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That Sudden Urge

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Wow - incredibly hot account, and so glad you managed to get your moment.  Can see how incredible it felt for you.

I can completely relate to that having to keep it behind closed doors and choosing the moment carefully.  I do find that when the rest of the family are about my thoughts can generally be satisfied viewing pictures or videos, reading stories or just using my own imagination to paint pictures in the mind's eye.

Often though as soon as I've got the house to myself, just like you found it's like a door being unlocked and the monster being let loose. In those sort of situations it's then that I get the chance to play - firstly filling myself up on juice and letting the desperation build.  Anything I do has to not arise suspicion, so no wet patches around the house for one. I'll perhaps check on what washing is waiting in the laundry hamper, maybe a pair of jeans, that sort of thing. Then perhaps I'll take to the bathtub or maybe some towels in the utility room.  On a different day I may find myself in the garage clutching myself desperately and looking for a makeshift container. On a summer evening maybe sitting on the bench in the back garden in just a dressing gown.

I should mention that link back to my imagination - my main obsession is around female pee in almost all forms, so I'll often be fantasising about female scenarios whilst playing out my own desperation - the lady arriving home desperately full after a delayed commute, rushing in and 'almost' making it to the toilet, the door clicking shut and suddenly finding herself locked out and bursting...

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Both of your descriptions chime with me @PeeGurl74 and @gldenwetgoose. (And both of them are great fun to read, thank you!)

'Letting loose a monster' is a good way of describing it, though I will have generally a pretty good idea of the options open to me. So when the urge strikes I will work out pretty quickly which of the things I have been wanting to try, or that I know work well and give me the thrill, fits the opportunity best. 

RIght now I know that when that sudden urge comes, I'll be thinking whether I can pee against the outside of my glass patio doors, while videoing it from inside, or whether I could justify doing a load of washing so I can sit in a garden chair and just wet my clothes for the fun of it.

There will sometimes be a fantasy playing out in my mind, but mostly I'll just be enjoying the thrill of a near-spontaneous naughty pee, the internal physical sensations, and the visual and audible treats of peeing for their own sake.

Edited by Kupar
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As soon as I know, I have the house to myself for an extended period of time, it's like a burst of lustful excitement. All of a sudden my pussy becomes another person in the room. I moan in delight and talk to it, coaxing for every last drop. My urges will be a daily encounter until my husband is off again which gives me 6 days of pissing pleasure! I LOVE hearing about YOUR urges, please keep sharing. 🥰

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