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Money can buy anything

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In my early 20s I was an adventurous kind of girl with an anything goes attitude to life. And I have to say that back then I was something of a gold digger. By that I mean that I used to date rich guys for their money more than anything else. Anyway, this particular guy I was hanging out with, called Peter - a good 20 years older than me - was super rich, with his own yacht and helicopter and everything. He also took it for granted that his wealth could buy him anything, that nothing was taboo.

Well, one evening there were a large group of us gathered on his yacht, about ten guys, each with his wife or girlfriend - and all fabulously rich. The champagne was flowing, and several were taking coke as well. It was kind of wild.

Anyway, the conversation got around to the subject of how money could buy absolutely anything. When some guy said he needed to use the loo, Peter commented that if he wanted to, all he had to do was pick up a phone, negotiate a price, and he could have two girls here within the hour, hired to be peed on by any of us whenever we needed to go. Several people laughed. Others egged him on. And in no time at all he was off in a corner speaking on a phone. And sure enough, within the hour two attractive girls, one blonde and one brunette, both in their late 20s, were here.

By then the area had been "prepared". The large dining area on the yacht in which we were all gathered included a raised area to one side, designed for singers and suchlike to perform in front of any audience. Now, Peter and some other guys had fetched a large mattress and placed it upon the floor in front of this raised area, covering it with silk sheets. The two hired girls were instructed to strip naked and sit upon this mattress. And anyone who wanted to pee would get up onto the raised area behind them and just pee on them - wives and girlfriends doing it too!

When I needed to go, I stood on the stage behind them, pulled my bikini bottoms aside, and peed all over the both girls. And it was such a rush! Just peeing on a couple of girls who had been paid to let me do it, and who were just there for my pleasure at that moment, was such a power trip. I seriously got off on it. And having a bunch of rich men and their wives and girlfriends laughing and cheering as they watched me do it added to the thrill even more.

With everyone peeing on them several times during the course of the evening, the silk-sheeted mattress grew totally saturated, and before too long pools of pee began to form around it and trickle ever further over the floor. But Peter wasn't at all bothered, confident that he could just pay someone to clean it up in the morning and buy their discretion too.

Certainly was a night to remember.

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That sounds hot. I'm glad you had such a great time.

Just to be sure, though my stories are written in the first person, because they were originally concieved as imaginary "letters" to an imaginary magazine elsewhere, they are all works of fiction. I just retain the same first person format because it suits my style of writing better, and my stories work better that way.

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