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I am looking for someone who's name starts with 'gtg'

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7 hours ago, MNFunGuy4U said:

She is in NY

She is a mother

She is amazing

I am looking for her

That would be a difficult name to pronounce. but good luck, there can't be too many with such a name in New York. Doesn't ring a bell with me.

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From the description and the ‘name starting with’ which is their site username here, I do know 95% confidently who you are looking for. 

However the member in question hasn’t logged onto the site using that account for some time now.

They are still listed as a member, so the best suggestion would be just to keep an eye on the site for them - but it’s their choice and it would be totally in appropriate for me or anyone else to reveal any more about them. Not to mention that revealing personal information about a member is a breach of Rule #3. 

There is always the possibility that any number of circumstances in their life have changed. There is the sad fact that ladies on this site can attract uncomfortable unwanted attention. There are any number of reasons why a member would choose to break contact with us.


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