and soda.  I drank copious amounts of all them heedless of the possible consequences. I was having a good time and never thought about my bladder until it reminded me of its fullness.

By around 3PM we migrated over to a nearby field to play baseball. I made some excuse not to participate, but the real reason was I didn’t want to run around because I needed to pee, badly, and to do so would hurt more than my bladder already did. I walked  around back of a small building, with the idea of sneaking some relief.  But I quickly realized there was little privacy there, because there were too many people around, so I would have to keep holding it.

About an hour past and we returned to the house. By this time my bladder was severely distended and I was in serious pain. I also experienced strong pain and pressure in my penis too. I was too shy to admit I needed to pee very badly, and ask to use the toilet, so I just suffered quietly.  I didn’t notice anybody else going pee, but now I know they must have.

There was more drinking and running around playing games, and squirting people with squirt guns (the super soaker was not invented yet- that would have helped me out). Someone suggested escalating to a hose. I had a ray of hope. If someone sprayed me with a hose it would hide me wetting my pants. Heck I could even continue letting it out in my pants after an accidental release, and no one would know. But for some reason that idea was squashed, so that ended that idea. I couldn’t participate in the fun, because of my desperation to urinate. I just sat at a picnic table and watched, as running would have caused me to have an accident. Another hour or so past, so it was now around 5PM. I had to pee badly about 2 hours by then. My bladder felt like it was going to split open, and the pressure in my penis, especially at the tip was so intense that it was throbbing in agony. Then it got worse with the heavy-duty waves of desperation. My pee began to feel like it was going to come out. Eventually I had to start holding my dick with my hand to keep the huge buildup of urine inside. 

My fiancée came over and sat beside me and asked what was wrong, why I was just sitting there by myself. I admitted my plight to her; I had to pee extremely badly. She said I should go in the house and pee. But I told her I would not make it, as my pee felt like it would come out if I stood up. Besides I would have to keep holding myself as I walked, or I would defiantly wet my pants on the way. She looked down to my lap and saw my hand tightly gripping my penis and I was squirming my legs back and forth. She just said “oh, what are you going to do”?  All I could do was to keep holding the best and as long as I could. I just could not admit my need to anyone else.  Dumb I know .My pee pressure was pushing hard against my pee hole, but not yet through it. I know logically I could not just keep holding it forever, eventually it would come out, but I was not thinking of that certainty, I just wanted desperately to hold my pee a bit longer. I considered finding a bush to pee behind, but, again, I could not stand without holding or wetting myself, and I was afraid of getting caught.

But then something weird happened. While the pain in my bladder got worse, with my whole abdomen cramping, and my kidneys were hurting, the pressure at my pee hole stabilized. My pee felt like it was pressed right against my pee hole, but did not go through. I now think the same condition that caused me to be unable to pee with people around kept my sphincter locked shut. Then as my bladder expanded well beyond capacity, it stretched and pressed down onto my urethra preventing urine flow even when I wanted to go.

Unbelievably a couple more excruciatingly painful hours went by, and it was now past 8PM. I wanted to scream out in agony, but didn’t. Once I realized I was not going to wet my pants,  I stopped holding myself, but since jostling my bladder caused even more pain I stayed as still as I could. Why didn’t I just go for goodness sake? I just didn’t. By this time an accidental leak or spurt wetting my pants would be a relief, and I would not have decided to go. I didn’t care about embarrassment. As darkness approached someone suggested setting off fireworks. Oh my God no, I just wanted to go home and pee, I can’t stand this pain any longer. We had ridden with my girlfriend’s sister, so leaving was not an option.

Fortunately, the fireworks didn’t last long and around 9PM we left. I gingerly walked to her car, and carefully sat down so not to squeeze my bladder. Once seated in the back seat of her car, I was able to unbutton the top of my jeans for some minimal relief.  I rubbed my aching bladder and penis hoping to lessen the pressure and pain. It didn’t help. I glanced over at my girlfriend and noticed her hand was buried in her crotch and her legs were squeezed tightly together. I said you too? She replied: " yea, I haven’t peed all day either, I feel like I am going to pee my pants. I know you have been holding it for several hours. Haven’t you at least leaked into your briefs?"  I had not. This was my first indication she had to pee that day. She reached over to check my jeans were indeed still dry. I told her just don’t press on my bladder.

I got dropped off at my home I went inside and immediately rushed to the toilet. I unzipped and pulled my throbbing penis out expecting a huge gusher of urine, but …. nothing, not a drop. WTF! Hours ago I thought I was going to wet my pants, somehow I held on, and now despite severe agony I could not go. I just stood there begging my pee to come out as fervently as I begged it to stay in hours earlier. I was scared. What had I done? What if I couldn’t pee? Eventually I few drops came out, then a minute later a few more soon I was able to release a weak intermittent stream. It stopped and started. Finally I was able to urinate, a weak but steady stream. Then with the initial pressure relived the flow stopped. I still had to go. I kept pushing and eventually got going again this time a little bit more forcefully. I still peed slowly for close to a minute. The whole process of emptying my bladder took at least 10 minutes.

I learned later that apparently as I said my bladder was so stretched it was pressing on my urethra preventing my urine from flowing. I thought next time I just suck it up and admit I had to pee or I would even just wet my pants, instead of sitting there holding myself, anything but this. However, although not quite as severe, I did this again, more than once.

My fiancée said she just made it home dry, but she started peeing as soon as she pulled down her pants. Some landed on her pants and the toilet seat, before she sat down.

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Thank you for that excellent description of the struggles you went through.  It is funny how the bladder can get to that position of being locked up.   I've never experienced quite that feeling as I usually manage to find a way to pee when I need to.  However, I know my wife can hold for hours - she gets desperate and then she ignores it because she can't access a toilet and then she says the urge goes away, then the pressure builds again, but she can keep it at bay for hours because she doesn't want to ask to use a toilet at an event or because she is not willing to pee outside.

I am sorry you had so much pain.   I assume some of the other people must have peed outside at the BBQ, but you obviously didn't work out where they were going to pee and follow their lead.

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On 6/30/2021 at 10:46 AM, Alfresco said:

Thank you for that excellent description of the struggles you went through.  It is funny how the bladder can get to that position of being locked up.   I've never experienced quite that feeling as I usually manage to find a way to pee when I need to.  However, I know my wife can hold for hours - she gets desperate and then she ignores it because she can't access a toilet and then she says the urge goes away, then the pressure builds again, but she can keep it at bay for hours because she doesn't want to ask to use a toilet at an event or because she is not willing to pee outside.

I am sorry you had so much pain.   I assume some of the other people must have peed outside at the BBQ, but you obviously didn't work out where they were going to pee and follow their lead.

No worries. Although like all such circumstances it was very unpleasant at the time, I enjoy looking back on it now. Sometimes I imagine I did wet my pants but only my girlfriend knew, as it wasn't too much , and I covered it up. The best situation I imagine is I actually did get sprayed with the hose , covering my accident , but allowing me to let the rest out , and nobody knew. As it was I only wished I got sprayed.. Anyway I have fun with the situation now.

Remember, I have many times put myself in a similar situation of holding my pee until I couldn't and my sphincter bladder gave out , - although not as severe, as I am less inhibited in private- and I peed in my pants. Of course that was at home, no embarrassment to worry about.

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